What is the recommended way to modify the order of classpath entities when using Mule? - classpath

What is the recommended way to have jars from my $MULE_HOME/apps/app-name/lib/ directory take precedence over jars in $MULE_HOME/lib/opt directory?
MES 3.2.1's opt directory has mail-1.4.3.jar and I need mail-1.4.4.jar, the latter of which is in my application's lib directory. It appears, however, that the order in which these are loaded is inconsistent or fixed with Mule's libraries coming first.
I have hacked a solution by replacing mail-1.4.3 with mail-1.4.4 in $MULE_HOME/lib/opt, but would like a more robust way of doing this so I don't have to make the same change in all my Mule instances.
Thank you for your time!

You can embed your own JARs in your application's lib directory and use the loader.override property of the mule-deploy.properties deployment descriptor, documented here.
If you want to learn more about classloading in Mule 3, turn to this page.
In your case, your deployment descriptor should look like:


sbt-assembly: Generate a minimal JAR file

I've been using sbt-assembly to generate standalone JAR file for my scala project. However, I would like to reduce the size of my JAR file (its currently around 150MB and there's defintely room for improvement there).
I used the following command to list the contents of the JAR file that's produced:
jar tf <JAR file>
This revealed that there are lots of classes in the generated JAR file that are not used in the project. I believe these classes get included as part of third-party JARs.
(a) Is there an option that I can use to instruct sbt-assembly to generate a minimal JAR file that does not include the third-party classes that are not used in my project?
(b) I could use AssemblyStrategy to manually specify which files need to be excluded. Is this a sound strategy? I'm a bit concerned that with this approach the JAR file might end up throwing unexpected ClassNotFound exceptions.
Thanks in advance.
It's not easy to say what's used in your project and what is not. If you include a dependency into a project it might bring a few other ones in. Those child dependencies might also require their own dependencies and so on.
By default if you include some dependency in your project you intend to use it. The author of a dependency usually does the same thing. Thus, there is usually not much you can throw away, it's there for a reason. There are couple cases when this is not true:
Dependency author includes additional dependencies that will be used only in some settings, and that does not apply to your project
You are using a mega-dependency when you actually need only one of its libraries/features.
There are counter examples to this as well: Scalatest does not ship pegdown for generating html test reports because you don't need it usually. But it might be needed if you try to use -h flag to generate html.
Imagine the case when you use Apache Tika for pdf parsing. It wraps PDFBox to do the parsing. You don't need a bloat of all other libraries in that case that parse MS documents. The best thing to do is not to exclude files manually via sbt exclude or sbt-assembly rules because there is a risk you get it wrong and get run time class loading exception. Instead you need to use the right dependency like PDFBox directly. Unfortunately this is a lot of manual work in many cases to figure out all dependencies that you need, so it's your choice: easy and fat JAR, or painful and lean.
There are two ways to exclude dependencies:
Exclude transitive dependencies with exclude. See the docs here.
Don't use the top level dependency and manually add its subdependencies as you need them.
Ok, one more less fun option: use provided and make sure libraries are copied to your target environment and are on classpath. If you have many jars using the same libraries this helps to share those.
You can visualize your dependency tree with this plugin: https://github.com/jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graph. It's very helpful when trying to figure out what you are using and what you can remove. There are some tools like tattletale and loosejar that people suggest but I haven't tried them. If anyone has experience with those please share.
What might want to look at are treeshakers
For Java there's the following (I have not tried/used it):

Custom configuration files in Maven application (Java/Scala)

I have a Maven project written in Scala and deployed as a .jar. The project has the typical structure:
| |__scala
| |__resources
I have many hardcoded values in the application that I'd like to extract to a configuration file.
I could just create a text config file anywhere, read it from the code and use the parameters, but I'm looking for a best practice/approach. I'd like to take this things into account:
Is there a way such that I can change config values and not have to rebuild the .jar? That would be very practical.
Where would be the best location for the file? E. g. create a project-root/src/config directory and put the file there?
Any remarkable reasons about choosing among different formats? I'd go with XML, but I've seen quite a bit of YAML and HOCON around...
If you want to be able to change configuration values without building the jar, you will want your config external to the artifact. There are ways to modify the contents of the built jar but I don't think that is what you are wanting to do. If you want to have config you can change on the fly, keep it out of your jar and reference it on the Classpath at runtime.
If you want to keep it on your artifact, and rebuild when you change values, keep the configuration file in src/main/resources. Maven will automatically package it into your jar for you at the root of the archive.
As for format, that's probably personal preference. Reading YAML usually requires another library such as snakeyml to parse effectively, so if you are trying to keep your library light on dependencies, maybe look at .config or .properties files instead. Otherwise, XML and YAML are always nice for complex configuration.

Where is the bin folder of GWT Internal Jetty Server in DevMode?

I need to put some property files (config file required by a library) in the starting path of the Jetty server in DevMode but could not figure out where to put them. Where should I put them?
I googled but no luck for that. Any help is appreciated.
You need to share your project set up information. Maven? Also mention whether property file is for app or jetty and what you are trying to achieve.
Also you can try putting up the properties file in web-inf/classes if it is project specific.
I am guessing you are not using any standard GWT project set up. It will be very difficult to proceed further even if you get this solved. I recommend you should go with gwt standard set up. You can reference GWT samples folder from here.
Use Hello project set up as template. If you are beginner also read up on https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/RefCommandLineTools#webAppCreator.
If you use maven in your project, placing them in the src/main/resources should work.
Otherwise put it in your WEB-INF/classes

Set a classpath just for jUnit in Netbeans [duplicate]

We have an application developed in NetBeans, based on the NetBeans platform. There's a 3'rd party program that we have a runtime dependency on, more specifically a jar in the other progams lib folder.
How should we include the other progam's jar in our classpath?
The recommendation from the other progam's manufacturer is to set environment variable CLASSPATH to include
C:\Progam Files\Other Program\lib\theJAR.jar
And if that's not possible, we should copy theJAR.jar to JRE-HOME\lib\ext
We must not copy theJAR.jar anywhere else, that might cause it to stop working...
Now NetBeans takes no notice of what's on environment variable CLASSPATH. Their recommended way seems to be to make a wrapper, but that would lead to copying the jar, unless there's some way to make a wrapper module that points to CLASSPATH?
At the moment we are copying the jar into JRE-HOME\lib\ext. But then there's unnecessary hassle when we install some java update.
Do you have any solution to this problem? It seems like something that might be simple, but I haven't found the right place to look yet...
Edit: The application is ant-based.
From the documentation for the Module System API's overview of the runtime infrastructure (bottom of the page under the section "Common Problems and Solutions"):
Q: Can my module add a library JAR to the classpath from outside the
IDE [read: platform] installation?...
A: Not easily. You have a few options:
Add an entry to ide.cfg [your app's .config file]. For example:
-cp:a c:\eak\lib\eak.jar This startup file provides the ability to add classpath entries to the IDE's Java invocation.
It goes on to list two more options. The second option is the same solution you've come up with. The third is to "partition your module and use a new classloader" which I can't recommend either way since I have no experience doing this (but it's worth a read).
Assuming that this first option is what you are looking for, you will need to add a custom .conf file to your project and point to it in your project.properties file, like so: app.conf=nbproject/my.conf. This will add your custom .conf file to your app's install directory instead of the default config file that is normally added. Of course, you'll need to add the -cp:a c:\eak\lib\eak.jar entry to this custom config file in order to load the .jar.
During development you'll need to add the following entry to the project.properties file: run.args.extra=-cp:a c:\eak\lib\eak.jar. This will pass the command line option to your debug instance.
You can add that .jar file by following the steps below:
In the left side panel named "Projects" open your project and right click on the "Libraries", then select "Add JAR/Folder...".
Then select your .jar file from the location where you have stored it in the next dialog box that opens and then press "Open".
Vola Finished!!! (with the same process you can add other libraries also like JavaCV, JMF,etc)
And Now You Can Use That .Jar File From Your Project Library.
Hope It Helps.

how can i use a shared lib in glassfish to avoid deployment of the huge libs?

I have to upload about 30M for my app since it uses a lot of libraries, log, web engine and so on.
I think there should be a way to share these libs on glassfish, but I failed to figure it out. I tried to put them in domain/lib/ext but does not work.
So where should I store these libs and how should I refer to them? thank you.
Why domaindir/lib/ext does not work?
from glassfish manual:
Optional packages are packages of Java classes and associated native code that application
developers can use to extend the functionality of the core platform.
To use the Java optional package mechanism, copy the JAR files into the domain-dir/lib/ext
directory, then restart the server.
Why domaindir/lib work?
To use the Common class loader, copy the JAR files into the domain-dir/lib or as-install/lib
directory or copy the .class files (and other needed files, such as .properties files) into the
domain-dir/lib/classes directory, then restart the server.
Using the Common class loader makes an application or module accessible to all applications
or modules deployed on servers that share the same configuration.However, this accessibility
does not extend to application clients.
If I remember well, you can also specify additional libraries in the classpath via the admin console (in Application Server > JVM settings or something like this). Then you can put them wherever you want.
(I had a quick look at Pascal's link, but I don't know if that's what they describe, if yes, my apologies for the duplicate answer.)
One option would be to put them in domains/domain1/lib. But actually, I suggest to read GlassFish equivalent to WebSphere's "shared libraries", including the comments.