FB.init() callback stopped been called - facebook

I know that there are similar question, but I think that my situation might be different.
I have two facebook applications. One is for develop - it works in sandbox mode and works with localhost. The other one is for production, with the sandbox mode off and an active ssl.
I haven't used develop app for some time, and now I've found that FB.init() is not called anymore. However, in Google Chrome browser everything works fine, and production server works in all browsers. What can be the reason of this problem? Did Facebook got some king of update or something like that? Maybe it stopped to work because develop app needs SSL too?

Took me some time, but I figured it out. Now to use your develop non ssl applications on facebook, first you have to go into Security tab in facebook account settings and set Secure Browsing to disabled.
What I can't understand, why I haven't got any notification from facebook about this issue? If there was some kind of notification, then it was too hidden.


Facebook test app stopped working, production app works fine (using JS SDK)

I have a FB app that my website uses for the FB Login button. This app has been public for some time, and works great in production. I created a test app for my dev environments, and this too has been working fine until last week, when I suddenly started seeing this message in the browser console:
Application Error: There was a problem getting data for the application you requested. The application may not be valid, or there may be a temporary glitch. Please try again later.
This happens after I call FB.init() -- a call to FB.getLoginStatus() triggers this error, and the callback passed to FB.getLoginStatus() is never invoked. Again, this only happens in my development environments, not production, although the XFBML button still triggers a popup.
I copied the basic SDK code from FB's documentation, placed it in its own page, and still have this problem, so it is not something on my website's pages that is interfering.
I've tried searching SO/Google for answers, but the only real information I get is from back in 2011/12/13 and involved FB apps being in development mode; mine is not, it is public. I've tried creating a new test app and changing the FB ID that my website uses, but I get the same result.
The only change to (all) of my environments made recently is that they're all using SSL by default. Could this possibly be the cause? And if so, why would it work in my production environment but not in my development environments? Any insight is much appreciated.
EDIT: Using SDK v2.4, if that matters.
EDIT 2: This only seems to happen if the user is not logged into FB at all. If they have logged in externally, the SDK seems to recognize that and the call to FB.getLoginStatus() works fine.
Looks like it's a Facebook bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/252572561775079/
Check that your Facebook app is "live and available to all users" and not in development mode, otherwise you'll get this error.
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ > open your app > App Review > "Make [App Name] public?" > YES

FB.login() inside inapp browser (no popups)

I have my Facebook login process working on desktop and mobile, except for Facebook's inapp mobile browser (ios and now android). The issue is that if you call FB.login(), nothing at all happens. I assume this is because the inapp browser doesn't deal with popups.
I understand that a redirect auth flow circumvents the need for a login/permissions popup, however I have built a web-app, which means it is a pain to deal with storing the users current state at the point of signing in.
Does anyone have any good solutions for this?
Also I have tested many other sites login buttons through the inapp browser, and all of the ones I have tried so far don't work. Facebook has done a great job of breaking a large amount of sign up processes.
As stated in the comments, that seems to be a bug either in the Android FB- App or in the Android 5 WebView component. There is a bug report at facebook, but they are still working on it. The only solution i could find for now is to turn off the internal browser: http://www.androidpit.com/facebook-disable-browser
Because that action has to be taken by the user itself, it's no satisfying solution. Therefore i guess the only thing we can do at the moment is to stay tuned for facebooks fix.
Facebook confirmed this is a bug. They are working on it. Stay tuned...
2nd Update
Facebook rolled out a patch. Works for me now.

Facebook Single Sign On - Stopped opening application with no explanation

I integrated Facebook SSO in my Windows Phone 8 app yesterday and it was working properly. I tested it several times and on multiple devices and all was working. I submitted the code to my repository and today when I ran the code on the device the SSO wasn't working properly.
It starts off by starting the Facebook App as usual but then it shows me the dialog that it usually shows in the browser (with the typical message asking if I don't wish to install the Facebook application on my phone, which is installed) and even if I sign on it doesn't go back to my app.
I have not changed a single line of code since yesterday so I really have no idea of what must be happening. I checked if the Facebook App had been updated but it wasn't.
Does anyone have any idea of what might be happening?
It was an issue with the Facebook app which they seem to have resolved by today. Now everything is working properly again.

Facebook login worked on localhost but not on hosting

We have a website that uses Facebook for login, when we run it locally used to work fine. We had a Facebook application with App Domains and Site URL pointing localhost and worked just fine.
However, when we moved into production, we uploaded the site to our hosting and changed the setting in the FB app to match this change.
Now we put "xxxx.com" in App Domains and "https://www.xxxx.com/" in Site URL (it works in both HTTP and HTTPS).
However, when trying to log in I get a 401 error.
I tried every different combination in the FB app that I could think of but still it's not working.
It can't be the code because used to work fine running it in localhost with the app set-up pointing to localhost but I can't make it work on our hosting...
Any ideas?
HTTP Error 401 - Unauthorized
The error code says it all.
See if setting App Domains to blank will help.
If your using an iPhone app go to settings and go to wifi. Click on your wifi. Now go down to renew lease. Click on that. This will solve the problem. I had the same thing happen to me and nobody had an answer. It took me an hour of messing with my phone to find this solution. Hope this was helpful for you.

iPhone/iPad says 'Download Failed' when trying to load website

I have a weird issue. Whenever I do something like login it will create the session, but then say 'Download Failed Safari cannot download this file' and doesn't redirect. If I go the the actual page that it should have redirected me to I am logged in. The same things happens any time you do anything such as logout, upload content, etc.
It only happens on iOS devices in Safari on 3G. Wifi it works just fine. Chrome on the iPhone works fine on 3G. Obviously its like its trying to download something, but I can't seem to figure out why this is, or why it is.
It happens when I am login in to my profile, but if that profile is public and I just go directly to that page without logging in there is not issue. Make sense?.....
The site is built in Codeigniter. If any one has ANY sort of idea that would be great!!!
Set up your device to use a proxy such as Charles. Look for the differences between a successful request/response and a failed request/response.
The problem had to do with a server configuration that was causing the issue. Even thought I had $config['compress_output'] = FALSE; set it was still utilizing gzip. We turned it off in the server configuration and it fixed the issue.