Unicode and PDF tooltips / messageboxes with iTextSharp - unicode

I need to find a way to add a quite long string in a quite small space in a PDF document.
I am using iTextSharp. I have already tried adding comment annotations (balloons) with PdfAnnotation.CreateText() and I didn't like the way they looked/worked. It made the page too heavy (I had many comments per page) and their behavior was odd in many ways (thank Adobe for that).
Now I was thinking of adding some simple tooltips on 'chunks' in the page or popping-up messageboxes with javascript (like illustrated here : http://www.codehacker.com/ITEXTSHARP/chap15.aspx#). To my great disappointment however, it seems that Acrobat (?) doesn't support Unicode characters in those situations. E.g. I do this:
var javascript = new PdfAnnotation(
w, 200f, 550f, 300f, 650f,
PdfAction.JavaScript("app.alert('" + "Αρνάκι άσπρο και παχύ!" + "');\r", w));
...and, in the best case, a messagebox with gibberish pops up when the user clicks on the chunk.
Is there any setting for making Unicode acceptable for the code above or another way to do what I want?
I have now seen this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/163065/964053
and I've tried modifying my code like that:
var javascript = new PdfAnnotation(
w, 200f, 550f, 300f, 650f,
PdfAction.JavaScript((char)0xFEFF + "app.alert('" + "Αρνάκι άσπρο και παχύ!" + "');\r", w));
But nothing seems to change...
Using octal representation e.g. (\141) doesn't seem to help either...
This seems to work nice until you double clink on it, but I need to make the tooltip size itself based on the contents size:
var lToolTip = PdfFormField.CreatePopup(
w, new Rectangle(tc.Left, tc.Bottom, tc.Right, tc.Top), val, true);
The rectangle provided doesn't seem to be used in any way...
Any ideas?
I don't know what PdfFormField.CreatePopup() is supposed to create, but I see a small mark on my page that displays a popup when you hover the mouse over it.

I'm kind of lost in your edits, it's not clear what works for you and what doesn't, but regarding the unicode problem in JavaScript: are you aware that there are two versions of the javaScript() method?
See javaScript(java.lang.String, com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter, boolean)
If you add the boolean value true, the JavaScript string should be interpreted as Unicode. If this doesn't solve your problem, I'll delete this answer, and if you clarify your question (cutting away the irrelevant parts), I'll do another attempt.


Error handling in Sublime Text Plugin API

I'm creating my first sublime plugin to be used internally and was wondering if there's a way to stop the plugin from executing and display an error message on screen like an alert?
I took a look at view#show_popup() but this didn't render for me. Below is how I attempted to show it:
if "WebContent" in subdirectories:
directory = ROOT_DIR + "/WebContent"
elif "Content" in subdirectories:
directory = ROOT_DIR + "/Content"
self.view.show_popup('Directory not found', location=-1)
Working Principle:
The plugin takes some data from one view and then pastes them in another view. The plugin has two TextCommands. One command takes the data from the first view, opens a new view and then executes the 2nd command on the new view. The above snippet is in the 2nd command.
I was unable to find any resources to help with show_popup() or any other error handling.
Does any one have possible ideas?
view.show_popup() is for showing things like hover popups next to the cursor; it's used for things like the built in functionality for going to references/definitions for functions:
While you could in theory use this for error messages, it may not be the sort of user experience that anyone would expect.
Your code above is technically valid, but since the content is expected to be minihtml it may be hard to see because as just a single string all you're going to see is just the text (i.e. you have no font style, padding, etc):
Perhaps more importantly, when location is -1, the popup appears at the point in the buffer closest to the first cursor position, so depending on your circumstance it may be appearing in a place you don't expect, and then vanishing away before you can scroll to see it, etc.
What you want here is sublime.error_message(); given a string, it will display that string in a dialog for the user to interact with, and it also logs the error into the Sublime console as well so that there's an additional trace.

Emmet abbreviation for Pug "input" is inserting an unneeded #

I'm working on a Pug template in VS Code and whenever I try to use the emmet abbreviation input:text (or any input for that matter), it resolves to input#(type="text", name="").
It's not the end of the world, but it's driving me crazy, and I can't figure out why it's doing so or how to change it.
I guess my question is: is there any way to change this behavior or any place that I can draw attention to this?
The problem is the treatment of the attributes id and class for indent-based syntaxes (Slim, Pug, etc.).
For some reason it removes the attribute from its current position and pushes to the front the strings # for id and . for class.
This is controlled with 2 regex statements near line 3297 in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft.VS.Code\resources\app\extensions\emmet\node_modules\vscode-emmet-helper\out\expand\expand-full.js
const reId = /^id$/i;
const reClass = /^class$/i;
const reId = /^Xid$/i;
const reClass = /^Xclass$/i;
You must also remove the cached version of this file in the directory
Restart VSC and it should work.
For linux systems you have to find the location of these files.
I finally understand why this is happening, and that my confusion was basically a misunderstanding of proper form creation.
All text inputs should have an id associated with them, so Emmet is expecting an ID in the shorthand. So this:
resolves to
input#user(type="text", name="")
Which works great! Too bad it took me months of confusion to I realized how daft I am!

Anyone have any idea how TabStop works in iText 5.5.0

I'm still trying to learn iText and have a few of the concepts down. However I can't figure out what TabStop is or how to use it. My particular problem is that I want to fill the end of all paragraphs with a bunch of dashes. I believe this is called a TabStop and I see the class in the itext jar but I have no clue on how to use it. I must be searching the wrong thing on google, but I've come up with nothing. The iText in Action book also doesnt seem to even know of the existance of this class so any help is much appreciated!
Please take a look at the ChunkTest class in iText's test suite. It contains several use cases of the tab stop functionality. For instance:
java.util.List<TabStop> tabStopsList = new ArrayList<TabStop>();
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(100, new DottedLineSeparator()));
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(200, new LineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.CENTER));
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(300, new DottedLineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.RIGHT));
p = new Paragraph(new Chunk("Hello world", f));
p.setTabSettings(new TabSettings(tabStopsList, 50));
addTabs(p, f, 0, "la|la");
The TabStop functionality was introduced after the iText in Action books were written. They'll be documented in one of the new books.
For another example, see http://developers.itextpdf.com/examples/itext-building-blocks/tabbing-examples

phpThumb is not setting parameter – fltr[] usm

I am using Brett's Mr. PHP thumb caching script along with phpThumb to create my thumbs. It works extremely well, except for one thing... I cannot get it to set and process the UnSharpMask filter. The relevant part of the script looks like this:
// generate the thumbnail
$phpThumb = new phpThumb();
$phpThumb->setParameter('q','95'); // set the quality to 95%
$phpThumb->setParameter('fltr[]','usm|80|0.5|3'); // <--- THIS SHOULD SET THE USM FILTER
$phpThumb->setParameter('f',substr($thumb,-3,3)); // set the output file format
if (!$phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) {
error('cannot generate thumbnail');
I'm guessing there's a problem with my syntax, since the fltr[] parameter requires brackets. I have tried escaping the brackets like so: 'fltr[]' but that didn't work either.
I've used several other possible parameters with good success (zoom cropping, max height, max width, etc...) Everything seems to work except the filters (including usm - UnSharpMask).
I don't get any errors. It spits out thumbs all day long. They're just not sharpened.
For reference, here's the official phpThumb readme file that discusses all the possible settings and filters.
Thanks for looking.
Well after much trial, error, and aggravation, I finally discovered the solution buried in one of the demo files that come with phpThumb.
It's a matter of removing the brackets all together. Basically changing this line:
to this:
After that, it's only a matter of tweaking the settings to get the desired amount of sharpness.

How to use PDFTextExtractor on iTextSharp

I want to retrieve the text from a pdf file using iTextSharp. However, I wasn't able to use PDFTextExtractor as in JAVA library of itextsharp(itext). I need readPDFOffline class to return content of file. I will give the pseudo below for you to understand well what I want.
private string readPDFOffline(string fileUri);
read PDF;
retrieve Text Content of This Pdf;*
save content into string contentOfflineFile;
return contentOfflineFile;
I would like to do the * part of Code
PdfTextExtractor is present in the most recent releases of iTextSharp, available here.
Retrieving text in PDF is not easy. Not impossible, but there are times when the only thing that will work is OCR. For all other cases, PdfTextExtractor should work. Cases of it not working are considered bugs and should be reported as such.
Be aware that there are several cases where what looks like valid text is not extractable:
Text with no encoding... just glyph indexes. OCR time.
"Text" that is just raw paths. Horribly inefficient, and time for more OCR.
"Text" that is pixels in a bitmap. OCR once more.
OCR: Optical Character Recognition. There's even a reasonably good one for free available on Google Code, though I don't recall the name off the top of my head.