how to get decoded data of jn5148 using eclipse - eclipse

I am a newbie . we are using NXP 's jn518 ek 010 and I am using jennet stack .
we are using win 7 and for application development we are using eclipse .
our project task is to get the temperature , humidity and luminosity sensors value on PC , from which decision making will be proceeded.
can any one guide me how to get these values in human readable format?
I have read about the custom flash programmer which provide these functionality but they were limited to jn5139.
2 )Is it can be done by the help of wireshark?
3 ) can I get values with the help of hyper terminal?
Thanks in advance.


music21: get the voice/program/instrument of midi voice from a flat score?

I have a simple script that uses music21 to process the notes in a midi file:
import music21
score = music21.converter.parse('')
for i in score.flat.notes:
print(i.offset, i.quarterLength, i.pitch.midi)
Is there a way to also obtain a note's voicing / midi program using a flat score? Any pointers would be appreciated!
MIDI channels and programs are stored on Instrument instances, so use getContextByClass(instrument.Instrument) to find the closest Instrument in the stream, and then access its .midiProgram.
Be careful:
.midiChannel and .midiProgram are 0-indexed, so MIDI channel 10 will be 9 in music21, etc., (we're discussing changing this behavior in the next release)
Some information might be missing if you're not running the bleeding edge version (we merged a patch yesterday on this topic), so I advise pulling from git: pip install git+
.flat is going to kill you, though, if the file is multitrack. If you follow my advice you'll just get the last instrument on every track. 90% of the time people doing .flat actually want .recurse().

Codesys how to write to output in Wago 750

I have Wago 750-880 with different sensors. Someone wrote already a program to control it in Codesys. I would like to return (I have a Java background :D) - to write some variables to output in the driver, e.g. holding registers. I would like to to read later those variables (parameters) on a SSI page like that
I don't have any PLC experience :(
How can I write to the Holding Register?
Thanks a lot in advance
My interpretation of the question is that you'd like the information to be reflected on a web interface or screen?
If so, in Wago's environment there is a VISU facility that you can enable to display whatever you'd like, and access it via a web browser over the internet.
This may help: Supplement to the User Manual for PLC Programming with CoDeSys 2.3
create variables for your I/O and using the Modbus library to access your %MW??? variables.
First %MW0 is at address 12288 and so on
ex: Input1 AT %MW10 ; //12288 + 10 = 12298
//MAP TO ACTUAL IP1 unit channel 1
Input1.0 = IP1.0

Marytts HMM voice quality changes with text length

I am using MaryTTS as a text to speech engine inside a Grails Application.
During app testing I found out that the language quality drastically changes (for the worst) with increasing text length when using a HMM voice.
So naturally I tested via the MARY Web Client while tweeking all HMM relevant parameters (F0Add, F0Scale and Rate) as well as removing them or leaving the default values, but to no success.
The voice I am using is bits1-hsmm:5.2 (German Female)
gradle dependency:
compile "de.dfki.mary:voice-bits1-hsmm:5.2"
The code is as simple as:
def marytts = new LocalMaryInterface()
marytts.locale = Locale.GERMAN
marytts.generateAudio text
Everything works fine up to the point where the text to convert goes over 120 characters (not only in the code but also via the Mary Web Client)
Here the text I used for the last tests:
Baumaßnahmen im Mai und Oktober Notwendige Instandhaltungsarbeiten an der Münchner S-Bahn-Stammstrecke sollen von nun an gebündelt stattfinden. Die Bahn möchte dadurch die baubedingten Fahrplaneinschränkungen durch gesperrte Gleise geringer halten.
To see the difference in quality use a part of the text (first couple words) vs the whole.
Another important point: This does not occur when using a Unit Selection voice .
Am I missing something like a configuration or specific parameter set or is this the standard behaviour of HMM voices inside MaryTTS?
It will be great to be able to use this voice with decent quality, since Unit Selection voices are not available as standalone dependencies and having to split the text in smaller parts and play them sequentially is not really something I would consider.
Any input is appreciated.
Further trial and error showed that the robotic background sound is added when the text contains punctoation marks such as . , : ; [ ] { }. Independent of text length! Not really sure what the root cause is but atleast with a text manipulation before the conversion the voice is useable.

Any reason why these instance could be misclassified?

I started off with two files training & testing.
Then using libsvm I scaled both those files to training.scale and testing.scale
Then using (part of libsvm) I ran training.scale and and recieved some cross validation values:
C = 512
gamme = 0.03125
validation 5 = 66.8421
Then running svm-train using the variable found from and training.scale I got a new fine called training.scale.model
I then ran svm-predict and I new file called testing.predict and got a validation % of 60.8333%
Finally comparing testing and testing.predict found that there were 47/120 misclassifications
[1]: link to code
The real question is there any reason why these misclassification occur?
PS. I apologise for the bad format of this question, been up for too long
I am guessing you are new to machine learning. The results you've got are perfectly right.
Reason why these mis-classifications occur? The features you've used don't separate your classes well. A 66% cross-validation score should have given you the hint. Even by plain hit or miss method you'll get 50% accuracy, and the feature-set you used could only improve this by another 16%. Try exploring new features.
I'm assuming your data set is clean.

Ros publisher not working with V-Rep after saving

I've started using V-Rep to simulate some robots (Pioneers and quadrotors, initially), but I've been having problems when I try to connect it with ROS. I tried to replicate the example from RosTopicPublisherAndSubscriber.ttt and it only works the first time, after I close it and load it again, it doesn't work anymore, my code is practically identical to the example, except that I use getPose and it's a Pioneer (the one that comes with V-Rep), here's my code:
if (simGetScriptExecutionCount()==0) then
-- Check if the required plugin is there ( or libv_repExtRos.dylib):
local moduleName=0
local moduleVersion=0
local index=0
local pluginNotFound=true
while moduleName do
if (moduleName=='Ros') then
if (pluginNotFound) then
simDisplayDialog('Error','ROS plugin was not found.&&nSimulation will not run properly',sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1})
-- Retrive the handle of the vision sensor we wish to stream:
-- Now enable topic publishing and streaming of the vision sensor's data:
if (topicName == nil) then
simDisplayDialog('Error','Not Nil',sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1})
-- Retrive the handle of the passive vision sensor. We will use the passive vision sensor
Any idea is welcome! Thanks in advance!
PS: Also, if anyone with 1500 reputation points could create the v-rep tag, that would be great!
Ok, the people at V-REP helped me solve it. So basically I should used the argument as -1 instead of 0.
So basically, a should have done this
instead of