MATLAB fminunc() not completing for large datasets. Works for smaller ones - matlab

I am performing logistic regression in MATLAB with L2 regularization on text data. My program works well for small datasets. For larger sets, it keeps running infinitely.
I have seen the potentially duplicate question (matlab fminunc not quitting (running indefinitely)). In that question, the cost for initial theta was NaN and there was an error printed in the console. For my implementation, I am getting a real valued cost and there is no error even with verbose parameters being passed to fminunc(). Hence I believe this question might not be a duplicate.
I need help in scaling it to larger sets. The size of the training data I am currently working on is roughly 10k*12k (10k text files cumulatively containing 12k words). Thus, I have m=10k training examples and n=12k features.
My cost function is defined as follows:
function [J gradient] = costFunction(X, y, lambda, theta)
[m n] = size(X);
g = inline('1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-z))');
h = g(X*theta);
J =(1/m)*sum(-y.*log(h) - (1-y).*log(1-h))+ (lambda/(2*m))*norm(theta(2:end))^2;
gradient(1) = (1/m)*sum((h-y) .* X(:,1));
for i = 2:n
gradient(i) = (1/m)*sum((h-y) .* X(:,i)) - (lambda/m)*theta(i);
I am performing optimization using MATLAB's fminunc() function. The parameters I pass to fminunc() are:
options = optimset('LargeScale', 'on', 'GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', MAX_ITR);
theta0 = zeros(n, 1);
[optTheta, functionVal, exitFlag] = fminunc(#(t) costFunction(X, y, lambda, t), theta0, options);
I am running this code on a machine with these specifications:
Macbook Pro i7 2.8GHz / 8GB RAM / MATLAB R2011b
The cost function seems to behave correctly. For initial theta, I get acceptable values of J and gradient.
K>> theta0 = zeros(n, 1);
K>> [j g] = costFunction(X, y, lambda, theta0);
K>> j
j =
K>> max(g)
ans =
K>> min(g)
ans =
The program takes incredibly long to run. I started profiling keeping MAX_ITR = 1 for fminunc(). With a single iteration, the program did not complete execution even after a couple of hours had elapsed. My questions are:
Am I doing something wrong mathematically?
Should I use any other optimizer instead of fminunc()? With LargeScale=on, fminunc() uses trust-region algorithms.
Is this problem cluster-scale and should not be run on a single machine?
Any other general tips will be appreciated. Thanks!
This helped solve the problem: I was able to get this working by setting the LargeScale flag to 'off' in fminunc(). From what I gather, LargeScale = 'on' uses trust region algorithms, while keeping it 'off' uses quasi-newton methods. Using quasi-newton methods and passing the gradient worked a lot faster for this particular problem and gave very nice results.

I was able to get this working by setting the LargeScale flag to 'off' in fminunc(). From what I gather, LargeScale = 'on' uses trust region algorithms, while keeping it 'off' uses quasi-newton methods. Using quasi-newton methods and passing the gradient worked a lot faster for this particular problem and gave very nice results.

Here is my advise:
-Set the Matlab flag to show debug output during run. If not just print out in your cost function the cost, which will allow you to monitor iteration count and error.
And second, which is very important:
Your problem is illposed, or so to say underdetermined. You have a 12k feature space and provide only 10k examples, which means for an unconstrained optimization the answer is -Inf. To make a quick example why this is, your problem is like:
Minimize x+y+z given that x+y-z = 2. Feature space dim 3, spanned vector space - 1d. I suggest use PCA or CCA to reduce the dimensionality of the the text files by retaining their variation up to 99%. This will probably give you a feature space ~100-200dim.
PS: Just to point out that the problem is very fram from cluster size requirement, which usually is 1kk+ data points and that fminunc is not at all an overkill, and LIBSVM has nothing to do with it because fminunc is just a quadratic optimizer, while LIBSVM is a classifier. To clear out LIBSVM uses something similar to fminunc just with different objective function.

Here's what I suspect to be the issue, based on my experience with this type of problem. You're using a dense representation for X instead of a sparse one. You're also seeing the typical effect in text classification that the number of terms increasing roughly linearly with the number of samples. Effectively, the cost of the matrix multiplication X*theta goes up quadratically with the number of samples.
By contrast, a good sparse matrix representation only iterates over the non-zero elements to do a matrix multiplication, which tends to be roughly constant per document if they're of appropriately constant length, causing linear instead of quadratic slowdown in the number of samples.
I'm not a Matlab guru, but I know it has a sparse matrix package, so try to use that.


Normalization of integrand for numerical integration in Matlab

First off, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but since there isn't a dedicated Matlab community I'm posting this here.
To give a little background, I'm currently prototyping a plasma physics simulation which involves triple integration. The innermost integral can be done analytically, but for the outer two this is just impossible. I always thought it's best to work with values close to unity and thus normalized the my innermost integral such that it is unit-less and usually takes values close to unity. However, compared to an earlier version of the code where the this innermost integral evaluated to values of the order of 1e-50, the numerical double integration, which uses the native Matlab function integral2 with target relative tolerance of 1e-6, now requires around 1000 times more function evaluations to converge. As a consequence my simulation now takes roughly 12h instead of the previous 20 minutes.
So my questions are:
Is it possible that the faster convergence in the older version is simply due to the additional evaluations vanishing as roundoff errors and that the results thus arn't trustworthy even though it passes the 1e-6 relative tolerance? In the few tests I run the results seemed to be the same in both versions though.
What is the best practice concerning the normalization of the integrand for numerical integration?
Is there some way to improve the convergence of numerical integrals, especially if the integrand might have singularities?
I'm thankful for any help or insight, especially since I don't fully understand the inner workings of Matlab's integral2 function and what should be paid attention to when using it.
If I didn't know any better I would actually conclude, that the integrand which is of the order of 1e-50 works way better than one of say the order of 1e+0, but that doesn't seem to make sense. Is there some numerical reason why this could actually be the case?
TL;DR when multiplying the function to be integrated numerically by Matlab 's integral2 with a factor 1e-50 and then the result in turn with a factor 1e+50, the integral gives the same result but converges way faster and I don't understand why.
I prepared a short script to illustrate the problem. Here the relative difference between the two results was of the order of 1e-4 and thus below the actual relative tolerance of integral2. In my original problem however the difference was even smaller.
fun = #(x,y,l) l./(sqrt(1-x.*cos(y)).^5).*((1-x).*sin(y));
x = linspace(0,1,101);
y = linspace(0,pi,101).';
l = linspace(0,1,101); l=l(2:end);
v1 = zeros(1,100); v2 = v1;
tval = tic;
for i=1:100
fun1 = #(x,y) fun(x,y,l(i));
v1(i) = integral2(fun1,0,1,0,pi,'RelTol',1e-6);
t1 = toc(tval)
tval = tic;
for i=1:100
fun1 = #(x,y) 1e-50*fun(x,y,l(i));
v2(i) = 1e+50*integral2(fun1,0,1,0,pi,'RelTol',1e-6);
t2 = toc(tval)
hold all;

Matlab: Solve for a single variable in a linear system of equations

I have a linear system of about 2000 sparse equations in Matlab. For my final result, I only really need the value of one of the variables: the other values are irrelevant. While there is no real problem in simply solving the equations and extracting the correct variable, I was wondering whether there was a faster way or Matlab command. For example, as soon as the required variable is calculated, the program could in principle stop running.
Is there anyone who knows whether this is at all possible, or if it would just be easier to keep solving the entire system?
Most of the computation time is spent inverting the matrix, if we can find a way to avoid completely inverting the matrix then we may be able to improve the computation time. Lets assume I'm only interested in the solution for the last variable x(N). Using the standard method we compute
x = A\b;
res = x(N);
Assuming A is full rank, we can instead use LU decomposition of the augmented matrix [A b] to get x(N) which looks like this
[~,U] = lu([A b]);
res = U(end,end-1)/U(end,end);
This is essentially performing Gaussian elimination and then solving for x(N) using back-substitution.
We can extend this to find any value of x by swapping the columns of A before LU decomposition,
x_index = 123; % the index of the solution we are interested in
A(:,[x_index,end]) = A(:,[end,x_index]);
[~,U] = lu([A b]);
res = U(end,end)/U(end,end-1);
Bench-marking performance in MATLAB2017a with 10,000 random 200 dimensional systems we get a slight speed-up
Total time direct method : 4.5401s
Total time LU method : 3.9149s
Note that you may experience some precision issues if A isn't well conditioned.
Also, this approach doesn't take advantage of the sparsity of A. In my experiments even with 2000x2000 sparse matrices everything significantly slowed down and the LU method is significantly slower. That said full matrix representation only requires about 30MB which shouldn't be a problem on most computers.
If you have access to theory manuals on NASTRAN, I believe (from memory) there is coverage of partial solutions of linear systems. Also try looking for iterative or tri diagonal solvers for A*x = b. On this page, review the pqr solution answer by Shantachhani. Another reference.

Speed up calculation in Physics simulation in Matlab

I am working on a MR-physic simulation written in Matlab which simulates bloch's equations on an defined object. The magnetisation in the object is updated every time-step with the following functions.
function Mt = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mt0, delta_t)
% this function calculates precession and relaxation of the
% transversal component, Mt, of M
delta_phi = gamma*(delta_B + G)*delta_t;
Mt = Mt0 .* exp(-delta_t*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
This function is a very small part of the entire code but is called upon up to 250.000 times and thus slows down the code and the performance of the entire simulation. I have thought about how I can speed up the calculation but haven't come up with a good solution. There is one line that is VERY time consuming and stands for approximately 50% - 60% of the overall simulation time. This is the line,
Mt = Mt0 .* exp(-delta_t*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
Mt0 = 512x512 matrix
delta_t = a scalar
T2 = 512x512 matrix
delta_phi = 512x512 matrix
I would be very grateful for any suggestion to speed up this calculation.
More info below,
The function evovleMtrans is called every timestep during the simulation.
The parameters that are used for calling the function are,
gamma = a constant. (gyramagnetic constant)
delta_B = the magnetic field value
G = gradientstrength
T2 = a 512x512 matrix with T2-values for the object
Mstart.r = a 512x512 matrix with the values M.r had the last timestep
delta_t = a scalar with the difference in time since the last calculated M.r
The only parameters of these that changed during the simulation are,
G, Mstart.r and delta_t. The rest do not change their values during the simulation.
The part below is the part in the main code that calls the function.
% update phase and relaxation to calcTime
delta_t = calcTime - Mstart_t;
delta_B = (d-d0)*B0;
G = Sq.Gx*Sq.xGxref + Sq.Gz*Sq.zGzref;
% Precession around B0 (z-axis) and B1 (+-x-axis or +-y-axis)
% is defined clock-wise in a right hand system x, y, z and
% x', y', z (see the Bloch equation, Bloch 1946 and Levitt
% 1997). The x-axis has angle zero and the y-axis has angle 90.
% For flipping/precession around B1 in the xy-plane, z-axis has
% angle zero.
% For testing of precession direction:
% delta_phi = gamma*((ones(size(d)))*1e-6*B0)*delta_t;
M.r = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mstart.r, delta_t);
M.l = evolveMlong(T1, M0.l, Mstart.l, delta_t);
This is not a surprise.
That "single line" is a matrix equation. It's really 1,024 simultaneous equations.
Per Jannick, that first term means element-wise division, so "delta_t/T[i,j]". Multiplying a matrix by a scalar is O(N^2). Matrix addition is O(N^2). Evaluating exponential of a matrix will be O(N^2).
I'm not sure if I saw a complex argument in there as well. Does that mean complex matricies with real and imaginary entries? Does your equation simplify to real and imaginary parts? That means twice the number of computations.
Your best hope is to exploit symmetry as much as possible. If all your matricies are symmetric, you cut your calculations roughly in half.
Use parallelization if you can.
Algorithm choice can make a big difference, too. If you're using explicit Euler integration, you may have time step limitations due to stability concerns. Is that why you have 250,000 steps? Maybe a larger time step is possible with a more stable integration schema. Think about a higher order adaptive scheme with error correction, like 5th order Runge Kutta.
There are several possibilities to improve the speed of the code but all that I see come with a caveat.
Numerical ode integration
The first possibility would be to change your analytical solution by numerical differential equation solver. This has several advantages
The analytical solution includes the complex exponential function, which is costly to calculate, while the differential equation contains only multiplication and addition. (d/dt u = -a u => u=exp(-at))
There are plenty of built-in solvers for matlab available and they are typically pretty fast (e.g. ode45). The built-ins however all use a variable step size. This improves speed and accuracy but would be a problem if you really need a fixed equally spaced grid of time points. Here are unofficial fixed step solvers.
As a start you could also try to use just an euler step by replacing
M.r = evolveMtrans(gamma, delta_B, G, T2, Mstart.r, delta_t);
delta_phi = gamma*(delta_B + G)*t_step;
M.r += M.r .* (1-t_step*1./T2 - 1i*delta_phi);
You can then further improve that by precalculating all constant values, e.g. one_over_T1=1/T1, moving delta_phi out of the loop.
You are bound to a minimum step size or the accuracy suffers. Therefore this is only a good idea if you time-spacing is quite fine.
Less points in time
You should carfully analyze whether you really need so many points in time. It seems somewhat puzzling to me that you need so many points. As you know the full analytical solution you can freely choose how to sample the time and maybe use this to your advantage.
Going fortran
This might seem like a grand step but in my experience basic (simple loops, matrix operations etc.) matlab code can be relatively easily translated to fortran line-by-line. This would be especially helpful in addition to my first point. If you still want to use the full analytical solution probably there is not much to gain here because exp is already pretty fast in matlab.

Optimizing huge amounts of calls of fsolve in Matlab

I'm solving a pair of non-linear equations for each voxel in a dataset of a ~billion voxels using fsolve() in MATLAB 2016b.
I have done all the 'easy' optimizations that I'm aware of. Memory localization is OK, I'm using parfor, the equations are in fairly numerically simple form. All discontinuities of the integral are fed to integral(). I'm using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with good starting values and a suitable starting damping constant, it converges on average with 6 iterations.
I'm now at ~6ms per voxel, which is good, but not good enough. I'd need a order of magnitude reduction to make the technique viable. There's only a few things that I can think of improving before starting to hammer away at accuracy:
The splines in the equation are for quick sampling of complex equations. There are two for each equation, one is inside the 'complicated nonlinear equation'. They represent two equations, one which is has a large amount of terms but is smooth and has no discontinuities and one which approximates a histogram drawn from a spectrum. I'm using griddedInterpolant() as the editor suggested.
Is there a faster way to sample points from pre-calculated distributions?
parfor i=1:numel(I1)
sols = fsolve(#(x) equationPair(x, input1, input2, ...
6 static inputs, fsolve options)
output1(i) = sols(1); output2(i) = sols(2)
When calling fsolve, I'm using the 'parametrization' suggested by Mathworks to input the variables. I have a nagging feeling that defining a anonymous function for each voxel is taking a large slice of the time at this point. Is this true, is there a relatively large overhead for defining the anonymous function again and again? Do I have any way to vectorize the call to fsolve?
There are two input variables which keep changing, all of the other input variables stay static. I need to solve one equation pair for each input pair so I can't make it a huge system and solve it at once. Do I have any other options than fsolve for solving pairs of nonlinear equations?
If not, some of the static inputs are the fairly large. Is there a way to keep the inputs as persistent variables using MATLAB's persistent, would that improve performance? I only saw examples of how to load persistent variables, how could I make it so that they would be input only once and future function calls would be spared from the assumedly largish overhead of the large inputs?
The original equations in full form look like:
Everything else is known, solving for x_1 and x_2. f_KN was approximated by a spline. S_low (E) and S_high(E) are splines, the histograms they are from look like:
So, there's a few things I thought of:
Lookup table
Because the integrals in your function do not depend on any of the parameters other than x, you could make a simple 2D-lookup table from them:
% assuming simple (square) range here, adjust as needed
[x1,x2] = meshgrid( linspace(0, xmax, N) );
LUT_high = zeros(size(x1));
LUT_low = zeros(size(x1));
for ii = 1:N
LUT_high(:,ii) = integral(#(E) Fhi(E, x1(1,ii), x2(:,ii)), ...
0, E_high, ...
'ArrayValued', true);
LUT_low(:,ii) = integral(#(E) Flo(E, x1(1,ii), x2(:,ii)), ...
0, E_low, ...
'ArrayValued', true);
where Fhi and Flo are helper functions to compute those integrals, vectorized with scalar x1 and vector x2 in this example. Set N as high as memory will allow.
Those lookup tables you then pass as parameters to equationPair() (which allows parfor to distribute the data). Then just use interp2 in equationPair():
F(1) = I_high - interp2(x1,x2,LUT_high, x(1), x(2));
F(2) = I_low - interp2(x1,x2,LUT_low , x(1), x(2));
So, instead of recomputing the whole integral every time, you evaluate it once for the expected range of x, and reuse the outcomes.
You can specify the interpolation method used, which is linear by default. Specify cubic if you're really concerned about accuracy.
Should the lookup table method not be possible for some reason (memory limitations, in case the possible range of x is too big), here's another thing you could do: split up the whole procedure in 2 parts, which I'll call coarse and fine.
The intent of the coarse method is to improve your initial estimates really quickly, but perhaps not so accurately. The quickest way to approximate that integral by far is via the rectangle method:
do not approximate S with a spline, just use the original tabulated data (so S_high/low = [S_high/low#E0, S_high/low#E1, ..., S_high/low#E_high/low]
At the same values for E as used by the S data (E0, E1, ...), evaluate the exponential at x:
Elo = linspace(0, E_low, numel(S_low)).';
integrand_exp_low = exp(x(1)./Elo.^3 + x(2)*fKN(Elo));
Ehi = linspace(0, E_high, numel(S_high)).';
integrand_exp_high = exp(x(1)./Ehi.^3 + x(2)*fKN(Ehi));
then use the rectangle method:
F(1) = I_low - (S_low * Elo) * (Elo(2) - Elo(1));
F(2) = I_high - (S_high * Ehi) * (Ehi(2) - Ehi(1));
Running fsolve like this for all I_low and I_high will then have improved your initial estimates x0 probably to a point close to "actual" convergence.
Alternatively, instead of the rectangle method, you use trapz (trapezoidal method). A tad slower, but possibly a bit more accurate.
Note that if (Elo(2) - Elo(1)) == (Ehi(2) - Ehi(1)) (step sizes are equal), you can further reduce the number of computations. In that case, the first N_low elements of the two integrands are identical, so the values of the exponentials will only differ in the N_low + 1 : N_high elements. So then just compute integrand_exp_high, and set integrand_exp_low equal to the first N_low elements of integrand_exp_high.
The fine method then uses your original implementation (with the actual integral()s), but then starting at the updated initial estimates from the coarse step.
The whole objective here is to try and bring the total number of iterations needed down from about 6 to less than 2. Perhaps you'll even find that the trapz method already provides enough accuracy, rendering the whole fine step unnecessary.
The rectangle method in the coarse step outlined above is easy to vectorize:
% (uses R2016b implicit expansion rules)
Elo = linspace(0, E_low, numel(S_low));
integrand_exp_low = exp(x(:,1)./Elo.^3 + x(:,2).*fKN(Elo));
Ehi = linspace(0, E_high, numel(S_high));
integrand_exp_high = exp(x(:,1)./Ehi.^3 + x(:,2).*fKN(Ehi));
F = [I_high_vector - (S_high * integrand_exp_high) * (Ehi(2) - Ehi(1))
I_low_vector - (S_low * integrand_exp_low ) * (Elo(2) - Elo(1))];
trapz also works on matrices; it will integrate over each column in the matrix.
You'd call equationPair() then using x0 = [x01; x02; ...; x0N], and fsolve will then converge to [x1; x2; ...; xN], where N is the number of voxels, and each x0 is 1×2 ([x(1) x(2)]), so x0 is N×2.
parfor should be able to slice all of this fairly easily over all the workers in your pool.
Similarly, vectorization of the fine method should also be possible; just use the 'ArrayValued' option to integral() as shown above:
F = [I_high_vector - integral(#(E) S_high(E) .* exp(x(:,1)./E.^3 + x(:,2).*fKN(E)),...
0, E_high,...
'ArrayValued', true);
I_low_vector - integral(#(E) S_low(E) .* exp(x(:,1)./E.^3 + x(:,2).*fKN(E)),...
0, E_low,...
'ArrayValued', true);
Taking derivatives of your function is quite easy. Here is the derivative w.r.t. x_1, and here w.r.t. x_2. Your Jacobian will then have to be a 2×2 matrix
J = [dF(1)/dx(1) dF(1)/dx(2)
dF(2)/dx(1) dF(2)/dx(2)];
Don't forget the leading minus sign (F = I_hi/lo - g(x) → dF/dx = -dg/dx)
Using one or both of the methods outlined above, you can implement a function to compute the Jacobian matrix and pass this on to fsolve via the 'SpecifyObjectiveGradient' option (via optimoptions). The 'CheckGradients' option will come in handy there.
Because fsolve usually spends the vast majority of its time computing the Jacobian via finite differences, manually computing a value for it manually will normally speed the algorithm up tremendously.
It will be faster, because
fsolve doesn't have to do extra function evaluations to do the finite differences
the convergence rate will increase due to the improved precision of the Jacobian
Especially if you use the rectangle method or trapz like above, you can reuse many of the computations you've already done for the function values themselves, meaning, even more speed-up.
Rody's answer was the correct one. Supplying the Jacobian was the single largest factor. Especially with the vectorized version, there were 3 orders of magnitude of difference in speed with the Jacobian supplied and not.
I had trouble finding information about this subject online so I'll spell it out here for future reference: It is possible to vectorize independant parallel equations with fsolve() with great gains.
I also did some work with inlining fsolve(). After supplying the Jacobian and being smarter about the equations, the serial version of my code was mostly overhead at ~1*10^-3 s per voxel. At that point most of the time inside the function was spent passing around a options -struct and creating error-messages which are never sent + lots of unused stuff assumedly for the other optimization functions inside the optimisation function (levenberg-marquardt for me). I succesfully butchered the function fsolve and some of the functions it calls, dropping the time to ~1*10^-4s per voxel on my machine. So if you are stuck with a serial implementation e.g. because of having to rely on the previous results it's quite possible to inline fsolve() with good results.
The vectorized version provided the best results in my case, with ~5*10^-5 s per voxel.

The deconv() function in MATLAB does not invert the conv() function

I would like to convolve a time-series containing two spikes (call it Spike) with an exponential kernel (k) in MATLAB. Call the convolved response "calcium1". I would like to recover the original spike ("reconSpike") data using deconvolution with the kernel. I am using the following code.
spike = zeros(100000,1);
calcium1=conv(k1, spike);
reconSpike1=deconv(calcium1, k1);
The problem is that at the end of reconSpike, I get a chunk of very large, high amplitude waves that was not in the original data. Anyone know why and how to fix it?
It works for me if you keep the spike vector the same length as the k1 vector. i.e.:
spike = zeros(5000, 1);
calcium1=conv(k1, spike);
reconSpike1=deconv(calcium1, k1);
Any reason you made them different?
You are running into either a problem with MATLAB's deconvolution algorithm, or floating point precision problems (or maybe both). I suspect it's floating point precision due to all the divisions and subtractions that take place during the deconvolution, but it might be worth contacting MathWorks directly to ask what they think.
Per MATLAB documentation, if [q,r] = deconv(v,u), then v = conv(u,q)+r must also hold (i.e., the output of deconv should always satisfy this). In your case this is violently violated. Put the following at the end of your script:
[reconSpike1 rem]=deconv(calcium1, k1);
max(conv(k1, reconSpike1) + rem - calcium1)
I get 6.75e227, which is not zero ;-) Next try changing the length of spike to 6000; you will get a small number (~1e-15). Gradually increase the length of spike; the error will get larger and larger. Note that if you put only one non-zero element into your spike, this behavior doesn't happen: the error is always zero. It makes sense; all MATLAB needs to do is divide everything by the same number.
Here's a simple demonstration using random vectors:
v = random('uniform', 1,2,100,1);
u = random('uniform', 1,2,100,1);
[q r] = deconv(v,u);
fprintf('maximum error for length(v) = 100 is %f\n', max(conv(u, q) + r - v))
v = random('uniform', 1,2,1000,1);
[q r] = deconv(v,u);
fprintf('maximum error for length(v) = 1000 is %f\n', max(conv(u, q) + r - v))
The output is:
maximum error for length(v) = 100 is 0.000000
maximum error for length(v) = 1000 is 14.910770
I don't know what you are really trying to accomplish, so it's hard to give further advice. But I'll just point out that if you have a problem where pulses are piling up and you want to extract information about each pulse, this can be a tricky problem. I know some people who work on things like this, so if you want some references let me know and I will ask them.
You should never expect that a deconvolution can simply undo a convolution. This is because the deconvolution is an ill-posed problem.
The problem comes from the fact that the convolution is an integral operator (in the continuous case you write down an integral int f(x) g(x-t) dx or something similar). Now, the inverse of computing an integral (the de-convolution) is to apply a differentiation. Unfortunately, the differential amplifies noise in the input. Thus, if your integral only has slight errors on it (and floating-point inaccuarcies might already be enough), you end up with a total different outcome after differentiation.
There are some possibilities how this amplification can be mitigated but these have to be tried on a per-application basis.