emacs with nrepl.el for Clojure - how to hide a popup buffer? - emacs

I'm using emacs 23 (acquamacs) and have installed nrepl.el.
I've evaluated some Clojure code with
C-c C-p
(this key combo is to Evaluate the form preceding point and display the result in a popup buffer.)
Running it has produced a nice popup buffer for me to see the results.
How do I hide this popup buffer? (I don't want to kill it - just get my fullscreen back).
FYI Re this command - I've run this with
C-h k C-c C-p
and got
^C ^P runs the command nrepl-pprint-eval-last-expression, which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `nrepl.el'.
It is bound to ^C ^P, <menu-bar> <nREPL> <Eval last expression in popup buffer>.
Evaluate the expression preceding point and pprint its value in a popup buffer.

You haven't provided enough information for anyone to test (that's not a standard global binding), and you haven't even indicated whether the new window is selected; but there's a generic solution which will work regardless.
Add (winner-mode 1) to your init file, and then you can always use C-c<left> to undo the most recent window configuration change (or changes plural, if you repeat the command).

Either that or just press q. I just tried it out with the help buffer and it dismisses the window but not the buffer. However, popup buffers in the style of ac-nrepl does for its autocompletion are meant to simply be dismissed

Always, when asking Emacs questions, say what the key sequence does. C-c C-p does nothing here. TO find out what it does press C-h k C-c C-p and report back. In this case we're invoking 'describe-key and then telling it to describe what C-c C-p does.


Emacs key binding to f3 resulting in a yank instead

So I found the solution ... and do I feel stupid. The problem was not anything to do with emacs at all - it was to do with my keyboard.
So my keyboard has this button which I never use and guess I accidentally pressed called 'F-lock'. I can't post images due to low reputation so see this link for an image: http://az623152.vo.msecnd.net/library/images/2774431.jpg
Toggling F-lock completely changes the functionality of the F buttons. So F3 had become 'Redo' and F4 had become 'New'. So whenever I was actually pressing F3 the computer was not actually even receiving it as f3 but rather
Thank you for all the comments in helping to debug the problem. Sorry for the time waste!
Original Question:
I have been using f3 in emacs to define a new macro, f4 to finish the definition and f4 again to run the macro for quite some time now.
However, for some reason when I press f3 now it results in a yank instead of the intended macro behaviour.
If I press 'C h k' and then f3 I sometimes get the following (redacted) response:
C-y runs the command org-yank, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
It is bound to C-y.
Sometimes I get this:
C-y runs the command yank, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
It is bound to C-y, <S-insertchar>, <S-insert>, <menu-bar> <edit>
(yank &optional ARG)
The result of doing the same with f4:
C-n runs the command next-line, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
It is bound to C-n, <down>.
(next-line &optional ARG TRY-VSCROLL)
The only recent thing I have started to do is use emacs' org-mode.
How can I get my keys back to their original behaviour? What exactly is causing them to behave like this?
are you running under terminal or x?
Not running under the terminal - currently using the GUI interface.
when did the change in behavior happen? what was it associated with? new package installation? switch from terminal to X or back? reboot?
There are two things I can think of which may be causing this:
I just recently started using AucTex (v 11.88.6) and org mode.
The 'C h k' f3 sometimes responds that it is bound to org-yank (see above) so I'm leaning towards thinking its something to do with org mode.
Does this behavior also occur when you start emacs with the -Q option?
Yes, even with the -Q option specified the same behaviour results.

In Emacs, how do I select the completion list with the keyboard?

When I tab-complete in a minibuffer and Emacs displays a completion list in a new buffer, how do I switch to that buffer without using the mouse?
I tried C-x o, but that just switched to the first buffer, out of which I entered the minibuffer.
I also tried C-x b, but that gives me command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer.
Lastly I tried C-x <C-right>, which gives me cannot switch buffers in minibuffer window.
EDIT: I spoke about minibuffer completion in my example, but being able to access the completion list (using the keyboard) from within a regular buffer is also important to me, and not working. The M-v shortcut was suggested, but it only seems to work inside the minibuffer accessed by M-x, in every other buffer I've tried, M-v is bound to scroll down command and does not switch to the completion list. I doesn't even seem to work in other minibuffers. For example, it doesn't work in the shell command minibuffer invoked by M-! either.
You can use M-v (documented here) which switches to the completion buffer and puts the cursor on the first completion:
Typing M-v, while in the minibuffer, selects the window showing the
completion list (switch-to-completions). This paves the way for using
the commands below. <PageUp> or <prior> does the same. You can also
select the window in other ways...
EDIT: It looks like based on your edit to the original question that what you're asking for is a way to switch to the completions buffer more globally. There is a function switch-to-completions that selects the completions list - you might consider binding that function to a key of your choosing, e.g.:
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-x t") 'switch-to-completions)
For example, such a binding allows me to switch to completions from "Shell command: " invoked by M-!, and places the cursor on the first possible completion.
You can use C-xo twice, or use M--C-xo, which switches to the previous buffer instead of the next one.

How to bind a key to kill repl and yank in a buffer on emacs

You can assume that I'm in repl using the slime mode.
How can I make a function key (for example, f4), to do this:
kill the last history item (the ones that you get with C-up or C-down);
move to the upper buffer;
yank, Save buffer to file;
move back to the repl.
Please, make it a step by step guide, because I'm a complete beginner to Emacs and Lisp.
The easiest way to make what you ask would be using emacs macros.
Because you have just said exactly what you want to do.
And macros save the sequence of keys you typed.
You can do it in emacs for one time, and save the sequence of pressed keys.
So, start recording a macro (when you are in the repl buffer) using F3 or C-x (, then make something like M-p C-a C-k C-u - C-x o C-y C-x o(i just translated your request to key sequence), then type F4 or C-x ). To execute macro, press F4 again, or C-x e.
You can interrupt recording a macro if you made a mess with C-g. The reverse is applied, if you made a mess and error message is send, your macro recording(sometimes frustrating) or evaluating(and this is feature, since you can make macro that will work good by just holding F4) would be interrupted.
If you want to use this macro later, you can name it with M-x name-last-kbd-macro. This will allow you to use as a command, typing M-x <your macro name> (<your macro name> - name of your macro). This will not save it for future sessions, just name it.
To save your named macro, use M-x insert-kbd-macro when you are in your .emacs file. This will insert elisp code at current point, executing which you will get your macro binded to your command name(and it will be executed every time you start emacs).
To bind it to some key, rather start it every time from M-x, insert this in your .emacs file: (global-set-key [f12] '<your-macro-name>). You can read more about setting comands to keys there and there.
The bad thing about macro is that you will undo every step, not the whole macro in one time(but someone may bring solution here, if he have one). If you want to make something more serious, using conditions or iterations, you have to forward your path to elisp. Just C-h k everything around. Help keys like C-h f, C-h a, C-h b will also come in use.

Yanking text into a terminal running in Emacs

I am unable to yank text into a terminal running in Emacs.
This is my procedure:
I killed the string "date" from one buffer and yanked it into the terminal in another buffer and hit return.
The terminal behaves as if I typed nothing. It just returns the prompt back.
I am using OS X 10.5.8 and Emacs 23.1. I have tried this procedure on Aquamacs, Carbon Emacs, and the release from http://emacsformacosx.com/. They all show this weird behaviour even in their default configurations with my .emacs file empty. What could possibly be causing this?
By "in a terminal" I assume you mean you're running Emacs's built-in terminal emulator. Ordinarily, the terminal emulator transmits most keys exactly as typed to the shell process. Type C-c C-j in the terminal buffer to put it into a state where ordinary Emacs key bindings are available. You'll see the mode line change from (Term: char run) to (Term: line run).
Yanking text without leaving char mode is a little tricky; the relevant function, however, is term-paste (not yank, which merely inserts the text into the terminal buffer without sending it to the inferior process). term-paste will immediately send the most recent kill to the inferior process, but doesn't provide the fancy yank functionality you're probably used to (like M-y to cycle through prior kills). You could run term-paste as an extended command: C-c M-x term-paste RET.
Probably the easiest solution is just to temporarily go into line mode (C-c C-j) when you have something to paste, and then immediately go back into char mode (C-c C-k). Or even easier, just stay in line mode all the time. I often do this when I have a terminal logged into an Oracle SQL*Plus session. I rarely notice the difference, but I get all sorts of convenient Emacs functionality, like being able to type M-p to cycle through a long, previously-typed SQL statement.
I would have assumed that you could always start off in line mode like this:
(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'term-line-mode)
...but it doesn't work for me. Don't know why.
In the buffer with the terminal running, put the terminal into line mode with C-c C-j. To paste in your text, now press S-Insert (that's Shift-Insert). If you need the terminal to go back to char mode afterwards, it's C-c C-k.
When all else fails I just highlight the text and click Edit->Copy then right click in the other emacs buffer and click paste.

Is there a (repeat-last-command) in Emacs?

Frequently, I've dug into apropos and docs looking for something like the following only to give up to get back to the task at hand:
do the last C- or M- command I just executed (to be rebound to a fn key)
or sometimes the related:
what keystroke did I just mistakenly issue, the effect of which I'd like to add to my bag of tricks. describe-key is close, but requires knowing what I typed.
Am I simply asking too much from my trusty sidekick?
Repeat functionality is provided by the repeat.el Emacs Lisp package, which is included with standard Emacs distributions. From repeat.el's documentation:
This package defines a command that
repeats the preceding command,
whatever that was, including its
arguments, whatever they were. This
command is connected to the key C-x z.
To repeat the previous command once,
type C-x z. To repeat it a second time
immediately after, type just z. By
typing z again and again, you can
repeat the command over and over.
To see additional information about the repeat command, type C-h F repeat RET from within Emacs.
Repeat last command
Once you pressed it, just press only
after that and it will repeat (without having to press C-x again).
Yes, there is a repeat command. It's called repeat:
You can repeat commands with C-x z, and hit z to keep repeating.
A bit shocking nobody mentioned repeat-complex-command, available from the key binding C-x ESC ESC.
with regards to 'describe-last-function':
There's a variable last-command which is set to a symbol representative of the last thing you did. So this elisp snippet - (describe-function last-command) - ought to bring up the documentation for the thing that immediately happened.
So you could make a trivial working describe-last-function like so
(defun describe-last-function()
(describe-function last-command))
Put that elisp in .emacs or equivalent, and you'll have a M-x describe-last-function.
If you've banged on a few keys or done something that modified last-command since the thing you're interested in, the command-history function might be of interest. You can get that by M-x command-history
Also, M-x view-lossage shows you the last hundred(?) keystrokes you entered. So, you'll be able to see where the command is. It's what i used until i just right now found out about M-x command-history which i think i'll be using with C-h w now.
I'm not really sure, but maybe you are searching for this one?
The command C-xz (repeat) provides another way to repeat an
Emacs command many times. This command repeats the previous Emacs
command, whatever that was. Repeating a command uses the same arguments
that were used before; it does not read new arguments each time.
Emacs Manual, 8.11 Repeating a Command
May be this would help too...
From emacs Help verbatim:
C-x M-ESC runs the command repeat-complex-command
which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.
It is bound to <again>, <redo>, C-x M-:, C-x M-ESC.
(repeat-complex-command ARG)
Edit and re-evaluate last complex command, or ARGth from last.
A complex command is one which used the minibuffer.
The command is placed in the minibuffer as a Lisp form for editing.
The result is executed, repeating the command as changed.
If the command has been changed or is not the most recent previous command
it is added to the front of the command history.
You can use the minibuffer history commands M-n and M-p
to get different commands to edit and resubmit.
Personally I found Sebastian's idea useful. Here is a working version
(global-set-key "\C-r" #'(lambda () (interactive)
(eval (car command-history))))
This is old, but Google pops post this up first when I was looking to retrieve the last command I typed at the Emacs prompt. None of these answers worked for me so I decided to put in my two cents for those who might stumble upon this later on as I did. I'm using Portacle, but I found what I was looking for in here so I'm hoping it's generic enough to work with different setups. Anyway, what worked for me is using C-&uparrow; and C-&downarrow; to cycle through the history. Using M-p and M-n worked as well, but I prefer using the arrows since I use Bash quite a bit.
dot-mode is a way to repeat the last command(s).
From its commentary:
It emulates the vi `redo' command, repeating the
immediately preceding sequence of commands. This is done by
recording input commands which change the buffer, i.e. not motion