Undo clear selected from workspace mapping p4v - p4v

I was trying to move my workspace root around and did clear workspace mappings in p4v. What this did was clear every subfolder from the mappings. Then when I try to include the whole tree, it only includes the selected folder, since all the subfolders were cleared. Is there a way around this?

It may not list them, but if you are including the top folder "recursively" (i.e. follow the directory name with a slash and "..."), it includes all subdirectories without listing them explicitly.
To add the top directory in the "View Workspace Mappings as Tree" view, navigate to your depot or the highest-level directory you want to add. Right-click the directory and choose "Include Tree". Expand the tree views to verify that they are included.
If you're used to the "Workspace mapping as text", add the depot and client paths of the top-level directory that contains the subdirectories you want. Make sure the mappings are "recursive" and include all files and directories below by appending "..." after each side.
Suppose you want to include dir1 and dir2, both of which reside under top_dir. Add this line to your workspace mapping:
//depot1/top_dir/... //myclient/top_dir/...
This will include //depot1/top_dir/dir1 and //depot1/top_dir/dir2, and all other files and directories under "top_dir".


How to find folder in VS Code?

I have a project with a lot of files and folders. There are no problems with finding files. They can be found with Ctrl-P. But there are many folders in which files with the same name are made. Therefore, it is easier to search for a file by the name of the folder in which it is located. How in VS Code to search for folders in the current open project?
For example, I have the following project structure:
The file main.js from the folder P will be easier to find by the folder name.
While using Ctrl-P, you can type the full path of the file, so if i have two files named bar you can search on Ctrl-P with
"foo/bar" or with "qux/bar"
Vscode uses fuzzy search (like so many others), so you don't have to actually type the whole thing.
There is no way, to my knowledge and research, to find and be directed to a specific directory.
You can simply select a folder on the explorer and tape some filter keywords.
Recently, vscode added a shortcut, if you are using a recent release just typing won't work, first tape ctrl + f.
Ctrl + Shift + E
and start typing. You'll see your search on the top right corner of file explorer.
By default it does not filter by result but your focus will jumps to the first one. From there you can Enter to open it.
If you want to show only results containing the string of search : click on filter icon next to your search (state will be remembered).
to exit/remove search
Ctrl + Shift + E
again to switch back focus to last place you were typing.
This VSCode extension does exactly what you're asking for.
I found a way to search through subfolders. Click on a folder you wish to search, than / and start typing for a name of subfolder
It's simple. Just open the parent folder of your folder in VSCode. Then right-click on the folder you want to find subfolder in and choose "Find in folder"

How to exclude .class files from file search in Eclipse?

I want eclipse to ignore all .class files when I search for a keyword in files. I don't want a particular directory to be excluded, instead I want to exclude all files of type .class
when you open the File Search in Eclipse, there is a text box for filename patterns. You can enter the patterns you DO want to include, like *.java, *.xml, etc. (each pattern separated by a comma) , and it will only search in files of that type.
To exclude a file type, place an exclamation mark in front of the pattern, like
!*.class, !*.svn
I managed to exclude files of a specific extension in eclipse using resource filters:
Right-click on the project in project explorer -> select properties
Expand the Resource heading on the left of the properties window and select Resource filters
Select the Add Filter button
In my scenario, I was ignoring tar.gz archives:
So in this example *.class could have been inputted rather than *.tar.gz to ignore all files with the class extension.
You can create a Working Set pointing it to your java source dir,
and select it on Open Resource (Ctrl+Shift R normally)
Open Resource window Image
menu Image
The working set will be remembered when you open it again.

RubyMine: exclude specific files from search

How to exclude files in log directory from every future search without having to type exclusions in manually.
Right click on the folder on the left (Project area with directories and files). Then select 'Mark Directory As...', then select 'Excluded'
You can also exclude individual files by their naming pattern, as documented here:

perforce merging file branched into overlay workspace

Assume I have these two directories
and a perforce workspace with an overlay, like
//depot/project/... //workspace/...
+//depot/project/subdir2/... //workspace/subdir1
where subdir2 is overlaid on top of subdir1.
At some point I branch (integrate) a file from subdir1 to subdir2, and both files keep being changed and submitted to perforce, either on the overlaid workspace, thus under subdir2 or on another non-overlaid workspace, thus changing the file in subdir1.
How do I now merge (integrate) the files such that only the file on the non-overlaid workspace exists?
If I merge into the non-overlaid workspace and delete from the overlaid workspace, the file no longer shows in the overlaid workspace. If I don't delete it, the version before the merge stays there in the overlaid workspace.
For tasks like this, it can be much easier to use a workspace which has no overlay lines in its view mapping. Then it's not so confusing about which repository file corresponds to which local file, and you can refer to all the different repository files without dealing with the filename ambiguities introduced by overlay mappings.
Also, have a look at 'p4 where'; it gives you a lot of information about how a particular file in your workspace is mapped into its corresponding repository location.
This is one of the drawback of using overlays in workspace view specification: Order matters.
If when you apply an overlay, a file has been deleted in this overlay, on top of a folder where this file exist, then the existing file will never show up.
There is nothing you can do about it, as this is the perforce logic of how folders are populated.
You can try to fiddle with you view paths:
//depot/project/... //workspace/...
+//depot/project/subdir2/... //workspace/subdir1
+//depot/project/subdir1/... //workspace/subdir1
And you will see your integrated file back.
Overlays are great, but then moving/deleting files can mess up with them.
Note that if you rename the file as you move it from directory, then you won't have the problem. I.e. if you move/rename a file from:
And then apply your overlay:
//depot/project/... //workspace/...
+//depot/project/subdir2/... //workspace/subdir1
It's OK, as they don't share the same name anymore.

How to avoid repeated matching items in Eclipse 'Open Resource'?

The project I'm working in uses Maven and its typical standar directory layout.
When I look for a resource with Eclipse 'Open Resource' I get these matches:
Where I get repeated matches.
There are only 2 XML files in filesystem.
The one under src/ and the one under target/.
For example, the path to the src/ file is:
But 'Open Resource' indicates 3 matches for the same file with relative paths:
Is there a way in Eclipse to avoid those repeated matches?
Moreover, is there a way in Eclipse to indicate not to return resources for target/ directories?
NOTE: I tried Wojtek O. suggestion, but still getting matches:
You see multiple files because they logically are contained withing difference Eclipse projects. You could try to close some of those projects but that may as well result in compilation errors. If you wish to hide some files from the Open Resource... dialog you need to mark the folder containg those files as derived by right clicking on it in the Project Explorer and selecting Derived checkbox under Attributes section.
This is a really old thread, but in the newer Eclipse versions (Photon+) there's a filter option for resource search.
On the Open Resource dialog (Ctrl+Shift+R), click the drop-down on top "Enter resource name prefix..." and select "Filter Duplicated Resources".
If you're just looking for Java classes you can also use Open Type dialog (CTRL-Shift-T).