Accessing value by javascript Play Framework/Scala - scala

First of all I am using Play framework with scala.
I am creating a graph and with the node id I would like to show some information at the same page.
In order to do that, first I need to get but for some reasons function is not working. When searching for it I learnt that it's because play is server-side and js is client-side. However I need to get the data somehow.
I also cannot access:
var html = "<h4>" + + "</h4><b> connections:</b><ul><li>"
How can I access this through the view?
My second question is after reaching the js, I need to access to controller and do the same action one more time but this time with the new .
View Part:
onClick: function(node) {

1) Is this code in your controller? And are the node variable in scope? If so this should be perfectly legal code, since it will be evaluated as pure scala.
2) The templates are a different story however. You probably know they parse everything as normal html, unless escaped. To use a variable you have to bring it into scope by either:
defining a 'constructor' for the template at the absolute beginning of the file:
#(node : Node)
... // later in the file
or define a variable inside the template:
#defining( Get.node.from.somewhere ) { node =>
See Play! framework: define a variable in template?
If you did either of the two, you should have no problem accessing the node variable. Even in scripts. But note that external scripts does not have access to the same variables. It is thus very common to use inline scripts or import it as another template if you need to access a variable from JavaScript.
Edit: I've made a gist of a template, controller and routes file:


Protractor Custom Locator: Not available in production, but working absolutely fine on localhost

I have added a custom locator in protractor, below is the code
const customLocaterFunc = function (locater: string, parentElement?: Element, rootSelector?: any) {
var using = parentElement || (rootSelector && document.querySelector(rootSelector)) || document;
return using.querySelector("[custom-locater='" + locater + "']");
by.addLocator('customLocater', customLocaterFunc);
And then, I have configured it inside protractor.conf.js file, in onPrepare method like this:
onPrepare() {
When I run my tests on the localhost, using browser.get('http://localhost:4200/login'), the custom locator function works absolutely fine. But when I use browser.get(''), the same code fails to locate the element.
Please note, that the test runs, the browser gets open, user input gets provided, the user gets logged-in successfully as well, but the element which is referred via this custom locator is not found.
FYI, is the remote machine (a virtual machine) where the application is deployed. So, in short the custom locator works as expected on localhost, but fails on production.
Not an answer, but something you'll want to consider.
I remember adding this custom locator, and encounter some problems with it and realised it's just an attribute name... nothing fancy, so I thought it's actually much faster to write
let elem = $('[custom-locator="locator"]')
which is equivalent to
let elem = element(by.css('[custom-locator="locator"]'))
let elem = element(by.customLocator('locator'))
And I gave up on this idea. So maybe you'll want to go this way too
I was able to find a solution to this problem, I used data- prefix for the custom attribute in the HTML. Using which I can find that custom attribute on the production build as well.
This is an HTML5 principle to prepend data- for any custom attribute.
Apart from this, another mistake that I was doing, is with the selector's name. In my code, the selector name is in camelCase (loginBtn), but in the production build, it was replaced with loginbtn (all small case), that's why my custom locater was not able to find it on the production build.

load only components scripts that are in the current page

What I'm trying to achieve is that if i have 2 components nodes :
and i drag them into page1, then when page1 is generated, only component1.js and component2.js will be loaded when navigating to page1 .
One approach i saw is to use custom Tag Library as described here :
I have two questions :
1) is there an existing feature in AEM to do this ?
2) if not, what is the easiest way to create such custom Tag Library ?
Assume that there is no ability to just include all component clientLibs, rather load only those that are added to the page.
There is no built in feature to do this. Although I've heard that the clientlib infrastructure is being looked at for a re-write so I'm optimistic that something like this will be added in the future.
We have, and I know other company have, created a "deferred script tag." Ours is a very simple tag that take a chunk of html like a clientlib include, add it to a unique list and then on an out call at the footer, spits it all out one after another.
Here's the core of a simple tag implementation that extends BodyTagSupport. Then in your footer grab the attribute and write it out.
public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
SlingHttpServletRequest request = (SlingHttpServletRequest)pageContext.getAttribute("slingRequest");
Set<String> delayed = (Set<String>)request.getAttribute(DELAYED_INCLUDE);
if(delayed == null){
delayed = new HashSet<String>();
request.setAttribute(DELAYED_INCLUDE, delayed);
return EVAL_PAGE;
Theoretically the possible way of doing is to write script in your page component/abstract page component that does something like this -
Step1 : String path = currentPage.getPath()
Step2 : Query this path for components (one way is to have a master list do a contains clause on sling:resourceType)
Step 3: User resource resolver to resolve the resourceType in Step 3, this will give you resource under your apps.
Step 4: From the above resource get the sub-resource with primary type as cq:ClientLibraryFolder
Step 5: from the client libs resource in Step 4 get the categories and include the JS from them
you could actually write a model to adapt a component resource to a clientLibrary to actually clean the code.
Let me know if you need actual code, I can write that in my free time.

Getting properties from AEM multifieldpanel dialog stops working when a second entry is added

I have created an AEM Dialog which prompts the user for a set of links and labels.
These links and labels are stored in a jcr node and are used to generate a menu.
To avoid having to create a custom xtype, I am using the acs-commons multifieldpanel solution, which enables me to nest children under the fieldConfig node.
This works great with only 1 Label/Link pair, but when I add a second one - the property cannot be fetched anymore, since instead of a String, it returns the String hashcode.
The property generated by the multifieldpanel in the jcr node is of type String and is filled correctly when inspecting in CRXDE. The problem occurs when I try to fetch the value from within a Sightly HTML file.
"use strict";
use(function () {
var CONST = {
PROP_URLS: "definitions",
var json =[CONST.PROP_URLS];
return {
urls: json
Log output
1 element in multifieldpanel
jcr node variable content
definitions: {"listText": "facebook", "listPath": "/content/en"}
log output
Multiple elements in multifieldpanel
jcr node variable content
definitions: {"listText": "facebook", "listPath": "/content/en"},{"listText": "google", "listPath": "/content/en"}
log output
Once the multifieldpanel has multiple components and stores it, when accessing the property the node returns the String hashcode instead of the value of the property.
A colleague has pointed out that I should use the MultiFieldPanelFunctions class to access the properties, but we are using HTML+Sightly+js and are trying to avoid .jsp files at all cost. In JavaScript, this function is not available. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue?
That is because, when there is a single item in the multifield, it returns a String, where as it returns a String[] when there is more than a single item configured.
Use the following syntax to read the property as a String array always.
var json =[CONST.PROP_URLS] || [];
Additionally, you can also use TypeHints to make sure your dialog saves the value as String[] always, be it single item or multiple items that is configured.
Don't forget that the use() in JS is compiled into Java Byte code and if you are reading Java "primitives", make sure you convert them to JS types. It's part of the Rhino subtleties.
On another note, I tend to not use the granite.* because they are not documented no where, I use the Sightly global objects instead
To access properties, I use properties.get("key")
Hope this help.

Sails generator: Variable targets?

I'm creating a sails generator and I'd like to have my targets choose a template dynamically. I've tried this:
targets: {
'./tests/unit/:entityType/:filename': {
template: scope.entityType + scope.ext,
However, this throw an error when I try. I'm also unable to use the template variables inside my target object.
Is there a way to do something like this without having to resort to generator composition (calling another generator in my template target)?
scope isn't available when the file with targets in it is loaded by sails-generate via require(), which is why you get an error when trying to refer to it directly. But you can do what you're looking for by setting a target dynamically in the before method of your generator. So in your before, prior to calling the callback, add something like:
module.exports.targets["./tests/unit/:entityType/:filename"] = {
template: scope.entityType + scope.ext,
Also remember to remove the hard-coded target from your targets object--it won't get used but it will probably be confusing!

How to obtain wicket URL from PageClass and PageParameters without running Wicket application (i.e. without RequestCycle)?

In my project, there are additional (non-wicket) applications, which need to know the URL representation of some domain objects (e.g. in order to write a link like into a notification email).
Now I'd like to create a spring bean in my wicket module, exposing the URLs I need without having a running wicket context, in order to make the other application depend on the wicket module, e.g. offering a method public String getUrlForUser(User u) returning "/user/someUserName/".
I've been stalking around the web and through the wicket source for a complete workday now, and did not find a way to retrieve the URL for a given PageClass and PageParameters without a current RequestCycle.
Any ideas how I could achieve this? Actually, all the information I need is somehow stored by my WebApplication, in which I define mount points and page classes.
Update: Because the code below caused problems under certain circumstances (in our case, being executed subsequently by a quarz scheduled job), I dived a bit deeper and finally found a more light-weight solution.
No need to construct and run an instance of the WebApplication
No need to mock a ServletContext
Works completely independent of web application container
Contra (or not, depends on how you look at it):
Need to extract the actual mounting from your WebApplication class and encapsulate it in another class, which can then be used by standalone processes. You can no longer use WebApplication's convenient mountPage() method then, but you can easily build your own convenience implementation, just have a look at the wicket sources.
(Personally, I have never been happy with all the mount configuration making up 95% of my WebApplication class, so it felt good to finally extract it somewhere else.)
I cannot post the actual code, but having a look at this piece of code will give you an idea how you should mount your pages and how to get hold of the URL afterwards:
CompoundRequestMapper rm = new CompoundRequestMapper();
// mounting the pages
rm.add(new MountedMapper("mypage",MyPage.class));
// ... mount other pages ...
// create URL from page class and parameters
Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass = MyPage.class;
PageParameters pp = new PageParameters();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, pp));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
Original solution below:
After deep-diving into the intestines of the wicket sources, I was able to glue together this piece of code
IRequestMapper rm = MyWebApplication.get().getRootRequestMapper();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(pageClass, parameters));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
It works without a current RequestCycle, but still needs to have MyWebApplication running.
However, from Wicket's internal test classes, I have put the following together to construct a dummy instance of MyWebApplication:
MyWebApplication dummy = new MyWebApplication();
dummy.setServletContext(new MockServletContext(dummy, ""));