eclipse annoyances: Debug and Launch toolbars unavailable - eclipse

I am running Windows XP and Eclipse 4.2.2 Build id: M20130204-1200 and I have lost my Debug and Launch tool bars. I have tried Windows>Reset Perspective (original values) and Window>Customize Perspective's (Tool Bar Visibility and Command Groups Availability) tab options. I have tried the Layout option on Debug view. All failed to bring them back. Right now, I am looking at Tool Bar Visibility tab and a message that says: <"Debug" cannot be made available because it is in the unavailable "null" command group.> However, the Debug checkbox in Command Group Availability is checked.
I have also tried right-click and Reset on the perspective buttons.
Switching to another eclipse installation (same machine) did not help either.
Rebooting does not help.
Are there any text configuration files where this data is stored that can be manipulated outside eclipse?

I had this problem in Eclipse Kepler, it turns out it was caused by PyDev plugin. I fixed it by uninstalling the plugin and right-clicking on the Debug perspective button and selecting Reset.

I had already installed a fresh copy and the problems persisted. But, encouraged by user714965 comments, I tried again but that did not resolve the issue. Then, I threw away all eclipse installation folders (to recycle bin), re-installed fresh copy, and the problem persisted. Then I started a new workspace, and it seemed like the tool bars were back. Then restored previous eclipse installations and they had the Debug toolbar as well!
I am thinking somehow the customization config files were broken. It would be nice to know where the these files are stored (my original question): Are they global for each user on the machine or are they workspace specific? It seems to me that some customizations are global, while others are project specific.
May be it is time to try the new Android Studio :-)

Seems as your eclipse is broken. The fastest way to get it back running will be downloading a fresh copy from You can continue using your current workspace so your settings will remain. But you have to re-install all plug-ins... I'm always keeping a backup of a fresh release with the plug-ins I'm using. I would suggest you to do the same in the future.


Microsoft scr***ed my Eclipse preferences: how to recover?

I have not typical issue: namely I installed VisualStudio Community edition from official Microsoft page and this s**t totally damaged my laptop (it first changed some system settings without my consent, later computer got not responsive at all)my laptop - I was forced to reset OS to factory settings (Windows 8.1 64b) as no other repair attempts worked - thank you, friends from Redmond! One of weirdest things is that this software changed my Eclipse preferences and the problem still persists: background in Eclipse is not dark but black and code is very hard to read. When I go to Window->Preferences->General and change it to default, then theme gets changed only for the file that is currently open(?).After restart of Eclipse the black motive is back. Moreover, when I click any line, it gets highlighted in black - as if there was an additional display pattern deeper 'under the skin'.I know that a screenshot would be more informative but I don't think it can be attached here.
What may shed some light on the issue is that, when I go in Eclipse to Window->Preferences->Appearance I am presented with following themes to choose from:
%theme.dark, %theme.classic etc. No idea what the % sign mean.
How can I get normal default theme permamently? - perhaps it would suffice to delete some preferences file but I am no very adept in the Eclipse staff and not sure what can be safely removed -just don't want to spoil it more than it already is. I am using Eclipse Mars,located in C:\Users\myUsername\java-mars\eclipse, if this matters.
Eclipse is my main working tool for next couple of weeks before I move to IntelliJ and the issue is really onerous for me. Anyone could help, please??
I can't imagine how Visual Studio could break eclipse, maybe some path conflict, but VS has no idea where your eclipse is. Maybe opening the same project in the workspaces with both and there were some overwrites? IDK.
Eclipse has no dependencies other than JAVA_HOME (or finding java on the path).
That said, workspace settings are stored in /.metadata folder. You can safely blow this away. Depending on how you have your projects organized, you may need to reimport your projects (I am assuming you are using a code repo) so this shouldn't be a problem.
If that doesn't work, blow away the java-mars/ folder tree and unzip a clean version. NOTE: If you do this and open the existing (broken) workspace you will pick up the existing (broken) settings.

Eclipse workspace issue with CCRC plugin error

Update 28 May 2013:
I have found a work around for this. Though this is not always works MOST of the time it does.
In Eclipse > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown
uncheck the option "ClearCase Remote Client plug-in"
Every time I start the problem workspace, before doing anything (like click on any resource or click on project in project explorer) I connect to the ClearCase repository.
This seems to calm down the error most of the time. Also, the Eclipse shortcut that I have on my desktop, has -clean option set in it. So when I start the eclipse my eclipse already starts with the clean up option. Though not sure if it has any bearing on the problem.
However not sure if this will help in a situation when I am working offline; when I can not connect to the ClearCase repository.
Update 21 May 2013:
At this time it looks like there is no resolution for this except a CCRC plugin upgrade.
For now marking VonC's answer as correct. Will update the post if I find a better solution.
I created a fresh new workspace and setup the workspace and so far I do not see any problems so far. Still not sure what was wrong with my workspace though.
I have been having this problem for quite sometime on one of the workspace.
I am seeing the following error pop up with the error message; and will NOT go away.
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
Could not initialize class
It happens only in one work space almost all the time.
Every time I restart this workspace, when ever I click on any projects in project explorer or any open file, it causes the error pop up to come up.
It goes away if I close all files, close the offending project and then delete the project. I fire up eclipse, re-import the project and the issue goes away only as long as I continue using the eclipse. Once I restart the eclipse the same problem persists.
What I have tried so far:
start eclipse with -clean option --> It does not solve the problem.
I have enabled the "Refresh workspace on startup" option in "Eclipse > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown" --> this does not solve theproblem.
I deleted the folder "org.eclipse.core.resources" under "Offending_Workspace > .metadata > .plugins" folder --> this has no effect. The problem persists as mentioned in Symptoms3 above.
System Info:
Windows 7 Enterprise Edition 64 bit.
Eclipse 3.7 Java EE developers
CCRC plugin Version: , Build id:
Is there anything that can be done to resolve this. It's frustrating to work with such a broken plugin, that practically hinders ones work.
Any suggestion will be helpful.
This looks like PM38965 and there is no other solution than upgrading:
A fix is available in ClearCase versions, and
You can see it listed in this release note:
Addresses a ClearCase issue where the ClearTeam Explorer produces a "Could not initialize class" error intermittently when performing various operations.
The OP reports a workaround:
In Eclipse > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown, uncheck the option "ClearCase Remote Client plug-in"
Every time I start the problem workspace, before doing anything (like click on any resource or click on project in project explorer) I connect to the ClearCase repository.
This seems to calm down the error most of the time.
Also, the Eclipse shortcut that I have on my desktop, has '-clean' option set in it. So when I start the eclipse my eclipse already starts with the clean up option.
Though not sure if it has any bearing on the problem. However not sure if this will help in a situation when I am working offline; when I can not connect to the ClearCase repository.
The '-clean' being a local operation, it will have the same effect offline or online.

Eclipse - An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip"

I launched Eclipse earlier to jot down a snippet and was faced with the following as an error when I tried to run a fresh project:
An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip".
That popup window shows as soon as I mouse-over the run icon in the top bar, or if I right click on the class in the explorer window and select any of the run/debug options.
After doing some research on the error, I see several people who posted similar messages but they all have been fresh installs of Eclipse. So note that this is not a fresh install, and that Eclipse was working fine earlier today. Also note that not only does my new project not run (with the normal main method), but projects I was running earlier have all stopped working with the same error.
Finally, also be aware that after seeing other people's suggestions on fixing this, one specifically said to select run configurations from the top of the page run menu. When I selected run configurations from this dropdown, I got the following message:
Exception occurred creating launch configuration tabs
Reason: Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
After that message, the run window opens but all of the tabs are missing. Like where you can set the display width and height, and the other tabs, they are all missing from the window now.
I was using Eclipse trouble free earlier today and I am sure no updates took place between when Eclipse was working and now. My question is of multiple parts: What is wrong in a nutshell? What could have caused this?
Got this from another site of some guy who got this same error after upgrading.
Worked for me as well.
Apparently putting the following line in your eclipse.ini helps:
Try setting the launch properties in:
Under launch Operations menu set it to:
Always launch the previously launched application
I never found out what went wrong, but a reinstall of eclipse fixed it. All projects survived seemingly undamaged.
Thanks for the reply on the .ini but that did no good.
I had same error today - in an eclipse installation (Juno SR2 64bit) that has been running fine for months.
0: There were no changes on svn for my projects since yesterday (when it was running fine).
1: I restored the workspace from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. This failed because the directory structure of the '.metadata' contains folders with a deeper structure than is supported.
2: I restored the workspace from a overnight archive (gzipped so file depth is not an issue).
This had no effect.
3: I tried to restore the eclipse installation directory (which seems to be updated an awful lot) from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. Again this failed - because of folder-depth issues (Note: it is installed in the root directory of my disk - so there is actually no way to use a restore on this installation!)
4: Had to delete the .metadata from my workspace and reinstall eclipse (and all the additional plugins), and re-import my projects, and setup all the servers, and android, etc, which took many hours.
The moral of the story? Backup both your workspace AND the eclipse installation every night manually. Windows Restore will NOT save you. Backing up your workspace is NOT enough.
I had the same problem using eclipse mars. I cleared the folder .recommenders\index
And that solved my issue.
Hope it helps.
incase you are having the eclipse files which you have downloaded from the official site .Just extract those file in the same folder where your previous eclipse was installed and select replace all.
best solution
I also encountered this issue, the reason why this issue occurred on my project was due to I was missing the JRE System Library in the root folder of my project.
To solve this issue, make sure you have the libraries like JRE System Libraries on the root folder of your project.

Can Eclipse refresh resources automatically?

Eclipse (3.4.2 with PyDev) deals with out-of-sync resources (files that have been edited outside of the IDE) differently from other IDEs that I've used, where only resources with editors open are considered out-of-sync. In Eclipse, any resource can go out of sync.
This means that when I perform a search after any file has changed outside of Eclipse, I get an error dialog telling me that files are out of sync, even if they have no open editors. As far as I can tell, there is no global refresh command, so I'm forced to read the project names (I have several projects) in the error dialog, and do a right-click + refresh for each of them.
I've checked the Refresh Automatically setting in Settings > General > Workspace, but this has no effect. Is there any way to get Eclipse to always just load non-active resources from disk?
This issue will be fixed in Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). While "Refresh Automatically" does eventually bring resources back into sync, the refresh hook only exists for Windows, so on Linux and Mac OS it has to poll the filesystem periodically.
From 3.7 there's a new preference Settings > General > Workspace > Refresh On Access (aka Lightweight Refresh). This preference causes Eclipse to automatically refresh resources when it discovers that they're 'out-of-sync'. When opening, reading or searching files, it'll prevent out-of-sync errors from occurring.
See also:
I think if you click on the project node in the Project Explorer and press F5 or right click and select Refresh, all resources for that project will be refreshed. Also, if you CTRL+click on multiple projects, you should be able to refresh multiple projects at the same time.
A single click on a project, a CTRL+A to select everything, and an F5 should do exactly what you need - refresh everything.
I'll have to test this when I get the chance, but I believe this is how I overcame similar problems in the past.
I've noticed that this answer routinely is getting down voted. I'd like to point out that the question refers to a specific version of Eclipse: 3.4.2. There was actually no automatic method to refresh out-of-sync resources until version 3.7 Indigo of Eclipse, as mentioned in James Blackburn's answer. The method described in this answer is the only method to achieve this in version 3.4.2 (and any other version before 3.7 Indigo).
Out of synchronization problem is common in eclipse IDE so you have to check this option windows -> preference -> Workspace -> refresh using native hooks or polling.
Eclipse Helios possesses a built in refresh feature at Preferences > General > Workspace. It's in the same spot where you disable automatic builds. Select refresh automatically. A plugin with the same functionality is Andrei Loskutov's Filesync Plugin. The update site address is: During installation, select Eclipse 3.5-3.7 plugins > FileSync.
Given that Java 7 has an api for filesystem hooks, one would think that refresh could be handled better in Eclipse.
Edit: Actually, there is a plugin that uses this mechanism:
There is a global refresh - have nothing (or everything) selected in the package explorer and press F5 (or right-click on empty space and select Refresh). Of course, this could take rather long if you have large projects.
The global refresh actually exists in plain Eclipse without any plugins and without selecting every project in your workspace.
Basically you need to deselect everything in your project explorer and hit F5. To do that Ctrl+click the selected resource in the project explorer and hit F5.
A global refresh is really missing in Eclipse. The above procedure with selecting all projects and then running refresh (e.g. F5) does not work if you have closed projects included in your selection. This means, if you have 1/2 of your many projects closed as I do, you find yourself manually Ctrl-clicking through your dozens of projects. This is quite painful. I wish Eclipse would simply ignore closed projects.
Perhaps you should add a feature request on the eclipse site:
I think it would be a great idea to add a preference for automatically refreshing out of date resources.
Yes, Refresh on Access is long overdue ... those answers to this and similar enquires usually suggested enabling the global auto-refresh, which could take an age for large remote projects.
In fact there are those who would say that Refresh on Access should have been the original (< 3.x) default behaviour ...
I managed to solve this by creating a new "external tool" run config that executes a blank batch file. In the run config, you can have it refresh the workspace when complete. Then I created a macro using Practically Macro that 1) executes the last external tool run config (refreshing the workspace), then 2) executes the last debug run config (running my app). If you uncheck "Allocate console" then the completed external tool entry won't show up in the debug window.
Even if the solutions proposed by others perso are indeed correct, you have a "Refresh All" plugin for Eclipse. Simply add the Update page to your Eclipse list of update sites to install it in your IDE.
For Starting up there is an option to automatically refresh files in
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Refresh workspace on startup
Click it in order to have a "fresh" start in eclipse. :)
Version: Eclipse 4.12

In Eclipse, why does "Build Automatically" get mysteriously disabled?

I'm running Eclipse Europa (3.3). I leave the "Build Automatically" setting, under the Project menu, on all the time. Once in awhile my code isn't compiling, and I puzzle over it and then pull down the Project menu ... lo and behold, it's not set anymore. What gives? Is this a bug, or is there something else I'm doing that could cause it?
Edit: I am running the regular Java developer installation, plus Subversive and its connectors, Jetty Launcher, and I believe no other plugins. Other people at my workplace have had the same problem.
Edit: I am still having this problem once in a blue moon, only now I'm using Eclipse Galileo (3.5) for Windows. I haven't had this problem in Galileo for OS X, neither in Cocoa nor Carbon, but I have not used that for as long.
With Eclipise Mars.1 (4.5.1), Oomph may be the culprit. Eclipse Oomph supports automatically disabling Build Automatically with entries in
On Windows
If you want to disable this Oomph behavior try deleting the following setting
"Eclipse->Navigate Menu-> Open Setup menu entry-> Open User menu entry", a Preference Task under "User Preferences -> org.eclipse.core.resources -> description.autobuilding"
I learned about this setting by posting to the Oomph Eclipse Community Forum on Feb 8th, 2016. I posted a question titled "Oomph Defect? Build Automatically Keeps Getting Disabled". Ed Marks replied the same day with details about Oomph's support for managing the Eclipse "Build Automatically" setting.
I don't have eclipse right here to test and make sure but here is an idea.
Is any of the project or even workspace file in SVN ? if they are and they were uploaded with auto build disabled that might explain it
You update and overwrite your settings. This doesn't become apparent until you restart eclipse. this would also explain why other people at your workplace experienc this. it would even explain why some don't : thay are the ones who are careful what they update and don't allow eclipse to overwrite their own settings plus the ones who actually prefer to have autobuild disabled :)
I had the same problem and when I looked at the Source tab under Java Build Path (under the menu Project > Properties ) there were some source directories that didn't exist anymore (marked with a red X). After I deleted them, compilation worked fine and all new .class files are under the bin folder.
Strange. Is there perhaps a plugin installed that turns this off without your knowledge?
Maybe there is some conflicting shortcut. For example, some duplicated shortcut may be toggling it.
I am running 3.4 and I also have this mysterious behavior. I had it in 3.3 as well. I use CVS not SVN. Does not seem to follow a pattern just once in a while it gets switched off and then weird confusing stuff happens until I remember to check it and switch it back on. I am almost to the point where I want to write a plugin to always turn it on when eclipse loads.
When installing Google Plugin for Eclipse, 'Google App Engine for Android' is also installed.
For me, I uninstalled 'Google App Engine for Android', which I didn't need, and solved this problem.