Moving table view cells from one view controller to another - iphone

I am new to stack overflow and a student currently learning objective-C at university. I am building an APP for the science museum in London and I'm creating an events planner.
I have two table views set up in two different View Controllers.
The first View controller and table view is called "Events" and it holds all of the current days events. When you click on an event, it goes into a new View Controller, gives more information about the event and has a button to "Add To Events", which pops up an alert saying: "Are you sure you want to add this to your events?" with an add button and dismiss button accordingly.
The information in this table view is populated using three NSMutableArray's. (One for title, subtitle and image).
The second view controller has an empty table view inside it. I am trying to make it so whenever a user finds an event they like, they can click into it, see more info and if they want to add it to their own events page, they can. I have got the "Add" button of the alert responding using an NSLog message, so the code to implement the adding to events would go there.
My question is, if i click on the first event, and then choose to add it to my events, how do i send the information of that specific tableviewcell that i clicked to display in the second view controllers table view ?
I have looked all over the place for information regarding this and have taken an abundance of Lynda courses online about IOS and objective-C, but I haven't been able to figure it all out.
Can anybody help?

First of all you shouldn't use three NSMutableArray's to populate your cells. Create one NSMutableArray and populate it with NSDictionarys with a key for the title, the subtitle and the image. Or even better: create a custom model (subclass of NSObject) for your Events and populate the NSMutableArray with those.
Now just like your NSMutableArray is the data source for your first table view controller you need another NSMutableArray as the data source for the second table view controller. When a user now clicks on "Add To Events" all you have to do is add the Event (Model or Dictionary) to the NSMutableArray of the second table view controller and either call - (void)reloadData on your table view so that it reloads ALL data or use the "Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Rows and Sections" methods from the UITableView Class Reference. This would be the better approach because it does not reload data that does not need to be reloaded.


I'm trying to add a tableviewcell from one table to a different table Xcode

I am developing an iphone app for a class project and am displaying a bunch of different products. I am trying to create a favorites page where users can add one of the products to their favorites page. The app is set up with a bunch of different tableviews to display the different products along with their piture, name, price, and description. I want the user to either click on my addtofavorites button I will add to each of the table view cells or I was wandering if I can just use the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method in the tableviews to add all that information to the favorites table view. Thank you
First, look into following the MVC pattern,
a good introduction:
That being said, I'd have a products UITableView, in a view controller. The user can then select the view controller and in the didSelectRow: method, find out which product was selected to sou can pass the data through a delegate patterns (other ways include target-action, NSNotification, etc.) for example like this: (good example of passing data: Passing Data between View Controllers) to a separate view controller which would hold your favorites table view. Make sure the model is separate from both the products view controller and favorites view controller so you can save all the name, price, etc whatever properties you want to save.
perhaps all of this would be contained in a UITabBarController so it's easier for the user to go back and forth between products and favorites.

Save the data entered in textfields,date picker,etc in a view(page) to a Uitableview

i have a view(page) with lots of textfields,date pickers, etc. This page is displayed using presentModalViewController. Now i want to save the data entered in the textfields to the tableView. Each textfields in the page corresponds to the column in the tableview.
I want to save the page's data on click of a button to the tableview as row wise.
Any Help !!
You could use a protocol and delegate object. Here is a simple example that will show you how to accomplish that:
Your View is presented from a ViewController, which is Controlling the View.
On clicking the save button on the View, the ViewController can pull the data from the fields in the View, and save them into a Model object which you can then add into your UITableViewDataSource array (or whatever you have to load data into your table).
You can then tell your UITableView to update row at index path, and it will pull the new data from the datasource and update your table.
... a cleverer (is that a word) approach would be to bind your Model properties to your View elements (from your controller), so as they are updated, the model changes. The table could be using KVO to listen for Model changes and update their view components at the same time.

iPhone: View / Edit / List controller

I have a customer view controller that is a subclass of UITableViewController. It has a list that lists all the customers. I have a + button in the top right. I want to make it so when people click the + it will go to the add customer screen and after you click save it will act JUST like the iphone contacts list and then display the newly added customer.
Would I need to create a controller for each view? One to display the list, one to add the person and one to view the contact then another to edit the contact? Or should I use one controller and just add a bunch of views in IB into the single view controller?
Create a CustomerListController for seeing ALL customers.
Create a CustomerViewController for viewing and editing the detail.
Subclass the CustomerViewController calling it CustomerAddController for creating, as this will need a little more functionality.
Core Data Recipes application will give you some good pointers around this.
If you want it to only create the record after you hit save, you'll need to:
Create an additional NSManagedObjectContext, assuming you're using Core Data.
Pass that context to the instance of the CustomerAddController class only (not needed for the view class).
When the Save button is hit, you'll need to merge the two NSManagedObjectContext classes in the CustomerListController.
I believe the way the Contacts app does it is:
Contacts list is a UITableViewController in a UINavigationController
Touching the + modally presents (from the navigation controller) a different view controller for adding the contact
Touching Done pushes a new view controller onto the navigation controller for viewing the newly created contact, but it isn't visible yet because the modally presented contact adding view controller is on top. Immediately afterwards, the modal view controller is dismissed, revealing the newly created contact.
To answer your question, I'd suggest using three different view controllers, just like the Contacts app.
I suggest you to use different views for every task because using one IB file uses more memory where as if you use different IBs and view controllers for every task then there is not too much memory is used and after completing one task for example when you save the user detail free the memory for that view so that you app do not use much memory.

Puzzle tableview with tableviewcell...?

I have a small query.I have made an application in which i am fetching information from the webservice and i am displaying it on the table view.The table view which i a using is customized one in which i have used the text and the image property.
These things are working fine but now i have added a button ,once i click on it then a new view appears which has 2 options for 2 countries whose webservices are provided to me ,once i click on one button and see the table view then the list of the previous table view only appears and if i scroll through the whole list then the values changes which is according to the webservice.
So kindly suggest me as in what should be the approach of directly showing the updated tablecells.
[tableView reloadData];
call it explicitly from the secon view, or you can put it in viewWillAppear

add row uitableview-coreData

I have a table view, and I want to add a row, and save it to coredata.
So is this a good practice:
when user clicks the "plus button" on navigation bar, on the screen will appear new view controller, where user can write required data for new row. When the user clicks "done" button, controller by delegation will trigger an addRow method (from RootViewController) which save data to database.
Yes, it does seem fine. The delegation is also responsible for the table view reloading once you added new entry, if your data source is stored in NSArray or other collection.
If you use NSFetchedResultsController, it will reload automatically once detects the changes made to Core Data entity.