MongoDB: Should sharding be enabled from the first day? - mongodb

I'm new to Mongo as well as sharding.
Our app will be served by MongoDB and we expect billions of records to be stored. However, the db will grow slowly, ie it'll probably take years to reach that huge size.
Furthermore, we will mostly use a special encrypted value to look up records. This holds all the info needed to find the given record, ie the primary key, the shard key etc.
My question is: Should we enable sharding from the first day and encrypt shard key + PK? Or could we enable sharding later (when needed) and tell mongo to look up certain records (the ones whose encrypted ID holds no shard key) in the default, "unsharded" collection?
What's the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!


Generating shard key field for multi tenant mongodb app

I'm working on a multi-tenant application running on mongodb. Each tenant can create multiple applications. The schema for most of the collections reference other collections via ObjectIDs. I'm thinking of manually creating a shard key with every record insertion in the following format:
(v3 murmurhash of the record's ObjectId) + (app_id.toHexString())
Is this good enough to ensure that records for any particular application will likely end up on the same shard?
Also, what happens if a particular application grows super large compared to all others on the shard?
If you use a hash based shard key with the input constantly changing (ObjectID can generally be considered to be unique for each record), then you will get no locality of data on shards at all (except by coincidence), though it will give you great write throughput by randomly distributing writes across all shards. That's basically the trade off with this kind of approach, the same is true of the built in hash based sharding, those trade offs don't change just because it is a manual hash constructed of two fields.
Basically because MongoDB uses range based chunks to split up the data for a given shard key you will have sequential ranges of hashes used as chunks in this case. Assuming your hash is not buggy in some way, then the data in a single sequential range will basically be random. Hence, even within a single chunk you will have no data locality, let alone on a shard, it will be completely random (by design).
If you wanted to be able to have applications grouped together in ranges, and hence more likely to be on a particular shard then you would be better off to pre-pend the app_id to make it the leftmost field in a compound shard key. Something like sharding on the following would (based on the limited description) be a good start:
{app_id : 1, _id : 1}
Though the ObjectID is monotonically increasing (more discussion on that here) over time, if there are a decent number of application IDs and you are going to be doing any range based or targeted queries on the ObjectID, then it might still work well though. You may also want to have other fields included based on your query pattern.
Remember that whatever your most common query pattern is, you want to have the shard key (ideally) satisfy it if at all possible. It has to be indexed, it has be used by the mongos to decide to route the query (if not, then it is scatter/gather), so if you are going to constantly query on app_id and _id then the above shard key makes a lot of sense.
If you go with the manual hashed key approach not only will you have a random distribution, but unless you are going to be querying on that hash it's not going to be very useful.

MongoDB and dynamic shard keys

I have been thinking about sharding with MongoDB and came across a use case which I haven't been able to figure out ... so here it is:
If I have documents that look like this one...
_id [Integer]
username [String]
password [String] <-- SHA1 hash
firstname [String]
lastname [String]
...and I now choose the password field as my shard key, it would be a good fit for sharding since it has a very high cardinality and would scale nicely. But the question remains, what happens if a user changes his password? Will the corresponding document be automatically migrated to a different chunk?
Does someone know how MongoDB handles cases like this one?
No, shard keys are immutable.
Consider the mongo documentation, Can I change the shard key after sharding a collection?:
Can I change the shard key after sharding a collection?
There is no automatic support in MongoDB for changing a shard key
after sharding a collection. This reality underscores the importance
of choosing a good shard key. If you must change a shard key
after sharding a collection, the best option is to:
dump all data from MongoDB into an external format.
drop the original sharded collection.
configure sharding using a more ideal shard key.
pre-split the shard key range to ensure initial even distribution.
restore the dumped data into MongoDB.
My understanding of your question is that you asked:
what happens if a user changes his password?
what happens if I change the shard key?
Completely different questions. For the second case the accepted answer is correct.
For your original question:
In shared clusters mongodb has a component called balancer. The balancer will balance your shards and migrate your chunks so they are balanced in size if possible.
Please read: Sharded Cluster Balancer.
So, yes, if user changes their password the corresponding document will be automatically migrated to a different chunk, only if balancer thinks is needed. The balancer takes care of this.
As an important note with the release of new version starting 4.2, the following statement does not apply.
"Once inserted, a document's shard key value cannot be modified" .
So the answer to the question, Can shard key be changed?
Although you cannot select a different shard key for a sharded collection, starting in MongoDB 4.2, you can update a document's shard key value unless the shard key field is the immutable _id field

MongoDB shard key

I've been thinking about selecting the best shard key (through a compound index) for my data and thought the combination of the document creation date combined with a customer no. (or invoice no.) would be a good combination. IF MongoDB would consider the customer no as a string backwards ie.:
90043 => 34009
90044 => 44009
90045 => 54009
Index on the The creation date would ensure that relatively new data are kept in memory and the backward customer no would help MongoDB to distribute the data/load across the cluster.
Is this a correct assumption? and if so... would I need to save my customer no reversed for it to be distributed the way I expect?
Regarding your specific question of "would I need to save my customer no reversed for it to be distributed the way I expect?", no - you would not.
Even with the relatively narrow spread of customer number values you listed, if you use customerNumber in your compound key, MongoDB will break apart the data into chunks and distribute these accordingly. As long as the data associated with customerNumber are relatively evenly distributed (e.g., one user doesn't dominate the system), you will get the shard balancing you desire.
I would consider either your original choice (minus the string reversal) or Dan's choice (using the built-in ObjectId instead of timestamp) as good candidates for your compound key.
from what I have read in the documentation the MongoId is already time based.
Therfore you can add the _id to your compound key like this: (_id, customerid). If you don't need the date in your application, you can just drop the field which would save you some storage.
MongoDB stores the datasets recently used in memory.
The index of a collection will always tried to be stored into RAM.
When an index is too large to fit into RAM, MongoDB must read the
index from disk, which is a much slower operation than reading from
RAM. Keep in mind an index fits into RAM when your server has RAM
available for the index combined with the rest of the working set.
Hope this helps.
Cheers dan
I think the issue with your thinking it that, somehow, you feel Node 1 would be faster than Node 2. Unless the hardware is drastically different then Node 1 and Node 2 would be accessed equally fast and thus reversing the strings would not help you out.
The main issue I see has to do with the number of customers in your system. This can lead to monotonic sharding wherein the last shard is the one always being hit and that can cause excessive splitting and migration. If you have a large number of customers then there is no issue, otherwise you might want to add another key on top of the customer id and date fields to more evenly divide up your content. I have heard of people using random identifiers, hashing the _id or using a GUID to overcome this issue.

Use Native Java UUID.getRandom() as Sharding key and as the _id?

I understand that with a write-heavy application, using the ObjectId is a really bad idea for a sharding key. However, would it be a good idea to use native *UUID.randomUUID() from Java as a Shard key since they are truly random and won't cause hotspotting for a single shard.
These IDs are 128 bit ID and look like :
It's very similar to an ObjectId (96bit int).
Plus, since this is mandatory to have an Index on the _id, the shard key would be the _id and we would save RAM by creating another index for the shard_key. Everything collection would be ready for sharding.
Is it for performances issues within Mongod or for disk/ram space problem?
The collision rate for a UUID is (from wikipedia) :
only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for the next 100 years, the probability of creating just one duplicate would be about 50%. The probability of one duplicate would be about 50% if every person on earth owns 600 million UUIDs.
Using UUID would distribute your write access across the shards but you would have no query isolation, so you'll have less than optimum results with your queries. The fastest queries are the one answered by only one shard.
That would help to know what is in your collection to help you more efficiently.
Using UUIDs is perfectly ok (provided that you are only going to lookup those documents by their primary/shard key). One of the purposes of shard key is to group related documents together. If we're building, say, flickr, our shard key would start with user_id, so that photos of a user sit together on one shard. If your documents are not related and primary key is also a shard key, then there's no problem.
You may run into a problem due to, which is slated to be fixed in the next release.

Why does ObjectId make sharding easier in MongoDB?

I keep reading that using an ObjectId as the unique key makes sharding easier, but I haven't seen a relatively detailed explanation as to why that is. Could someone shed some light on this?
The reason I ask is that I want to use an english string (which will be unique obviously) as the unique key, but want to make sure that it won't tie my hands later on.
I've just recently been getting familiar with mongoDB myself so take this with a grain of salt but I suspect that sharding is probably more efficient when using ObjectId rather that your own key values because of the fact that part of the ObjectId will point out which machine or shard that the document was created on. The bottom of this page in the mongo docs explains what each portion of the ObjectId means.
I asked this question on Mongo user list and basically the reply was that it's OK to generate your own value of _id and it will not make sharding more difficult. For me sometimes it's necessary to have numeric values on _id like when I'm going to use them in url, so I'm generating my own _id in some collections.
ObjectId is designed to be globally unique. So, when used as a primary key and a new record is appended to the dataset without primary key value, then each shard can generate a new objectid and not worry about collisions with other shards. This somewhat simplifies life for everyone :)
Shard key does not have to be unique. We can't conclude that sharding a collection based on object id is always efficient .
Actually, ObjectID is probably a poor choice for a shard key.
From the docs ( the section on "Write Scaling"):
"[T]he most significant bits of [an ObjectID] represent a time stamp, which means that they increment in a regular and predictable pattern. [Therefore] all insert operations will be storing data into a single chunk, and therefore, a single shard. As a result, the write capacity of this shard will define the effective write capacity of the cluster."
In other words, because every OID sorts "bigger" than the one created immediately before it, an inserts that are keyed by OID will land on the same machine, and the write I/O capacity of that one machine will be the total I/O of your entire cluster. (This is true not just of OIDs, but any predictable key -- timestamps, autoincrementing numbers, etc.)
Contrariwise, if you chose a random string as your shard key, writes would tend to distribute evenly over the cluster, and your throughput would be the total I/O of the whole cluster.
(EDIT to be complete: with an OID shard key, as new records landed on the "rightmost" shard, the balancer would handle moving them elsewhere, so they would eventually end up on other machines. But that doesn't solve the I/O problem; it actually makes it worse.)