How to get $HOME in MinGW to not be /c - windows-xp

Any chance that being logged in as Administrator would change how mingw installs? I am running XP. My home directory turns out to be /c, not something in /home`.
Details: Having failed once, I removed MinGW package (mingw-get-inst-20120426) then reinstalled it. During the install of MinGW I chose every option and elected to download latest packages.
I checked my Start->Programs->Mingw->MinGW Shell properties. it is starting C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat and the start-in directory is C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin. I have determined that / is C:\MinGW\msys\1.0.
But when I run the bat, at the mingw prompt echo $HOME says /c. And there is no directory named /home. echo $USERNAME = Administrator.
Can someone tell me what I did to end up with no $HOME? Do I need to make a *nix user? Or perhaps remove migw and create an XP user and use that user to reinstall mingw?

This was caused by having a Windows environment variable named HOME. It was a leftover from somehting unrelated. Once I deleted it and reinstalled mingw (without deleting the existing one) my home became /home/Administrator. Pity about the capital A, though.

In msys type cd ..
Now you're in a not really existent directory /home .
If you type cd usr
Now you're in a not really existent directory /home/usr .
you will not find home or usr in your c:\msys\1.0 directory.
MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally UNIX tools to be present.
An example would be building a library that uses the autotools build system. Users will typically run "./configure" then "make" to build it. The configure shell script requires a shell script interpreter which is not present on Windows systems, but provided by MSYS.
A common misunderstanding is MSYS is "UNIX on Windows", MSYS by itself does not contain a compiler or a C library, therefore does not give the ability to magically port UNIX programs over to Windows nor does it provide any UNIX specific functionality like case-sensitive filenames.

My case: I could not find ~/msys/1.0/home/user (user is my user name)
It is resolved - the following is what I discovered.
MinGW/MSYS usually creates a home folder under C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/user if you install them as usual (accepting the defaults) and you executes msys.bat successfully. However, it does not create if you happened to have an environment variable called HOME. I think it was a left over from my old project.
First, check your home folder by $pwd -W ($ is a command prompt.)
Remove HOME environment variable.
Execute msys.bat again.
Now, check where your home folder by $pwd -W
Note: Don't need to reinstall MinGW/MSYS.
(a debtor)<><


Adding perl script to module distribution and making it accessible globally

I'm wondering if there is a tutorial or simple way to add perl scripts which I've written to be accessible to the user globally.
for eg. you apps like Carton, Cpanm, much like how npm has an npm install -g option.
I tried placing my scripts in the bin directory of my perl package but its not working.
The App::* area of cpan contains installable tools and utilities. Looking at a small one, like App::p I saw that its structure looked like it contained a Makefile.PL that used ExtUtils::MakeMaker to define how to build test and install the relatively small perl script.
However, if you're talking about just taking a script you wrote and making it something executable by you, the user, then it's basically the same way all scripting works (apologies if you weren't asking this):
One Unix, Linux and Mac OS X when using a shell like bash:
Any file can be made executable to the user by running chmod u+x filename
An executable file should start with a magic number, for plain text files containing scripts, the shebang is that number. So start your files with (as covered in man perlintro):
use strict;
use warnings;
When specifying an executable file from the command line you can type in the full path, possibly with conveniences from your shell. EG the file is at $HOME/myscripts/ you can type that at the prompt, the expanded /home/username/myscripts/ (/Users/username/myscripts/ on Mac OS X) or ~/myscripts/ at a bash prompt. Or if is in your current working directory: ./
If you just type sh and bash and many shells will search your PATH variable in order and run the first in any of the specified paths.
So if echo $PATH gives you something like: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin and you want the example in point 3 to work with just you should
Either move the file into one of those directories (not recommended).
Or add export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/myscripts to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file or likewise for your preferred shell. Be sure to open a new login shell session, EG close that terminal window and open a new one.
On Windows, this is an exercise left to the reader. ☺

Eclipse PyDev use remote interpreter

is there a posibility to make eclipse PyDev use a remote Python interpreter?
I would like to do this, as the Linux Server I want to connect to has several optimization solvers (CPLEX, GUROBI etc.) running, that my script uses.
Currently I use eclipse locally to write the scripts, then copy all the files to the remote machine, log in using ssh and execute the scripts there with "python".
Instead I hope to click the "run" button and just have everything executed within my eclipse IDE.
Unfortunately no. You can remotely connect to your Linux server via Remote System Explorer (RSE). But can't use it as a remote interpreter. I use Pycharm. You can use the free Community Edition or the Professional Edition for which you have to pay for it. It is not that expensive and it has been working great for me.
As Adel says, this is probably not possible with the Remote System Explorer, or the normal Run button,
but you can automate the process you currently use. I had to do this for a few weeks when the fan was broken
in my laptop, and doing any significant computation there made it overheat and poweroff, so I just ran
everything on my work machine.
You can use the External Tools mechanism to run a short script that syncs your code to the remote server,
runs your script, then syncs back any output files to your local machine. My script looks like this,
is stored in $HOME/bin/, and is executable (chmod +x
fp="$1" # Local path to the script we want to run--for now,
# this is the only command I pass in from Eclipse, but you could add others if so inclined.
# My home directory is a little different on my local machine than on the remote,
# but otherwise things are in the same place. Adjust as needed.
fp=`python -c "print '$fp'.replace('/home/tsbertalan', '/home/oakridge/bertalan')"`
# Run the synchronization. I use Unison, but you could use something else,
# like two calls to rsync, or a series of scp commands.
reposync >/dev/null # The redirection assumes your sync command will print errors properly on stderr.
cd='cd '`dirname $fp`
# I use a virtual environment on the remote server, since I don't have root access to install
# packages globally. But this could be any set-up command you want to run on the remote.
# A good alternative would be `source $HOME/.profile` or `~/.bashrc`.
act='source /home/oakridge/bertalan/bin/activate'
fname="`basename $fp`"
cmd="$act ; $cd ; python $fname"
# Run the command remotely. The -X forwards X11 windows, so you can see your Matplotlib plots.
# One difficulty with this method is that you might not see all your output just as it is created.
ssh -X "$cmd"
sleep 1
# My synchronization script is bidirectional, but you could just use rsync with the arguments flipped.
reposync >/dev/null
If you don't use linux or OSX locally, you'll probably have to use MinGW or Cygwin or whatever to get
this working. Or, since you appear to have a working Python interpreter, you could write an
equivalent script in Python, make it executable (by the file properties dialog in Explorer, I think),
and add a #!/path/to/python line at the top. I don't use Windows regularly, so I can't really help with that.
To use this in Eclipse, go to Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations.... Add a new tools
whose Location is the path to your script, and whose first Argument is ${resource_loc}.
You can then use it with Run > External Tools > [first item], or bind it to a keyboard shortcut (I used F12)
by going to Windows > Preferences > Keys, and searching for "Run Last Launched External Tool". Presumably you'll
have to go through the menus first to make this the "Last Launched" external tool.

How do I get eshell working correctly in emacs?

For some reason, when I type in commands I'm used to on linux, it works perfectly, as it does in bash... But in eshell, it doesn't work.
I've narrowed the problem to a trivial and small sample, as follows:
$ du
c:/Program: command not found
$ which bash
c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/bash.exe
How do I get this working? (du is whatever it is by default... It's implemented in elisp, I haven't made any unusual changes there, that is, it's a compiled lisp function in `em-unix.el')
I would've expected something along the lines of "You have used 1.3 GiB of disk space", rather than that command not found error.
It doesn't use bash.exe, but it can use du.exe, when present.
On my system:
c: gutov $ which bash.exe
which: no bash.exe in ...
c: gutov $ which du.exe
From your error message I can tell that it calls some command and fails because it doesn't properly quote the path to executable (which contains spaces). Maybe you should do M-x report-emacs-bug.
Overall, I recommend:
1) Uninstall Git and reinstall it selecting the second option when asked about your PATH environment ("Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt"). This will remove the unix tools packaged with it from PATH.
2) Install in some directory without spaces and add to PATH unix tools from GnuWin32 project, or from Eli Zaretski's ports. The latter contains fewer packages overall, but it has a much faster find, for example. You can mix them.
Alternatively, maybe you can get away with just reinstalling Git into directory without spaces.

how to change PATH vars on my iPhone console?

I installed a terminal i my iPhone and I'm trying to install some utilities on it. To achieve it the only thing I have left is to change the order of the PATH variables on the system but I cannot find the place where they're stored.
When I write $PATH I get
I need to edit the path so the /usr/bin appears before of /usr/local/bin.
I've read sites where they tell me to edit ~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc, ~/.profile or /etc/paths but none of them exist on my system (in fact in ~ there's just .bash_history and some unimportant directories)
I access to my iPhone (iOS 4.2.1) through ssh from a Leopard MacBook
Any ideas? Thanks
If your .bashrc doesn't exist, you should be able to create it and set it in there:
export PATH
It would appear that you are indeed using bash as your shell since you have a .bash_history, but if you are using a separate shell it could be a separate file.

Eclipse CDT created makefile cannot "clean" on Windows

I have a makefile project with makefiles generated by Eclipse CDT (Helios, MinGW). The "clean" command does not work because the "del" command is executed with arguments like ./src/myfile.o, but on Windows this doesn't work (should be .\src\myfile.o).
How can I either tell Eclipse to use the Windows Path Separator or otherwise maybe replace the command "del" by something different (I could easily write a batch script which replaces the forward-slashes by backslashes)?
Thanks for any hints!
There is simple solution, create a makefile.defs file in your project's main directory with the following content:
RM := rm -rf
Basically this file lets you override variables from auto-generated makefile and RM is wrapper for remove command.
The best option is to download and install GnuUtils
and add the installed directory (C:\ProgramFile???\GnuWin32\bin)to your windows path and restart eclipse.Eclipse should execute rm-rf now...if it still doesnt ...restart windows and check your path again to see if it has \GnuWin32\bin ...then restart eclipse...
in your msys bin directory (C:\msys\1.0\bin on my machine) create a copy of rm.exe and rename it del.exe.
this is a hack. i am not familiar with the differences between the rm and del arguments. the base functionality is there. (delete file1 file2 filen)
in windows there is no del.exe, the delete functionality is built into CMD.exe. eclipse runs the commands in the msys shell which does not have the del functionality. this prevents you from adding a path to eclipse in which to search for del.exe.
i tried many different things to get the managed make to put "RM := rm" in the makefile but failed.
Edit the makefiles to use the mingw rm command instead?
Before you rename rm.exe to del.exe, check the path in Eclipse. The path has to have Unix path separators (forward slash, /) and not the Windows path separator (backslash, \).
This has fixed the problem on my side.