How can I use the output from mongodump to populate another database? - mongodb

I recently used mongodump to copy my production database named app_production. I copied the dump files to another machine, and I would like to use mongorestore to copy all the dump data into a database named app_development. How can I do this?


how to decompress .sql extension file in windows server

I have taken full backup of postgresql database which consists of 100 databases. The backup format is .sql (eg pg_dumpall.exe -U postgres > D:\Backup\fullbkp.sql) now one of my database got crashed and I want to extract this file to get that database backup only for restoration.
I have searched a lot but couldn't find any way to decompress so that I can get that particular database from full backup file.
Please suggest !!!!
Such a backup is not compressed. Also, it contains a backup of all databases in th cluster, and there is no easy way to extract a single database.
Create a new PostgreSQL cluster with initdb, restore the dump there using psql, then use pg_dump to extract the single database you need.

How to export the database of the mongodb with gzip file extension

I'm using mongodb for saving the data for my application and I want to backup of that database in gzip file I searched for it and I found question posted by the other users
I used these commands but that will not me the expected output I want the command that will create my database gzip compress file and using extraction I will restore that database folder into the mongodb
currently I'm using this below command
mongodump --db Database --gzip --archive=pathDatabase.gz
which will create a compression of .gz while I extract it it will show me nothing.
Can you please give me a command that I will use it or any suggestions will appreciated.
When you use mongodump --db Database --gzip --archive=pathDatabase.gz You will create 1 archive file (it does not create a folder) for the specified DB and compress it with gzip. Resulting file will be pathDatabase.gz in your current directory.
To restore from such file, you'd do this
mongorestore --gzip --archive=pathDatabase.gz
This will restore the db "Database" with all its collection.
You can check out these MongoDB documentation pages for more info
Edit: Removed --db flag from restore command as it is not supported when used with --archive.
mongodump --archive=/path/to/archive.gz --gzip will actually create an archive which interleaves the data from all your collections in a single file. Each block of data is then compressed using gzip.
That file can not be read by any other tool than mongorestore, and you need to use identical flags (i.e. mongorestore --archive=/path/to/archive.gz --gzip), which you can use to restore your dump on another deployment.
The resulting archive can not be extracted using gunzip or tar.
If you need to change the target namespace, then you should use the --nsFrom, --nsTo and --nsInclude options in order to use a different database name.

How to add Files on my computer into local mongodb collection

I have a folder in my computer containing a list of files in json and bson format to be added into my local mongodb. The name of the db is sahaj_dev. This is the image of the list of files on my computer
I have to add all these files to my sahaj_dev database as collections of that database.
How can I do it. I am not sure whether to use mongoimport or mongostore. I am new to mongodb. Kindly help me out with the command to be used. Thanks. This is the image of database to which I have to add all the files
I found the answer for it. I have to use the mongorestore command. The syntax of it is
mongorestore -d <db_name> <location of the folder>
This would restore all the files in the folder and create respective collections for it in the local mongoDB

How to dump PostgreSQL database structure (each object in separate file)

I'm using Postgres 8.4 and I want to dump database structure (no data). Is is possible to get each object (table, view, function etc.) in a separate file, NOT EVERYTHING in one file???
Use newer version of pg_dump (at least version 9.1) and you can dump to a directory using --format=directory
This will create a directory with one file for each table and blob
being dumped

How to perform one-time DB sync to another DB in MongoDB?

I have separate development and production MongoDB servers and I want to keep actual data in development server for sometime. What I should use for it: mongodump, mongoimport or something else?
Clarification: I want to copy data from production to development.
If it's a one time-thing
and you want fine control over parameters such as which collections to sync, you should use:
mongodump to dump bson files of your Production DB to your local machine
mongorestore to then, retrieve the dumped BSON files in your Local DB
Otherwise you should check out mongo-sync
It's a script I wrote for my self when I had to constantly copy my Local MongoDB database to and from my Production DB for a Project (I know it's stupid).
Once you put your DB details in config.yml, you can start syncing using two simple commands:
./mongo-sync push # Push DB to Remote
./mongo-sync pull # Pull DB to Local
If you use it inside some project, it's a good idea to add config.yml to .gitignore
You can use the db.copyDatabase(...) or db.cloneDatabase(...) commands:
This is faster than mongodump / mongorestore because it skips creating the bson representation on disk.
When you want the dev database to look exactly like the production database, you can just copy the files. I am currently running a setup where I synchronize my MongoDB database between my desktop and my notebook with dropbox - even that works flawless.