Extra text getting added after description when sharing on Facebook - facebook

So I have an application with a "Share on Facebook" link that is working great EXCEPT there is some text that gets added from the site's Terms & Conditions after the description and I can't for the life of me figure out where it's coming from! It doesn't appear anywhere on the page itself.
App details blurred out since it's not yet launched:
Here's the code I'm using to generate the link:
Any FB gurus out there have any ideas as to what I'm missing?

Figured it out, I should have been using "description" instead of "caption". It makes sense given Facebook's info on what to use these fields for: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/attachments/
Leaving this up for Google in case anyone has the same problem :)


Facebook like button press does not stay liked

I'm working on a site for a client. The site is built in Joomla and is using a Facebook like button on each page. When a user clicks a like button it unclicks itself after a second or two.
I've seen several similar problems here but none have provided enough insight to help me figure out what to do to fix this problem.
I ran the page through the Facebook debugger:
but I don't have a clue how to figure out what that result is telling me. The URL I used as a test in the debugger is:
Anyone know what I need to do to fix this problem? It seems to happen regardless of what like box I put on the site (I've tried three different ones so far).
My sincere thanks for any help!
When I clicked the like button, a small 'CONFIRM' link appeared under the "Like" widget, i had to click the 'CONFIRM' link (which brought up a dialog box asking me to confirm that I liked the page) in order to get the "Like" to stick.
See image
Facebook sometimes makes the arbitrary determination that your page is 'spammy' and adds extra precautions like 'CONFIRM'. That may be part of what is going on.
The code is reentrant and the developer is flipping the bit instead of verifying the current state with a conditional before setting the value. (This is a common coding mistake. Too common.)

Facebook comment plugin doesn't work at all

I inserted the facebook code where required and absolutely nothing happens or shows up. Using dreamweaver cs6 and in live view or when testing in ANY browser, nothing shows up. It's a blank box. ANy thoughts? I read somewhere that the website must be made into an application of facebook? Is this something?
Specifically, after activating the plugin and properly connecting the plugin to the facebook app,which does work and has been used extensively before hand, comments simply fail to load. There is no comment box, no past comments pull in either (note the app has historical comments already).
In the plugin settings area on the right side of the screen where the comments check box exists, there is a read more link that takes you to the facebook developers page where it discusses adding the facebook comments iframe.
If there is some other location where comment settings might also exist (past the three fields that require the 2 keys and the app name) I could not find them and this was not referenced in the plugin setup.

Need help - FB Like button does not post to wall

Hello fellow community members,
I was unable to find a helpful answer, so I will give this a try: I recently developed a website that has a FB "Recommend" (same as "Like") button implemented. I have never dealt with this before, hence my complete lack of knowledge.
Now, I implemented the code the FB developer's Like page (--> http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/) creates correctly into the website (both the script and the DIV-tag, yet something that is not automatically generated seems to be missing and needs to be added for the button to work correctly. It currently does not post to the FB wall.
Upon doing a debugging check, I received the following results: [...]
Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do with that data. How and where exactly in the HTML code do I implement those missing TAGS and PROPERTIES? Any help would be highly appreciated...
Kind regards & many thanks in advance, :-)
It looks like you're missing the Open Graph meta tags. Those go into the head of your page.
Facebook has a generator to help you create the tags, but you'll need to add them into your markup.

Facebook Like + Send button broken?

On the facebook documentation page if you click the "Send" button in the default example, it pops open a new window that looks to be just the like/send button repeated.
I take it this is because it's broken in some way, either that or my browser (and that of my colleagues is severely broken)
Does anyone else suffer from the same fate? Does anyone have a fix?
Side note - on our website this was working fine yesterday, it appears to be a new issue.
There's a bug report about that: Send button opens new tab.
Also, looks like there are a few issues with the button as you can see in the bugs tagged with Send Button
I haven't voted you down (I rarely do), and I have no idea what were the reasons for that, but it is better to first research before asking a question here, as you can see it was easy to locate the bug(s) in the official facebook bugging report system, also if you search here you'll find more questions regarding this issue (and a few from today).
Yes, I have found that the code issued by Facebook for combination Send/Button is not working as of Sept. 27 2013. The Send button throws up a blank screen, instead of the Facebook email dialog box. This code from here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ did not work. Note this applies to JavaScript code, not old IFRAME code which is being deprecated.
To see a full description with images, check out link below for a solution

How do you remove the "box head" in a Facebook application?

I'm currently developing a Facebook application which will eventually end up on a Facebook Page. The problem is that I don't know how to remove the box header (handle?) with the application name and the close-button.
I've seen other applications on Pages being able to remove the header. Look at Apples Page here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Apple-Students/11147074409
Is it because they use an IFrame? I've tried that as well but I still need to call setFBML and embed an IFrame inside it.
I think you're right about the IFrame in the Apple page. It looks like the entire left column is a single IFrame. Still, it's not clear how they managed to get rid of the handle bar. Now I'm curious too...
Is is possible that Apple paid facebook to remove the header you are talking about?
Maybe it's a special case and they have a special API/UI for people who are willing to give them cash money?
I wrote a Facebook application a while back and I do not believe it has what you are calling a box header on it: http://apps.facebook.com/photoisland/. The application is configured to run entirely in an IFrame and I am not using FBML at all.
I've finally found out how to get an IFrame without a header just like Apple does.
You have to sign a special deal with Facebook to get it... however this deal doesn't come cheap so it's out of question for most companies. :(