Google Analytics: Post transaction iOS - iphone

I want to send some information about my application via Google analytics for iOS. When I'm sending regular events they are successfully coming to the server. But Ecommerce unfortunately won't. Despite the fact that I did it strictly to Google API
Here is the way that I'm doing this:
GAITransaction *transaction =
[GAITransaction transactionWithId:orderId // (NSString) Transaction ID, should be unique.
withAffiliation:#"appname"]; // (NSString) Affiliation
transaction.taxMicros = (int64_t)(0 * 1000000); // (int64_t) Total tax (in micros)
transaction.shippingMicros = (int64_t)(0); // (int64_t) Total shipping (in micros)
transaction.revenueMicros = (int64_t)(**price** * 1000000);
[transaction addItemWithCode:#"orderIos"
priceMicros:(int64_t)(self._price * 1000000)
quantity:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] ];
[[GAI sharedInstance].defaultTracker sendTransaction:transaction];
Why this code doesn't work?
it works but you should sett revenue in micros as price * quantity. without this field analytics thinks that you transaction is 0


MSCRM Retrieve Multiple PlugIn limits the other Retrievemultiple uery

In my scenario, there is a plugin (Retrieve Multiple) on Annotation. This plugin is nothing just a part of BLOB Storage solution(used for Attachment Management solution provided by Microsoft). So, it is clear that in our CRM, MicrosoftlLabsAzureBlobstorage is being used.
Now, I am executing a console app which retrieves multiple annotations through Query Expression. When it tries to fetch records around 500 or 600, it throws below error.
{The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Hosts are currently
available. Please check that you have a Sandbox server configured and
that it is running.\r\nSystem.ServiceModel.CommunicationException:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for
administrators or support: #AFF51A0F"}
When I fetch specific records or very less records, it executes fine.
So, I my question is that is there any limitation in number for Rerieve Multiple Query ? if retrievemultiple PlugIn exists ?
Is there any other clue that I am not able to find ?
To work around this conflict, in your console application code you may want to try retrieving smaller pages of annotations, say 50 at a time, and loop through the pages to process them all.
This article provides sample code for paging a QueryExpression.
Here's the abridged version of that sample:
// The number of records per page to retrieve.
int queryCount = 3;
// Initialize the page number.
int pageNumber = 1;
// Initialize the number of records.
int recordCount = 0;
// Create the query expression
QueryExpression pagequery = new QueryExpression();
pagequery.EntityName = "account";
pagequery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("name", "emailaddress1");
// Assign the pageinfo properties to the query expression.
pagequery.PageInfo = new PagingInfo();
pagequery.PageInfo.Count = queryCount;
pagequery.PageInfo.PageNumber = pageNumber;
// The current paging cookie. When retrieving the first page,
// pagingCookie should be null.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = null;
while (true)
// Retrieve the page.
EntityCollection results = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(pagequery);
if (results.Entities != null)
// Retrieve all records from the result set.
foreach (Account acct in results.Entities)
Console.WriteLine("{0}.\t{1}\t{2}", ++recordCount, acct.Name,
// Check for more records, if it returns true.
if (results.MoreRecords)
// Increment the page number to retrieve the next page.
// Set the paging cookie to the paging cookie returned from current results.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = results.PagingCookie;
// If no more records are in the result nodes, exit the loop.
This page has more info and another sample.

Why not get total paypal account balance but available balance?

GetBalanceReq req = new GetBalanceReq();
GetBalanceRequestType reqType = new GetBalanceRequestType();
* (Optional) Indicates whether to return all currencies. It is
* one of the following values: 0 Return only the balance for
* the primary currency holding. 1 Return the balance for each
* currency holding.
// 0Return only the balance for the primary currency holding
// 1Return the balance for each currency holding
// Return the balance is valiable balance not total balance
GetBalanceResponseType resp = service.getBalance(req);
The getbalance can only get paypal merchant account balances are available, and I want to get to paypal merchant account balance.
What should I do to get the total balance to paypal merchant account?

PayPal Merchant SDK GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails not returning buyer's email or phone number

I'm using the PayPal Merchant SDK for .NET (v 2.15.117) and am trying to retrieve the shipping address info, customer's email address, and phone number from the GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequestType.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails call. The shipping address is populated as expected but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the buyer's email or phone number. At a minimum we have to have the email to communicate about the order (ie tracking emails).
I see a BuyerMarketingEmail property but it is null and I am under the impression that is an optional email the buyer can choose to provide. For phone, I see a PayerInfo.ContactPhone property but that is also null (and I'm less concerned about having that but it would be nice for customer service issues or to give to ground shippers like FedEx).
I am using the PayPal sandbox if that matters.
What am I missing?
var getExpressCheckoutDetails = new GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq();
var getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest = new GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequestType(token);
getExpressCheckoutDetails.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest = getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest;
var service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
paypalResponse = service.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(getExpressCheckoutDetails);
if (paypalResponse != null)
//Success values check for a matching PayerID to validate the token response
if (paypalResponse.Ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS") &&
PayerID == paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.PayerID)
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingName = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Name;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingAddress1 = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Street1;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingAddress2 = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Street2;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingCity = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.CityName;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingState = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.StateOrProvince;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingZip = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.PostalCode;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingCountry = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Country.ToString();
//these next two are always null
checkout.BillingInfo.Email = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.BuyerMarketingEmail;
checkout.ShippingInfo.PhoneNumber = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.ContactPhone;
Thought I'd post an answer to wrap this up -
As stated above in my comment to the original question, the email address of the buyer is PayerInfo.Payer.
Also, suddenly/magically, PayerInfo.ContactPhone began returning the phone number instead of null. I can only chalk that up to something in the Sandbox environment or my sandbox user account.

Error 500 when calling payment creation via REST API

I trying the new Paypal REST API and want integrate it in sandbox mode into a simple site just to see is it possible to implement one of the following payment flows:
1) user fills the payment form, including credit card information
2) user clicks Buy
3) browser stores credit card information in paypal vault via REST API for credit cards (card id used later).
4) browser creates payment for the purchase via REST API call.
5) browser calls app server to ensure that purchase is going on.
5) browser redirects user to url provided by paypal.
6) when user consent/approval received at paypal website, and site redirected back to welcome page,
7) under the hood the IPN callback receives the conformation of payment and marks purchase as paid
8) user obtains access to the service app provides
Flow 2
1) user fills the payment form, including credit card information
2) user clicks Buy
4) browser creates payment for the purchase via REST API call.
5) browser calls app server to ensure that purchase is going on.
5) browser redirects user to url provided by paypal.
6) when user consent/approval received at paypal website, and site redirected back to welcome page,
7) under the hood the IPN callback receives the conformation of payment and marks purchase as paid and uses a bit more pf purchase details like credit card type and last 4 digits to add this info to my purchase object.
8) user obtains the access to services the application provides
8) user obtains access to the service app provides
Reasons to implement all this in such way
Mostly I going this path because i don't want deal with all this PCI compliance, and hones;ty i don't care where customers of my app live, which exactly card numbers they used, or when the card expire, since i don't want use automated subscription like payment, i want use different model:
user gets some pats of service for free, but to use rest of service, user buys time intervals of improved access (e. g. X months or 1 year).
This is what i trying to implement without storing credit cards information or storing as less as possible (paypal credit card id is enough i guess).
Can i implement all this with Paypal REST API?
What i trying to do:
PaypalAdapter.prototype.sendCreditCardPayment = function (amount, description, creditCard, success, failure) {
var ccNumberResult = this.impl.validator.validateCardNumber(creditCard.number);
if (!ccNumberResult.success) {
return this.impl.$q.reject(ccNumberResult);
var cardInfo = {
number: ccNumberResult.number,
type: ccNumberResult.type,
expire_month: creditCard.expireMonth,
expire_year: String(creditCard.expireYear),
cvv2: creditCard.securityCode,
first_name: creditCard.firstName,
last_name: creditCard.lastName
var self = this;
var defer = self.impl.$q.defer();
function cardTokenCreated(cardTokenReply) {
var paymentSettings = {
intent: self.PaymentIntents.Sale,
redirect_urls: {
return_url: self.urls.returnUrl,
cancel_url: self.urls.cancelUrl
payer: {
payment_method: self.PayMethods.CreditCard,
funding_instruments: [
credit_card_token: {
transactions: [
amount: {
total: String(amount.toFixed(2)),
currency: self.currencyCode
description: description
self.impl.createPaymentAPI(paymentSettings, function paymentCreated(payment) {
}, function failedToCreatePayment(pcErr) {
function failedToStoreCard(ctErr) {
return defer.promise.then(success, failure);
To keep context more clean, here some more pieces of code:
var defaultHeaders = {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + securityContext.tokens.paypal.access_token,
Accept: 'application/json'
var createPaymentResource = $resource(securityContext.configuration.paypal.endPoint + 'payments/payment', {}, {
sendPayment : {
headers: defaultHeaders
var saveCreditCardResource = $resource(securityContext.configuration.paypal.endPoint + "vault/credit-cards", {}, {
storeCreditCard: {
method: 'POST',
headers: defaultHeaders
function storeCardFunc(cardInfo, success, failure) {
return saveCreditCardResource.storeCreditCard(null, cardInfo, success, failure);
function createPaymentFunc(paymentInformation, success, failure) {
return createPaymentResource.sendPayment(null, paymentInformation, success, failure);
var adapter = new PaypalAdapter($q, securityContext, creditCardValidator, storeCardFunc, createPaymentFunc);
return adapter;
Current "Results"
What i getting:
1) I can store credit card into vault via REST API.
2) i getting error 500 on try to create payment whether i use plain credit card properties to fill credit card funding instrument or try to use credit card token instead.
What i'm doing wrong?
My mistake is a sort of logical with a lack of knowledge.
1) The direct credit cards payments (weather user approves them manually (with intent 'order' and payment_method = 'credit_card'), or not ('sale' intent and payment method 'credit_card') are not available for my country (Republic of Georgia). This is a single reason for the error i see.
Discovered this via Paypal account pages at website... It is a frustrating thing. Especially with all this too cryptic "internal server error". I t would be VERY helpful if Paypal would provide at least an informative message "Requested feature not available for your account" with info link to that page with available/enabled features.
Also documentation s a bit broken - some fields like first_name or last_name of payer object of order/payment request are NOT expected by the /payments/payment endpoint...

delayed chained payment

Can anyone tell me how to automatically execute a delayed payment (let's say it's 5 days after the primary receiver receive the payment) in a chained payment manner? The key is automatic execution, not having to manually approve and pay the secondary receiver. Please illuminate with some sample code.
I have used "actionType" => "PAY_PRIMARY" so that primary receiver get money.
But how can I code so that secondary receiver get money?
Check this answer for the solution. Basically you just need to execute an ExecutePayment operation with the payKey within 90 days to send the payment to the secondary party.
actionType is PAY_PPRIMARY
you then trigger this payment within 90 days.
Its delayed but not time-elapsed.
well may be its too late but it will help someone in future for sure.
As we integrated paypal delayed chained payment, you can set a primary account in which all the amount will go and you can also set secondary account in which account will be transfered once they approved by primary account holder.
string endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "Pay";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
//NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY";
//the above one is for simple adoptive payment payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY_PRIMARY";
//the above one for deleayed chained payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.currencyCode] = "USD";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.feesPayer] = "EACHRECEIVER";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.memo] = "XXXXXXXX";
Now we have to set primary and secondary receivers:
//primary account
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_0] = TotalAmount;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_0] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_0] = "true";
//secondary accounts
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_1] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_1] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_1] = "false";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_2] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_2] =;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_2] = "false";
Don't forget that you have to give a valid paypal account while using delayed chained payment.
Now you get your pay_key which you have to use to execute your payment whithin 90 days so that other secondary receivers get money.
Here is the working code:
String endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "ExecutePayment";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
//requestEnvelope.errorLanguage is common for all the request
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.ExecutePayment.payKey] = "your pay key";
string strrequestforNvp = NVPRequest.Encode();
//calling Call method where actuall API call is made, NVP string, header value adne end point are passed as the input.
CallerServices_NVP CallerServices = new CallerServices_NVP();
string stresponsenvp = CallerServices.Call(strrequestforNvp, Constants_Common.headers(), endpoint);
//Response is send to Decoder method where it is decoded to readable hash table
NVPHelper decoder = new NVPHelper();
if (decoder != null && decoder["responseEnvelope.ack"].Equals("Success") && decoder["paymentExecStatus"].Equals("COMPLETED"))
//do something
Hope it will help someone.