eclipse ide svn network connection using tor - eclipse

I am working on a project where we use a remote subversion server. The server uses the port 9090. I can access the server from my home PC. However, when I am in school, I don't have access probably due to the firewall used in here. So, I used a proxy server "Tor" and I managed to successfully connect to the server from the Tor browser.
Now Problem is how can I configure Eclipse to connect to the SVN server through the Tor proxy.
Thanks for your help.

You need http proxy for eclipse try FreeGate proxy (with wine if the operating system is Linux)


SSL handshake failed remote host closed connection during handshake in Eclipse

I am trying to create a repository in Eclipse. The code that I need is hosted in a VisualSVN server. I am trying to use its trunk URL as the repository location, but when I try to connect to the URL through Eclipse's SVN plug-in, it fails with error SSL handshake failed.
I am using a proxy server.
I have seen solutions mentioning modifying the settings like so:
Source: Remote host closed connection during handshake during web service communicaiton
I figured out my issue. I had to open my network connection settings in Eclipse and change the 'Active Provider' to manual instead of native. I had to do this because my visual svn server was not allowing me to connect to it through a proxy server, and native was using the proxy.
(also, I checked this at the get-go but it was not showing my proxy server for some reason in eclipse's network connection dialog box)
Update SVN plug-in that you use in Eclipse. It seems that it is very outdated.
Try setting the TLS/SSL compatibility level to Legacy in VisualSVN Server's settings.

Eclipse unable to connect to internet when using a VPN

Eclipse is unable to connect to the internet when I am using a VPN.
The VPN I am using is:
I have no issues when I try browsing the web using the VPN.
If I try to do something like access the Eclipse Marketplace I get an error saying connection fails and it suggests I should check my internet connection and retry.
I have tried restarting eclipse many times. I have tried changing my network connection preferences in eclipse (Direct, Manual, Native).
I don't really understand why connecting to a VPN should have any effect on eclipse.
Maybe, you have not set proxy (and login credentials) in the eclipse.

Aws backend code debugging

I deployed my backend code(used framework is drop-wizard) in the form of jar file on AWS(Amazon Web service) server. I want to know is it possible to debug that jar file(jar file deployed on the AWS server) using eclipse on my local pc?? If yes than please display the way of how to do it??
Looking for a good response
First, you need to start your application with remote debugging
enabled. With dropwizard, you are typically starting the application
on a server with:
java -jar myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Change this to:
java -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=9999,server=y,suspend=n -jar myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This sets up Java to listen for remote debugging sessions on port
9999. Make sure you choose a port that's not blocked by firewalls or
your AWS security configuration.
Next, you have to configure Eclipse to connect to the remote
application for debugging. In Eclipse, right click on the project and
select Debug, Debug Configuration. Create a new configuration of
Remote Java Application. Set the host to your AWS server and the port
to 9999, as above.
Now you should be able to set a breakpoint in your code and start a
debug session on the remote server.

Access local network SVN through Web VPN

I'm facing some problems using VPN Web authentication:
We have a local protected network on which an https SVN server runs.
Accessing it locally within Eclipse makes no problems.
We have external people which have to access this SVN through Web VPN.
The problem is, this web VPN only works in the specific web browser context, and we are not able to connect eclipse directly through this VPN then.
Accessing the VPN through the browser works though (but no commit/versioning is possible).
Is there any workaround?
Problem has been resolved by activating the JSAM (Java secure application manager) on the WEB VPN. It activates the link between installed clients (external people) and specific IP Connections (allowed by gateway).

Eclipse and GlassFish: remote deployment and debugging

I am currently using Eclipse to develop a fairly straight-forward Java EE dynamic web application. I have just been using Eclipse to deploy the web app to a GlassFish 3.1 server locally running on my dev machine for development and debugging purposes.
So far, so good. But now, I am looking into deploying the app to a remote GF server for further testing.
In Eclipse, I open the "Servers" tab and select the "New->Server" context menu. I enter the IP address of the remote server running GlassFish, but the "New Server" dialog won't let me proceed. Instead, it gives me the error message:
Remote Server is not secured: It
cannot be used remotely...
Some initial research suggests that remote deployment/debugging is currently not supported by Eclipse. Is that what Eclipse is trying to tell me with this weird error message? Surely "Remote deployment/debugging not supported" would be more apt. Am I overlooking something fundamental here?
Access to remote servers can only be done if the server has been secured...
You want to make sure you have enabled secure administration. Generally you should do the following:
using ./asadmin change-admin-password command to set a password on the 'admin' user. By default there is none (so when it asks for your current admin password just hit Enter assuming you've never set one)
using ./asadmin start-domain to startup the default 'domain1'
using ./asadmin --host localhost --port 4848 enable-secure-admin will enable remote administration access (which you want) and tell Glassfish to start on the localhost at the default admin port 4848
finally use ./asadmin restart-domain to restart and apply those changes.
You should be able to now access the remote server and manage it via your Eclipse install. This works for Eclipse Luna and Glassfish4 open-source edition. Also note that you need to have a glassfish install on your Local development machine and point to that when it asks for the path to the Glassfish installation when setting up the server in Eclipse Wizard...despite the fact that you are connecting to a remote Glassfish instance. (See my SO post for more details/screenshots).
I am adding this because the current accepted answer only points to a link which is typically frowned upon here on SO since links have a tendency to go dead unexpectedly.