How to generate XOR checksum for a string using perl - perl

I am trying to generate checksum for a NEMA(GPS protocol) word using perl.
A sample NEMA word is string of characters as shown below
The checksum is calculated by taking XOR of all the characters between $ and *. In this sentence the checksum is the character representation of the hexadecimal value 28.
I tried the following:
my $NMEA_word = 'GPGLL,5300.97914,N,00259.98174,E,125926,A';
my $uff = unpack( '%8A*', $NMEA_word );
print "Hexadecimal number: ", uc(sprintf("%x\n", $uff)), "\n";
But it doesn't seem to give a correct value. Please suggest what shall be rectified

my $uff;
$uff ^= $_ for unpack 'C*', 'GPGLL,5300.97914,N,00259.98174,E,125926,A';
printf "Hexadecimal number: \U%x\n", $uff;
Hexadecimal number: 28

More functionally,
use List::Util 'reduce';
sub checksum {
sprintf '%02X', ord reduce { our $a ^ our $b } split //, shift;
print checksum('GPGLL,5300.97914,N,00259.98174,E,125926,A'), "\n";

The unpack facility to generate a checksum adds the field values together, whereas you want then XORed.
This program will do what you ask.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $NMEA_word = 'GPGLL,5300.97914,N,00259.98174,E,125926,A';
printf "Hexadecimal number: %s\n", checksum($NMEA_word);
sub checksum {
my ($string) = #_;
my $v = 0;
$v ^= $_ for unpack 'C*', $string;
sprintf '%02X', $v;
Hexadecimal number: 28


How to find the number of vowels in a string using Perl

sub Solution{
my $n=$_[0];
my $m=lc $_[1];
my #chars=split("",$m);
my $result=0;
my #vowels=("a","e","i","o","u");
#OUTPUT [uncomment & modify if required]
for(my $i=0;$i<$n;$i=$i+1){
for(my $j=0;$j<5;$j=$j+1){
print $result;
#INPUT [uncomment & modify if required]
my $n=<STDIN>;chomp($n);
my $m=<STDIN>;chomp($m);
So I wrote this solution to find the number of vowels in a string. $n is the length of the string and $m is the string.
However, for the input 3 nam I always get the input as 3.
Can someone help me debug it?
== compares numbers. eq compares strings. So instead of $chars[$i]==$vowels[$j] you should write $chars[$i] eq $vowels[$j]. If you had used use warnings;, which is recommended, you'd have gotten a warning about that.
And by the way, there's no need to work with extra variables for the length. You can get the length of a string with length() and of an array for example with scalar(). Also, the last index of an array #a can be accessed with $#a. Or you can use foreach to iterate over all elements of an array.
A better solution is using a tr operator which, in scalar context, returns the number of replacements:
perl -le 'for ( #ARGV ) { $_ = lc $_; $n = tr/aeiouy//; print "$_: $n"; }' Use Perl to count how many vowels are in each string
use: 2
perl: 1
to: 1
count: 2
how: 1
many: 2
vowels: 2
are: 2
in: 1
each: 2
string: 1
I included also y, which is sometimes a vowel, see:
Let me suggest a better approach to count letters in a text
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim: ai:ts=4:sw=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 0; # debug flag
my %count;
my #vowels = qw/a e i o u/;
my #chars = split '';
map{ $count{$_}++ } #chars;
} <DATA>;
say Dumper(\%count) if $debug;
foreach my $vowel (#vowels) {
say "$vowel: $count{$vowel}";
So I wrote this solution to find the number of vowels in a string. $n is the length of the string and $m is the string. However, for the input 3 nam I always get the input as 3.
Can someone help me debug it?
a: 7
e: 18
i: 12
o: 12
u: 5
Your code is slightly modified form
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim: ai:ts=4:sw=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $input = get_input('Please enter sentence:');
say "Counted vowels: " . solution($input);
sub get_input {
my $prompt = shift;
my $input;
say $prompt;
$input = <STDIN>;
return $input;
sub solution{
my $str = lc shift;
my #chars=split('',$str);
my $count=0;
my #vowels=qw/a e i o u/;
my $c=$_;
map{ $count++ if $c eq $_} #vowels;
} #chars;
return $count;

swap 128 bytes hex to another order

I have this work perl can support 4 hex numbers to swap in another 4 hex
perl -wMstrict -le '
my #bits = unpack "(A1)16", sprintf "%016b", hex shift;
my $bitmap = "D5679123C4EF80AB";
#bits = #bits[ map { hex } split //, $bitmap ];
print sprintf "%04X", oct "0b#bits";
' "B455"
Result: CB15
please how can support more bytes like 128 bytes?
and how to use this perl to read the hex from a file.txt ?
thanks in advance.
You could try the following:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
# Example with 64 bits
my $data = 'B455AB10A1230000'; # original data (64 bits)
my #bits = map { unpack '(A)*', sprintf '%08b', hex } unpack '(A2)*', $data;
my #bitmap = reverse 0..63; # some 64 bits map, replace with your actual data
my $result = unpack "H*", pack 'C*', map { oct "0b$_" } unpack "(A8)*", join '', #bits[#bitmap];
say "Input : $data";
say "Result: $result";
Input : B455AB10A1230000
Result: 0000c48508d5aa2d

Decimal and binary conversion with big numbers

I have to convert big numbers in Perl from decimal to binary and the other way around.
An example number of that length:
Dec: 76982379919017706648824420266
Bin: 111110001011111001010101000010011001000010101111001110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
I found two functions:
sub dec2bin {
my $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", shift));
$str =~ s/^0+(?=\d)//; # otherwise you'll get leading zeros
return $str;
sub bin2dec {
return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));
But, both of them seem to stop working with big numbers.
Output of
is 1543163
and output of
is 11111111111111111111111111111111
Is there a proper way of doing it with such big numbers?
You can use Math::BigInt. Please note, that input to these functions should be strings.
use Math::BigInt;
sub bin2dec {
my $bin = shift;
return Math::BigInt->new("0b$bin");
sub dec2bin {
my $dec = shift;
my $i = Math::BigInt->new($dec);
return substr($i->as_bin(), 2);
print "Dec: " . bin2dec("111110001011111001010101000010011001000010101111001110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") . "\n";
print "Bin: " . dec2bin("76982379919017706648824420266") . "\n";
Output is:
Dec: 76982379919017710405206147072
Bin: 111110001011111001010101000010011001000010101111001101001001010101100110001100111001011110101010
Perl provides built-in bignum facilities. Turn them on with use bignum;. Your conversion functions would look like this:
use bignum;
my ($b_orig, $d_orig, $b, $d);
$d_orig = 76982379919017706648824420266;
$b_orig = '111110001011111001010101000010011001000010101111001110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
print ("dec($b_orig) [orig] = $d_orig;\n");
print ("dec($b_orig) [comp] = " . Math::BigInt->from_bin($b_orig) . ";\n");
print ("bin($d_orig) [orig] = $b_orig;\n");
print ("bin($d_orig) [comp] = ".substr(Math::BigInt->new($d_orig)->as_bin(), 2).";\n");
There is no correspondence between the binary and the decimal number that you provide. I have not checked whether this is a flawof the bigint library or not.
Perl's bigint provides transparent support for big integers:
perl -Mbigint -E 'say oct "0b111110001011111001010101000010011001000010101111001110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"'
You do not need to write your own conversion routine. oct will convert for you.

Converting to unicode characters in Perl?

I want to convert the text ( Hindi ) to Unicode in Perl. I have searched in CPAN. But, I could not find the exact module/way which I am looking for. Basically, I am looking for something like this.
My Input is:
इस परीक्षण के लिए है
My expected output is:
How to achieve this in Perl?
Give me some suggestions.
Try this
use utf8;
my $str = 'इस परीक्षण के लिए है';
for my $c (split //, $str) {
printf("\\u%04x", ord($c));
print "\n";
You don't really need any module to do that. ord for extracting char code and printf for formatting it as 4-numbers zero padded hex is more than enough:
use utf8;
my $str = 'इस परीक्षण के लिए है';
(my $u_encoded = $str) =~ s/(.)/sprintf "\\u%04x", ord($1)/sge;
# \u0907\u0938\u0020\u092a\u0930\u0940\u0915\u094d\u0937\u0923\u0020\u0915\u0947\u0020\u0932\u093f\u090f\u0020\u0939\u0948
Because I left a few comments on how the other answers might fall short of the expectations of various tools, I'd like to share a solution that encodes characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane as pairs of two escapes: "😃" would become \ud83d\ude03.
This is done by:
Encoding the string as UTF-16, without a byte order mark. We explicitly choose an endianess. Here, we arbitrarily use the big-endian form. This produces a string of octets (“bytes”), where two octets form one UTF-16 code unit, and two or four octets represent an Unicode code point.
This is done for convenience and performance; we could just as well determine the numeric values of the UTF-16 code units ourselves.
unpacking the resulting binary string into 16-bit integers which represent each UTF-16 code unit. We have to respect the correct endianess, so we use the n* pattern for unpack (i.e. 16-bit big endian unsigned integer).
Formatting each code unit as an \uxxxx escape.
As a Perl subroutine, this would look like
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode ();
sub unicode_escape {
my ($str) = #_;
my $UTF_16BE_octets = Encode::encode("UTF-16BE", $str);
my #code_units = unpack "n*", $UTF_16BE_octets;
return join '', map { sprintf "\\u%04x", $_ } #code_units;
Test cases:
use Test::More tests => 3;
use utf8;
is unicode_escpape(''), '',
'empty string is empty string';
is unicode_escape("\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}"), '\ud83d\ude03',
'non-BMP code points are escaped as surrogate halves';
my $input = 'इस परीक्षण के लिए है';
my $output = '\u0907\u0938\u0020\u092a\u0930\u0940\u0915\u094d\u0937\u0923\u0020\u0915\u0947\u0020\u0932\u093f\u090f\u0020\u0939\u0948';
is unicode_escape($input), $output,
'ordinary BMP code points each have a single escape';
If you want only an simple converter, you can use the following filter
perl -CSDA -nle 'printf "\\u%*v04x\n", "\\u",$_'
perl -CSDA -nlE 'printf "\\u%04x",$_ for unpack "U*"'
echo "इस परीक्षण के लिए है" | perl -CSDA -ne 'printf "\\u%*v04x\n", "\\u",$_'
perl -CSDA -ne 'printf "\\u%*v04x\n", "\\u",$_' <<< "इस परीक्षण के लिए है"
Unicode with surrogate pairs.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
my $str = "if( \N{U+1F42A}+\N{U+1F410} == \N{U+1F41B} ){ \N{U+1F602} = \N{U+1F52B} } # ορισμός ";
print "$str\n";
for my $ch (unpack "U*", $str) {
if( $ch > 0xffff ) {
my $h = ($ch - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800;
my $l = ($ch - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00;
printf "\\u%04x\\u%04x", $h, $l;
else {
printf "\\u%04x", $ch;
print "\n";
if( 🐪+🐐 == 🐛 ){ 😂 = 🔫 } # ορισμός

Convert UTF8 string into numeric values in Perl

For example,
my $str = '中國c'; # Chinese language of china
I want to print out the numeric values
unpack will be more efficient than split and ord, because it doesn't have to make a bunch of temporary 1-character strings:
use utf8;
my $str = '中國c'; # Chinese language of china
my #codepoints = unpack 'U*', $str;
print join(',', #codepoints) . "\n"; # prints 20013,22283,99
A quick benchmark shows it's about 3 times faster than split+ord:
use utf8;
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';
my $str = '中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國中國c';
cmpthese(0, {
'unpack' => sub { my #codepoints = unpack 'U*', $str; },
'split-map' => sub { my #codepoints = map { ord } split //, $str },
'split-for' => sub { my #cp; for my $c (split(//, $str)) { push #cp, ord($c) } },
'split-for2' => sub { my $cp; for my $c (split(//, $str)) { $cp = ord($c) } },
Rate split-map split-for split-for2 unpack
split-map 85423/s -- -7% -32% -67%
split-for 91950/s 8% -- -27% -64%
split-for2 125550/s 47% 37% -- -51%
unpack 256941/s 201% 179% 105% --
The difference is less pronounced with a shorter string, but unpack is still more than twice as fast. (split-for2 is a bit faster than the other splits because it doesn't build a list of codepoints.)
See perldoc -f ord:
foreach my $c (split(//, $str))
print ord($c), "\n";
Or compressed into a single line: my #chars = map { ord } split //, $str;
Data::Dumpered, this produces:
$VAR1 = [
To have utf8 in your source code recognized as such, you must use utf8; beforehand:
$ perl
use utf8;
my $str = '中國c'; # Chinese language of china
foreach my $c (split(//, $str))
print ord($c), "\n";
or more tersely,
print join ',', map ord, split //, $str;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8; # so literals and identifiers can be in UTF-8
use v5.12; # or later to get "unicode_strings" feature
use strict; # quote strings, declare variables
use warnings; # on by default
use warnings qw(FATAL utf8); # fatalize encoding glitches
use open qw(:std :utf8); # undeclared streams in UTF-8
# use charnames qw(:full :short); # unneeded in v5.16
# vector flag
# This flag tells Perl to interpret the supplied string as a vector of integers, one for each character in the string.
my $str = '中國c';
printf "%*vd\n", ",", $str;