ActionScript 3.0 for Eclipse? - eclipse

I'm currently developing an application in ActionScript 3.0, and GVim isn't really working well with it. Are there are any plugins for Eclipse that allow ActionScript functionality?

Adobe Flash Builder is built on Eclipse.
Or, you can install the Flex SDK plugin for Eclipse.

At this time (2015) there are no usable free Eclipse plugins for AS3 development as far as I know. Adobe's Eclipse plugin is dead, FDT free version is all but worthless and as3ide isn't working with the current Eclipse.
But there is FlashDevelop, it isn't based on Eclipse but is quite usable as an AS3 IDE. It is completely free and open source.


Eclipse Luna without built-in plugins

Eclispse Luna has been just released. I wanted to grab it from the download site. But here comes my problem. Even the Standard and Java Developer versions have features built-in which are not needed for me and just slows down the IDE. For example i do not use Mylin or Plug-in development. These things cannot be deleted from the installation... Is there an Eclipse Luna release which only contains the basic package?
Look at the Eclipse Project downloads
The Eclipse Platform is the smallest (but does not even have Java development).
The Eclipse SDK has Java and Plugin development and the Eclipse source. This is the one I always start from.

GUI Design with HTML5 & CSS3 in eclipse Kepler

I am using eclipse kepler version for developing Android native applications with Phonegap. I have also added JSDT jQuery plugin which is helping me for jQuery intellisense and code highlighting. But I want the same for my HTML5 and Css3 files, So that I can work on its GUI in that platform.
See this link.
All you need is Web Tools Platform plugin installed in your Eclipse Kepler.

Use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP application

I've been using Eclipse Classic for developing applications in Java installing plugins as I need. Now I'm thinking to develop an application using Eclipse RCP UI. I've read some tutorials online but they suggest to use Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers.
I've looked at this Eclipse Packages Compare page but I haven't quite figured out why I can't use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP applications.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
There is very little (practical) difference between those two packages. Classic (AKA, Eclipse SDK) includes more source code for the Eclipse bundles themselves, such as JDT and PDE, which can actually be useful when developing your own plugins and RCP apps); RCP/RAP obviously includes RAP, which is critical if you need it but pointless if you don't. RCP also includes EGit (again, nice if you need it) and the XML Tools.
I often start with the SDK (Classic) package and add stuff as I need it. There has even been talk of dropping the RCP package altogether, although it still hangs around.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
Trust me, you're much better off unziping Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers in a different directory, and using that to develop your RCP application.
You're lucky that adding Eclipse plug-ins to your Eclipse Classic hasn't destroyed your Java development environment.

Is it possible to manually build Flash Builder using plain Eclipse

As in the question. Is there a way to achieve the functionality of Flash Builder starting from plain Eclipse via installing appropriate plugins & stuff?
I'm trying to use cutting edge Eclipse version for Adobe Air development.
You can use FDT Plugin with Eclipse.

Is programming mobile devices using eclipse dead?

I cut my teeth so to speak with eclipse.
Learning Java and even programming mobile devices using Eclipse was a rewarding experince. My last and not so favorable encounter using this platform was Pulsar. But all references to it has disappeared in the new version of Eclipse called indigo. I just like to know if anyone still recommends eclipse when programming mobile device whether J2ME or any other device?
You can continue using Eclipse for developing mobile applications with Indigo release as well. Eclipse Pulsar was a packaging of several Eclipse projects for a providing an all in one download. Pulsar package is discontinued on the indigo release because it lacked the volunteers to support it. However all the projects that were part of the Pulsar are available on indigo release with their new versions.
For JavaME development you can install the eclipse MTJ (mobile tools of Java) using the eclipse update manager.
While Java ME is waning in popularity, Eclipse is now the platform of choice for developing for Android devices (see ADT). I believe Blackberry also has Eclipse-based tooling. What's left is iOS and Windows Phone. For iOS, I have heard some people using Eclipse CDT for development, but it's not a first-class experience due to lack of support from Apple. For Windows Phone, it's Dev Studio all the way.