call Zend framework view helper from within own view helper - zend-framework

Zend Framework 1.12
I have written my own view helper and need to call a Zend view helper from within it.
In my view file, I can call
$this->formSelect (...) to get a select dropdown
however in my own view helper file
$this->view->formSelect (...)
causes an error
Call to undefined method Zend_View_Helper_MilestoneList::formSelect()
How can I access Zend Framework view helpers from within there?

It is very simple to call another View Helper.
Your view helper extends must be extend Zend_View_Helper_Abstract, so that it has access to the $view. Then you may simply call helpers as you would from a view, i.e.
For example you can access it in to your view:
class Zend_View_Helper_FormVars extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {
/* ... */
public function mkCategoryCodeSelectGroup($codeTypeArr=array(),
$codesArr=array()) {
$html. $this->view->generalFunctions()->progressMeter();
return $html;
Please set class name as per your need. and just try it.
let me know if i can help you

I found that
$selectFormHelper = $this->view->getHelper('FormSelect');
works, but
does not.
I'm not sure why that is, but happy to live with it for now.


Typo3 Extension PHP View

Using the infos in this link:
I try to create an action to output a JSON.
I have a normal controller with the list action:
public function listAction()
$storelocators = $this->storelocatorRepository->findAll();
$this->view->assign('storelocators', $storelocators);
And in ext/my_storelocator/Classes/View/Storelocator I have a class List.php:
class Tx_MyStorelocator_View_Storelocator_List extends Tx_Extbase_MVC_View_AbstractView {
public function render() {
return 'Hello World';
All I get is:
Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "list" in class "My\MyStorelocator\Controller\StorelocatorController".
So I guess there is something wrong with the paths. Or where is the Problem?
Edit: Extensioninfos
Vendor: My
key: my_storelocator
controller: NOT SURE (I created it with the extension_builder so I guess my controllers name is Storelocator)
action: list
From my understanding a classname like Tx_MyStorelocator_View_Storelocator_List should be correct. But its not working
You will need to create an empty file for the HTML view for your controller, e.g. Resources/Private/Template/Storelocator/List.html, even if you do not plan to use the HTML view or if you just return the content yourself (which is perfectly fine).
The reason for this is simply technical limitation.
First of all, TYPO3 now has a built-in JSON view, described thoroughly here: It lets you easily define which properties you'd like to render.
The error message means that your Controller is still pointing to the TemplateView - because thats the error the TemplateView throws if it can't find the defined template file.
You can specify which view to use to render within your controller. You can either set a default view via the $defaultViewObjectName property, like so:
* #var string
protected $defaultViewObjectName = '\TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\TemplateView';
You can also set it from within the Controller inside initialization actions like so:
public function initializeExportPDFAction(){
$this->defaultViewObjectName = 'Vendor\Extension\View\FileTransferView';
(I have, however, not yet found a way to define the template from within actions, any tips in the comments would be appreciated)
Your path syntax is probably out of date. Instead of writing a render() function in Classes/View/Storelocator/List.php, try writing a listAction() function in a Classes/Controller/StorelocatorController.php file. Extension Builder should have created this file for you, if you made an aggregate model with the usual "list, create, edit ..." and such actions.
Review A journey through the Blog Example and the following chapter, Creating a first extension, for tips.
Keep in mind that there is a mismatch between the documentation and the Extension Builder generated PHP code files. Developing TYPO3 Extensions with Extbase and Fluid has some parts up to date, and other parts still using old syntax.

Zend framework rendering custom place holders in layout

I have some custom place holders in layout file, like [Region_Contents]
now I want to replace these placeholders with my custom html as layout is rendered
like instead of displaying [Region_Contents] it may show Hello this is test block
is there any way to do this?
You can use view filters for this. First we have to implement the Zend_Filter_Interface like so:
class My_View_Filter_PlaceholderReplacer implements Zend_Filter_Interface
public function filter($value)
return str_replace('[Region_Contents]', 'Hello this is test block', $value);
In the code above, $value contains the string representation of the view just before it is displayed. Whatever is returned by the function above will be used by ZF when rendering the view. Note that we're using str_replace over preg_replace for performance reasons.
Next, we need to tell ZF to use the filter we just made. You can do this in the bootstrap.
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initViewSettings()
$view = $this->getResource('view');
$view->addFilterPath('My/View/Filter', 'My_View_Filter');
For more info, please refer to the following links:
Zend Manual
Zend Framework and Translation
If it's not necessary to keep the same syntax you describe above, you might just use the standard Zend_View placeholder view helpers:
Hope that helps,

Zend framework - access controller or model from the view

I need to give the front-end designer the ability to choose whether or not to display a single xml feed or an mash-up, from the view.phtml file
This means I need to be able to call a method from the controller or model which then returns a variable to the view containing the requested feed(s).
So how do I access methods of the controller or model from the view?
you don't call controller methods in view , but you can create an instance of model (for read only purposes) inside view and then call its public methods .eg
<?php $feedsTb = new Default_Model_Feeds() ?>
<?php $allFeeds = $feedsTb->fetchAll(); ?>
I don't know if i got your problem right, but this is something i'd probably do in a way like
if($this->_getParam('single')) {
$this->view->data = $model->getFeedSingleData();
} else { //mashup
$this->view->data = $model->getMashUpData();
Though admittedly an example like this is better off with two different actions (singleAction() and mashupAction())
But i really don't know if i got your problem figured out at all :S You may explain it further

Zend Framework - Extending Controllers

I'd like to have my controller - i.e. Page_IndexController - extend a base controller.
For example;
class Page_IndexController extends Content_IndexController {
However, it seems the autoloader doesn't pick up the fact it's a controller class at any point - I get the error Fatal error: Class 'Content_IndexController' not found
First question: How do I fix this?
I can temporarily fix this by require_once'ing the generic 'content' controller, but this is hardly ideal.
The next issue is that if my Page controller has it's own view script for an action, it works no problem.
But if I'm extending a controller, and I call for example 'listAction' on the Page controller, but this action is implemented in Content_IndexController, it still looks for the list view script in the page controllers "scripts" directory.
Second question: How do I configure my controller to use its parents view script if it doesn't have its own?
If your application can find Page_IndexController you probably have a Page module. If you are not using modules in your application you have to name your controllers PageController and ContentController, not Page_IndexController, ... So the solution is to register "Content_" namespace with the autoloader.
As for the second question. You can extend the provided ViewRenderer controller action helper and override methods for finding the view script so they can look in other places if needed. You just have to pass your viewrenderer to the front controller. For passing your own ViewRenderer to the controller take a look at Advanced Usage Examples.
The auto loader can't find your controller because you haven't told it where to search. The Content_IndexController isn't in your "library" folder (I assume its inside of the Content module)
What I would suggest is creating a My_Controller_IndexBase class in your library folder that both Content_IndexController and Page_IndexController inherit.
Did a little more research on the topic of the view script. You could change up the view's script paths during init() somewhere. I'm pretty sure this would probably need to be done in a ViewRenderer - but might also work inside the controller's init/action code.
) + $this->view->getScriptPath());
Script paths are processed Last In First Out according to the Zend_View_Abstract
For the second question:
If you don't want to write your own ViewRenderer, you can use $this->renderScript('parent/index.phtml') to render a specific view script. You could call that in your child controllers instead of letting the views be rendered for you automatically, or if your child controllers rely on the parent controller to do the rendering of the script you can just place that in your parent controllers.
I do that mode.
Frist I register a new name who a plugin in my index.php into the public folder:
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
Secound I create a new folder to put my controller
Third I create my controller model and put it into the folder created and rename it.
class Modelo_ModeloController extends Zend_Controller_Action
protected $_db = null;
protected $_menu = null;
protected $_util = null;
protected $_path = null;
... actions to my model
public function inicial(){}
and I extend this class im my application
class Sispromo_PedidoController extends Modelo_ModeloController
public function init(){}

Zend Framework's Action helper doesn't use a ViewRenderer

I'm trying to execute an action from the view using the Action helper like but although the action is been executed the output isn't displayed.
Here's part of my .phtml file:
<div id="active-users">
<?php echo $this->action('active', 'Users') ?>
The action works like this:
class UsersController extends Zend_Controller_Action
function activeAction()
$model = new UsersModel();
$this->view->users = $model->getActiveUsers();
And there's another .phtml file that renders the list of users. The action works fine when called directly from /users/active but doesn't display anything when called from inside another .phtml file.
I've tracked the problem to the ViewRenderer not been available when called with action() helper... or at least not working as usual (automatically rendering the default .phtml file).
The content is displayed if I explicitly render the view inside the action but I need the ViewRender behaviour because I don't control the code of some of the actions I need to use.
Is there anyway to turn the ViewRenderer on while using the action() view helper? I'm open to replace the action() view helper if needed.
I forgot: I'm using PHP 5.2.8, Zend Framework 1.7.5, Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista.
i think you should asign the active users from the controller or if you want you can use singleton on the models an use the directly in the views
$this->view = UsersModel::instance()->getActiveUsers();
Are you using _forward() o redirect on your action? Actions that result in a _forward() or redirect are considered invalid, and will return an empty string.
Update: I test it, and it works, try writing 'users' instead of 'Users' in the controllers param.
<div id="active-users">
<?php echo $this->action('active', 'users') ?>