Magento module setup resource namespace - magento-1.7

Could someone explain how or if namespaces can be used in Magento module setup resources? I see a lot of tutorials saying to use the <modulename_setup> format, but somehow, the mana_core module managed to use mana_core_setup instead of core_setup. I tried doing the same thing, but I couldn't get it to work. I'm trying to create a project module, but I'd like to namespace it with the company name to minimize collisions. Should this be possible? Or did Mana work some extra magic behind the scenes? (FYI, this is on Magento
<!-- recommended style -->
<!-- app/code/local/Mana/Core/etc/config.xml -->
Any help would be great! Thanks!

The first link in the comment of your provided example explains that you can use pretty much any name you want - modulename_setup is merely a convention of how to make it easier for everyone involved to understand what and where it it. So you are entirely free to use vendor_module_setup format if you wish.
However it is worth a re-consideration why is it that you want a vendor-prefixed resource. In general resources should be something that is shared among modules in the system and should usually NOT be "owned" by a single module. This is, however, a rule of thumb, so if you have valid reasons (i.e. your resource is genuinely non-reusable in any way anywhere anyhow) then go on and create a prefixed one.


Read modules from web.config in autofac to change container configuration according to solution configurations

I have created some Autofac modules... Now I want to register some of them in my container using web.config... In my web.config I have written:
<autofac defaultAssembly="Autofac.Example">
<module type="DebugModuleTest1"></module>
<module type="DebugModuleTest2"></module>
Now I have to build my container. But the autofac documentation is not clear to me. I do not understand what I have to do to read my modules and build the container.
public class MyCustomContainer
public void Build(HttpConfiguration config)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder x = new Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();
//var sec = x.AddInMemoryCollection().Build().GetSection("autofac");
// var y = x.AddXmlFile("Web.config");
var y = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
var z = y.AddXmlFile("Web.Config");
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
I am using latest version of Autofac so I do not have the ConfigurationSettingsReader class available.
Can anyone help me please?
I had found interesting saving configuration on web.config because in this way I could "change" web.config according to my solution configuration (you know, the classic web.debug.config, web.release.config, etc)...
That could me help to register the correct modules avoiding the use of directives (#if bla bla bla, ...) or simply conditions...
I am already using modules, but I do not think the correct solution is adding a property inside the module to choose the component to resolve according the selected environment where I want to deploy the project..
I just think of this solution reading this example (By the way, Flexibility to Override still refers to ConfigurationSettingsReader. Is it ok?)
In the 4.0 version of configuration you don't store anything in web.config. It's all in separate XML or JSON files. I'd recommend JSON. The documentation outlines that pretty well:
If you were using the app.config or web.config based configuration available before, you will need to migrate your configuration to the new format and update the way you set configuration with your application container.
We actually spent a lot of time trying to document as much as possible, so while there's definitely a lot there try not to "TL;DR" it. If you skip around, you're liable to end up in the "pre 4.0" section thinking that will still work with the 4.0 stuff. It won't. It sounds like from your comment on this other question that you may have missed a few things the first time through.
Spend some time in the quick start section. That section has both C# and JSON code showing how things work. Again, it's easy to skip past that.
If the docs don't show enough examples, look at the unit tests in the Autofac.Configuration repo, especially the folder full of test files that shows both XML and JSON formatted examples we use in testing.
Finally... three tips:
Configuration is not a feature-for-feature replacement for code. If you're looking to do amazing, crazy, logic-based stuff then stick to modules, possibly with some configuration to register the modules.
Be familiar with Autofac and DI terminology. If you're new to DI or Autofac, "components," "services," and other terms will be confusing. The configuration uses these terms, which means you may not get what you're looking at. Spend time with the docs. The getting started page includes an intro to some of the terminology.
Learn about the new Microsoft config system. There is separate doc about that maintained by Microsoft. Their docs explain everything from how to change config based on environment to creating custom config providers. Autofac is standing on the shoulders of config giants - we don't have to build in that flexibility anymore because it comes for free from the new config system.

Enforce running a service before another one on Solaris smf

I am trying to set other services to be dependant on mine (in order to enforce mine to run first) using the Solaris SMF system.
I know I can use the tag in the other service manifest and make it depends on my service, but I would like to avoid editing the other services manifests for obvious reasons.
According to this link, under the "Dependencies" section, it is stated that it is possible but I couldn't figure out how.
You do that in the manifest with the dependent XML element as opposed to the dependency element.
Suppose you want "serviceA" to depend on your fancy new service, called "serviceMine", but you cannot change the manifest for "serviceA".
Then in the manifest for "serviceMine" you would do something like
<dependent name='serviceMine_dependency'
<service_fmri value='svc:/application/foo/serviceA' />
When the going gets tough I sometimes resort to the documentation which is in the DTD for SMF manifests. You can read it at: /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1 on your local system. It is quite useful as a reference.

How can I use a custom package structure in a GWT project?

I'm using the regular GWT project structure that is generated when creating a new GWT project via the Eclipse GWT plugin, e.g. com.mycompany.mygwtmodule.client for all the client stuff that is GWT-compiled into JavaScript.
Now I want to add some client code with a custom package structure, e.g. org.othercompany.somepackage...
Is that doable? And, if so, how?
I don't need a workaround, if it's not doable. However, it may still be helpful for you to know, why I want to do this: The custom package structure is from a 3rd-party GWT module that is used by my GWT project. I just need a small set of classes from it which I copied into my project instead of including the whole module which contains lots of stuff I don't care about. Those classes are using each other. As I do not want to touch their code at all, I am keeping their original package structure.
What I tried is to add <source path='my-eclipse-project-path/src/org/othercompany/somepackage'/> to my gwt.xml, but in hosted mode I'm getting the error: "No source code is available for type org.othercompany.somepackage.SomeClass; did you forget to inherit a required module?"
No, I didn't ;-) The code is all there, but I couldn't make GWT find it.
Thanks for any helpful comments!
Its Better you create two separate modules ,since you are taking the code from some other 3rd party jar.
First create module which contain the package structure
- com.mycompany.mygwtmodule (one module)
Second create another module
-org.othercompany.somepackage (another module)
Inherit the second module in first module.gwt.xml
<inherits name="org.othercompany.somepackage" />
You need to add the other source package in your sources.
This is done in your module.gwt.xml. There is an element source, that will list all source packages to be included for client:
<source path="client" />
<source path="shared" />
will include all packages in client and shared into the frontend code.
Details can be found here:
Update: if your packages have no common package you need to create two seperate modules and one inherits the other.
We use this a lot, it works out very nice.

Not able to call form in AEM6

I have copied the Forms from the /libs/foundation/components/form to /apps/mywebsite/components/form, I made some changes to the copied form files but still the default form is getting called.
Could you let me know or provide some documentation for the forms.
Thanks in advance
The problem is that you moved things to:
Instead, you need to copy them to:
apps overrides libs ONLY if the path is otherwise the same
will override:
if ANY part of that path is different, that overlay won't work.
In addition, if something calls a component/resource/whatever under /libs using the fully qualified name (e.g. actually including /libs/ at the beginning) then it will still use that. But this is rare.
Let me know if you have more issues.
BTW, you can change this search approach (apps before libs) in the resource resolver settings in OSGI. It comes this way by default but can be changed.
If you didn't want to overrride but extend the foundation forms, you need to make sure that you copied everything or have the inheritance to foundation right. Most important is the cq:editConfig/cq:formParameters, where you need to have sling:resourceSuperType="foundation/components/form/defaults/field". If you use a cq:template instead, you need to set the supertype parameter there.
Then you would have to use your components on the page instead of the foundation ones.

How do I get my Objects to work in ASP.NET MVC2

I'm rather new to MVC2 (never been in MCV1) though I'm a WebForms developer for some years now...
in my MCV 2 start project I created a App_Code folder that I would put my Business Classes on it, I also add 2 References to 2 DLLs used for the API I'm about to use.
But I don't get Intellisense on the referenced objects
What am I doing wrong?
alt text
Is this so much different from the WebForms part?
Even if I put the Object in Models instead App_Code (where I normally put all code in WebForms) I still don't get the normal intelisense, so... it just tells me that something is wrong ... dang! MVC is hard! I probably should do this in WebForms...
alt text
This has nothing to do with MVC2, and everything to do with you're doing it wrong. I can tell that its a possibility, as you're using App_Code (I mean, who does that?). I'd definitely suggest backing up and reading some MVC tutorials, as it IS much different (although not in the way you're asking about).
I'm not exactly sure WHAT you're doing wrong, however. It might bethat PerceptiveMCAPI is internal to the assembly, it might be because there is a bug in VS, it might be that you haven't imported the correct namespace... it could be a number of different things.
I'd do the following: 1) load the assembly in reflector and make sure you have the namespace and type name and that it is public 2) use the fully qualified name of the type 3) compile, check all errors and 4) restart VS.
If all else fails, Connect.
See the Models directory -- that's where your model classes would go, assuming the class is a view model class. Having said that, it should be able to pick up and provide intellisense for whatever references you add. App_Code isn't really intended for a Web Application project (the type used by MVC) where the code is compiled statically, but rather for a WebSite where the code is compiled dynamically at runtime. It could be the "special" nature of the directory that is causing the problem because it doesn't fit the project type. You might try simply creating a different directory (if Models isn't appropriate) and not use the special App_Code directory for your code. A separate class library project with a project reference in the web application would be another alternative and is the one I usually use for non-viewmodel/controller code.