What is this Scala 'new' syntax - scala

From the ScalaTest docs:
class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec {
def fixture =
new {
val builder = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]
I don't understand how the new keyword is being used here. fixture is obviously a function, which declares and returns... what? It seems to be an object, since it has members (builder & buffer) that can be accessed with . notation.
Is what is being created here an anonymous class that is a subclass of AnyRef?

Yep, it returns instance of anynomous class. It is not hard to check it by yourself in REPL session:
scala> def fixture = new { val string = "mr. String" }
fixture: Object{val string: String}
Java can do the essentially same thing, believe it or not. The following is valid Java
(new Object() {
public void sayHello() {
The Java version is just a mildly more verbose syntax and has a type system limitation that makes it mostly useless.
More about it here http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/04/java-has-type-inference-and-refinement.html


What is the meaning of "new {}" in Scala?

I am studying about .sbt extension file reference docs. What codes I am confused is:
lazy val version = new {
val finatra = "2.1.2"
I know val finatra can be accessed by version.finatra, but it seems like "object singleton." Such like this:
object version {
val finatra = "2.1.2"
In this case, I can also access val finatra by version.finatra.
I know the later one is the way to create "object singleton".
How about the former one? Thanks
In short, it is creating new instance of Anonymous Type
According to the Scala Language Spec:
Consider the following structural instance creation expression:
new { def getName() = "aaron" }
This is a shorthand for the general instance creation expression
new AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }
The latter is in turn a shorthand for the block
{ class anon$X extends AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }; new anon$X }

class can't have main() in scala?

I'm a beginner of Scala.
In Calulator.scala file
class Calulator {
var brand: String ="HP"
def add(m:Int, n:Int):Int = m+n
In CalculatorTest.scala file
object CalulatorTest {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calulator
Compile two scala files and run CalculatorTest. This works.
My question is can I make them as one scala file like Java?
In Calulator.scala file
class Calulator {
var brand: String ="HP"
def add(m:Int, n:Int):Int = m+n
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calulator
This doesn't work !!!
I googled it and looks like main() should be in object.
Is there a way to put them in one file to run main()?
To put them in one file use the concept of the 'Companion Object'.
The class and companion object must be in the same file and share the same name.
class Calculator {
var brand: String = "HP"
def add(m: Int, n: Int): Int = m + n
object Calculator {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val cal = new Calculator
Further reading: http://docs.scala-lang.org/tutorials/tour/singleton-objects.html
The simple answer is No
a deeper answer is that the scala compiler refers to an object as static and class it refers as regular.
when you want to run Java program your main must be declared as static otherwise the JVM will not recognize it as your program entry point.
regards the question about is it possible to union both of them ,the answer is not because thats how the scala compiler works.
The compiler would create MyClass$.class for scala object and MyClass.class for scala class thats why you should never ever call your class something like :
class MyClass$ {
because it will override the companion object for MyClass.

Scala - construction order and early definition syntax

I'm trying to learn Scala and thought I would begin by reading "Scala for the Impatient". There he cites the problem of construction order by using the following classes:
class Animal {
val range: Int = 10
val env: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](range)
class Ant extends Animal {
override val range: Int = 2
and then he explained why the env ends up being an empty Array[Int] and proceeds to explain ways to prevent that, including the early definition syntax.
But... can't I prevent that just by doing this:
class Animal(val range: Int = 10) {
val env: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](range)
/* do animal stuff */
class Ant(override val range: Int = 2) extends Animal(range) {
/* do ant stuff */
??? Why is the early definition syntax really necessary?
I think a better way to look at the need for early instantiation comes from mixing in traits. With traits, you won't have a constructor that you can tweak to get around this kind of issue. Consider this very trivial and completely unrealistic example:
trait Foo{
val bar:String
val barLength = bar.length()
object MyFoo extends Foo{
val bar = "test"
As it stands right now, this code will throw a NullPointerException when MyFoo is created because bar will not yet be defined when bar.length() is invoked. But if you used early initialization, and redefined MyFoo as:
object MyFoo extends {val bar = "test"} with Foo{
then everything works just fine.

Mockito for Objects in Scala

I'm using Scala 2.10, specs2 and Mockito. I want to mock scala.io.Source.fromURL(). The issue seems to be fromURL() is a function in io.Source's object.
val m = mock[io.Source]
m.fromURL returns io.Source.fromString("Some random string.")
It's a pretty straightforward mock in an Unit test. Why isn't it working?
Instead of mocking it, you could try spying it as follows:
val m = spy(io.Source)
Or you could mock it as follows:
val m = mock[io.Source.type]
But then how are you using Source in the class you are testing? If you had an example class like so:
class MyClass{
def foo = {
io.Source.doSomething //I know doSomething is not on Source, call not important
Then in order to take advantage of mocking/spying, you'd have to structure your class like so:
class MyClass{
val source = io.Source
def foo = {
And then your test would have to look something like this:
val mockSource = mock[io.Source.type]
val toTest = new MyClass{
override val source = mockSource
In the Java world, static methods are the bane of mocking. In the Scala world, calls to objects can also be troublesome to deal with for unit tests. But if you follow the code above, you should be able to properly mock out an object based dependency in your class.
Good news! With the latest 1.16 release of mockito-scala, you can now mock scala objects.
To enable withObjectMocked feature, it is mandatory to create the file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker containing a single line:
object FooObject {
def simpleMethod: String = "not mocked!"
"mock" should {
"stub an object method" in {
FooObject.simpleMethod shouldBe "not mocked!"
withObjectMocked[FooObject.type] {
FooObject.simpleMethod returns "mocked!"
when(FooObject.simpleMethod) thenReturn "mocked!"
FooObject.simpleMethod shouldBe "mocked!"
FooObject.simpleMethod shouldBe "not mocked!"
See: https://github.com/mockito/mockito-scala#mocking-scala-object
Years later, above answer doesn't work as others have pointed out.
And you cannot mock the scala.io.Source object.
Can I mock final / private methods or classes? This is not supported, as mocks generated with macros are implemented as subclasses of the type to mock. So private and final methods cannot be overridden. You may want to try using an adapter or façade in your code to make it testable. It is better to test against a trait/interface instead of a concrete implementation. There are libraries that support this kind of mocking, such as PowerMock. Be aware that this kind of mocking involves Bytecode manipulation, which has the risk that your test double diverges from the actual implementation.
So what I did is an work around to abstract out scala.io.Source.fromUrl() as a function argument and pass in mocked function in tests.
// original func
def aFuncThatUsesSource() = {
val source = scala.io.Source("")
val result = source.mkString
// test friendly func that accepts `scala.io.Source.fromURL` as arg
def aTestFriendlyFunc(makeApiCall: String => BufferedSource) = {
val source = makeApiCall("")
val result = source.mkString
// test spec
def testyMcTesterson = () => {
val makeApiCall = mockFunction[String, BufferedSource]
.returns( new BufferedSource(new ByteArrayInputStream("returns something".getBytes)) )
aTestFriendlyFunc(makeApiCall) shouldEqual "returns something"

"Stable identifer required" error during companion object import

I'm really new to Scala, and I've come across an error I am unable to solve by myself or through internet searches.
I have a Scala class called "GUI" that represents a JFrame along with a companion class. When I try to import the companion class using import GUI._ I get the error "stable identifier required, but GUI.this.GUI() found".
I made an empty class and companion object and the import worked fine, so I assume that the error is related to something specific to my code. Below is the code in question:
object GUI {
def test:Integer = 1
class GUI extends JFrame{
import GUI._
val ICON_LOCATION:File = new File("Images/iMovies.ico");
val ICON:BufferedImage = Ootil.createImage("iMovies.png");
val TITLE:String = "iVideos";
val LICENSE_NAME:String = "OpenBSD";
def GUI(){
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
def versionMajor: Integer = 1
def versionMinor: Integer = 0
def versionRevision: Integer = 0
def versionPreReleaseID: String = "alpha"
def versionBuildNumber: String = "1b"
private def createGUI():Unit = {
val panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
def getIcon():BufferedImage = ICON
def getProgramTitle():String = TITLE
def getConfigOptions():LookAndFeelConfigurationOptions = GUIConfigOptions.CONFIG_OPTIONS;
To add to Kipton's answer, there's nothing wrong with doing:
class GUI{
def GUI() {
But the result won't be a constructor -- it will be an ordinary method.
val a = new GUI() won't print anything, but calling a.GUI() will.
This is why you didn't get an error message about defining your constructor incorrectly.
When you run the command import GUI._, Scala needs GUI to always evaluate to the same object. This is only the case when GUI is an object, a package, or a val.
In your code, import GUI._ referred to the method GUI that you defined, because the GUI method is defined in a closer scope than object GUI (the fact that the compiler hasn't encountered the definition of def GUI yet doesn't make a difference).
Since import GUI._ referred to the method GUI, which is not a val, object, or package, you got the error message about GUI not being a stable identifier.
Welcome to the Scala community.
Scala constructors work differently than they do in Java. To fix the error, you should put the body of your previously defined GUI() method directly into the class definition, like so,
class GUI extends JFrame{
import GUI._
val ICON_LOCATION:File = new File("Images/iMovies.ico");
val ICON:BufferedImage = Ootil.createImage("iMovies.png");
val TITLE:String = "iVideos";
val LICENSE_NAME:String = "OpenBSD";
// ** stuff that used to be in method GUI() goes below **
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
It takes a little getting used to, but I think you'll find that Scala's way is a lot nicer.
If you want to define an auxiliary constructor, declare a method def this(...) { ... } whose first expression is a call to the primary constructor (in this case just this(), since it doesn't take parameters).
If you want to add parameters to your primary constructor, you would define the class as
class GUI( << some parameters >> ) extends JFrame { ... }
and then you can use the parameters anywhere in this class body.