What is InstancePerLifetimeScope in Autofac? - autofac

Can someone please explain in plain English what the lines of code where I put the question marks do? Or maybe point me to an article that puts light on this. This code is for registering dependencies in an autofac container
var builder = new Autofac.ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<NHibernateInstance>(c =>
new NHibernateInstance(ConnString, false))
builder.Register(c => c.Resolve<NHibernateInstance>()
.InstancePerLifetimeScope(); //-----?????

This is a dependency injection container. The Autofac.ContainerBuilder gets a new container, or registrar you might say.
The builder.Register<NHibernateInstance> is stating that when constructing an NHibernateInstance during the recovery phase (i.e. getting an instance out of the container) this is how it should be built.
The last line is indicating that when resolving an NHibernateInstance the OpenSession method should be called once per the lifetime of the object.


How to resolve dependency in dependency register time in Autofac

earlier I used Microsoft unity IOC. Unity container has RegisterType & Resolve method. So I able to resolve same interface with multiple implementation. but latest autofac (var builder = new ContainerBuilder();) builder hasn't resolve() method and we can't manually build (builder.Build();).
Anyone has any idea, how to convert below code base to autofac or how to use resolve method with dependency registration.
container.RegisterType<IQueryManager, FirstManager>(new TypedParameter(typeof(GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType), GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType.First));
container.RegisterType<IQueryManager, SecondManager>(new TypedParameter(typeof(GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType), GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType.Two));
container.RegisterType<IQueryManager, ThirdManager>(new TypedParameter(typeof(GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType), GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType.Three));
Func<DatabaseType, IQueryManager> priceFactory = (databaseType) => container.Resolve<IQueryManager>(databaseType.ToString());
container.RegisterInstance<IQueryManagerFactory<IQueryManager>>(new QueryManagerFactory<IQueryManager>(priceFactory));
I try this but not working. any suggestion how to solve this with"builder.RegisterInstance".
builder.Register<IQueryManagerFactory<IQueryManager>>(container => new QueryManagerFactory<IQueryManager>(databaseType =>
container.Resolve<IQueryManager>(new TypedParameter(typeof(GeneralEnumerations.DatabaseType), databaseType))

Zend Framework 2 Override an existing Service?

I am using a zf2 module called GoalioRememberMe and now I want to override its service by my customized service. Or if it is not possible, I want to override the Module.php with my config. Is it possible?
In the Application module. I wrote this line in module.config.php:
'GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
Thanks in advance!
This is exactly the reason it is recommended to name the service as the type of the object that is returned. The object GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe is named goaliorememberme_rememberme_service in the service manager. You can check that here.
So the solution is simple, instead of this:
'GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
Write this
'goaliorememberme_rememberme_service' => 'Application\Service\RememberMe'
As Jurian said, the service name is goaliorememberme_rememberme_service and it has been set in the getServiceConfig() method. So I wrote this code in the Module.php file in the Application Module:
setInvokableClass('goaliorememberme_rememberme_service', 'Application\Service\CustomRememberMe')->
And it replaced successfully with my customized service!
Thanks very much to Jurian for the big help!
Actually the service manager first runs a method "canonicalizeName()" which "normalizes" the names as follows:
All _ / \ and - are stripped out
The key is made lowercase
Thus both "GoalioRememberMe\Service\RememberMe" and "goaliorememberme_rememberme_service" become "goalioremembermeremembermeservice" (i.e. they're both the same), thus the error message.
The quickest way to override an existing service is to create a *local.php or *global.php file in the /config/autoload folder. (That folder is identified in config/application.config.php.) Any override files in this folder are process after modules are loaded. If you have duplicate service manager keys, the last one wins.

How to obtain wicket URL from PageClass and PageParameters without running Wicket application (i.e. without RequestCycle)?

In my project, there are additional (non-wicket) applications, which need to know the URL representation of some domain objects (e.g. in order to write a link like http://mydomain.com/user/someUserName/ into a notification email).
Now I'd like to create a spring bean in my wicket module, exposing the URLs I need without having a running wicket context, in order to make the other application depend on the wicket module, e.g. offering a method public String getUrlForUser(User u) returning "/user/someUserName/".
I've been stalking around the web and through the wicket source for a complete workday now, and did not find a way to retrieve the URL for a given PageClass and PageParameters without a current RequestCycle.
Any ideas how I could achieve this? Actually, all the information I need is somehow stored by my WebApplication, in which I define mount points and page classes.
Update: Because the code below caused problems under certain circumstances (in our case, being executed subsequently by a quarz scheduled job), I dived a bit deeper and finally found a more light-weight solution.
No need to construct and run an instance of the WebApplication
No need to mock a ServletContext
Works completely independent of web application container
Contra (or not, depends on how you look at it):
Need to extract the actual mounting from your WebApplication class and encapsulate it in another class, which can then be used by standalone processes. You can no longer use WebApplication's convenient mountPage() method then, but you can easily build your own convenience implementation, just have a look at the wicket sources.
(Personally, I have never been happy with all the mount configuration making up 95% of my WebApplication class, so it felt good to finally extract it somewhere else.)
I cannot post the actual code, but having a look at this piece of code will give you an idea how you should mount your pages and how to get hold of the URL afterwards:
CompoundRequestMapper rm = new CompoundRequestMapper();
// mounting the pages
rm.add(new MountedMapper("mypage",MyPage.class));
// ... mount other pages ...
// create URL from page class and parameters
Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass = MyPage.class;
PageParameters pp = new PageParameters();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, pp));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
Original solution below:
After deep-diving into the intestines of the wicket sources, I was able to glue together this piece of code
IRequestMapper rm = MyWebApplication.get().getRootRequestMapper();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(pageClass, parameters));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
It works without a current RequestCycle, but still needs to have MyWebApplication running.
However, from Wicket's internal test classes, I have put the following together to construct a dummy instance of MyWebApplication:
MyWebApplication dummy = new MyWebApplication();
dummy.setServletContext(new MockServletContext(dummy, ""));

Enterprise Library Logging tracelistener extension issue with resolving ILogFormatter

I have been sitting with a problem for quite a while now and I just can't seem to find what I'm missing.
I have written a custom trace listener component for Enterprise Library 5.0 for the Logging application block which works but the configured ILogFormatter just won't resolve and so I always end up with the basic string text when it gets handled by my component.
I saw in the enterprise library source code that they use the "Container.ResolvedIfNotNull()" method. It doesn't seem to work for me. I need it to write out a custom formatted string for my component to use. You know, not just the message but the timestamp, machinename, threadId, etc.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Like I've mentioned on this site: http://entlib.codeplex.com/discussions/261749
When you create your CreationExpression in the TraceListener data class make sure you have a flat constructor definition. To put it in other words, don't return:
() => new MyTraceListener(new TraceListenerConfig(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...));
just have it in the constructor of the MyTraceListener:
() => new MyTraceListener(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...);

Autofac: resolving different params to object using DependencyResolver

I am building an MVC application and have the need to send a different cachecontext (wraps info on which cache to use) into my repositories using the DependencyResolver. There are 10 different types of cachecontexts that can be passed in. At the moment, I am using 10 different registrations for 10 different types of interfaces (ICacheContexts). This works but does not seem like the correct way of handling this circumstance. Is there a way to create a factory that knows the object type it is being passed to so I can just determine the correct CacheContext to return and thus only have one registration to maintain?
Current code:
builder.Register(c => new CacheContext(AppConfig.AppBucketName, AppConfig.AppBucketpassword))
builder.Register(c => new CacheContext(AppConfig.AcctBucketName, AppConfig.AcctBucketpassword))
You need to do this from the repository side - for each repository, configure its parameters to resolve the right cache context. E.g. (paraphrasing)
builder.Register(c => new CacheContext(...for appls...))
.WithParameter((pi, c) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(ICacheContext),
(pi, c) => c.ResolveNamed<ICacheContext>("apps"));
Hope this gets you on the right track.