Scala Play framework-2.1.1 AsyncResult: Handling multiple futures - scala

I need to generate various code snippets based on user posted data, so those snippet generation can be parallel, I am trying to use futures for each and snippet generation and combine them and send AsyncResult, here is the code
val p = for {
pr <- Future { ProviderGenerator.generate(content) }
c <- Future { ModelGenerator.generate(content) }
} yield(pr, c)
Async {
if (p.isCompleted)
println("Futures completed")
case (pr: ActionResult, c: ActionResult) => {
p onFailure {
case _ => println("It failed")
} {
case (pr: ActionResult, c: ActionResult) => {
println("I am in case")
case _ => {
println("I am in else case")
This is never sending result to user, where as if I use single future in it, I am getting response. How do I handle such multiple futures?

I don't see an obvious problem - try adding a p onFailure { case e: Throwable => Logger.error("failed", e) } perhaps and see if it shows one future is not completing.


Handle Future with transform

I have a telegram bot on Scala and I want to send the image to the user if it exists and the message "Sorry, the image doesn't exist" if it's not. And I have a function getImage(tag), which returns Future.successful(link) or Future.failed(NoImageException(msg)).
onCommand("/img") { implicit msg =>
val tag = msg.text.get.drop("/img ".length)
try {
if (tag.isEmpty) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
service.getImage(tag).transform {
case Success(link) => Success(
try {
} catch {
case _ => reply(link) // maybe it isn't a photo...
case Failure(e) => Success(reply(e.getMessage))
} catch {
case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => reply("Empty argument list. Usage: /img tag").void
And this code sends an image if it's a success, but it doesn't send a message if it's a failure (but it definitely chooses case Failure(e) in this case)
reply family of functions return a Future[Message]. Currently you wrap the result of reply in Success, so the result of your transform is Future[Future[Message]], which doesn't work. Instead you can use transformWith, which expects a Future result from its argument:
onCommand("/img") { implicit msg =>
val tag = msg.text.get.drop("/img ".length)
val message: Future[Message] =
if (tag.isEmpty) reply("Empty argument list. Usage: /img tag")
else {
service.getImage(tag).transformWith {
case Success(link) => replyWithPhoto(InputFile(link)).recoverWith {
case _ => reply(link) // maybe it isn't a photo...
case Failure(e) => reply(e.getMessage)
Note, that I have also removed both try operators. The external is just unnecessary, because you can just use if/else. The internal won't work at all, because replyWithPhoto returns a Future. So it doesn't throw errors, and you need to recover or transform when it fails.

Scala Playframework not all DB queries get executed

I'm sending via HTTP Post Request a Json to my Playframework backend.
In my backend I validate the Json to a Model. After that, I want to save the entries in my Model to my DB.
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
request =>
Future {[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
case JsError(err) =>
BadRequest("Json Parse Error")
One Item consists out of several objects. To save all objects to my DB, I need to get some values. Therefore I'm using a for(..) yield(...):
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = { => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined &&
obj.value2.isDefined ) {
val result = for (
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
) yield(value1Entry, value2Entry){
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry)
case _ => Future.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
else {
Future.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
My problem is, after all{...}) have started, my parseJSON Action returns 200 - OK. But not all relevant items get stored to my DB. It seems like after the 200 - OK everything is stopped and it doesn't even throw an error.
I don't want to use Await.result or anything blocking in my Action.
Thanks in Advance
You are starting computations by calling itemsToDBController.saveItems(items) and then immediately return result with Ok("Success"). So exception may be thrown after request if completed.
To fix this issue you need to transform result of itemsToDBController.saveItems from List[Future[T]] to Future[List[T]] with help of Future.sequence. Then call map method on returned future. Call recover on this Future to find which error is thrown:
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { request =>
.map(_.validate[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
.map(_ => Ok("Success"))
.recover {
case e: Exception => BadRequest(e.getMessage())
case JsError(err) =>
Future.successful(BadRequest("Json Parse Error"))
For running all inserts in one transaction you should combine DBIOAction instead of Future. For example you rewrite checkExists(name) as:
def checkExists(name: String): DBIO[Boolean] = {
Objects.filter(obj => === name).exists
getOrCreateValue(exists, obj) as:
def getOrCreateValue(exists: boolean, obj: Object): DBIO[Object] = {
if (exists) {
Objects.filter(o => === name).result.head
} else {
(Objects returning into ((o, id) => o.copy(id = Some(id)))) += obj
Now you can run it in single transaction in the following way:
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = {
val insertActions = => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined && obj.value2.isDefined) {
val result = for {
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
} yield (value1Entry, value2Entry)
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry) // This also returns instance of `DBIOAction`
case _ =>
DBIO.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
} else {
DBIO.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
For mo info how to work with DBIO actions check this official docs

Extracting future in Akka HTTP

Consider the below code:
class TestActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case "hello" =>
sender ! Future {
"Sample future result"
I have the below route defined:
def r5: Route = {
pathPrefix("check") {
onSuccess(system.actorOf(Props[TestActor]).ask("hello")) {
successResult =>
complete {
"The result is " + successResult
When I access the route, I get the output as The result is Success(Sample future result) while I expected it to be The result is Sample future result. From the docs here about onSuccess:
Evaluates its parameter of type Future[T], and once the Future has
been completed successfully, extracts its result as a value of type T
and passes it to the inner route.
and the example given is:
val route =
path("success") {
onSuccess(Future { "Ok" }) { extraction =>
So where am I going wrong?
ask returns a Future[T]. Your pattern match handler inside receive wraps it in an additional Future[T], so you're getting a Future[Future[String]].
If you want to only retrieve T, remove the Future from your TestActor:
case class TestResult(s: String)
case "hello" =>
sender ! TestResult("Sample future result")
If the use of ask is inevitable then in the onComplete in r5 route you need to open the future twice as you are receiving a Future[Future[String]].
The on Complete will unwrap one and you can have
def r5: Route = {
pathPrefix("check") {
onSuccess(system.actorOf(Props[TestActor]).ask("hello")) {
successResult => {
successResult.Oncomplete {
case Success(res) => {
complete {
"The result is " + res //res will have Sample Future Result }
case Failure(ex) => complete("Some Error Occured")

Can a Future throw an exception caught by a caller?

When I run the code below it terminates and nothing happens, is there a way to catch the exception in ?
object TestFutures1 {
val future1 = Future {
throw new Exception("error")
object TestFutures2 extends App {
val future2 = TestFutures1.future1 { result => println(result) }
Generally speaking, there are two options (with some sub-options) to handle future exceptions.
You can add a callback that will be called when the future completes with an exception:
.map { result => println(result) }
.onFailure { exc =>
1a. .onFailure is only used for side effects, you cannot use, for example, to handle the exception. If you want to handle in and rescue the future, you can use .recover or .recoverWith (the only different between the two is that the latter takes a function that returns a Future, while the former deals with the actual result, same idea as map vs. flatMap:
.recover { case e =>
The other option is to wait for the future to complete, and access it's result:
try {
// Instead of Thread.sleep - you don't need that:
Await.result(future2, 2 seconds)
} catch { case exc =>
Except #Dima's answer, also can use onComplete to catch failure, like:
val re = { result => println(result) }
re onComplete {
case Success(s) => ...
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace()

Scala future with akka-http

I need to write simple web service with akka-http and reactivemongo.
Function to save data looks like this
def saveRoute(route: Route):Future[WriteResult] = {
a code that calls this function looks like this
val userRoutes = {
logRequestResult("akka-http-microservice") {
path("routes") {
(post & entity(as[Route])) { route =>
I need to return result with inserted ID of Route and do this without making the thread to wait.
if try
case Success(r) => complete(r.toString)
case Failure(e) => complete(e.getMessage)
It cannot compile, because it doesn't return value.
I know how to make it in dirty way, but really want to make in appropriate manner.
What should be done in this case?
Seems like I've found most efficient way to do this. It's built in onComplete directive
(path("routes" / "add") & post & entity(as[Route])) {
route =>
onComplete(routesController.addRoute(route)) {
case Success(result) => complete(StatusCodes.Created, "OK")
case Failure(ex) => complete(new ErrorResponse(StatusCodes.InternalServerError.intValue, ErrorResponse.ERROR, ex.getMessage))
Use onSuccess to handle the valid response when the future finishes and handleExceptions to handle when the future does not succeed.
val userRoutes = {
handleExceptions(mongoDbExceptionHandler) {
logRequestResult("akka-http-microservice") {
path("routes") {
(post & entity(as[Route])) { route =>
onSuccess(Database.saveRoute(route)) { result =>
// Something like this for whatever the exceptions you expect are
val mongoDbExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler {
case ex: MongoDbReadException => complete(HttpResponse(InternalServerError, "No database")))
You can map over the future and then complete the request like below.
val future = Database.saveRoute(route)
val response =
On a side note, for handling exceptions, it is a good practice to have a ExceptionHandler and wrap it with your route. You can find example here.
You have few option i will try to put the most commonly used ones for REST API based solutions:
OnSuccess use it when you want your expectations to be bubbled and handled by expectionHandler
path("success") {
onSuccess(Future { "Ok" }) { extraction =>
path("failure") {
onSuccess(Future.failed[String](TestException)) { extraction =>
onComplete: When you want to manually handle the exception. Try Monad wrapped.
val route =
path("divide" / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (a, b) =>
onComplete(divide(a, b)) {
case Success(value) => complete(s"The result was $value")
case Failure(ex) => complete((InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}"))
How about this, replace:
When you use RequestContext you should use something like this:
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.RouteResult.{Complete, Rejected}
val myRoute: Route = (path("my-path") & get) { req: RequestContext =>
val futureResp: Future[HttpResponse] = ??? => RouteResult.Complete(resp))