qbfc CustomerQuery based on email address? - intuit

From the documentation, it seems like I can only "filter" for:
• ListID or FullName
• Active status
• Filtering by date and time modified
• Matching criterion for names
• Ranges for names
Any ideas on if I can filter for other fields as well? I.e., on email address? I would prefer not to return all the customers, and iterate through them...

QuickBooks does not support searching for fields other than what you've already listed.

No, you cannot filter on email address. Only the fields you listed.


NetSuite Custom List/Record Field: Customer Address filtered to Current Record Addresses

This relates to Custom Fields in NetSuite.
I have added a List/Record field to Customer records, with the list type "Addressbook".
If you edit this field on a Customer record, it will give you a list of ALL Addresses, not just the ones relating to that specific Customer.
I cannot find a way get the field filtering options to limit the list to the specific record I am editing.
NOTE: Changing the List/Record list type to "Address" will provide no values at all.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Unique Contacts by phone number android

How to filter contacts by mobile number like chat applications. If a mobile number saved in contacts database with twice by with country code and without country code. I need to merge two numbers as single contact.
For example,
I saved a contact Bala with 9876543210 and +919876543210. In this scenario i need to filter both numbers and return +919876543210 number to my app database.
You need to convert all phone numbers to E164 format (with country code, no spaces or dashes)
e.g: +12125551234
If you're targeting API level 21 and above, you can simply do:
String e164 = PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumberToE164(originalNumber, countryCode);
To get the country code, try this:
TelephonyManager telephony = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String countryCode = telephony.getSimCountryIso().toUpperCase();
If you're targeting api level below 21, you can use google' libphonenumber library for Android with a similar API.
If all phones are normalized into E164 format, you can remove duplicates by simply not adding a new phone to a contact in case that contact already has that phone (you might find HashMap useful for this)

Is Name Required For QBO Customers and Vendors or Isn't It?

The docs on IPP for the QBO Customer entity
Online Docs for QBO
indicate that Name is "Required". However, those same docs say "...if the FullName is not specified, then GivenName, MiddleName, and FamilyName are concatenated and used for the value of this field." Does this mean that if we query for Customers we can always expect to find a non-null "Name" field, or does it mean that we might get a null "Name" but should use the concatenation mentioned in its stead? Same question for Vendors? Thanks for any help you can provide.
The Name will always be populated. Either you specify the name OR you specify the Given and Family name and it populates the Name field with those values.
Try this example. Login to QuickBooks online, enter the first, middle and last, then the display name populates automatically.
Here is the XML example when I only enter First Name, Last Name
<Name>Jazz, Hugo</Name>

Query URI service and return value to form field

I would like to have a form field that when filled returns the information that the specific company name is available for registration or not. I have checked companies house website and they have their URI service, but it looks like that the query should be made by company number and not by name:
Companies house
I'm newbie, so if with any answer you can provide me any code example that would be great, thanks in advance.

"sex" field in Users.getInfo in Facebook API

This is a noob question. According to Facebook API documentation, the sex field in Users.getInfo() function returns values based on users' locale. Hence, determine the gender of user is difficult.
Any solution suggested?
1) This isn't an elegant solution, and perhaps there's a better way that uses the API, but what if you manually created a look-up table for different values of 'sex' in different locales? You could try checking out facebook profiles of people from different countries and get the string displayed for their sex. Then, put that into some kind of dictionary data structure that allows you to grab the M-F string pair based on the locale's code (also given by getInfo()). For example en-US => (male, female), ja-JP => (男性, 女性). Of course, you could try using google translate too. After you gathered this data for a handful of the main locales, you'd be more-or-less covered. Maybe someone on the internets already has done it.
Of course, you could try emailing someone who works on the API for these values. The list of locale codes is here http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Locales .
2) Here is probably a better solution than (1). If you directly query the FQL User table, the value returned in 'sex' will always be English, starting from February 7 2010. More information about that is here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/User_%28FQL%29 . So, perhaps in the future getInfo() will return only English too. Who knows.
3) The answer to your question is also given on this existing post: Facebook FQL user table `sex` field : how to return male/female even the user is using different locale?