how to declare array reference in hash refrence - perl

my $memType = [];
my $portOp = [];
my $fo = "aster.out.DRAMA.READ.gz";
if($fo =~/aster.out\.(.*)\.(.*)\.gz/){
push (#{$memType},$1);
push (#{$portOp},$2);
print Dumper #{$memType};
foreach my $mem (keys %{$portCapability->{#{$memType}}}){
//How to use the array ref memType inside a hash//
print "entered here\n";
//cannot post the rest of the code for obvious reasons//
I am not able to enter the foreach loop . Can anyone help me fix it?
Sorry this is not the complete code . Please help me.

This doesn't do what you may think it means.
You treat $portCapability->{#{$memType}} as a hash reference.
The #{$memType} is evaluated in scalar context, thus giving the size of the array.
I aren't quite sure what you want, but would
%{ $portCapability->{ $memType->[0] } }
If, however, you want to slice the elements in $portCapability, you would need somethink like
#{ $portCapability }{ #$memType }
This evaluates to a list of hashrefs. You can then loop over the hashrefs, and loop over the keys in an inner loop:
for my $hash (#{ $portCapability }{ #$memType }) {
for my $key (keys %$hash) {
If you want a flat list of all keys of the inner hashes, but don't need the hashes themselves, you could shorten above code to
for my $key (map {keys %$_} #{ $portCapability }{ #$memType }) {

I think what you want is this:
my $foo = {
asdf => {
a => 1, b => 2,
foo => {
c => 3, d => 4
bar => {
e => 5, f => 6
my #keys = qw( asdf foo );
foreach my $k ( map { keys %{ $foo->{$_} } } #keys ) {
say $k;
But you do not know which of these $k belongs to which key of $foo now.
There's no direct way to get the keys of multiple things at the same time. It doesn't matter if these things are hashrefs that are stored within the same hashref under different keys, or if they are seperate variables. What you have to do is build that list yourself, by looking at each of the things in turn. That's simply done with above map statement.
First, look at all the keys in $foo. Then for each of these, return the keys inside that element.

my $memType = [];
my $portOp = [];
my $fo = “aster.out.DRAMA.READ.gz”;
if ($fo =~ /aster.out\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.gz/ ) { #This regular expression is safer
push (#$memType, $1);
push (#$portOp, $2);
print Dumper “#$memType”; #should print “DRAMA”
#Now if you have earlier in your program the hash %portCapability, your code can be:
foreach $mem (#$memType) {
print $portCapability{$mem};
#or if you have the hash $portCapability = {…}, your code can be:
foreach $mem (#$memType) {
print $portCapability->{$mem};
#Hope it helps


Extract data hash reference from perl array

I am new to perl. I am returning an array of references from a function. However I am lost as how I loop over the data.
sub whatever{
my %product;
my %resolution;
my #data = ();
push #data, \%product;
push #data, \%resolution;
return #data;
In the control sub module.
my #results = $whatever($dt_id);
$VAR1 = {'IOP' => 'IOP'};
$VAR2 = {'4km' => '4km','9km' => '9km'};
I get the two hashes but how do I loop over them.
To return the two hashes seperately:
return (\%product, \%resolution);
To map over them:
my ($product, $resolution) = whatever(...);
for my $key (%$product) {
# do something with $product->{$key};
try this:
for my $hash_ref (#results) {
for my $key (keys %$hash_ref) {
say "key '$key' has value '$hash_ref->{$key}'";

Split string into a hash of hashes (perl)

at the moment im a little confused..
I am looking for a way to write a string with an indefinite number of words (separated by a slash) in a recursive hash.
These "strings" are output from a text database.
Given is for example
the next one can be longer or shorter..
This must be created from it:
office {
hardware {
mouse {
count => 200
Any idea ?
Work backwards. Split the string. Use the last two elements to make the inner-most hash. While more words exist, make each one the key of a new hash, with the inner hash as its value.
my $s = "office/1/hardware/mouse/count/200";
my #word = split(/\//, $s);
# Bottom level taken explicitly
my $val = pop #word;
my $key = pop #word;
my $h = { $key => $val };
while ( my $key = pop #word )
$h = { $key => $h };
Simple recursive function should do
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub foo {
my $str = shift;
my ($key, $rest) = split m|/|, $str, 2;
if (defined $rest) {
return { $key => foo($rest) };
} else {
return $key;
my $hash = foo("foo/bar/baz/2");
print Dumper $hash;
Gives output
$VAR1 = {
'foo' => {
'bar' => {
'baz' => '2'
But like I said in the comment: What do you intend to use this for? It is not a terribly useful structure.
If there are many lines to be read into a single hash and the lines have a variable number of fields, you have big problems and the other two answers will clobber data by either smashing sibling keys or overwriting final values. I'm supposing this because there is no rational reason to convert a single line into a hash.
You will have to walk down the hash with each field. This will also give you the most control over the process.
our $hash = {};
our $eolmark = "\000";
while (my $line = <...>) {
chomp $line;
my #fields = split /\//, $line;
my $count = #fields;
my $h = $hash;
my $i = 0;
map { (++$i == $count) ?
($h->{$_}{$eolmark} = 1) :
($h = $h->{$_} ||= {});
} #fields;
$h->{$_}{$eolmark} = 1 You need the special "end of line" key so that you can recognize the end of a record and still permit longer records to coexist. If you had two records
foo/bar/baz foo/bar/baz/quux, the second would overwrite the final value of the first.
$h = $h->{$_} ||= {} This statement is a very handy idiom to both create and populate a cache in one step and then take a shortcut reference to it. Never do a hash lookup more than once.

Accessing and modifying a nested hash based on a dot separated string

I have a string as input, say = 100
I also have a hash reference:
$inst = {
'banana' => 2,
'guava' => 3,
'apple' => {
'mango' => {
'orange' => 80
I want to modify the value of orange using the input string. Can someone please help me how I could do this?
I tried splitting the string into (key, value) pair. I then did the following on the key string:
my $key2 = "\$inst->{".$key."}";
$key2 =~ s/\./}->{/g;
$$key2 = $value;
This does not work as intended. Can someone help me out here? I have read the Perl FAQ about not using a variable value as variable but I am unable to think of an alternative.
You are building string that consists of (buggy) Perl code, but you never ask Perl to execute it. ...but that's not the right approach.
sub dive_val :lvalue {
my $p = \shift;
$p = \($$p->{$_}) for #_;
my #key = split /\./, "";
dive_val($inst, #key) = $value;
use Data::Diver qw( DiveVal );
my #key = split /\./, "";
DiveVal($inst, map \$_, #key) = $value;
Not only is a symbolic reference a very bad idea here, it doesn't even solve your problem. You're building an expression in $key2, and just jamming another dollar sign in front of its name won't make perl execute that code. For that you would need eval, which is another bad idea
You can install and use the Data::Diver module, which does exactly this sort of thing, or you can simply loop over the list of hash keys, picking up a new hash reference each time and assigning the value to the element with the last key
The biggest issue is actually parsing the incoming string into a list of keys and a value. This code implements a subroutine apply which applies the implied operation in the string to a nested hash. Unless you are confident of your data, it needs some error checking addingto make sure each of the keys in the list exists. The Data:;Dumper output is just to demonstrate the validity of the result
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Data::Dumper;
my $inst = { 'banana' => 2, 'guava' => 3, 'apple' => { 'mango' => { 'orange' => 80 } } };
my $s = ' = 100';
apply($s, $inst);
print Dumper $inst;
sub apply {
my ($operation, $data) = #_;
my ($keys, $val) = $operation =~ /([\w.]+)\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
my #keys = split /\./, $keys;
my $last = pop #keys;
my $hash = $data;
$hash = $hash->{$_} for #keys;
$hash->{$last} = $val;
$VAR1 = {
'banana' => 2,
'apple' => {
'mango' => {
'orange' => '100'
'guava' => 3

Function explanation: delete a key in a hashtable

I'm a Perl programmer beginner and I am seeking for some explanation about the code above. The function is named delete_depth_hash but I can't understand how it works.
sub delete_depth_hash {
my (%hash_genotype_depth) = #_;
my %new_hash;
foreach my $geno(keys %hash_genotype_depth) {
foreach my $dep(keys %{$hash_genotype_depth{$geno}}) {
my $frequence = scalar($hash_genotype_depth{$geno}{$dep});
$new_hash{$geno} +=$frequence;
return %new_hash;
The behaviour can be explained by an example:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper({ delete_depth_hash( a => { b => 1, c => 2 } ) });
It outputs:
$VAR1 = {
'a' => 3
So, it basically sums the numbers regardless of the subkeys in a hash of hashes. Note that the scalar does nothing here, as the value of a hash must always be a scalar.
As the inner keys are just removed, you can simplify the code using the List::Util's sum and the values function:
use List::Util qw{ sum };
sub delete_depth_hash {
my (%hash_genotype_depth) = #_;
my %new_hash;
for my $geno (keys %hash_genotype_depth) {
$new_hash{$geno} = sum(values %{ $hash_genotype_depth{$geno} });
return %new_hash;

How can I cleanly turn a nested Perl hash into a non-nested one?

Assume a nested hash structure %old_hash ..
my %old_hash;
$old_hash{"foo"}{"bar"}{"zonk"} = "hello";
.. which we want to "flatten" (sorry if that's the wrong terminology!) to a non-nested hash using the sub &flatten(...) so that ..
my %h = &flatten(\%old_hash);
die unless($h{"zonk"} eq "hello");
The following definition of &flatten(...) does the trick:
sub flatten {
my $hashref = shift;
my %hash;
my %i = %{$hashref};
foreach my $ii (keys(%i)) {
my %j = %{$i{$ii}};
foreach my $jj (keys(%j)) {
my %k = %{$j{$jj}};
foreach my $kk (keys(%k)) {
my $value = $k{$kk};
$hash{$kk} = $value;
return %hash;
While the code given works it is not very readable or clean.
My question is two-fold:
In what ways does the given code not correspond to modern Perl best practices? Be harsh! :-)
How would you clean it up?
Your method is not best practices because it doesn't scale. What if the nested hash is six, ten levels deep? The repetition should tell you that a recursive routine is probably what you need.
sub flatten {
my ($in, $out) = #_;
for my $key (keys %$in) {
my $value = $in->{$key};
if ( defined $value && ref $value eq 'HASH' ) {
flatten($value, $out);
else {
$out->{$key} = $value;
Alternatively, good modern Perl style is to use CPAN wherever possible. Data::Traverse would do what you need:
use Data::Traverse;
sub flatten {
my %hash = #_;
my %flattened;
traverse { $flattened{$a} = $b } \%hash;
return %flattened;
As a final note, it is usually more efficient to pass hashes by reference to avoid them being expanded out into lists and then turned into hashes again.
First, I would use perl -c to make sure it compiles cleanly, which it does not. So, I'd add a trailing } to make it compile.
Then, I'd run it through perltidy to improve the code layout (indentation, etc.).
Then, I'd run perlcritic (in "harsh" mode) to automatically tell me what it thinks are bad practices. It complains that:
Subroutine does not end with "return"
Update: the OP essentially changed every line of code after I posted my Answer above, but I believe it still applies. It's not easy shooting at a moving target :)
There are a few problems with your approach that you need to figure out. First off, what happens in the event that there are two leaf nodes with the same key? Does the second clobber the first, is the second ignored, should the output contain a list of them? Here is one approach. First we construct a flat list of key value pairs using a recursive function to deal with other hash depths:
my %data = (
foo => {bar => {baz => 'hello'}},
fizz => {buzz => {bing => 'world'}},
fad => {bad => {baz => 'clobber'}},
sub flatten {
my $hash = shift;
map {
my $value = $$hash{$_};
ref $value eq 'HASH'
? flatten($value)
: ($_ => $value)
} keys %$hash
print join( ", " => flatten \%data), "\n";
# baz, clobber, bing, world, baz, hello
my %flat = flatten \%data;
print join( ", " => %flat ), "\n";
# baz, hello, bing, world # lost (baz => clobber)
A fix could be something like this, which will create a hash of array refs containing all the values:
sub merge {
my %out;
while (#_) {
my ($key, $value) = splice #_, 0, 2;
push #{ $out{$key} }, $value
my %better_flat = merge flatten \%data;
In production code, it would be faster to pass references between the functions, but I have omitted that here for clarity.
Is it your intent to end up with a copy of the original hash or just a reordered result?
Your code starts with one hash (the original hash that is used by reference) and makes two copies %i and %hash.
The statement my %i=%{hashref} is not necessary. You are copying the entire hash to a new hash. In either case (whether you want a copy of not) you can use references to the original hash.
You are also losing data if your hash in the hash has the same value as the parent hash. Is this intended?