Cassandra CQL request - select

I have a little probleme with Cassandra performances when I use a select query with a condition, example:
SELECT name from Perso where age = 18
It takes too much time and when the table arrived to 1M rows, I got the timedoutexception().
Can I use the pagination in this case? if yes how to use with the condition in a request?

Cassandra is quick at where clauses if there is low cardinality (i.e. number of rows) in the data, and is notoriously slow when there is a high cardinality.
The Cassandra docs suggest to use one column family to store data and one or more other cfs to act as an indexes for that data.
So for example for your issue you could have two column families - one for Person and another index column family to map an age to a list of names. You can query this second table using the age as the key, and have the list of names returned to you. You can then use the individual returned names to query whatever data you want in the Person column family.


Redshift table design for efficiency

I have a redshift cluster with a single dc1.large node. I've got data writing into it, on order of 50 million records a day, in the format of a timestamp, a user ID and an item ID. The item ID (varchar) is unique, the user ID (varchar) is not, and the timestamp (timestamp) is not.
In my redshift DB of about 110m records, if I have a table with no sort key, it takes about 30 seconds to search for a single item ID.
If I have a table with a sort key on item ID, I get a single item ID search time of about 14-16 seconds.
If I have a table with an interleved sort key with all three columns, the single item ID search time is still 14-16 seconds.
What I'm hoping to achieve is the ability to query for the records of thousands or tens of thousands of item IDs on order of a second.
The query just looks like
select count(*) from rs_table where itemid = 'id123';
select count(*) from rs_table where itemid in ('id123','id124','id125');
This query comes back in 541ms
select count(*) from rs_table;
AWS documentation suggests that there is a compile time for queries the first time they're run, but I don't think that's what I'm seeing (and it would be not ideal if it was, since each unique set of 10,000 IDs might never be queried in exactly the same order again.
I have to assume I'm doing something wrong with either the sort key design, the query, or some combination of the two - for only ~10g of table space, something like redshift shouldn't take this long to query, right?
We probably need a few additional pieces of information to give you a good recommendation.
Here are some things to start thinking about.
Are most of your queries record lookups as you describe above?
What is your distribution key?
Do you join this table with other large fact tables?
If you load 50M records per day and you only have 110M records in the
table, does that mean that you only store 2 days?
Do you do massive deletes and then load another 50M records per day?
Do you run ANALYZE after your loads?
If you deleted a large number of records, did you run VACUUM?
If all of your queries are similar to the ones that you describe, why are you using Redshift? Amazon DynamoDB or MongoDB (even Cassandra) would be great database choices for the types of queries that you describe.
If you run analytical workloads Redshift is an excellent platform. If you are more interested in "record lookups" the NoSQL options, as well as mysql or MariaDB might give you better performance.
Also, if this is a dev/test environment and you have loaded and deleted large amounts of data without ever running a VACUUM you would see significant performance degradation.

Sphinx centralize multiple tables into a single index

I do have multiple tables (MySQL) and I want to have a single index for them.
Each table has the primary key of int autoincrement type.
The structure of collected data is the same for each table (so no conflict), but as the IDs collide so it seems that I have to query each index separately (unless you can give me a hint of how to avoid ID collision)
Question is: If I query each index separately does it means that the weight of returned results are comparable between indexes?
unless you can give me a hint of how to avoid ID collision
See for example
You can just arrange for the ids to be offset differently. The 'sphinx document id' doesnt have to match the real primary key, but having a simple mapping makes the application simpler.
You have a choice between one-index, one-source (using a single sql query to union all the tables together. one-index, many-source. (a source per table, all making one index) or many-indexes (one index per table, each with own source). Which ever way will give the same query results.
If I query each index separately does it means that the weight of returned results are comparable between indexes?
Pretty much. The difference should be negiblibe that doesnt matter whic way round you do it.

How to avoid column name conflicts in cassandra

I need to store a list of user names in a Cassandra column family(wide row/dynamic columns).
The columnname/comparator type will be integer, so as to sort the users based on a score.
The score ranges from 0 to 100. The problem is, if two or more users have a same score, how can i store them on different columns?, as cassandra would not allow that...
Is there any way to convert integer to timeuuids? Or any other solution for this problem?
This is a problem I have seen quite often (not scores but preventing column name conflict). In general the solution is a form or another of concatenating a UUID to the column name (Since those are made to never conflict).
If you want to keep on sorting by score then I advice you to use a CompositeType column name.
More specifically:
CompositeType(score: Integer | time: TimeUUID)
The comparator in Cassandra will then first sort by score and then by time (putting the most recent last I believe).
TimeUUID should also take care of "simultaneous" score posting even thought the probabilities to have that with a Long timestamp would be ridiculously low.
You can use build-in list feature, see
Just have column with a value and list of users for that value.

How to retrieve a list of Columns from a single row in Cassandra?

The below is a sample of my Cassandra CF.
column1 column2 column3 ......
row1 : name:abay,value:10 name:benny,value:7 name:catherine,value:24 ................
How can i fetch columns with name ('abay', 'john', 'peter', 'allen') from this row in a single query using Hector API.
The number of names in the list may vary every time.
I know that i can get them in a sorted order using SliceQuery.
But there are cases when i need to fetch data randomnly, as i mentioned above.
Kindly help me.
Based on your query, it seems you have two options.
If you only need to run this query occasionally, you can get all columns for the row and filter them on the client. If you have at most a few thousand columns, this should be ok for an occasional query.
If you need to run this frequently, you'll want to write the data such that you can query using name as the key. This probably means you'll have to write the data twice into two CFs, where one is by your current key, and the other is by name. This is a common Cassandra tactic.

hbase rowkey design

I am moving from mysql to hbase due to increasing data.
I am designing rowkey for efficient access pattern.
I want to achieve 3 goals.
Get all results of email address
Get all results of email address + item_type
Get all results of particular email address + item_id
I have 4 attributes to choose from
user email
reverse timestamp
What should my rowkey look like to get rows efficiently?
Assuming your main access is by email you can have your main table key as
email + reverse time + item_id (assuming item_id gives you uniqueness)
You can have an additional "index" table with email+item_type+reverse time+item_id and email+item_id as keys that maps to the first table (so retrieving by these is a two step process)
Maybe you are already headed in the right direction as far as concatenated row keys: in any case following comes to mind from your post:
Partitioning key likely consists of your reverse timestamp plus the most frequently queried natural key - would that be the email? Let us suppose so: then choose to make the prefix based on which of the two (reverse timestamp vs email) provides most balanced / non-skewed distribution of your data. That makes your region servers happier.
Choose based on better balanced distribution of records:
reverse timestamp plus most frequently queried natural key
e.g. reversetimestamp-email
or email-reversetimestamp
In that manner you will avoid hot spotting on your region servers.
To obtain good performance on the additional (secondary ) indexes, that is not "baked into" hbase yet: they have a design doc for it (look under SecondaryIndexing in the wiki).
But you can build your own a couple of ways:
a) use coprocessor to write the item_type as rowkey to separate tabole with a column containing the original (user_email-reverse timestamp (or vice-versa) fact table rowke
b) if disk space not issue and/or the rows are small, just go ahead and duplicate the entire row in the second (and third for the item-id case) tables.