Eclipse wraps NOPMD Tag after imports - eclipse

I have a little problem with Eclipse. When i set a //NOPMD tag behind an import it wraps the tag to the end of the imports. How can I avoid that eclipse wraps any //NOPMD tags during beautifying the java program?
Example before beautifying:
Example after beautifying:

How about using #SupressWarnings("PMD.NameOfRule"). This will suppress all instances of that rule in the class which may or may not be what you want. But it is immune to code reformatting and organize imports.
As a reference, here are the options for suppressing.

Found a better answer once I stopped looking at this as a PMD problem! The accepted answer to this question shows how to turn off formatting on sections of the code by writing:
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
You'd need to do this on each class around your imports. Or each class that has //NOPMD that is. And you'd need to turn on the setting in your workspace. And have your teammates to this same if you are on a team.


FlashDevelop error while importing Box2D

I'm new to flash development, so I'm watching a tutorial on how to use FlashDevelop. The video recommended I use Box2D and explained how to use it as a global classpath, which I have done.
I was messing around with the code using what the person in the video was showing, just trying to get an output. As I typed, FlashDevelop was adding in the import statements for me.
import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape;
import Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2;
import Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef;
import Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef;
import Box2D.Dynamics.b2World;
import Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body;
When I run the program though, it's returning this:
col: 31 Error: Definition Box2D.Collision.Shapes:b2CircleShape could not be found.
It's returning a variation of that for each import.
I've checked and the files are indeed there. I'm really not certain what this could be; it's possible I just missed a step.
Any ideas?
(Sorry if I formatted this question incorrectly, I'm new to this site.)
It's maybe cause you are using an old version
I think these are your choices :
1) you have to do an update
2) use "b2CircleDef"
See the code source in this link the change are commented
Hope that was helpful !
Good luck

Is there a way to tell Eclipse how to resolve ambiguous java names?

My eclipse is configured so that when I save the java source file, it automatically inserts the missing import declarations. Except when the reference is ambiguous. Fpr instance, the most annoying ambiguity is with List<T> - both java.util and java.awt declare it. Here eclipse demands manual resolution.
I was wondering if it was possible to configure somewhere that whenever List<T> is used then java.util should be imported. Or alternatively, since I am not using java.awt, I could just remove it from the list of possible suggestions.
Any ideas?
This sounds like a possible duplicate of Exclude packages from Eclipse's organize imports.
Basically, you want to change your Type Filters preference to exclude java.awt.* packages. Keep in mind that doing so will make things harder/confusing if you ever try to write AWT/Swing code.
One thing that pops into my mind is altering the class template in the preferences to include the line:
import java.util.List
Unless you are going to use the AWT version of a List, or care about unused import statements, that should solve this annoying issue ..
Manually invoke Organize Imports and it will ask you when an ambiguity is found.

Import customization in Groovy-Eclipse for DSL

I'm using Groovy for a calculation engine DSL and really like the support we now have in Eclipse with STS and the Groovy-Eclipse plug-in (I'm on STS 2.8.0M2 with latest milestone of Groovy-Eclipse 2.5.2).
One issue I have is I don't know how to get the Groovy editor to 'know' the automatic imports I've added to my script runner, meaning Eclipse gives me a whole bunch of false errors. If you use the Groovy class loader, you can add additional import for 'free', so you avoid needing to do imports in your script.
I've had a play with the DSLD support in Groovy-Eclipse (which can be used to add auto-completion support) but it's not obvious to me that this is something I could do with it - I don't find the DSLD documentation the simplest to follow.
The inferencing settings for Groovy in Eclipse didn't look like the right thing either.
For example:
def result = new CalculationResult()
gives me an error on the CalculationResult class as it's not imported, but the script will execute correctly in my environment because of the customized imports on the Groovy class loader. I'm using the standard import customization provided by Groovy, for example:
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
def importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer()
importCustomizer.addImport 'CalculationResult', 'ch.hedgesphere.core.type.CalculationResult'
def configuration = new CompilerConfiguration()
Any pointers appreciated.
This seems to be in their bugtracker as coming in the 2.6 release of the plugin.
But the comment from Andrew Eisenberg doesn't bode well:
Unfortunately, this is not something that DSLDs can do. Since a
missing import could mean compile errors, we would need a way to
augment the compiler lookup for this. There might be a way to specify
this information inside of a DSLD, but that would mean hooking into
DSLDs in a very different way. More likely, this will have to be
specified through an Eclipse plugin (like the gradle tooling).
Another possibility is that we can ensure that certain kinds of AST
Transforms are applied during a reconcile and so the editor would just
"magically" know about these extra imports. We will have to look into
the feasibility of this, however.
Still, maybe a vote on that issue wouldn't go amiss?

How to import scala class automatically in eclipse?

I use eclipse as my scala ide. And I know that in java I can use short cut by content assistent to import classes. So I do not need type in the whole class name. Just need to type the first several characters.
But in scala, I can not import classes automatically. Do I need to do some set up or it is just because scala plugin do not support this.
Ctrl + 1
on symbol works for me :)
There is Scala IDE for Eclipse however it is not very mature these days, however improving day by day. As far as I remember it can import automatically, or you can use Eclipse global fix import hotkey ctrl+shift+o.

Why "import javax.jdo.* "caused error?

I have a class uses the following lines, it works fine in a Google App Engine project:
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy;
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdentityType;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey;
But when I included this class in another project, it cause error :
package javax.jdo.annotations does not exist
What should I do to find javax.jdo.* ?
Add the JDO jar file to the class path.
The star notation for imports isn't working the way you think it does.
It's not recursive - it only applies the child classes in javax.jdo, not the child packages.
If you want all the classes in javax.jdo.annotations, you'll need to import javax.jdo.annotations.*, too.
I'd recommend not using the star notation. Better to type out the imports for every class individually. Use an IDE to help you. It's clearer for you and other programmers who come after you where those classes came from.