Drop-down list in navigation bar iOS - iphone

I want to implement a drop-down list in the navigation bar, which contains all categories such as in this application:
I want to know what its name, and steps to implement it.

You need to place your View underneath the navigation bar but put its position to high so it isn't visible. Then when you press that button use UIViews animations to slide it down. It's that simple and there isn't any special kind of view.

YOu can try something like this also ... https://github.com/kolyvan/kxmenu


Showing a overlaying menu when tab bar item is clicked - IOS

Thanks for reading my question!
I have a 5-part tabbar which I use for app navigation, the center tab is covered by a UIButton and is slightly larger (much like the instagram app). This works fine.
But what I want is the far right tab bar item to show a overlaying menu when clicked. I don't want it to switch to a viewcontroller with a menu. I want the menu to be displayed no matter which of the other views you're in at the moment. So I want it to act much like a button which is in the tabbar. But I have no idea how to go about doing this.
Should I use a overlaying button over the tabbaritem or should I catch the tabbarclick, but how can I prevent the view from changing in that case?
Thanks you for any help!
You need to implement UITabBarDelegate. Then override tabBar:didSelectItem: and implement your custom displaying here. See below for reference
Then i would just make a custom UIView and fade it in when that specific tagged UITabBarItem is pressed.

Creating a Drop Down Menu with Xcode 4.3.2 Storyboards

I'm a noob at Obj-C, and especially at the concept of storyboarding. It seems like storyboarding could be so awesome yet it is not intuitive at all.
I'm trying to make it so when this button is pressed, the user will see a drop down menu letting them pick from either All, Read, or Unread:
Do I drag a new view controller out and put in a drop down selector in that and then segue to that view from the button?
P.S. What system icon should I use to represent the read/unread filter? The one I have just isn't right. =]
P.P.S. This project is open source: https://github.com/kirkouimet/enzyme
Well, I guess the most native control for this would be a scope bar, but this must be attached to a search bar, which may not be what you're looking for. The scope bar basically would only appear when the search bar is the first responder (i.e., when it has the keyboard's focus).
If you're developing for iPad, you could use a popover controller. Simply create a view controller to manage the buttons for your filter and use a UIStoryboardPopoverSegue to transition to them.
These two questions involving popover segues may help:
- iOS - Create an Popover View using StoryBoard
- UIStoryboardPopoverSegue opening multiple windows on button touch
You may also want to consider using a segmented control inside a toolbar—using the UISegmentedControlStyleBar style—and situating that above the search bar you already have. Then you would just create a IBAction method (probably in your root master view controller) that responds to the UIControlEventValueChanged control event. You can use that to determine which segment was selected to do your filtering.
Something like this...
From top to bottom:
Navigation bar
Flexible space
Segmented control
Flexible space
Search bar
Table view

iphone: Button/Image on top of TabBarController?

When in the Camera Roll section of the Photos app, you can click the top right button to edit the photos. This replaces the bottom tab bar with three new buttons.
I would like to do something similar, but I cannot get my buttons to be on TOP of the tab bar. Is there a way to specify the layer order? Or do I need to do something different?
I would add a new UIView. I would add it to the view your tab bar is in (like, let's say UIWindow). From there you can use -bringViewToFront (or something similar). That way you will have control over what is in front of the UITabBarController's view.

How to fit more operations to tab bar + navigation bar?

I want to use Tabview for my whole app. However in certain view, I have more operations than I can fit in the navigator bar. So I thought of using Toolbar but toolbar should be located at the bottom, right? Toolbar looks weird to be on top of the tabview, and hiding tabview for one view doesn't really make sense. I guess I can go with more buttons in the main view, but any other alternatives?
What can one use to add more operation(s) to tabview?
In regards to keeping the UI simple, Apple recommends using a "More" button on the tab bar to fit additional functionality in on a tableview or some other NIB.
Additionally, you could always have another NIB that is hidden unless they hit a certain area or button and then it pops into view for controls, options, etc.

UITabBarController - more than 20 views

I am using a tab bar (UITabBarController) on my app and I wish to have more than 20 different views to choose from.
If there are more than 5, "More" menu appears. I can access any of my views from "More" menu but I have problems with customizing my TabBar with "Configure" (Edit) navigation bar. I can see only 20 first view icons and I can't scroll the view any direction. Icon with numbers 21 or higher are unavailable in "Configure" (Edit) navigation bar
Is there a way to scroll up and down (or left and right) to be able to customize TabBar with all of my view icons? Is there the other way to customize "Configure" (Edit) navigation bar to get access to all view icons?
Looks like there is no solution for this :( except creating your own UITabBarController.
This is a limitation of the controller provided by Apple, but you can work around this problem as follows:
Catches the action of the edit button and replace it with your own action that aims to display a custom screen that plays differently the sort action.
I have done this way in my applications, when I had the need.