Why are animated gif in typo3 not shown - typo3

I have in my Typo3 Content text and image. And i would like to insert a animated gif. I first made it normal, than i recognized that the gif changed to .png files.
After a few test I found the parameter (FE png_to_gif), in the Install Tool.
But when I choose this. The gif files has the path fileadmin/processed but there are no gif files in this directory.
Can anybody help me that i can display my animated gifs ?
Thank you.

If the image you are processing is resized or modified by ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, all frames of an animation will be lost. Use the orginal size in the frontend to avoid this.

Hi try select "None (ignores all other options)" under Apperance->Quality and Type

Like Merec answered: the animation will be lost trough processing ...
an option is to intervene on the rendering of the fluid-template: in your own extension you overwrite the original fluid-template and find the image-viewhelper the ouputs the image:
This processes the image also when no width or height are given
<f:image image="{imageObject}" />
This without size will not (or use the variable directly)
<f:image src="{imageObject.0.originalResource.publicUrl}" />
(note that an imageobject is often an array, to find that out <f:debug>{_imageObject}</f:debug> or <f:debug>{_all}</f:debug>)


Images built on the flutter do not output properly to the widget

i used CircleAvatar and input backgroundImage: AssetImage('assets/image's name')
also i modified pubspec.yaml (I used command / to assets line)
but, I don't see the image in my emulator..
I don't know what caused it.
I attach an image for a detailed explanation.
The picture of the squirrel on the left is the image I want.
However, the widget shows a blue circle.
you forgot to put .jpeg after the name
In Flutter, when you are trying to display an image, it's important to include the proper image file extension (e.g. .jpeg, .png, .gif, etc.) at the end of the file name. If the extension is missing, the image won't be displayed. To resolve this issue, simply add the correct extension to the end of the file name in the code that defines the image path. For example, if the original code reads
change it to

How to add an image to a pdf using Capacitor pdf-generator plugin

I’m using capacitor pdf-generator plugin to create a pdf. I managed to do so as long as the html code is limited to non image tag, code in which I inject some dynamic data by nesting variable using ${ }.
Now, my aim is to bind the src attribute of an ```img`` tag to a variable so that I can change the logo displayed in the created PDF.
Where I fail: what appears on the PDF is a white space with dashed borders (check picture attached). So I guess that the path must be correct because if not it would show the missing icon (issue I went through before I could format correctly the path).
Anyone who already had that trouble?
Finally bypassed this issue by storing the base64 data when selecting a logo and using it directly in the img tag.
<img src="data:image/png;base64,${base64data} " />
You can convert the images to base64 here https://www.base64-image.de/
then add the codes directly to your image tag

Generate webp image in TYPO3 Fluid

I am trying to have TYPO3 10.4.12 generate webp images as described in the example on this page: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/master/en-us/Changelog/10.3/Feature-90416-SpecificTargetFileExtensionInImage-relatedViewHelpers.html
{f:uri.image(image:images.0, fileExtension: 'webp')}
I am using GraphicsMagick and with gm version I get
WebP yes
and converting a picture to webp manually via command line works.
Also cwebp is installed.
If I try fileExtension: 'png' it generates a png file so the parameter seems to work.
However the image does not get converted, instead the original unprocessed image gets referenced.
The main problem seems to have been that I needed to add webp to the [GFX][imagefile_ext] configuration.
Additionally sometimes it only worked after removing all generated images under Remove Temporary Assets in the Maintenance section.
Yes that is true, webp must be added to image file list. In addition we faced another problem with webp. If you create an image as jpg with a width and after that the same image as webp also in the same width, only the jpg was generated. That's why we added 1px to the jpg images.
Now nearly all picutures are delivered in a modern way on https://www.in2code.de

How to resize an image with clickable link in README.md file?

I have been trying to add a link to one of the YouTube videos in the README.md file. So, first I took a screenshot of the video at a specific timestamp, put it in the local directory, and then used the following syntax:
[![ALT TEXT] (image/screenshot path)] (https://youtu.be/video_id "video text")
But as the size of the screenshot is a little big (as big as my laptop screen), using the above syntax takes a lot of space in the output! I don't want that. I want to control the size of the screenshot/image. How can I do that?
I found different answers on adding an image with a clickable link; resize an image in readme; but I couldn't find any answer addressesing both the issues. (Sorry if such answer already exists)
Thanks a lot in advance :)
You can include raw HTML in your Markdown document, so just use standard HTML <a> and <img> tag with width and height atttributes:
<img src="path/to/img.png" width="xxx" height="yyy">
This will render correctly on github and elsewhere.

typo3 flexslider should user original image and not cropped one

In my typo3 7.6.19 Website I want to user the flexslider plugin.
That works fine, my problem is that the image is a cropped one and not the original file I uploaded.
How can I change it to use the original picture?
Thanks in advance
The plugin sets up a TypoScript constant
You can modify this value in your TypoScript template (Module Template > Constant Editor > select "PLUGIN.TX_WSFLEXSLIDER"
About your other problem that is artifacts in the reduced image, I think that when resizing an image from 2550px to 800px, it is probable that the quality will be reduced :) You could check those settings in Install Tool >All Configuration > Image Processing [GFX] and see if you can improve them.
A last word: I would not use images of 2550px, it seems that they will be very heavy! I would try to set a compromise (e.g. plugin.tx_wsflexslider.maxwidth=1200px).
You could also evalutate the extension EXT:image_autoresize https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/image_autoresize/
to automatically resize the images when uploading them and limit the weight or dimensions of the images that your editor will upload.
From this answer typo3 uses crop images how can I avoid this I see that (of course) you can also modify the partial that renders the image and avoid using the TypoScript constants at all, but for the reasons I mentioned above, I would not recommend it.
In TYPO3 10.4.x and ws_slider 0.9.8, it was not a constant but:
<f:image image="{item.foregroundMedia.0}" maxWidth="600" />