Configuring Scala Debugger for Scala IDE - scala

I'm trying to configure Scala Debuger.
I have specs2 tests:
class DictionaryTest extends Specification { ...
I've downloaded preconfigured default scala-ide.
Turn on scala debugger by default like was said on the image (2nd slide). Restart eclipse.
Put breakpoint in my specs2 tests, but when start debugger still see java-like stack-traces when the code reaches the breakpoint (not like on 3rd slide).
Q: Are there some addition steps I should perform to start using/testingscala-debugger ?
Edit: why my screen is different than doc's screenshot. It seems Scala debugger was not On? At least I was hoping to see word 'Scala Display'

Unfortunately, your probably hit a known limitation. Currently, the new debugger is available for the Scala launcher, but not for the JUnit launcher. Here is the relevant ticket.
You could work around it if you configured the test runner to wait for a remote debugger connection, and then connect the scala debugger as described here


How to debug JavaFX application with jdk14/javafx14/Eclipse v.2020-03?

I'm trying to run a JavaFX application to test some custom controls based on jdk14 and JavaFX14. My operating system is Windows 10, the IDE is Eclipse 2020-03, and I use m2e Maven plugin. The controls are exact copies of controls developed under jdk8 and JavaFX8; the earlier controls pass all tests, there was no problem with debugging.
There is no problem getting a test application to run using jdk14 and JavaFX14, but breakpoints are ignored regardless of whether I run in debug mode, or run mode, or whether I modify the Maven command from javafx:run to javafx:debug (that did NOT work) or to javafx:run#debug.
This issue seems to have been addressed several times in the context of a Netbeans IDE (see stackoverflow discussion, and I copied in the text from the modified plugin as suggested, but to no effect.
I have the following questions:
What must be done in order to debug a JavaFX application under the conditions described above?
Who is responsible for dealing with this? Eclipse? OpenJFX? Somebody else?
Based on the principle that whatever solution is developed, it should be as user friendly as the debugging process under jdk8 and JavaFX8 (i.e. before JavaFX and everything else got decoupled from Oracle), is it reasonable to expect that a solution along those lines will be available in the near future? Is anybody working on it now?
Thanks for feedback.

Debugging a software verifier written in sbt on Intellij Idea

I'm working with Stainless, a software verifier for Scala programs. I would like to debug the verification process of a sample programme on Intellij Idea. On a previous post, I solved this integration problem for an interactive theorem prover. But now, I'm facing two problems:
Apparently, the verification software runs at compile time. That is, I enter in the sbt console and run the compile command and then the verification process seems to be done. You may try this with this verified example. This situation is new to me, since I was used to debug the program while executing.
All the setup in the sbt files of the example above (see for instance this file) seem to refer to online content, while I want to make sure that I work with my local copy forked from the original repository of the verifier.
None of the configurations I tried worked. Can you help me out of this problem?
This is the current configuration page of stainless.
If the verification runs within the sbt process, you can debug it by attaching the debugger to sbt. IntelliJ makes this easy with the embedded sbt shell:
open the sbt shell toolwindow
click the "attach debugger to sbt shell" button on the left
set breakpoints in your code
run the task

Running simple Scala in Intellij

I'm trying to run a very simple hello world Scala program in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac without using the Scala console configuration. I have followed these steps to largely get started, but I didn't set up the debugger outlined there. There isn't a default run configuration enabled, but I can right-click on my source file and select "Scala Console," as we can see here:
Is there a way to select or edit my configurations to make it so I don't have to use the console? Below are the available configurations.
I simply want there to be a way to run my Scala code and see the generated output in the provided console, which Scala Console isn't doing. Thanks for your time.
Lab6 should be an object, not a class.
This will allow you to run it as a main method

Is there any way to fork the SBT console into a new JVM?

For all the reasons listed here:
it's sometimes necessary to run your Scala code in a separate JVM from the one in which SBT is running. That's also true of the REPL, which you access from the console or test:console commands.
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that SBT supports running the console in its own JVM (and I'm posting this question here, as requested in the message):!topic/simple-build-tool/W0q62PfSIMo
Can someone confirm that this isn't possible and suggest a possible workaround? I'm trying to play with a ScalaFX app in the console, and I have to quit SBT completely each time I run it. It'd be nice to just have to quit the console and keep SBT running.

how to auto-reload changed scala classes into SBT REPL

I am new to Scala and to using emacs + ensime + sbt setup for my Scala development.
This setup is quite nice and light, but there is one thing which drives me nuts - inability to auto-compile / reload changes into Scala console started from sbt.
I use REPL a lot and would like to be able to start REPL from sbt with console command and test my changes to scala classes from REPL without having to close it and reload every time I make a change.
I come from Erlang environment and this way of development is easy with Erlang but seems to be difficult with SBT. I have the JRebel plug-in installed but it doesn't seem to be working for the situation I described.
Has anybody been able to make something similar work and would be willing to share the configuration steps?
Much appreciated in advance.
There are two things possible in sbt:
Causing automatic recompilation of the project sources triggered by a file change by prefixing a command with ~ (tilde). The console, or console-quick, or console-project commands can be prefixed, too, but you have to exit REPL to make the recompilation happen (just hit Ctrl+D and wait.)
Causing automatic execution of REPL commands just after firing the console. They can be defined as properties (e.g. in build.sbt):
initialCommands in console := """
import some.library._
def someFun = println("Hello")
It's not necessary to define the property separately in consoleQuick because it defaults to the one defined in console, but if you would like to use the console-project command you have to define it separately.
On a final note: remember to leave empty line between every property in an *.sbt file. They're necessary to parse the properties correctly. In the example above there are no blank lines in between so it means that everything goes into the initialCommands property (and that's what we want.)