Enabale auto-complete for Laravel 4 in Netbeans - netbeans

I would like to add auto-complete with documentation for Laravel 4 in Netbeans.
I try to search and found this code(https://github.com/ethaizone/laravel-netbeans-autocompletion). Unfortunately, it doesn't work with Laravel 4.
Anyone have any idea or solution?

Try this https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper.
It use artisan command to generate ide helper file

Just download this file _ide_helper.php and put it in the root directory of your project

I created a folder inside programfiles/netbeans/php then I saved the file which u can grab from following url. I updated the PHP global include path to above folder from Netbeans. Next time when you create a Laravel you don't need to set the include file path. Netbeans will support Laravel code completion.
download the file from this page


The app.server.deploy.dir(C:\liferay\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/../bundles/tomcat-8.0.32/webapps) is not valid

I downloaded this, and put it on a folder of my choose. Then, when I try to create a new Eclipse Plugin project, everything goes fine until the "Liferay plugins SDK Setting Page" appears. Then, I'm not able to do anything.
I point to the folder of my plugins sdk page, which is:
And I get the following error:
is not valid.
After this, I can't do anything. Any help with this?
Check this screenshot: I realized that I was pointing to a 7.0 version SDK, while I have the 6.2, but it fails this way too. Check the screenshot:
You have downloaded a Liferay plugins SDK. In order to have a plugin working, you need to deploy the plugin in a Liferay Server (tipically a Liferay bundle with a tomcat).
The deploy dir is the directory where Liferay will search for new plugins and deploy them.
If have not missed anything from your question, you need a server.
Indeed, I missed something. You have a server (6.2).
First, you need a proper Plugins SDK for Liferay 6.2.
Second, in the build.properties inside that SDK is defined the default properties for building the projects. You can override them with a build.[your-user].properties and set the correct deploy dir there.
In order for this work correctly in your liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0 folder, you must create a build.${user.name}.properties and in this file you must set "app.server.parent.dir" and point it to the directory that contains the extracted liferay portal 7.0 ga1 files.
Or where ever you have installed unzipped the portal zip. Then try again in the wizard in Liferay IDE.
Note: its better to use forward slashes in your config, '/' instead of backslashes. If you do use backslashes you must use two of them '\\'
gamerson has answered it correctly but I want add some more stuff to this answer.
You need to add a properties file--> build.{username}.properties in your plugin sdk folder.
And also need to add various properties.
app.server.portal.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\webapps\ROOT
app.server.lib.global.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\lib\ext
app.server.parent.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1
app.server.tomcat.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32
app.server.tomcat.deploy.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\webapps
app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32
copy your tomcat directory and place where bold text is.
In addition to gamerson, just create a properties file build.{UserName}.properties file under plugins sdk directory and add only one property
please note {UserName} is windows/linux username and while specifying property value, use \\ in windows env or / in linux env pointing to liferay home.
please close all dialogs in eclipse and recreate the plugin project again

Local bukkit server not detecting new plugin

I made a simple plugin with one command based on the tutorial on http://wiki.bukkit.org/Plugin_Tutorial . I can compile it to a jar file just fine by using Run As -> Maven Install. The only problem I had was I got this error message that said "tools.jar" not found but I fixed it by manually adding it in the JDK overview window. But when I add the plugin file to my plugins folder, it apparently won't load on my server. If I call plugin, it doesn't show up either, but others do. Here's the code I get when launching the server (couldn't copy): http://pastebin.com/s2ig3ngN
I found a solution: Instead of 2, i accidentally put 3 spaces per indent on the plugin.yml file. Changing this fixed it and my plugin now loads properly.

Install IDE helper file for netbeans

I'm searching for auto complete way for Laravel 4 and found this
but i don't know how to use it , i have net beans 7.2 ,so how to install the file ?
Just put the IDE helper file somewhere in your project directory and open the project in NetBeans, it will index the file and you'll be good to go. I leave it in the root of my app directory.
I use this file: https://gist.github.com/barryvdh/5227822
I downloaded this helper (https://gist.github.com/barryvdh/5227822#) and placed it in the root directory of the laravel project folder. Restarted the netbeans. It is working for me.

Cannot use Go to file feature in NetBeans with files in Include Path

I'd like to use the Go to files feature in NetBeans for the files in Include Path, but I cannot. Is there anyway to turn it on or it's just not implemented? I'm using NetBeans 7.2 for PHP.

netbeans 6.8 and zend framework

I installed Netbeans 6.8 but in the PHP framework list it does not show Zend framework. Do I need to configure it? How do I do that?
Same this one : http://blogs.oracle.com/netbeansphp/entry/zend_framework_support_added
This feature will be in the next release (AFAIK 6.9 is planned at the beginning of the summer). You can already download (or compile by yourself) dev build and try it out.
For now, ZF support in Netbeans it is just a wrapper for command line Zend
_Tool. You just configure your zf.bat path and that's it.
There is a great plugin named "Path Tools" (get it from the netbeans plugins page). This will allow you to open a command window in your project directory. Then, creating a new project is really easy(ofcourse, you need to have zf.bat and php.exe in your path). Simply open command window..
. zf create project
. (you will be prompted for directory.. enter '.' for current dir)
Netbeans does not create ZF projects. So first you need to create ZF project yourself using Zend_Tool, and than in NetBeans create New Project (File->New Project) and select PHP category with 'PHP Application with Existing Sources' and off course point to your newly created ZF project.