Get total number of items via QuickBooks API - intuit-partner-platform

The QuickBooks Online api supports paging and sorting results with special query parameters. Paging requires two parameters: PageNumber and ResultsPerPage. However, there doesn't seem to be any way of figuring out how many pages are available at a given number of results per page, or how many objects there are. The response only includes the current page and how many things are on it.
Is it possible to get either a total count of items for a given search? Or at least a total number of pages?

In QBO there is no direct api to get the total count or the total number of pages.
You need to use paging only for this use case.
To use paging use the findAll method(with page no and chunk size attributes) of the corresponding entity.
ex - Ref doc for Customer(QBO)
Ref example -


Retrieve all of a user's playlist from SoundCloud limited to 50?

I'm trying to retrieve all the playlists from my account via, as the API reference shows.
However, I can only retrieve recent 50 playlists instead of all of my playlists. I've been looking for this but it seems like no one has had this issue before. Is there a way to get all of them?
Check out the section of their API on pagination.
Most results from our API are returned as a collection. The number of items in the collection returned is limited to 50 by default with a maximum value of 200. Most endpoints support a linked_partitioning parameter that will allow you to page through collections. When this parameter is passed, the response will contain a next_href property if there are additional results. To fetch the next page of results, simply follow that URI. If the response does not contain a next_href property, you have reached the end of the results.

Facebook API - math operator

Is it possibile to filter results from Graph API Search by number range? When I type:
I get number of fans of each page.
I can also get the number of events attendes:
Can I use math operators for this statistics? Ex. to filter pages, that has over 1000 fans? Something like: Fields:likes>100 (it’s my idea, not a code).
Unfortunately, there are no filters to get specific entries only. You would have to implement paging and do the filtering on your own. Which would be nearly impossible for very large results.

Pagination in the event search API

I am performing a rest call to facebooks search API using type=event
I have looked through the documentation and still have a few questions about specific pagination behavior of the event search API.
If I used a broad search term like "ma" and keep querying the pagination ['next'] URL would I cycle through all facebook events starting with "ma"? Does the pagination array give any indication when there are no more results to return?.
Do these searches include past events? If so is it possible to eliminate past events using the "since" parameter?
What is the maximum for the limit parameter?
As far as I can tell the number of pages you can get from a facebook search is limited to 500. This includes pages that can be accessed via pagination. In other words a query with limit >=500 will not return a pagination url, likewise a query with limit 250 will only return one pages worth of pagination.
You will "next page" until the count of results comes less then the limit
I'm not sure if that is possible using a simple Graph Request. Maybe using FQL
I don't know exactly. But i used a 2000 limit one day. And it worked.
Other doubts you can get answers testing your resquests with this tool
I am also doing the same thing like you. I am collecting public post using graph search api.
When there are no results available or you reach max limit pagination section will not be there in response. So you can always check for paging is there in json response or not something like this.
NextResult = DeserJsonFBResponce.paging != null ? : string.Empty;
I am not so sure about this with events but for public post i am able to eliminate post using science and until parameters.
Maximum for the limit parameter is 2000 per get request.

Count number of results, which search is better? Google custom search API or Bing API?

I want a count for the number of results obtained when i post a query. Which search API is better for this? I found google custom search API very unreliable about the count that it returns and it allows only 100 free queries per day, on the other hand Bing API allows 5000 queries per month and returns the same count as shown on the But if you put the same queries to and then the resulting cout they give differs a lot and google's is more reliable in that aspect. I am confused, can anybody help?

Batch Graph - count number of likes for numerous pages

I am currently getting the number of likes on individual pages by calling the below code, however I would like to get the likes for multiple pages at the same time. Can't seem to find any documentation on if BATCH will allow this.
$like_result = file_get_contents(';
$like_array = json_decode($like_result, true);
$like_no = $like_array['shares'];
i.e. need the number of likes for:
The Graph API documentation explains how to use ids to select multiple objects simultaneously:
/<API VERSION>/?ids=,,
You could also use the Batch Requests API (which has usage examples in the documentation) or a combination of the two (making batch calls of requests which ask for multiple objects)