Entity Framework vs 2010 Can I do the following: - entity-framework

I need to migrate data from many xmls to a sql server db and and it has to be done in a transactions.
I thought about EF and dbContext as it's a UOW in it's own right.
My question is
Can you do Database First at run time?
What I want to do is Read all tables from db store in class/dataset and map the db.column to equivalent in xml file and commit.
This has to work in such a way that if a table is added or column added it will work without any code changes as it is driven by db.
The problem I face is that with Db generated from model if a new column is required somebody later on "unfamiliar with EF" as to add the column "manual job".
I can do what I want with raw ado.net by reading db schema and mapping to a dataset but wondering if I could do it using EF.
Hope all clear
any suggestions

Yes you can.
You can use Entity Framework Power Tools which allows you to create Code-First file from Database of yours as you start like Code-First.
Or, you can use Database-first approach also. It's not that hard.
If you try to use database-first approach, please read my trial-and-error experience: post1, post2


EF Migration / How to change DB First approach to the Code First Approach for the existing project

I have a project that has a db first approach initially. However, I have difficulty managing to deployment it to the customers. Because it needs some db updates and I do this manually.
Is there any solution to turn over my DB first approach to the code first approach?
My project is developed in .net core and c# language and also my database firstly Oracle and also Postgre.
Thanks in advance.
You could probably:
create ordinary model classes out of the generated model classes
delete everything else related to the DbFirst approach
Create a code first migration based on the model classes mentioned above
Manually insert a row to the __efmigrationshistory table (in every database you use) with the name of you migration created above --> that way the first generated migration won't run again, as it shouldn't because your db schema is already created

What SQL Server 2017 features are not supported in Entity Framework Core code first?

Our team is thinking of utilizing Entity Framework Core code-first to help model the database. We can have both DB projects and EF models, as per article here Database Projects vs. Entity Framework Database Migrations utilizing schema compares, just trying to figure out what will be the source of truth?
Does Entity Framework support all features in SQL Server SSDT Database Projects?
What features does EF Core 2 not support? (eg, does it not support any of following: triggers, views, functions, stored procedures, encryption keys, certificates, db properties (ansi null, quoted identifier), partitions)
I am trying to locate the Microsoft Resource.
tl;dr Database Projects are feature-rich, but database-first. Migrations is code-first, but has a very limited built-in set of database features.
For many people it won't be relevant to compare Database Projects and Migrations. They represent two different modes of working with Entity Framework. Migrations is code-first, DP is database-first. Sure, you can use migrations to control the database schema and besides that keep a DP in sync with the generated database to satisfy DBAs (as the link suggests). But both lead their own separate lives and there's no Single Source Of Truth.
So comparing them is useful if you're not sure yet wich working mode you're going to choose.
For me the most important difference is that DP will cover all database objects and detect all changes between them when comparing databases. Migrations only detect changes between a database and the mapped model. And the set of options for generating database objects is very limited. For everything you need additionally you have to inject SQL statements into the migration code. These statements are your own responsibility. You have to figure out yourself if a migration needs an ALTER PROCEDURE statement or not (for example). EF won't complain if the script and the database differ in this respect.
This is the main reason why I've never been a great fan of migrations. It's virtually impossible to maintain a mature database schema including storage, file groups, privileges, collations, and what have you.
Another advantage of DP is that they're great in combination with source control. Each database object has its own file and it's very easy to check the change history of each individual object. That's not possible with generated migrations. Indeed, many intermediate changes may never make it to a generated migration.
Of course the obvious advantage of migrations is the possibility to do a runtime check (albeit incomplete) whether the code and the database match. In database-first projects you need to create your own mechanism for that.
EF Core is only ORM.
1) You should be ready to create all DB objects except tables manually. What I create manually: constrates (defaults as well as conditions). Since this is code first - there is no need in SP, functions and so on. If you use ORM - DB is only storage. Of course practice is important. For me default constraints adds comfort on tables where I create test data manually. And conditions also are usefull in situations when you do not trust your (team) code.
2) you will do creation (and dropping) of views, triggers, sp and so on to the "migration" code (there is such concept in EF) in plain sql:
migrationBuilder.Sql("CREATE VIEW ...");
As a result you could have a separate "migration" program (e.g. command line tool) that install or remove both Ef Core tables and your manually created objects, do and revert the data migrations.
"EF Core migrations" is quite complex api (reserve a week for learning). Interesting topics: managing several dbcontexts in one db, createing db object during migration from model annotations, unistall. Or find a freelancer for it (this part of project is good for outsourcing).

Can Entity framework creates tables in other databases?

I am curious to know that if Entity framework can create tables in other databases besides MS-SQL ??
Moreover, is there any provision to create XML schema through EF ?
Under the hood Entity Framework uses providers that are specific for different databases. So it depends on a provider whether EF can create tables or not. However, I haven't heard about providers that do not have this possibility. The easiest way to be sure is to write a simple program with a few lines of code.
As to XML schema. Are you asking about using XML files instead of database as the storage for your data? If so, again it depends on the provider. If you want you can theoretically create one that will use XML files. However, I haven't tried to do so and I don't think that it is a good idea. There are technologies that fit here better (see this question).

Entity Framework without a DB?

Is it possible to use Entity Framework 4.3 without linking the model to an actual DB in the back-end?
I need to build a conceptual model of a database in the VS designer and then I'd like to manually handle fetches, inserts and updates to various back-end databases (horrible legacy systems). I need to be able to do this without EF moaning about not having tables mapped, etc. I realise that this is a very odd thing to want to do...
The reason for this is that we would like to move from these legacy systems into a well designed data model and .NET environment, but we need to still maintain functionality and backward compatibility with the old systems during development. We will then reach a stage where we can import the old data (coming from about 6 different databases) into a single DB that matches the EF model I'm building. In theory, we should then be able to switch over from the hacked up EF model to a proper EF model matching the new data structure.
Is this viable? Is it possible to use the EF interface, with LINQ without actually pointing it to a database?
I have managed to query the legacy systems by overriding the generated DbContext and exposing IQueryable properties which query the old systems. My big fight now is with actually updating the data.
If I am able to have EF track changes to entities, but not actually save those changes. I should be able to override the SaveChanges() method on the context to manually insert into various legacy tables.
I'm sort of at wits end with this issue at the moment.
UDPATE 4 Sept 2012: I've opted to use the EDMX file designer to build the data model and I generate the code by using T4. This enables me to then manually write mapping code to suit my needs. It also allows me to later perform a legacy data migration with relative ease.
If I were in your situation I'd setup the new DB server and link the legacy servers to it. Then create stored procedures to interface with EF for the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE. This way your EF code remains separate from the legacy support messiness. As you decommission the legacy DB servers you can update your stored procedures accordingly. Once you have no more legacy DB servers you can either continue using your sprocs or do a refresh of your EF data connection to use the table schema directly.
Entity framework is to link entities to a data store without manual populates.
Otherwise you're just using classes with linq.
If you mean you don't want a seperate data store like sql server, mongo etc etc, then just let your application create the database as an mdb file that gets bundled in your app_data file. That means you don't need a databsae server so to speak and the database is part of your app.
If on the other hand you want a different way to save to the database, you can create your own data adapters to behave however you like. The mongo .net entity framework component is an example of this.
Alternatively, using code only you can just use stored procedures to persist to the database which can be a bit verbose and annoying with EF, but could bridge the gap for you you and allow you to build a good architecture with a model you want that gets translated into the crappy one in your repositories.
Then when the new database is ready, you can just rework your repo's to use savechanges and you're done.
This will of course only work with the code only approach.

How to model my database when using entity framework 4?

Trying to wrap my head around the best approach in modelling a database when we are using Entity Framework 4 as the ORM layer. We are going to use asp.net mvc 2 for the application.
Is it worth trying to model using the class diagram modeller that comes with Visual Studio 2010 where you graphically configure your models into the EDMX file and then generate out the database structure?
I have run into a bunch of non trivial issues and for complex many to many mappings or multi primary key entities the answer is not that obvious even after poking around a while with the tools.
I figure its easy at this point to give up and start modelling the DB using real, working DB modelling tools and then try to generate out the EDMX from the database, rather than trying to do the model first approach.
It's really a matter of preference. If you are comfortable in SQL server that's probably the best place to start. But if you are more of a C# programmer, it's sometimes easier to start in the EDMX designer, make the model and then ask it to figure out what the database should look like.
Of course if you do go model first you'll still need to go in to SSMS and add indexes and maybe rename some FKs and tables more to your liking. Then you can bring the model back up to date with an Update from Model.
Modelling inheritance is also something you'll need to do in the designer, but again you can either do it in SSMS or in the EDMX designer. For inheritance I mostly prefer SQL first because there is the explicit decision as to what form of inheritance you want - per hierarchy, per class, or per concrete type.