Running Functions in GUI matlab - matlab

Continuing my struggle against GUI's, I have run into another road block.
Ive successfully created a button that opens a file as a string, and places it in a text box in my GUI like so.
[filename, pathname] = ...
uigetfile({'*.m';'*.mdl';'*.mat';'*.*'},'File Selector');
set(handles.Textbox1, 'string', fullfile(pathname,filename));
But now I cannot seem to use a function on the acquired file. Ive tried doing
str = get(handles.Textbox1,'string');
Histogram(str); %Histogram is a function that I created.
But im getting the following errors
??? Error using ==> Histogram Too many input arguments.
Error in ==> VarunGUI>pushbutton2_Callback at 94 Histogram(str);
Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96
Error in ==> VarunGUI at 42
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in ==>
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Is my code for calling the function to blame, or is the function itself? I'm having trouble understanding how to alter the function to work on the called image, so that may be my problem, the function begins with the following code.
function Histogram
fid = fopen('');
myimage = fread(fid, [512, 683], '*uint8');
Is there a certain variable I need to place in the '' to make the GUI act in the manner to which I would like it? Question ran a little long, but please tell me if there is anything else you need to see in order to assist me, any guidance or tips would be great. Thanks!

Your Histogram function doesn't have an input, so it fails when you call it : Histogram(str)

You're problem is that call Histogram and pass it str:
But you don't define Histogram to expect input:
function Histogram
What you need is something like this:
function Histogram(str)
% do something with str

I got this y'all!
Change your histogram function to this: (literally copy and paste what's below)
function Histogram(str) %Add input argument
%clear %DO NOT USE CLEAR in a function, the benefit of using a function is you don't have to %clear anything :)
fid = fopen(str); %Use input argument
myimage = fread(fid, [512, 683]); %take off *uint8
Read MATLAB's documentation, it is fantastic, and would allow you to see why fread and uint8 don't go together in a matter of seconds (seriously less than 20 seconds would give you your answer) and it would also solve all your other extremely basic issues you are having.


Not enough input arguments using the function size to load a signal - Matlab

I have a function in matlab called Features. I'm trying to load the signal but I keep getting the error, Not enough input arguments at line 3. I think it has something to do with the size but I can't figure out what the problem is. Can someone please assist me? Thanks.
function Features = stFeatureExtraction(signal, fs, win, step) %// line 1
%// if STEREO ... line 2
if (size(signal,2) > 1) %// line 3
signal = (sum(signal,2)/2); % convert to MONO

MATLAB: findpeaks function

I'm using MATLAB 2013a and trying to find peak points of my data. When I tried code example given in
Find Peaks with Minimum Separation
I am getting the following error:
Error using uddpvparse (line 122)
Invalid Parameter/Value pairs.
Error in findpeaks>parse_inputs (line 84)
hopts = uddpvparse('dspopts.findpeaks',varargin{:});
Error in findpeaks (line 59)
[X,Ph,Pd,Th,Np,Str,infIdx] = parse_inputs(X,varargin{:});
I tried simple x and y vectors and got the same error. What can be the problem?
I have the same problem as you (R2013a on OSX) with the example by the Mathworks. For some reason it seems we can't use findpeaks with the x-and y-data as input arguments, We need to call the function with the y data and use the [peaks,locations] output to get the peaks/plot them.
It looks like in R2014b they changed some stuff about findpeaks that does not work with older calling the function with not output argument in R2014b plots the data/peaks without any additional step...but it does not for earlier versions.
Anyhow here is a way to workaround the problem. Call findpeaks with a single input argument (y data that is, you can use property/value pairs as well) and use the indices (locations) to show the peaks:
load sunspot.dat
year = sunspot(:,1);
avSpots = sunspot(:,2);
[peaks, locations] = findpeaks(avSpots)
hold on
hold off
It might be worthwhile to contact The Mathworks about this. Hope that helps!

Interpret the matlab code

I'm a Java programmer and have no background of matlab hence I'm really clueless with these lines of code from MATLAB. When I run the code I got an error :
??? Undefined function or variable 'nfile'.
Error in ==> texture_id at 29
fprintf(' \nneural network processing \n',nfile);
I understand that 'path' is a variable that stores string, 'demo' is boolean, but for the other lines, I don't want to assume what it does...Can you please help me and explain each lines?
Here's the code:
path = 'C:\Users\Dais\Documents\MATLAB\Data Sets\';
demo = true;
elfile = dir('*.jpg');
[lu ri] = size(elfile); feat=zeros(lu,29); nomf=cell(lu,1);
for nfi = 1:lu
nfile = elfile(nfi).name;
fprintf(' feature extraction file: %s \n',nfile);
nomf{nfi} = upper(nfile);
feat(nfi,:) = feature_ex([path nfile],demo);
fprintf(' \nneural network processing \n',nfile);
I would guess that whats happening here is that elfile = dir('*.jpg'); does not find any jpegs in the local directory and hence lu is empty and nfile is never populated. Place a breakpoint there in the code and check this. The way I would set up the loop would be something like this:
for nfi=1:numel(elfile)
As #Rody Oldenhuis said, use doc and help to elarn more about each function (or press F1 when the cursor is in the function name) but this should get you started..
%Looks for all files with extention .jpg in current directory
elfile = dir('*.jpg');
%lu and ri hold the rows, column lengths of elfile respectively
[lu ri] = size(elfile);
%creates an array of zeros of dimensions lu rows by 29 columns
%creates an empty cell array (doc cell) dimensions lu rows by 1
nomf=cell(lu,1); columns
for nfi = 1:lu %look through all files
nfile = elfile(nfi).name; %get index nfi file
fprintf(' feature extraction file: %s \n',nfile); %print string
nomf{nfi} = upper(nfile); %upper case
feat(nfi,:) = feature_ex([path nfile],demo); %some external function
fprintf(' \nneural network processing \n',nfile); %print string
Rather than explain all and everything about MATLAB, I'll say this: MATLAB is interactive! And, one of the things why you pay good money for MATLAB, is that the documentation is awesome, and getting help is super easy.
For instance, you can type help <command> on the MATLAB command line, and get a short help on that command, or doc <command> to get the complete documentation, often with examples and demonstrations. The whole documentation is also online, should you prefer Google and being in a browser.
Should you have a script or function or class that has problems, you can issue dbstop if error, so that you drop into the debugger when an error occurs, and then you can view the contents of all variables just prior to the error, type new commands to investigate the error, etc. You can set breakpoints by clicking on the line number next to where you want to break, dbstep then makes a single step, dbup moves you up a level, etc. Have a look at doc dbstop.
You can select portions of code and press F9, which will execute those lines of code. Note that that is equivalent to copy-pasting the code to the command window and running it, so you will often have problems with undefined variables (and similar problems) that way (this or something similar is what I suspect happened in your particular case, as the code you posted should not give that error).

Matlab saving Guide input data to use it on calculation

I have problem using Guide.
I want users to type data in the edit box of guide.
Then for example I want Matlab to save that value as Velocity
and use that value to calculate many other things using it.
What I got stuck was like this
I used assignin function
function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
Vel=get(handles.edit1, 'String');
assignin('base', 'Vel', Vel);
Than I ran it on command line.
I entered 8 and it gave me
a = 8
so I typed a+4
Than I gives me 68 or something.
I want 12 for my answer. What can I do??
Thanks advance.
a is a character/string you need to call str2num first.

How can I get a waitbar to work in Matlab?

I want to have a waitbar for an operation that takes quite a while. Here is my code:
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:counterend
Atemp = At+i*step;
handle = #(M) 1/M^2*((2/(gamma+1))*(1+(gamma-1)*M^2/2))^((gamma+1)/(gamma-1))-(Atemp/At)^2;
Mach = fzero(handle, 5);
Aplot(i) = Atemp/At;
Tplot(i) = Tc / (1+(gamma-1)*Mach^2/2);
Mplot(i) = Mach;
plot(Aplot, Tplot)
The error Matlab gives is:
??? Error using ==> waitbar at 249
Improper arguments for waitbar
After investigation, I am sure that this error must occur because of the sorrounding code in the loop.
Note: The loop works fine without the waitbar.
counterend = 10000;
>> h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:counterend
Works as expected on 2007a / Windows XP.
On a side note, it would help knowing what countered is defined as. Something quick to check would be to ensure that you are not passing it a CELL.
counterend = {10000};
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:counterend
Yields a different error (see below) in 2007a, but this error message may have changed in 2008.
??? Undefined function or method
'_colonobj' for input arguments of
type 'cell'.
My last bit of advice would be caution you on the use of waitbar for large arrays/data sets. While I think it is important to inform the user of the progress, to me there is also a concern for how much time is added to the loop. Working with arrays that have 100k+ entries, I became a religious user of the Profiler to see where the time was really being spent. I can tell you the time is not in the calculation of the i/X, it was all in updating the waitbar's display. To soften the blow of the update/drawnow, I only updated the waitbar every 100 to 1000 entry which helped tremendously.
EDIT: Updated response to match latest code
I first started to attack this problem at the anonymous function, having problems with them in the past it's a personal vendetta of mine. When looking into the function I found that you are using gamma, do you have this defined as a constant (constant to the loop / function)? The reason I ask is that 'gamma' is a Matlab function and was giving me errors when trying to run your function by itself. Below I have modified you code slightly and this does run fine here. If any of the assumptions I have made are wrong please let me know.
In addition, if you did intend to use the gamma function, your function is missing any arguments to it. Hope this helps!
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
counterend = 1000;
waitbarcounter = counterend;
g_amma = 7;
At = 34;
step = 2;
Tc = 42;
for i=1:counterend
Atemp = At+i*step;
handle = #(M) 1/M^2*((2/(g_amma+1))*(1+(g_amma-1)*M^2/2))^((g_amma+1)/(g_amma-1))-(Atemp/At)^2;
Mach = fzero(handle, 5);
Aplot(i) = Atemp/At;
Tplot(i) = Tc / (1+(g_amma-1)*Mach^2/2);
Mplot(i) = Mach;
plot(Aplot, Tplot)
I have checked waitbar on R2008b. So far, the only ways I was able to reproduce your error was by having i/counterend evaluate to an array with multiple rows (a 1x2 vector gives interesting results), and by closing the waitbar before calling waitbar(i/counterend).
I do not get any error running the following:
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
counterend = 1000;
for i=1:counterend
Could you make sure that the small example above runs without error? If yes, please check that the waitbar is not closed during the execution of the loop, and that counterend is a scalar (use dbstop if error to stop execution of your code at the time of the error).
If the above example does not work without error, you should use which waitbar to check that you are using Matlab's waitbar, and not any of the many updated version from the Matlab File Exchange.
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
for i=1:counterend
works perfectly as expected on MATLAB R2009a on Windows XP.
The above runs fine on R2008a on XP also.
However, you get the error you describe if you kill the waitbar window before the next waitbar command comes around. If you want to be nice about it you should check if the handle h is still valid before issuing waitbar.
I prefer to use progressbar written by Steve Hoelzer on the MATLAB FEX. I haven't had any problems with it.
Your suppose to use the handle that you created with your first line of code when you want to update the waiter,