PyDev equivalent for org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilationParticipant - pydev

I try to extend my plugin to support Python as well as Java.
For Java I have the org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilationParticipant extension point. So I can search for an Annotation in all CompilationUnits.
What is the equivalent or an alternative in PyDev for compilationParticipant. I know some concepts of PyDev are different. Maybe org.python.pydev.core.parser.IParserObserver?
For Python I want to search for Decorators.

Found the Solution my self, this is the extension point:
You have to impelement your own IParserObserver


Netbeans Java code suggestion options/plugin?

If I type Car.Mile and press ctrl-spacebar to autocomplete the member name, it does not bring up matches that don't begin with Mile at all. This is pretty annoying because so many methods are prefixed with get/set/is like getMileage() and setMileage().
My code completion options look like this currently. Not seeing this as a choice. This is JMonkeyEngine's version of Netbeans, if that matters.
Anyway to get this behavior?
Don't use the settings for "All Languages" use the Java settings:

Eclipse Javascript development with VJET

Using Eclipse Juno with VJet
Can you create typelib from javascripts yourself?
I know you can download jquery and a few others from:
But obviously you will need others.
Yes type libraries are just JavaScript files which use VJETDoc and VJOJS to define types for
object literals using vjo.otype
functions which do not change Function definition vjo.otype
functions which have additional properties using vjo.ftype
methods of a class using vjo.ctype
globals which can be define using a .globals section.
and more...
Many type libraries are located under this github address
More info about VJETDoc[1] and VJOJS[2] and type library tutorial[3]

In-place ("Quick-Assist" or something easier) source code modifier?

Eclipse already has very impressive and useful what I call "source code modifiers" (please suggest a better name).
For example, it has "Quick Fix", "Word Completion", "Externalize Strings" and other functions that modify source code via menu (or key-combination).
Now, I am looking to add my own "source code modifier" function: I would like to:
Highlight (select) an arbitrary string.
Right-click on it
Invoke a menu item that would "translate" that string to a different string, using a function that I wrote (preferably in Java). Similar to "Quick Fix" or "Replace With" currently on the default context menu.
Is this possible in Eclipse?
If so, what do I need to do to accomplish this?
The short answer:
The quick assist will have to modify the AST of the Java code. Essentially you will have to replace a org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName node with one that you want.
The long answer:
The org.eclipse.jdt.ui.quickAssistProcessors extension point enables you to contribute your own Java code quick assists.
To create a new extension for the extension point you need to first provide the required extension in the plugin.xml. For example, JDT defines the following processor
(For a description of the individual attributes, please refer to the extension point documentation)
Then you need to create the class that implements the interface, and modify the AST in this class. (This class is the same as the one you specified while declaring the extension)
Supplying the right IJavaCompletionProposal
JDT provides the following default implementations for correction proposals that can be used to contribute quick fixes and quick assists.
If you use an ASTRewrite, you should create an ASTRewriteCorrectionProposal.
ASTView Plugin
This is something that will help you visualize the AST of a Java source file
The right name is 'Quick Assist'. You have to write some code to create your Quick Assists.

Import customization in Groovy-Eclipse for DSL

I'm using Groovy for a calculation engine DSL and really like the support we now have in Eclipse with STS and the Groovy-Eclipse plug-in (I'm on STS 2.8.0M2 with latest milestone of Groovy-Eclipse 2.5.2).
One issue I have is I don't know how to get the Groovy editor to 'know' the automatic imports I've added to my script runner, meaning Eclipse gives me a whole bunch of false errors. If you use the Groovy class loader, you can add additional import for 'free', so you avoid needing to do imports in your script.
I've had a play with the DSLD support in Groovy-Eclipse (which can be used to add auto-completion support) but it's not obvious to me that this is something I could do with it - I don't find the DSLD documentation the simplest to follow.
The inferencing settings for Groovy in Eclipse didn't look like the right thing either.
For example:
def result = new CalculationResult()
gives me an error on the CalculationResult class as it's not imported, but the script will execute correctly in my environment because of the customized imports on the Groovy class loader. I'm using the standard import customization provided by Groovy, for example:
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
def importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer()
importCustomizer.addImport 'CalculationResult', 'ch.hedgesphere.core.type.CalculationResult'
def configuration = new CompilerConfiguration()
Any pointers appreciated.
This seems to be in their bugtracker as coming in the 2.6 release of the plugin.
But the comment from Andrew Eisenberg doesn't bode well:
Unfortunately, this is not something that DSLDs can do. Since a
missing import could mean compile errors, we would need a way to
augment the compiler lookup for this. There might be a way to specify
this information inside of a DSLD, but that would mean hooking into
DSLDs in a very different way. More likely, this will have to be
specified through an Eclipse plugin (like the gradle tooling).
Another possibility is that we can ensure that certain kinds of AST
Transforms are applied during a reconcile and so the editor would just
"magically" know about these extra imports. We will have to look into
the feasibility of this, however.
Still, maybe a vote on that issue wouldn't go amiss?

How to import scala class automatically in eclipse?

I use eclipse as my scala ide. And I know that in java I can use short cut by content assistent to import classes. So I do not need type in the whole class name. Just need to type the first several characters.
But in scala, I can not import classes automatically. Do I need to do some set up or it is just because scala plugin do not support this.
Ctrl + 1
on symbol works for me :)
There is Scala IDE for Eclipse however it is not very mature these days, however improving day by day. As far as I remember it can import automatically, or you can use Eclipse global fix import hotkey ctrl+shift+o.