use IO::Socket::IP ??? how to make a client in perl Ipv6 - perl

I have been trying to find a simple client ipv6 script
that would work with Evens server script , of course I
dont know what Im doing, so all I can do is rewrite someone
else's work until I know what Im doing ...
so here is a server script that works on Microsoft widows server
use IO::Socket::IP -register;
my $sock = IO::Socket->new(
Domain => PF_INET6,
LocalHost => "::1",
Listen => 1,
) or die "Cannot create socket - $#\n";
print "Created a socket of type " . ref($sock) . "\n";
$in = <STDIN>;
print $in->$sock;
redo }
of course the $in->$sock is not working, cause I dont know how to send
data using just $sock ???
so I need to know how to send information properly and
what I need is A client script to connect to the above script
using the ipv6 protocol
can anyone help with this ???
I would like to be able to send information from one
perl program to another perl program using this
being able to send information back and forth would
be Ideal ...
Thanks in advance

That's a server socket (Listen => 1), so you have to accept a connection.
use IO::Socket::IP -register;
my $listen_sock = IO::Socket::IP->new(
LocalHost => "::1", # bind()
Listen => 1, # listen()
) or die "Cannot create socket - $#\n";
print("Listening to ".$listen_sock->sockhost()." "
while (1) {
my $sock = $listen_sock->accept()
or die $!;
print("Connection received from ".$sock->peerhost()." "
while (<$sock>) {
print $sock "echo: $_";
A client:
use IO::Socket::IP -register;
#ARGV == 2 or die("usage");
my ($host, $port) = #ARGV;
my $sock = IO::Socket::IP->new(
PeerHost => $host, # \ bind()
PeerPort => $port, # /
) or die "Cannot create socket - $#\n";
print $sock "Hello, world!\n";
$sock->shutdown(1); # Done writing.
print while <$sock>;
The comments indicate the underlying system call used to perform the action.


Not able to send data to remote TCP port using Socket programming in Perl

My Procedure: i am opening a file "output.txt , readin gits last line which will have the String "PASS" or "FAIL" , if PASS if found then i want to send string "OK" to server else i have to send string "ERROR"
Issue Observed: I am not able to recieve anything on Remote Server(IP but if try using Localhost (IP , i am able receive the string from the client. Please help to receive the string on the remote server.
I am getting the following error
:send: Cannot determine peer address at C:\ line 44
IO::Socket::send('IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x31cc20)', 'ERROR') called at
C:\ line 44
client code :
#standard includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::File;
use English;
#local variables
my $Socket;
#Create Socket for a specified port number
$Socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '4754',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 1,
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $Socket;
#open the file which is required , mapping file to INPUT Macro
open INPUT, "<output.txt";
#Reading all lines from a file and storing in #lines array
my #lines = <INPUT>;
close INPUT;
#Now #lines holds all the lines, one line in each element.
print "Last line is:\n";
#checking the last line in the file as it will have the verdict "Pass" or "Fail"
print $lines[-1];
if($lines[-1]=~ 'Pass')
print "Setting verdict PASS and sending OK";
#Sending Ok to Server on Ping Success
# print $Socket "\r\nOK\r\n";
print "Setting verdict FAIL and sending ERROR";
#Sending ERROR to Server on failure
# print $Socket "\r\nERROR\r\n";
#Now closing the socket as my job is done
Server Code:
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => '4754',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1,
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
my $new_sock = $sock->accept();
while(<$new_sock>) {
print $_;

Working of perl sockets

I am a beginner to Perl socket programming. As of now, the server sends a string and the client responds with another string in my program. Later, if the server sends another string, the client is not able to receive it. To transfer data between the server and client for multiple times, should I include any functions?
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my $socket;
my $clientsocket;
my $serverdata;
my $clientdata;
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => 2500,
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1
) or die "Oops: $! \n";
print "Waiting for the Client.\n";
$clientsocket = $socket->accept();
print "Connected from : ", $clientsocket->peerhost();
print ", Port : ", $clientsocket->peerport(), "\n";
# Write some data to the client
$serverdata = "This is the Server speaking \n";
print $clientsocket "$serverdata \n";
# read the data from the client
$clientdata = <$clientsocket>;
print "$clientdata";
$serverdata = "Server Again writing \n";
print $clientsocket "$serverdata";
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Tk;
my $socket;
my $serverdata;
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => '',
PeerPort => '2500',
Proto => 'tcp',
) or die "$!\n";
print "Connected to the Server.\n";
# read the message sent by server.
$serverdata = <$socket>;
print "Message from Server : $serverdata \n";
# Send some message to server.
my $name = "Client here!";
print $socket "$name";
# Read message sent by server.
$serverdata = <$socket>;
print "$serverdata";
Printing of $serverdata second time in the Client side is not happening.
If you use to read message from another end, the sender must end the message with "\n".
Alternatively, you can use recv(...) so the message won't be buffered till newline character.
Just make sure your client sends a whole line. SInce you are reading with
your server waits for a "\n" from the client.
Your server starts listening on some port. It waits until a client connects, the accepts that connection. It reads and writes a bit of data over the client connection. And then? Then it just closes the socket and exits the program.
That is not what you intended: You want the server to start waiting for the next connection. That means some kind of loop: Each time a client connects, we'll do our communication:
while (my $client = $socket->accept) {
# do something with the $client
I recommend you read through the relevant sections of perldoc perlipc, but keep in mind it uses outdated best practices, so don't directly copy anything.

Error in perl chat server

I'm trying to create a chat server using sockets in Perl. However, when I run the Server program I get the error:
"ERROR:(9)(Bad file descriptor)(6)(+The handle is invalid) at line 21."
and when I run the client program I get the error:
"Cannot create the socket: No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it."
Here is the Server program:
use IO::Socket;
$| = 1;
print "Server Program\n";
my $lp = 12000;
my $server_socket, $new_client, $addr, $port;
$server_socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => $lp,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1) or die "Cannot create the socket: $!\n";
print "Server started at port $lp \n";
while (1) {
$new_client = $server_socket->accept() or die sprintf "ERROR:(%d)(%s)(%d)(+%s)", $!,$!,$^E,$^E;
$addr = $new_client->peerhost();
$port = $new_client->peerport();
print "Connected to client at $addr at port $port ";
while(<$new_client>) {
print "Following is the text entered by client: \n";
print "$_";
print "Client now disconnecting..\n";
close $new_client;
And here is the client:
use IO::Socket;
$| = 1;
print "Client Program\n";
my $lp = 12000;
my $client_socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => '',
PeerPort => $lp,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1) or die "Cannot create the socket: $!\n";
print "Server connected at port $lp \n";
print "Enter the text to sent to the server: \n";
$user_input = <>;
chomp $user_input;
print $plient_socket;
I am new to this and I'm not getting where I'm going wrong. Could anybody help?
You trying to accept a connection from a socket that's not listening. Add
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
And now for off-topic comments about your code:
Always use use strict; use warnings;. It will highlight some other problems with your code.
It doesn't make any sense to relative paths on the shebang line. You're missing a /.
On the style front, it's considered bad form to declare variables ahead of where they are used. The whole point of declaring variables is to limit their scope, so declaring them at the top of the program defies the purpose.
LocalHost => '' (better written as LocalHost => INADDR_LOOPBACK) makes it so you can only receive connections from That can be useful, but I don't know if you did that intentionally. The default, INADDR_ANY, allows connections from any interface.

problem with IO::Socket TCP connection

I am trying to write a simple IO::Socket connection in perl. However, I am running into some problems. Here is the code on the server side:
my $listener =
IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 8000, Listen => 1, Reuse => 1 );
die "Can't create socket for listening: $!" unless $listener;
print "Listening for connections on port 8000\n";
while(1) {
while ($client = $listener->accept()) {
while ( <$client>) {
my #arguments = split(/ /, $_ );
my $result = "something" ;# here we do something in my code
warn $result;
print $client $result;
close $client;
And the client code:
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '8000',
Proto => 'tcp',
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
print $sock "somethin something";
print "sent\n";
while ( <$sock> ) { print }
close $sock;
My problem now is that the data seems to be only sent from the client to teh sever when I close the client Perl program. I get the "sent" message on the client side, but the "something" message on the server side does not appear until after I have manually closed the client side.
Also, I want to get the server response. Thus far, since I have to close the script manually, the response does not et to the client side.
Can anyone help?
while ( <$sock> ) -- waits for a line. That is for a string, ended by "\n" character.
You must add "\n" to strings, or use 'read' function instead.

proxy with perl script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => 'remotehost',
PeerPort => '1230',
Proto => 'tcp',
) or die "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n";
print "TCP Connection Success.\n";
# write on the socket to server.
$data = "this is the data to send";
# read the socket data sent by server.
$data = <$socket>;
print "Received from Server : $data\n";
I am unable to send and receive response from the remotehost using the above code...any ideas?
You declared my $sock when you created the socket. Then later you use
This should be
and later
$data = <$sock>
When working with network data, it is useful to do this after declaring your socket:
By default your IO is buffered and most likely the $data variable is less than buffer size. In such a case OS is waiting for more data before sending full buffer to the remote host. Setting autoflush disables buffering.