To Search Universal Tweets Via Twitter API v1.1 - iphone

Hi this might eventually turn out to be a stupid question but i'd rather ask!! Its regarding GET search/tweets Twitter API v1.1. As documented by Twitter this particular API is designed to accept numerous parameter against which a search is performed and tweets are returned. One of these parameters is "geocode" which accepts value is specified by "latitude,longitude,radius", where radius units must be specified as either "mi" (miles) or "km" (kilometers)
Its quite alright if is set those parameter values.
My question is since it is "geocode" optional will not setting them return me universal tweets? or is there any other way I could find universal tweets using GET search/tweets Twitter API v1.1.
Also, Ive tried Streaming API POST statuses/filter with very indifferent/unsatisfactory results
P.S As per requirement of my app I need to search apps both universally and locally, as per users choice.

It seems if you skip the "geocode" parameter, Universal Tweets are returned!!


How to retrieve multiple user account details through their Facebook IDs in graph API?

This could be a duplicate of here and here, but can some one provide a complete working example for following.
I have set of different Facebook account Ids, and i need to get the respective account details(user name etc) from these account ids. I need to send a Batch Request for Graph API. Something as follows,
(, user2, user3,...)
Is this possible as pure HTTP GET request ?
I am using Facebook SDK with Android for the moment. I have gone through the API doc but unable to build the required query yet. Please help.
Maybe post a snippet of your code so we can try to solve your problem better. With the info you provided, the URL,user2,user3 works just fine and returns 3 users.
The URL format looks correct. Keep in mind the total character limit, but otherwise I suspect you are stuck in a different place (e.g. sending the query or saving the result).

Spotify Metadata API : Limit search results

Is there any way to limit the number of records returned in the search artist endpoint of Spotify's metadata api?
Currently, it seems the default is one hundred, and we're only really interested in the first record.
This has been answered previously; Spotify Web Apps - limit results to 50 instead of the default 100. To my knowledge, this has not changed and you are unfortunately still given page with up to 100 results.
However, I'd strongly recommend that you stay tuned for news regarding the Web API in the near future.
Edit: We've launched a new version of the Web API, allowing for limiting search results.
Please check out the official documentation for more information.

How does the Facebook Graph API public post searching works?

I've started working with Facebook Graph API this month and I'm currently experiencing some odd behaviors with it.
To start, I'm using the Graph API 1.0 (which supports public post searching), with queries such as those below. bar&type=post
The weird behavior in this case is that the first query returns almost the same number of results that the second one. Thus, no matter how "vague" my query is, I'm getting a limited number of posts (yeah, I'm already considering pagination).
So how does this work? The Graph API Documentation isn't clear about this subject, so any clarification would be really appreciated.
As I understood so far, Facebook does not return all public posts containing the researched terms. Some old questions here in StackTrace support this assumption (example)
Different apps or different users may retrieve different results (which is another "odd" behavior I found). (example)
Am I correct? If so, is there ANY way to improve my recall? Any paid services from Facebook or specific permissions that I should get for my app? Searching from multiple views (users or apps) would help? Is there any way to query only recent results and therefore obtain more results?
Thank you.
P.S.: I'm aware that Facebook has been planning to remove this functionality by 2015, but for now it's working and I wanted to give a try :-)

Foursquare userless search iOS

is there a way to fetch the venues search in iOS without the user entering his password or showing some foursquare oauth website?
I don't think that this oAuth makes any sense for this kind of request, it should be just an REST api like so ",-48.523248&client_id=JN00ABQBOCK5V54FQ1TWQFLOOIDU12UAZXURHXGXNK0ESJBY&client_secret=14ES1NXTCL1XC5HSLBUT4LWE4ROEDGNYKKWGGERZQGUKQ5JC"
but this one is deprecated =/
Any thoughts?
It's not deprecated, you're just missing the "versioning" parameter that specifies what version of the API you're trying to use.
Requesting,-48.523248&client_id=JN00ABQBOCK5V54FQ1TWQFLOOIDU12UAZXURHXGXNK0ESJBY&client_secret=14ES1NXTCL1XC5HSLBUT4LWE4ROEDGNYKKWGGERZQGUKQ5JC&v=20111107 will remove the warning you saw in your response
Add a query string parameter to your request as follows..
&v=20111119 // Choose a proper version.
Update: this is actually a date. So make sure you send current date in yyyymmdd format against v parameter.
According to FourSquare's docs page on venue searching an acting user is no longer necessary:
Some endpoints (e.g. venue search) allow you to not act as any
particular user. We will return unpersonalized data suitable for
generic use, and the performance should be slightly better. In these
cases, pass your client ID as client_id and your client secret as
client_secret. Although the draft 11 of the OAuth2 spec provides a
mechanism for consumers to act via token entitled Client Credentials,
we do not currently support this.

Twitter4j - Build a graph composed by tweets and their respectives retweets

I need to build a graph in which some nodes are tweets and others are retweets which point to their respective tweets. I start my application doing a search for some subject, let's say "computer". Then, I gather some number of tweets that contains that subject. From there, I want to search for the retweets of these tweets and then, build my network by linking ones to the others.
The problem is that when I try to search for retweets of a tweet using its id, the application throws an exception saying that authentication credentials are missing. Is there a way of getting these retweets without requiring external authentication ('cause my app is not interactive), I mean, is it possible that I can get these information only with my credentials (login,password)?
Maybe that's a silly question I've asked about, but since I'm a beginner at this API and Twitter as well, any help is appreciated.
using Twitter4J? try invoking getReTweets() method. More documentation here.
Read carefully point Number 7 in samples here. Authentication credentials means there are 4 Strings. Two of your application(consumer keys) and Two of the user(access Tokens) using application.