How to execute if statement written in a perl subroutine - perl

I have written a perl subroutine where I'm using two if statements. When I call this subroutine the control goes into the subroutine, prints the xml but does not go inside the if statements.
sub send_msg {
my ($type,$name,$number,$email,$testid) = #_;
my $xml = qq{<tolist><to>}
. qq{<name>$name</name>}
. qq{<contactpersonname>$name</contactpersonname>}
. qq{<number>$number</number>}
. qq{<email>$email</email>}
. qq{</to></tolist>}
. qq{<from>}
. qq{<name>$name</name>};
$xml .= qq{<number>$number</number>}if($type eq 0);
$xml .= qq{<email>$email</email>}if($type eq 1);
$xml .= qq{</from>};
print "\ntype : $type\n";
print "\nxml :$xml\n";
if ($type == 1)
{ print"Inside type1";
$sql3 = "select text from test where TestId='$testid'";
$sth3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
my ($message) = $sth3->fetchrow_array();
my $targetxml="<shorttext>".$message."</shorttext>";
print "\n $targetxml \n";
if ($type == 0)
print "Inside type 0\n";
$sql5 = "select testText,testTitle from test where TestId='$testid'";
$sth5 = $dbh->prepare($sql5);
or die "SQL Error: $DBI::errstr\n";
my ($subject,$title) = $sth5->fetchrow_array();
my $mailxml="";
print "\n$mailxml\n";
In the above code,I'm calling the subroutine using send_msg(1,Joe,91.97451214551,,32);.
$xml and $type gets printed but why is it failing to enter the if statements.

Of course not. There's a return statement before the if. Something left over from debugging?
Happens to the best of us. :-)
Edit after OP fixed the code:
Your $type is neither a numeric 0 nor a numeric 1. You should print it with delimiters like
print "length($type) = ". length($type) . "\n";
print "type = <$type>\n";
Next, reduce your code to this:
sub send_msg {
my ($type,$name,$number,$email,$testid) = #_;
if ($type == 0) {
print "type is 0\n";
elsif ($type == 1) {
print "type is 1\n";
else {
print "type is neither 0 nor 1, but <$type>\n";
I don't think this is the bug, but I note that you use
... if($type eq 0);
in another place, which is not a numeric comparison (==), but a string comparison (eq).


How do I add variables to be set based on a numeric input in perl?

I am making a score-keeping script in Perl, and would like to have it ask how many players there are, and ask for a name, then score, for each player. I have a good bit of this script done, but only for 3 players. the current script can be found on github here: skore
(from link:)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my #p1name = prompt("Player 1 name?\n");
my #p2name = prompt("Player 2 name?\n");
my #p3name = prompt("Player 3 name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: #p1name #p2name #p3name\n\n";
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
print "••• #p1name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p1score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p2name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p2score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p3name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p3score\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';
I'd like to also point out that I'm new to perl.
OK, wow. Stop for a moment, step back and put the code down. Think about what you're trying to accomplish here.
There's a bunch of things you're doing in your code that's really going to benefit from taking a step back, and understanding what's going on, before proceeding.
First off:
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
What is this intended to do? You only use $arg 3 times here, and one of those is to copy it to $subname.
This could be quite simplified by:
my $subname = shift;
cmd_go() unless defined $subname;
Now this:
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
Where did that come from? Because I'm pretty sure that - as a beginner to perl - you didn't write that yourself, not least because you don't have any subroutines prefixed with dev_ or hid. And this sort of redirect is serious overkill for a program that basically does just one thing.
(And normally, you'd use flags like getopt rather than a command that you leave blank in a default state).
You are also massively overusing arrays - which suggests you're not really sure the difference between #game and $game.
E.g. this:
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
prompt does this though:
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
It returns a scalar (a single line) and you're putting it into an array for - as far as I can tell - no particular reason.
Likewise this:
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
First off - you're using a bunch of single element arrays. But then you're numbering them. When ... actually, the whole point of arrays is to have numbered values.
So how about instead:
print "Num players?:\n";
chomp ( my $num = <STDIN> );
my #players;
my %scores;
for ( 1..$num ) {
print "Player name\n";
chomp ( my $name = <STDIN> );
push ( #players, $name );
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "Score for $person:\n";
chomp ( my $score = <STDIN> );
while ( $score =~ /\D/ ) {
print "Invalid - please enter numeric value\n";
chomp ( $score = <STDIN> );
$scores{$person} = $score;
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "$person => $score{$person}\n";
There are a bunch of other things that you're doing that is more complicated than it needs to be.
What I would suggest you do:
go re-read the perl basics. perldata in particular.
have a look at getopt which is a good (and standard) way to take program 'flag' style input. (e.g. showing version, if that's what you really want.
it looks a lot like you've cargo-culted the code here. I would suggest you re-write from the ground up, and when you hit a problem - ask about it on Stack Overflow, if you can't figure it out from the perl docs.
Try this. Hope this is what you wanted.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my $players= prompt("Enter total number of players:\n");
my #players_list;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_list , prompt("Enter Player ".($i+1)." name\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: ";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print $players_list[$i]."\t";
print "\n\n";
my #players_score;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_score, prompt("score for $players_list[$i]?\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print "$players_list[$i]\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m$players_score[$i]\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';

equivalent of the default variable doesn't work

I have a simple server application written in Perl. Here's the working version of it.
my $client;
while ($client = $local->accept() ) {
print "Connected: ", $client->peerhost(), ":", $client->peerport(), "\n";
while (<$client>) {
if ($mod_ctr == -1) {
$num_count = $_;
elsif ($mod_sayaci % 2 == 0) {
$plus_count = $_;
elsif ($mod_sayaci % 2 == 1) {
$minus_count = $_;
last if m/^q/gi;
print "Server awaits..\n";
I'm positive this works perfectly. Now, When I change my code to take a starting char from the client to determine the operation instead of using mod:
my $client;
while ($client = $local->accept() ) {
print "Connected: ", $client->peerhost(), ":", $client->peerport(), "\n";
while ($input = <$client>) {
$operation = substr($input, 0, 1);
$value = substr($input, 1, 1);
print "input: $input \n";
print "operation: $operation \n";
print "value: $value \n";
if ($operation == "r") {
print "entered r \n";
$num_count = $value;
elsif ($operation == "a") {
print "entered a \n";
$plus_count = $value;
elsif ($operation == "e") {
print "entered e \n";
$minus_count = $value;
elsif ($operation == "q") {
# will quit here
print "Server awaits..\n";
At the client side, I make the user start with the request which sends r as operation. Everything works fine until now. After the first input, input, operation and value prints work fine, but it always enters the first if and prints entered r. What am I missing here?
You have changed from using numbers to using strings to dictate which of the branches should be executed. You need to use eq instead of == to do string comparisons.
Like this
if ($operation eq "r") {
print "entered r\n";
$num_count = $value;
Also, you would be doing yourself and anyone who helps you a big favour if you added
use strict;
use warnings;
to the top of every Perl program you write. The "declarations"
don't do anything useful except as a comment to say which variables are used within the block. Write this
my ($input, $operation, $value);
and you have done something much more useful.

what aren't I getting here?

This one really has me confused and I don't know how to accurately title it.
I am writing a program, the purpose is irrelevant, but some of you may know as I've been asking a few questions about it recently.
I'm going to post the entire program but I don't think that's necessary. The part you need to look at is the nested loops where it says "beginning search algorithm."
The program takes a long time to complete, so after every iteration of the outermost loop, I print a '.'. after every 7 dots a new line is printed.
for some reason, however no dots will get printed, until a newline is printed.
heres the code:
use v5.14;
use warnings;
# this is a cgi implementation of a theorum proover.
# the program uses resolution refutation, using a breadth-first and set of support strategy
# to generate a proof(if possible) and relay the results to the user.
#1.) Get size(i) of knowledge base
#2.) untill you have i clauses
# 3.) get the clause, add to knowledge base
#4.) get the conclusion variable(conjecture)
#5.) add the negation of the conjecture to the knowledge base
#6.) add the negation of the conjecture to the SOS set.
#7.) compare the SOS set to ever other clause
# 8.) if resolution is possible, add the new clause to the knowledge base if it does not already exist.
# 9.) add the new clause to the SOS set.
#10.) repeat 7-9 untill the null clause is generated or no more resolution is possible.
my $conclusion;
my $conclusion2;
my #conclusion;
my #SOS;
my #clauses;
my $found=0;
#batch mode
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
open(IN, "<", $filename);
$_ =~ s/[^A-Za-z~,]//g;
#negate the negation to get the desired conclusion for later
print "$conclusion2";
#conclusion = split("", $conclusion2);
if($conclusion[0] eq '~')
splice(#conclusion, 0, 1);
if (!$found)
$conclusion = "~$conclusion2";
$conclusion = join("", #conclusion);
#now break up each line and make #clauses 2d
$_ = [split /,/ ] for #clauses;
#interactive mode
my $count=0;
say "Welcome to my Theorum Proover!";
say "How many clauses are in your knowledge base?";
say "(this does not include the conclusion)";
print "Amount: ";
my $amt = <>;
say "Enter your clauses: ";
say "Negations can be indicated with a '~'.";
say "Variable names must contain only letters.";
say "Separate each literal with a ','<br>";
my $clauses;
while($count < $amt)
print "clause $count:";
$clauses .= <>;
$clauses =~ s/[^A-Za-z~,]//g;
$clauses .= ";";
print "\n";
print "\n \n \n Enter the conclusion, your conclusion should be a literal:";
$conclusion = <>;
$conclusion =~ s/[^A-Za-z~]//g;
print "\n";
#negate the conclusion and add it to the set of clauses.
#conclusion = split("", $conclusion);
if($conclusion[0] eq '~')
splice(#conclusion, 0, 1);
if (!$found)
$conclusion2 = "~$conclusion";
$conclusion2 = join("", #conclusion);
# split up the contents of the clause string and add them to a 2d array.
#then, add the negated conclusion to the list.
my #PartClauses= split(';', $clauses);
my $last=#PartClauses;
for my $i (0 .. $#PartClauses)
my #tmp=split(',', $PartClauses[$i]);
for my $j (0 .. #tmp)
$clauses[$i][$j] = $tmp[$j];
$clauses[$last][0] = $conclusion2;
open(RESULTS, ">", 'results.txt');
for my $i (0 .. $#clauses)
print RESULTS "clause $i: {";
for my $j (0 .. $#{ $clauses[$i] })
print RESULTS "$clauses[$i][$j]";
if($j != $#{ $clauses[$i] })
print RESULTS ",";
print RESULTS "}\n";
print RESULTS "_____________________________\n";
print "Beginning search ....";
#begin breadthfirst/sos search/add algorithm
my $cSize=$#clauses;
say "\nworking......";
my $sAdd=0;
my $cAdd=0;
my $res=0;
my $flag=0;
my $dots=0;
for (my $a=0; $a<=$#SOS; $a++)
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#clauses; $i++)
for (my $b=0; $b<=$#{ $SOS[$a] }; $b++)
for my $j (0 .. $#{ $clauses[$i] })
if($SOS[$a][$b] eq "~$clauses[$i][$j]"
|| $clauses[$i][$j] eq "~$SOS[$a][$b]")
my #tmp;
#found a resolution, so add all other literals from
#both clauses to each set as a single clause
#start with the SOS literals(use a hash to keep track of duplicates)
my %seen;
for my $x (0 .. $#{ $SOS[$a] })
if($x != $b)
push #tmp, "$SOS[$a][$x]";
#now add the literals from the non-SOS clause
for my $y (0 .. $#{ $clauses[$i] })
if($y != $j)
if(! $seen{ $clauses[$i][$y] })
push(#tmp, "$clauses[$i][$y]");
#check to see if the clause is already listed
my $dupl = 0;
my #a1 = sort(#tmp);
my $s1 = join("", #a1);
for my $i (0 .. $#clauses)
my #a2= sort(#{ $clauses[$i] });
my $s2= join("", #a2);
if($s1 eq $s2 )
$dupl = 1;
last MATCH;
#if it isn't, go ahead and add it in
if(! $dupl)
my $s = $cSize + $cAdd;
push(#SOS, \#tmp);
push(#clauses, \#tmp);
#print out the new clauses.
print RESULTS"clause $s: ";
my $clause = $cSize+$a;
print RESULTS "{";
for my $j(0 .. $#{ $clauses[$s] })
print RESULTS "$clauses[$s][$j]";
if($j!= $#{ $clauses[$s] })
print RESULTS ",";
print RESULTS "} ($i,$clause)\n";
#if you found a new res, but there was nothing to push, you found
# the contradiction, so signal and break.
print RESULTS "} ($i,$clause)\n";
last SOSROW;
say "After $res resolutions, a resolvent was found and the empty set was generated.";
say "This indicates that when '$conclusion' is false, the entire knowledge base is false.";
say "Because we know that the clauses in the knowledge base are actually true, we can soundly conclude that '$conclusion must also be true.";
say "The clauses generated by each resolution can be found below.\n\n";
say "We were not able to generate the empty clause.";
say "this means that adding the negation of the desired conclusion does not render the theorum false.";
say "Therefore, we can not safely conclude that '$conclusion' is true.";
say "Any clauses that we were able to generate through a resoluton can be viewed below.\n\n";
print `more results.txt`;
sub update
if((($dots % 7) == 0))
print "\n";
print "You might want to get some coffee.\n";
print "I'm being VERY Thorough.\n";
if($dots==63 || $dots==140)
print "Hows that coffee?\n";
print "I think it might be time for a second cup of coffee\n"
print "Like I said, VERY thorough\n";
print "My O is bigger than you can imagine\n"
print ".";
I can't figure out why this is happening. could it have something to do with buffering?
If instead of calling the subroutine, i just say print "."; nothing will be printed until, the prog finishes execution.
Yes, filehandles are buffered by default. If STDOUT points to a terminal it will be line-buffered (nothing is output until a newline is printed), otherwise it will be block-buffered (nothing is output until a certain number of bytes is printed). The easiest way to change that is to set $|=1, which will make the current output filehandle (usually STDOUT unbuffered), so it will flush after every print.

How to return false with a string in Perl?

How can I use a Perl function to return a boolean value and a string?
For example, I am using regular expression to find something in a string. If found, return true and assign value to $msg, otherwise return false and assign another value to $msg.
Now I want to return both $result (boolean) and $msg (String) by "return ($result, $msg); ", and it's verified working. I am wondering if it is good to do it like this or is there a better way? I don't want to make other people confused when they are looking at my code.
use constant { true => 1, false => 0 };
my $output = "hello world";
my $msg;
my $result;
sub is_string_found
if ($output =~ /hello/;)
$msg = "string is found";
$result = true;
$msg = "string is not found";
$result = false;
return ($result, $msg);
There are a few issues with your code, aside from using constants true and false:
You declare $msg and $result outside of your function. It would be better to reduce the visibility of these variables just to the function. Actually, you don't even need them.
You pass an argument to your sub by a variable in an outer scope, and return values in the same way. Use subroutine arguments and return values instead.
You have an erraneous ; in your if-condition.
Your sub can be shortened to
sub is_string_found {
my ($str) = #_;
return 1, "string is found" if $str =~ /hello/;
return 0, "string is not found";
It can then be used like
my ($ok, $message) = is_string_found("hello world");
This is the best, and most obvious solution (to a Perl programmer).
You could also use an out-argument, so that you only return the success value:
sub is_string_found ($\$) {
my ($str, $out_ref) = #_;
if ($str =~ /hello/) {
$$out_ref = "string is found";
return 1;
} else {
$$out_ref = "string is not found";
return without values returns undef in scalar context, the empty list in list context. It can then be invoked like
my $ok = is_string_found "hello world", my $message;
my $message;
is_string_found "hello world", $message
or log_warning $message;
Note: you have to declare the sub before you first use it, either by defining it before usage, or putting the statement sub is_string_found ($\$); near the top of the script.
You don't have to use prototypes (and can instead use the aliasing behaviour of #_), but I'm not particulary fond of that solution
What you are doing in terms of returning a list is fine. But using a hash may arguable be better:
sub is_string_found {
my %h;
if ($output =~ /hello/)
%h = (msg=>"string is found", retval=>1);
%h = (msg=>"string is not found", retval=>0);
return %h;
%d = is_string_found();
print $d{msg}, "\n" if not $d{retval};

Perl reprompt user input until get exact expected input

How to make script very interactive?
Script purpose:
Get user entered number and find mod via get_mod_val function; if it returns 1 then say "good" and exit the script; if it returns 0, then ask user to enter odd number.
accept only numbers, no character, decimal, special characters.
do not end the script until user has entered the odd number.
The following code works fine; it follows above validation point 1 rules, but it is not very interactive as per our requirement law. When above rules fails, script exits and we need to execute the script again.
How can we make the following code very interactive?
$ip_no = $ARGV[0];
if ($ip_no!="") {
$get_mod_op = get_mod_val($ip_no);
if ($ip_no =~ /\D/){
print "Entered number only.....";
if ($get_mod_op==1) {
print "Good odd number(${get_mod_op}): ${ip_no} ";
print "Good even number(${get_mod_op}): ${ip_no} ";
print "Enter number.";
Thank to all, finally i have done the code with your suggestions, Following snippet reached my requirement, review the code and advise for optimization.
if ($ARGV[0] != "") {
$user_ip = $ARGV[0];
}elsif (($ARGV[0] =~ /\D/ ) || ($ARGV[0] eq "") ){
print "Enter odd number only: ";
$user_ip = <STDIN>;
$user_ip = <STDIN>;
do{ #get mod value, if mod_off is 1 then entered number is odd otherwise ask user to enter the odd number
$mod_off = find_mod_val($user_ip);
if (($user_ip == "") || ($user_ip eq "") || ($user_ip eq "") || ($mod_off == 0)) {
print "Enter odd number only: ";
$user_ip = <STDIN>;
}until($mod_off == 1);
print "Good odd number ${user_ip}";
sub find_mod_val($user_ip){
return $user_ip%2;
TIMTOWTDI, this time with recursion! The benefit is that you can reuse the function to validate other inputs too. I guess you could make a sub that wraps a loop, but c'mon this is fun!
sub get_input {
my ($message, $valid) = #_;
print "$message: ";
chomp(my $response = <>);
unless( $response =~ $valid ) {
print "Invalid response!\n";
$response = get_input($message, $valid);
return $response;
my $response = get_input("Enter a number", qr/^\d+$/);
print "Got: $response\n";
Don't use ARGV[0] and read from STDIN (so you need to run your script and type the word you want). I have rewritten your code:
my $finish = 0;
while( ! $finish ) {
print "Enter number.";
my $ip_no = <STDIN>;
$get_mod_op = get_mod_val($ip_no);
if( $ip_no =~ /\D/ ){
print "Entered number only.....";
elsif( $get_mod_op == 1 ) {
print "Good odd number(${get_mod_op}): ${ip_no} ";
$finish = 1;
else {
print "Good even number(${get_mod_op}): ${ip_no} ";
$finish = 1;
Are you sure you want it to be interactive; doing that makes it much less useful in other scripts.
If you must, then put the testing code into a sub, then use the sub to validate $ARGV[0], and if that fails, go into a loop that requests input and runs the validation.
Check out the Perl IO::Prompt module.
my $val;
for (;;) {
print "Some prompt: ";
$val = <STDIN>;
chomp $val;
last if is_valid($val);
print "Bad input. Valid inputs are ...\n";