How to convert a MongoDB replica set to a stand alone server - mongodb

Consider, I have 4 replicate sets and the config is as follows:
"_id": "rs_0",
"version": 5,
"members" : [
{"_id": 1, "host": ""},
{"_id": 2, "host": ""},
{"_id": 3, "host": ""},
{"_id": 4, "host": ""}
I am able to connect to all sets using
mongo --port <port>
There are documents for getting information on Convert a Standalone to a Replica Set, but can anyone tell me how to convert back to standalone from replica set?

Remove all secondary hosts from replica set (rs.remove('host:port')), restart the mongo deamon without replSet parameter (editing /etc/mongo.conf) and the secondary hosts starts in standalone mode again.
The Primary host is tricky one, because you can't remove it from the replica set with rs.remove.
Once you have only the primary node in the replica set, you should exit mongo shell and stop mongo. Then you edit the /etc/mongo.conf and remove the replSet parameter and start mongo again.
Once you start mongo you are already in standalone mode, but the mongo shell will prompt a message like:
2015-07-31T12:02:51.112+0100 [initandlisten] ** WARNING: mongod started without --replSet yet 1 documents are present in local.system.replset
to remove the warning you can do 2 procedures:
1) Droping the local db and restarting mongo:
use local
/etc/init.d/mongod restart
2)Or if you don't want to be so radical, you can do:
use local
and it will prompt a message like:
{ "_id" : "replicaSetName", "version" : 1, "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "host" : "hostprimary:mongoport" } ] }
then you will erase it using:
db.system.replset.remove({ "_id" : "replicaSetName", "version" : 1, "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "host" : "hostprimary:mongoport" } ] })
and it will probably prompt:
WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 1 })
Now, you can restart the mongo and the warning should be gone, and you will have your mongo in standalone mode without warnings

Just remove a host from replica set (rs.remove('host:port')), relaunch it without replSet parameter and it's standalone again.

On an Ubuntu Machine
Stop your mongo server
open /etc/mongod.conf
Comment the replication and replSetName line
#replSetName: rs0
Start your mongo server and go to mongo shell
drop local database
use local
Restart mongo

The MongoDB Documentation suggests the following to perform maintenance on a replica set member, which brings the the replica set member into standalone mode for further operations. With little modification it can be made standalone:
If node in concern is the only node in a shard, drain the chunks to other shards as per MongoDB documentation here, or else the sharded database will break, i.e.
Make sure balancer is enabled by connecting to mongos and run sh.startBalancer(timeout, interval)
For the shard in concern, go to admin database and db.adminCommand( { removeShard: "mongodb0" } )
Check draining status by repeating above removeShard command, wait for draining to complete
If node in concern is primary, do rs.stepDown(300)
Stop the node by running db.shutdownServer()
Change the yaml config by:
commenting out replication.replSetName (--replSetName in command line)
commenting out sharding.clusterRole for shard or config server (--shardsvc and --configsvr in command line)
commenting out net.port, then change it to a different port (--port in command line)
Start the mongod instance
If change is permanent, go to other mongod instance and run rs.remove("host:port")
After this, the node in concern should be up and running in standalone mode.

Follow below steps :
Go to mongo shell on Secondary servers
Stop the secondary servers by using below command :
use admin
Go to Linux shell- on secondary servers and type below command :
sudo service mongod stop
Starting the MongoDB replication -
Go to Linux shell - on secondary servers and type below command :
sudo service mongod start
Starting the MongoDB replication -
Go to primary and type below commands to start the replication :
a] rs.initiate()
b] rs.add("Secondar -1:port no")
c] rs.add("Secondary-2:port no")
d] rs.add({ "_id" : 3, "host" : "Hidden_member:port no", "priority" : 0,
"hidden" : true })
e] rs.status()


mongodb show dbs listDatabases failed

I am new to mongo db.
I just installed mongo DB on my MAC,
After watching this Youtube Video
In mongo shell, I entered show dbs and I get wired output.
Kindly help me to understand and solve this
> show dbs
2017-09-11T02:45:34.298+0530 E QUERY [thread1] Error: listDatabases failed:{
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "unable to open cursor at URI statistics:table:collection-2-2362555297355466682. reason: No such file or directory",
"code" : 43,
"codeName" : "CursorNotFound"
} :
After a couple of research, I found the solution and sharing all I learned so no new learner struggles like me.
My mistake :
I was staring mongodb using :
mongod --config "c:\MongoDB\Mongod.cfg"
and start mongo shell by just running
Starting Mongo DB and Shell
Then understood, what each command does :
|*| Start Mongo DB with default config :
|*| Start Mongo DB with config file :
mongod -f "c:\MongoDB\Mongods.cfg"
mongod --config "c:\MongoDB\Mongod.cfg"
|O| Start Mongo DB with config flags :
mongod --dbpath "c:\mongodb\data\nameMdb" --logpath "c:\mongodb\log\nameMdbLog.log" --directoryperdb --logappend
So correspondingly we should use mongo also to start shell :
|*| Start Mongo shell with default config :
|*| Start Mongo shell with localhost config flags :
mongo --host localhost --port 28888
|*| Start Mongo shell with public config flags and user details :
mongo --username <user> --password <pass> --host <Host.IP.Adrs> --port 28888
|*| Creating Config File is explained here with example :
I had a similar issue when configuring MongoDB for replication.
When I run the command below:
show dbs
I get the error:
> show dbs
uncaught exception: Error: listDatabases failed:{
"topologyVersion" : {
"processId" : ObjectId("60ddea05beb1d89d4d139546"),
"counter" : NumberLong(0)
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "not master and slaveOk=false",
"code" : 13435,
"codeName" : "NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk"
} :
Here's how I fixed it:
The issue was that I had enabled the replication feature in the /etc/mongod.conf file without initializing the replication, so MongoDB could not tell which replica was the primary replica or secondary replica.
All I had to do was to comment out the replication feature in the /etc/mongod.conf file since I was not yet ready to set up replication:
# replSetName: my-replica-set-name
After which I restarted the MongoDB server:
sudo systemctl restart mongod
This time the command ran fine.
I experienced this issue today, installing the latest version of MongoDB with Homebrew and then launching the mongo shell and entering the command "show dbs". I tested this multiple times and spent some time researching it. The symptoms match an issue that was reported here: where the issue was described as building WiredTiger separately from MongoDB and using an out of date version of WiredTiger.
While this is not the case for what you and I have experienced (note that Homebrew is currently installing 3.4.9 and WiredTiger 2.9.2), I guessed that it could be a similar mismatch between WiredTiger and MongoDB, so I decided to try installing a different version.
I ended up installing the latest "dev" version using this Homebrew command:
brew install mongodb --devel
This installs MongoDB 3.5.13 and WiredTiger 3.0.0 which do not have the issue. Note that 3.4.9 was released the day you reported this issue and 3.5.13 was released the next day, although 3.4.9 is still the current community edition listed here:
In my case, the problem was replSet name.
I was changed my hostname at the Sharing preference and it was different with the previous installed replSet config's host name.
You can see the rs.config() in mongo shell like this.
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"host" : "MBA.local:27777",
"arbiterOnly" : false,
"buildIndexes" : true,
"hidden" : false,
"priority" : 1,
"tags" : {
"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
"votes" : 1
See the host: section and change it by rs.config({object}) command in mongo shell,
or just add the line below at the /etc/hosts file. MBA.local

How to set-up Mongo replica set on Kubernetes?

I'm trying set-up a three node Mongo replica set on Kubernetes. My thoughts is start three pods, with Mongo in each one, when the pod starts, it automatically sets up the replica set, so I need to modify the Mongo image Dockerfile to execute some command in Mongo shell.
But I am stuck at executing the command rs.initiate(). If I just use the command rs.initiate() without parameters it works, but when adding parameters then it occurs error like
rs.initiate({ "_id": "rs0", "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "host" : "" } ]})
But when executing the pod and using the same command with parameters, it works. The same situation with the command rs.add() . How to resolve this?
Plus: in my Dockerfile I use mongo admin --port 27017 --eval "rs.initiate()" to execute the command .
You should check hosts file (hostname) in pod and add :
ip_address mongoslave
ip_address mongomaster
For example : mongomaster
Then you add parametters:
rsconf = {
_id: "rs0",
members: [
_id: 0,
host: "mongomaster:27017"
rs.reconfig(rsconf, {force: true})

Mongodb created replica set string showing exception

I have got this issue while working on replica sets. Server is successfully turning on but after executing rs.initiate() and rs.status I am getting errors.
"info2" : "no configuration explicitly specified -- making one",
"errmsg" : "exception: bad --replSet config string format is: <setname>[host1>,<seedhost2>,...]",
"code" : 13093,
"ok" : 0
I ran into this problem as well. What happened was I configured the replica set in /etc/mongo.conf, went into the mongo client and executed rs.initiate(). What I forgot to do was restart mongo! A simple sudo service mongod restart fixed it.

How to know the existence of replica set in sharded environment from JAVA client

I want to set
only if replica set is present.
But in sharded environment when I do:
It returns null even though I have replica set.
To mongo client I am passing mongos IP.
Most MongoDB drivers, in particular Java driver which you are using will throw an exception if you try to set REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED writeConcern when it's not possible to get an acknowledgement from two or more nodes.
From the docs:
WriteConcern.REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED Tries to write to two separate nodes. [...] will
throw an exception if two writes are not possible.
See the following for more details:
In my testing with mongo shell, if you provide REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED (formerly called REPLICA_SAFE) concern to 'getlasterror' command, you will get an error when you are not communicating with a replica set. When talking to mongos process, the error will be:
"singleShard" : "localhost:30001",
"n" : 0,
"connectionId" : 3,
"wnote" : "no replication has been enabled, so w=2.0 won't work",
"err" : "norepl",
"ok" : 1
It is not the case that the client will hang forever without wtimeout being specified, that would only be the case if there is a replica set but two nodes are not available for writes indefinitely.
Note that using "majority" as w value for write concern will work correctly through mongos - note the difference in writeConcern responses:
mongos> db.coll.insert({}); db.runCommand({getlasterror:1,w:"majority"})
"singleShard" : "localhost:30001",
"n" : 0,
"connectionId" : 3,
"err" : null,
"ok" : 1
First verify that your replica set has a PRIMARY using the mongo shell command rs.status()
Then if that worked, verify that you are connecting to the database correctly:
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "hostname" , 27017 );
If both of those are true then there should be no reason mongoClient.getReplicaSetStatus() should return NULL. It should be returning a ReplicaSetStatus object.

Starting over with replica configuration in mongodb

I did a mistake when configuring replica sets in mongodb. I think that what I did wrong is that I did a rs.initialize() on both nodes, which made them confused in some way. I'm not sure.
Now all I want to do is start over, but I couldn't find a way to de-initialize a node. So I followed the advice to delete the local* db files, thus resetting the configurations. I did that, and now nothing works.
> rs.initiate()
"info2" : "no configuration explicitly specified -- making one",
"me" : "",
"errmsg" : "couldn't initiate : can't find self in the replset config",
"ok" : 0
> rs.conf()
I tried to remove and reinstall the package (I'm doing this on Ubuntu servers) which just meant that my mongodb.conf disappeared and my init script stopped working. This is of course easy enough to solve.
So how do I start over?
Note: I did look at this answer, but since rs.conf() doesn't work this doesn't work either.
You'll also get this error if your machine's hostname doesn't map back to Update your /etc/hosts and/or your /etc/hostname, and rs.initiate() with no config should work.
If you force a reconfig with a config that you have generated, does it resolve the issue?
You could do this similar to the follow from the {{mongo}} shell:
> cfg = {
... "_id" : "rs0",
... "version" : 1,
... "members" : [
... {
... "_id" : 0,
... "host" : ""
... }
... ]
... }
>rs.reconfig(cfg, {force:true})
You may need to tune the cfg variable to have your hostname and portname, as the can't find self in new replset config error will be returned to the shell if the repl set can't find the node it is running from in the config.
If you just comment out bind_ip in /etc/mongod.conf this will achieve the correct result so that you can reissue a rs.initiate() command to set-up or reconfig the replica.