JPA persistence.xml META-INF placement folder - jpa

I currently have my persistence.xml located in src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml. Also I am using eclipselink 2.4 as my JPA 2.0 implementation.
After publishing to the server and trying to run the app in the browser I get the following error:
Exception: : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No persistence unit named 'X'
is available in scope Webapp. Available persistence units: [] at
This is ONLY when building in Eclipse. Leaving META-INF on the path src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml and performing maven install to build the war file, the META-INF folder is correctly placed in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml like it should be (inside the war). Seems that it is only and issue of when the webapp is built and ran locally in Eclipse. Can anyone explain this?
Can anyone explain what the problem is? Maybe someone has ran into this problem before?


How can I get Websphere to find persistence.xml in a jar file rather than META-INF?

I'm building a set of REST services and deploying each service to a separate WAR file. Since each of these services uses the exact same persistence configuration, I've placed my persistence.xml in a jar file (the path of the persistence.xml file in the jar is still /META-INF).
When running this using TomEE (1.7), this works just fine. However, when I try the same thing with WebSphere (8.5.5.x) my persistence units do not get loaded. In the WebSphere log, I get an error that looks like:
[4/27/16 8:54:21:653 EDT] 00000080 JPAApplInfo E CWWJP0029E: The server cannot find the MRO_PU_JTA persistence unit in the Customer_WAR.war module and the DS_APP_EAR application.
[4/27/16 8:54:21:654 EDT] 00000080 InjectionBind E CWNEN0035E: The reference of type javax.persistence.EntityManager for the component in the Customer_WAR.war module of the DS_APP_EAR application cannot be resolved.
[4/27/16 8:54:21:657 EDT] 00000080 ResourceInjec E CWOWB0102E: A JCDI error has occurred: The reference of type javax.persistence.EntityManager for the null component in the Customer_WAR.war module of the DS_APP_EAR application cannot be resolved.
When I copy the persistence.xml file from my jar file to the local WAR's META-INF, this error goes away and everything works fine. Since I have a ton of services to deploy this way, I don't want to have to make copies of persistence.xml for every WAR file.
Is there any way to get WebSphere to find my persistence.xml file? Maybe some setting in WebSphere that I haven't been able to find?
Ok, so it seems that this is a duplicate of the following: Sharing a persistence unit across components in a .ear file
Looking at the answer to that question from Pascal Thivent, it becomes fairly obvious what the problem is: In order to get this to work, the jar file that contains the persistence.xml must be present in the /lib directory of the EAR that is being deployed to WebSphere. Apparently, the way it works is that the EAR resolves the persistence.xml file, and when each WAR file attempts to inject the entity manager, it refers to the EAR to do so. This is in contrast to TomEE (which is deploying without an EAR file). In that case the dependency is resolved by the WAR file classloader, so just having the jar file in the classpath of the WAR is sufficient.

Hibernate configuration with tomcat and eclipse

I'm creating a webApp in eclipse using tomcat & hibernate (for mysql). Ive unit tested by code and I am able to connect to the db and pull data, but I'm running into issues when trying it from the web app.
From the exception it looks like it isnt able to get to the hibernate.cfg.xml, but I've tried placing the file in the src folder, WEB-INF/lib & WEB-INF/classes but I still get the same error.
The line of code that it's failing on is:
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
I would really really appreciate any help!
ClassPath References:
Project References:
root cause
Thanks to #Engineer, I was able to solve this by removing the jars from WEF-INF/lib & from the class path of the run configuration. Then I added them back using the "Deployment Assembly" menu in eclipse. I also have my project references here.
From Ranga Reddy:
Problem: Because of adding the jars in user library class path.
Solution: Instead of adding the jar files using User Library add the jars using classpath.

Spring STS can't find META-INF/spring.schemas

Trying to set up a new project, and running into a weird issue. I made a new app context file named backend-context.xml, I've added spring-context as a dependency, and am trying to add namespaces through the bean config file, but it's showing as 1 error, with no explaination.
If I browse into problem explorer, it states the following error:
'Unable to load schema mappings from location [META-INF/spring.schemas]'
If I browse through the Maven Dependencies I can see this file located under the spring-beans jar.
If anyone has ideas on how to fix this, that'd be awesome!
Ended up being caused by a local maven jar being corrupt. Found this out by uploading the code to github and trying on a different computer which worked like a charm. So, cleaned out my local repository from all spring jars and redownloaded.

Eclipse and Tomcat: Unable to start a War project

My eclipse setup for web project worked before. But all of the sudden it stops working.
Eclipse version Build id: 20100218-1602
It is a very standard setup. I have a servers project setup in eclipse. I have defined an tomcat server in it. I was able to run my web project this way.
Suddenly for some reason today I saw this exception:
Error loading class []
for bean with name 'productDao' defined in class path resource [SomeDB.xml]:
problem with class file or dependent class; nested exception is
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/orm/hibernate3/support
Based on the message above, can anyone suggest what may be broken?
Looks like the hibernate library is missing from the project's classpath. Figure out which one of the spring jars contains HibernateDaoSupport and add it to your project's classpath.

Spring can't find a lib and webapp doesn't start up in tomcat 6

I've this problem using STS: I'm building a simple Spring app, just to try out features like MVC and persistence. Now I've created something very simple, out of a bunch of tutorials for Spring 3, that I'm using. The application fails with this, during server startup:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping#0': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean] for bean with name 'mySessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/spring/appServlet/servlet-context.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean
but I've org.springframework.orm in web-inf/classes folder (I even tried putting it in web-inf/lib). As I copied these libs there, the came out in Web App Libraries folder. Building this project in STS works fine as this dependency is set up in build path throught project properties, but how do I transfer the libs to the web app? (I'm using Tomcat 6 as it is the server I'm going to use sometime in the future for production). Is this a config problem of my XML? Or am I just missing the right way to put this lib? (I encountered the same problem before, but adding the needed lib in classes worked it out). More than this I that if I browse inside my workspace to the folder where the working folder of tomcat should be, I can't find any work directory and any commo
Go to the Servers view and double click on Tomcat Server which will open up a Tomcat Overview page. This will show you the server path and deploy path which Eclipse is using to publish your webapps to.
For example, mine are:
Server path: .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0
Deploy path: wtpwebapps
Now in a Command Prompt (or Explorer) browse to %ECLIPSE_HOME%\workspaces\default\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps and you should see your webapp. Go into the WEB-INF\lib directory and check if your jar is there.
A few things to try:
If the jar is not in WEB-INF\lib, you might need to republish it. Right-click on the Tomcat in the Servers view and click Publish. Does it appear? If not, Right-click on the Tomcat again and this time select Clean... which will clean out everything and republish. If this doesn't work, the brute force approach would be to delete the files manually and then tell Eclipse to republish them.
Clean your work directory, by right-clicking the webapp under Tomcat in the Servers view and selecting Clean module work directory. Or do it manually by deleting from %ECLIPSE_HOME%\workspaces\default\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\work\Catalina\localhost
You should also try closing-reopening/cleaning/rebuilding/refreshing your webapp project just in case Eclipse hasn't picked up the changes.
You need to put the various Spring JARs into your WEB-INF/lib directory (WEB-INF/classes is no use for JAR files).
You don't just need org.springframework.orm, you need most of them (see here for dependency diagram).
At least the libary jar files must be located at WEB-INF/lib within your war file. And you only need to deploy the war file to your productiv web server.
If you use STS but your Project is not a Maven project: then you need to put the files in <projectRoot>/WebContent/WEB-INF/libs .(to build the war with Eclipse/STS you need to execute Export/Web/WAR file.)
If you use Maven, then you need the specify your dependencies in the pom.xml, and use maven to package the war (run as/Maven package).