Get PWA connection string - projectserver2013 - project-server

Is there any way to get the connectionstring of pwa site in projectserver2013. It works well in projectserver2010, but not in 2013.
I used the following article in 2010
I have changed the dll version in 2013 but still, no use. in the Type.GetType('') method It returns NULL in 2013.
I actually trying to get Project UID of the current site from SQL.

Oh, in the current site itself the value is available .
it returned the proj UID and worked in both 2010 and 2013. If there is any other solution please share here.


Quickbooks Online REST API Minor Version 7

I'm trying to use the QBO Rest API to insert invoices into our system and want to use the BillEmailCc attribute of invoices. I've read on their site that these are only available for minor version 7. I've try setting the minor version in my queries but still I get errors saying this attribute is not valid. How can you access the minor version 7?
url: https:
After doing some digging in the console, I deduced that the fields to set are as follows
Quickbooks support has said these attributes aren't supported, however.

Get identity of logged in Visual Studio user from extension

I'm developing a visual studio 2015 extension and I'm looking to get the identity of the user who's logged into the IDE (different to the user logged in to windows, or running devenv).
I can't figure out where (or if) I can get that information. It doesn't appear to be in the DTE object anywhere and googling around hasn't helped.
Just the username
string username = System.Environment.UserName;
string adName = System.Environment.UserDomainName;
Full UserPrinciple
Most the normal .net methods for getting users from system or globals should work. All the AD namespaces (System.DirectoryServices) will also work as usual.
Also this regkey gets set at vs startup with the interactive user.
in header / above namespace
MVC: Not sure about earlier version but 3 - 5 not required
using System.Security.Principal
function, property etc
string userid= User.Identity.Name.toString()

DataConnection.HandleError while upgrading kentico 8.2 to 9

it happens on each every page . I have no idea about this error. Any help?
The column SiteName was removed in v9. Here's an article talking about it. Here are the release notes for v9. So you'll have to log into the Admin site and to to Page Templates and modify your listing repeaters in there to remove the SiteName column.
What you can do to get a list of templates which have SiteName is to run a SQL script like so:
FROM CMS_PageTemplate
WHERE PageTemplateWebParts like '%sitename%'
This will give you a list of templates which have webparts that the property or value of SiteName in them.
Did your database upgrade show any errors? Maybe check your version in the database vs your site structure and see if they match. I think just from the looks of it, your database upgrade didn't complete or had an issue. You could try rolling back to your backup and reupgrading maybe by running the upgrade query on your database.

QBO data object for TrialBalance

It look like the SDK for VS C# doesn't have the Trial Balance report object included. Is this correct, and if so, when is the update for this planned, and are there any code examples of how to 'Roll Your Own'.
It is released recently in production. Updated devkit will also be published soon.
Please have a look at the following links

First steps for migrating a Facebook Canvas App (untouched since Mar 2010) to OAuth and HTTPs --

I am not a professional programmer. I am "a kitchen table programming enthusiast." My question is at the very end of this narrative.
In March of 2010, I figured out how to introduce my interactive database driven web app to the world by turning my web app into a Facebook Canvas Application.
Basically I built my web app prior to March 2010 using MYSQL, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc. using "dummies" books. Once I was convinced that my web app was functional as a standalone website, I pored through Facebook online documents to figure out how to turn my app into a FB Canvas App.
That was in March of 2010. Back then the process for turning a web app into a FB Canvas App basically involved getting files like the following, and saving them to the directories on my web host server:
-- At public_html:
-- config.php
-- facebook_desktop.php
-- facebook_mobile.php
-- facebookapi_php5_restlib.php
-- fbtest.htm
-- JSON.php
-- jsonwrapper_inner.php
-- xd_receiver.htm
-- At public_html/php:
-- facebook.php
Now here is my question:
My app has been working fine since March 2010, but now (since this morning) my app doesn't work at all (doesn't even open). I suspect this is due to requirements that changed related to migration to OAuth 2.0 and HTTPS -- requirements which I need to learn how to respond to.
What should be my first step toward at least enabling myself to continue using my own app on FB? Once we have figured that out, I will be seeking guidance on how to once again enable other FB members to use my app.
I hope some will find this thread helpful.
Thank You,
There's an overview here: which links to the docs and the blog posts which gave examples of how to migrate
Thank you, so much!
I have begun reviewing the material you have referred. I will continue to dig in, but I'd like to let you know that for now, I see these phrases which raise questions in my mind:
-- "If you are only using the PHP SDK (Software Development Kit) for authentication..."
-- "If you are using the JavaScript SDK for login..."
-- "Update to PHP SDK..."
-- "Update to JavaScript SDK..."
-- "Implementing the OAuth 2.0 authentication system..."
-- "Using the latest SDKs..."
Based on details in my original post is one able to determine whether I have currently implemented a PHP SDK or the JavaScript SDK? I don't know that I ever even used an SDK for establishing my means for Authentication and Authorization. I only knew my method as applying for a FB App ID, App Secret and copying a set of files to my server. Was my implementation method from March 2010 so old that it is neither PHP SDK nor JavaScript SDK?
Doesn't "updating an SDK" require that I had first implemented some sort of SDK?
If it turns out that I haven't used an SDK as part of my archaic means for authentication and authorization then what set of instructions is really applicable for me to migrate to OAuth2.0?
I am concerned that without seeing a step by step set of instructions, I will end up with extraneous and conflicting files on my server.
Does anyone know of any migration instructions like, "replace these files (file A, file B, file C and file D) from your web host server with these files (file E, file F, file G and file H)"
Thank you,