Creating custom firewall in Symfony 2.3 - symfony-2.3

Creating custom firewall using WSSE is fine. But now I want to create custom firewall which doesn't contain methods like authenticate(TokenInterface $token) but contain custom methods which contain logic to authenticate and authorize.If we use WSSE implementation of authenticate(TokenInterface $token) method is necessary as class implements AuthenticationProviderInterface interface.Any suggestions?


CakePHP 3 allow only REST index.json and and.json (no normal views) with Auth

I've created the blog from blog tutorial, and I would to protect articles list, but I want that this be accesible across REST, I've activated json extensions.
All works well. I can add and retrieve list, but now I want to deny index and add from web and only be accesible from .json to public.
I tried with
public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
But this obviously doesn't work. All webpage is login protected as is in tutorial. Web services should be accesible to Android App (code is ready and working).
Thank you!
Of course that doesn't work, the allow() methods expects valid method names, and that's all the authentication component cares about, method/action names, it doesn't matter how the action was requested.
What you are trying to do requires you to check the type of the request, and based on the results, allow the actions. Checking the request type can be done using Request::is().
See Cookbook > Request & Response Objects > Checking Request Conditions
So it might be as simple as
if ($this->request->is('json')) {
$this->Auth->allow(['index', 'add']);

how to get HTTP request object in class implementing jackrabbit ExternalIdentityProvider

I am implementing custom external identity provider and to do this I need to implement ExternalIdentityProvider class from jackrabbit.
In normal case you would need to pass j_username and j_password and you can get these from values SimpleCredentials object
My question is that since I need to pass additional form parameter say for instance linkedin ID in my case, how do I achieve that?
policy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE
public class RDBMSIdentityProvider implements ExternalIdentityProvider {
public ExternalUser authenticate(Credentials credentials)
throws ExternalIdentityException, LoginException {
//i can get username / password from credentials object
//how to get additional parameters from http request object?
Any input is highly appreciated.
The correct way to handle this is to have a custom AuthenticationHandler which creates an instance of a specific Credentials object with whatever parameters you need in it.
That said, if you are integrating with LinkedIn (and this is in AEM), you would be better served by integrating with the existing OAuth AuthenticationHandler. There is OOTB support for Facebook and Twitter, but the OAuth provider is designed to be pluggable for different OAuth Service Providers.

Spring MVC authorization in REST resources

I have REST api for accessing "parties" and the URL's look like this:
Using Spring controllers and #PathVariable I'm able to implement this interface. But to prevent users from accessing parties they don't have access to, I have to add checks to every method call which is kind of repeating myself and I might forget to add it everywhere:
#RequestMapping(value="/parties/{partyId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Party getParty(#PathVariable Integer partyId){
Now what I would like to do is create a check that would be called every time that user enters url like this:
How would I do something like this? Do I have to create some servlet filter and parse the url myself? If I have to parse the url then is there atleast tools that would make it easy? I wish there was a way to add a method to controller that would be called before methods but could still use #PathVariables and such...
What I ended up with is using the Spring MVC interceptors and parsing the path variables in the same way that Spring does. So I define an interceptor for the REST url:
<mvc:mapping path="/parties/*/**" />
<bean class="PartyAuthorizationInterceptor" />
The PartyAuthorizationInterceptor has to implement HandlerInterceptor in which we have to implement preHandle. It has HttpServletRequest as a parameter so we can get the request URL but we still have to parse the partyId from the url. After reading how Spring MVC does it, I found out they have a class named org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher. It can read the path variables from the URL and place the values in a map. The method is called extractUriTemplateVariables.
So the result looks like this:
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
String partyIdStr = new AntPathMatcher().extractUriTemplateVariables("/parties/{partyId}/**", request.getPathInfo()).get("partyId");
That makes the parsing almost as easy as using #PathVariable in MVC Controller methods. You still have to do conversions yourself(e.g. String -> Integer).
Now I can implement authorization logic on all urls that access a party in this interceptor and keep that logic out of the individual controller methods. Not as easy as I would have hoped but it gets the job done.
Are you already using some kind of security library in your application, e. g. Spring Security?
Because the kind of logic you want to implement is a classic case for an AccessDecisionVoter in an authentication chain. You would just put your API behind Spring Security's protection and implement the custom check as part of the security chain.
If you are not using a security framework at all, your idea of implementing a HandlerInterceptor may be the best alternative, though. But it would require you (as you mentioned) to take into account all kinds of obfuscation the user may use in order to gain access to other URLs (e. g. %-encoding of letters, ../../ patterns etc.).

User roles in GWT applications

I'm wondering if you could suggest me any way to implement "user roles" in GWT applications. I would like to implement a GWT application where users log in and are assigned "roles". Based on their role, they would be able to see and use different application areas.
Here are two possible solution I thought:
1) A possible solution could be to make an RPC call to the server during onModuleLoad. This RPC call would generate the necessary Widgets and/or place them on a panel and then return this panel to the client end.
2) Another possible solution could be to make an RPC call on login retrieving from server users roles and inspecting them to see what the user can do.
What do you think about?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Another way is to host your GWT app in a JSP page. Your JSP might contain a snippet of code like this
<script type="text/javascript">
var role = unescape("${role}");
Where ${role} is expression language expanded from value you computed from the associated servlet / controller and exposed to the JSP.
When your GWT app runs in the browser, the value will be filled out. Your GWT app can easily call out into JS to obtain this value from a native method call, e.g.
public native String getRole() { /*-{ return $wnd.role; }-*/;
So your module could invoke getRole(), test the value and do what it likes to hide / show elements.
Obviously your backend should also enforce the role (e.g. by storing it in the session and testing it where appropriate) since someone could run the page through a JS debugger, setting breakpoint or similar that modifies the value before it is evaluated allowing them to access things they shouldn't be accessing.
Following scenario works for me:
GWT app is behind security constraint.
On module load I make RPC call to retrieve roles from the container. I store them in main GWT module's class as static field, to make it easy for other classes to use it.
Each widget (especially menu) can use roles (e.g. call Main.getRoles()) and construct itself according to roles. I don't pass roles in constructor. Each widget knows how to behave depending on role.
If it's crucial to not only hide things but also enforce them you can use container security and check roles and rights while invoking business methods.
While using GIN you can also create singleton class to store roles retrieved during login and inject it wherever you need it.

ASP.Net MVC 2 Forms Authentication cookieless = "UseUri" while submit authorization fails

I just started working with ASP.Net MVC 2.
I created a new ASP.Net MVC application and created one vehicle controler with a database table connected with LINQ. Then created forms authentication mechanism for the application and tried to use the uri instead of cookies it was working smoothly but when i submit the form by creating a "Create" view from the controler using the utility it just dont work. The autherization got failed and asking to enter the user name and password again.I had created the authorization mechanism by adding Authorise attribute to the Controller so as to get authorized for all the actions.
namespace MVCNEW.Controllers
public class VehicleController : Controller
But if i use the cookies instead of uri it works fine.
Thanks in advance...
Please see for an official response.
Summary: Cookieless Session support is essentially obsolete, and the MVC framework isn't likely to include additional support for it.
I found the problem and a solution.
This was due to some error in the framework. They are not creating the Uri string for the Form action while calling
But if we make it call overloading of this method like the providing the Controller name and Action name it is working fine.
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?