Troubles with datasource and tableviews - iphone

I've got an UIViewController with 2 tableviews:
1- the main tableview, which is shown in the whole view controller
2- the second viewcontroller, which is loaded in a popup view.
The second tableview is shown on swiping a cell of main tableview.
Depending on which cell is swiped, there are different data in popup view.
I've already loaded the whole data in viewdidload method and stored everything in nsmutablearray, so are ready to be loaded.
My problem is that I don't know how to work with tableview's DataSource, in my project i linked both tableview's datasource to file's owner, but in this way it loads the numberofrows from the main view, and it doesn't take the correct count which should have the second tableview.
So, if in main tableview i have for example 3 elements, and in the second tableview it should load 5 elements, it gives me an error, ('NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index…).
I think that i should link my tableviews to different datasource, even if i really don't know.
I hope to be clear, if you need more info, or a better description, ask me and i'll do it for you.

In the delegate method, you should compare the tableview.
See the example,
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
if(tableView == maintableView)

No Problem
you just set tags to your tables.
[tableView1 setTag:1];
[tableView2 setTag:2];
and then
-(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
if (tableView.tag == 1) {
return 4;
else if (tableView.tag == 2)
return 5;
do similar thing all data source method

You can use one View Controller as an unique data source for multiple table view, but you'll need to check which table view is requesting data using the tableView arguments of the UITableViewDataSource methods.
For example:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if (tableView == self.mainTableView)
// code for your main table view
// code for your popup table view

The same instance of a view controller serving as data source/delegate for two tables is technically possible but has a number of traps. One of these is: to which of the two tables does self.view refer?
However, most of the data source protocols hand down a reference to the table. You could use that rerference to determine which table acutally sends the request. But not all methods of the protocol inclulde a reference to the table. And that is where it starts getting tricky.
You are far better off with two distinctive view controllers, one for each table. Establish a protocol between them so that the main view controller can hand down the data to the one in the popup window so that the popup can initialize/load it self with the proper data and can refresh its view when ever the data changes.

You will need to check for the tableview in all your delegate and datasource methods as follows:
if (tableView == mainTable)
// code for your main table
else if (tableView == popupTable)
// code for your popup table
You do same for 2 or more table views.
Hope this helps.

You can do it both ways:
Make separate classes as data source for separate tables. Instantiate their objects as datasources for tables and bind them at viewDidLoad method in proper view controller.
Make one datasource for 2 tables which I don't recommend as it is not comply with proper OOAD. You'll have tight coupling this way between view controller and the table which can be cause of trouble in the near future.
You have method - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
in which you can distinguish to which table you are referring:
if (tableView == mainTableView) {
// initialize cell for main table view
if (tableView == secondTableView) {
// intialize cell for second table view


Is it better to use multiple UIViewController or one controller to manage 4 tables?

I have a splitview controller and i'd like to manage more than one table in the detail view (using this cocoa control, for each section one table). Should I use 4 specific view controller or just one that controls a subview?
As per documentation :
A UITableView object must have an object that acts as a data source
and an object that acts as a delegate; typically these objects are
either the application delegate or, more frequently, a custom
UITableViewController object. The data source must adopt the
UITableViewDataSource protocol and the delegate must adopt the
UITableViewDelegate protocol. The data source provides information
that UITableView needs to construct tables and manages the data model
when rows of a table are inserted, deleted, or reordered. The delegate
provides the cells used by tables and performs other tasks, such as
managing accessory views and selections.
I would suggest to use four different UIViewController that will modularise your code and easy to managing as compared to every thing in a single UIViewController.
You can use number of table view in single base view, but you need to handle it with some tag…like tag value (any integer value) or by name. I think you need to manage with tag and this will happens like below:
(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
if (tableView.tag == ) {
return value;
(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
if (tableView.tag == ) {
return value;
(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if (tableView.tag == ) {
static NSString *CellIdentifier = #"Cell";
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
// Configure the cell...
return cell;
But in this scenarios you need to handle entire condition gently. And always care about that do not code large statement inside cellForRowAtIndexPath, another wise it will take so much time to initialize that cell at the loading time.

Customise UITableView

How can I use more than one UITableView in one ViewController? Is it possible to ause more than one TableView in a page?
Actually i am creating a Application Form, there i have to use objects alternative for combo box.
I choose TableView instead for combo box.
Is this a right method?
Definitely Goku, you can use multiple UITableViews in a single UIViewController.
You just need to condition your both UITableView' in UITableViewDelegete.
For example :
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
if (tableView == yourFirstTableView) {
// <do whatever on first table view>...
} else if (tableView == yourSecondTableView) {
// <do whatever on second table view>...
Just make sure you set the both delegates for both tables :
yourFirstTableView.delegate = self;
yourSecondTableView.delegate = self;
See this example in case of doubt.
Yes you can have more than one tableview in a UIViewcontroller . You need set tag for each tableview and with respect to you can load data in the tableview .
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
if(tableview.tag == 1)
} else if (tableview.tag == 2)
Yes you can use more than one UITableView's in a single ViewController. And you can create an application form with it using different sections and using various accessory types .
You can use more than one table view in one controller, just define a different delegate for each UITableView instance. You can define new classes specifically to act as table view delegates, and have your controller create instances of these and set each UITableView's delegate property accordingly.
Yes For Sure you can use more than one tableview in single view controller.
Simply Create tableview in xib or manually.
And in methods of Tableview you can write like this
-(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
}else if (tableview ==table2){
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
}else if (tableview ==table2){

UISegment Control in UITableView

I have added a segment control to my table view and what my problem/question is I need to display text in tableview cells based on segment selected.
I have followed some tutorials, in that they gave me text in labels based on segment selected. I used segmentControl.selectedIndexPath also. So can anyone tell me how can we set that array of objects to my tableview cells based on segment selected?
Correct me if any mistakes in my english.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot for help.
First of all you have to divide your data in different arrays depends on your requirement ie Number of segmentControl.
Here if there are three segment controls then create three array an in the table view's delegate methods depending on segment control's selected index change the array to display in table view.
Like if segmentControl.selectedIndex == 0 then array1 if == 1 then array2 and if == 2 then array3.
In all delegate and datasource methods of table view. And on segment control's selecedIndexChange: method call reload table.
Happy Coding :)
For change data in table view on segmented control's index change you must have one IBOutlet for tableView and use that IBOutlet to change the data using [tableView reloadData]; here tableView is IBOutlet for table view.
Happy Coding :)
Common use for tableview;
In Controller you have an array which has the objects, lets say _tableObjects
You have implemented in your controller datasource methods
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UITableViewCell *cell =......
cell.labelText.text = [_tableObjects objectAtIndex:indexPath.row].name;
return cell;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return _tableObjects.count;
So if it is like this, you can change _tableObjects array in somewhere in you code.
_tableObjects = myOtherArray;
[self.tableView reloadData];

How do I populate a predefined UITableView to a view using the interface builder

I've created a custom UITableViewCell with a label and a text field.
I want to create two cells in a group to represent a nice username/password input mechanism.
I've run into some troubles figuring it out (things like the delegate/dataSource).
Is there a more direct approach to just add those two cells and get the data inserted into the text fields from code?
P.s. I want the TableView to be only at a part of my screen, the other part will be an "Enter" button...
Plus, if it can do it via the interface builder that would be great.
Although I agree with jer, some pointers about how to still use IB to make table view cells.
Add the cells to your NIB (at root level) and make them look good. Add two IBOutlet UITableViewCell *cell0, *cell1; to your header. Hook up the cells in the NIB to these outlets.
In the class which is your dataSource, do something like:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return 2;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
switch ([indexPath row])
case 0: return cell0;
case 1: return cell1;
NSLog("Something bad happened");
return nil;
Interface builder doesn't know about your table view data. If you are confused about setting up a data source, then read the documentation, try the sample code, explore until things make sense. Ask when you get frustrated.

change class of TableViewCell according to ViewController in which tableView is present

I have only 1 tableView class but 4 cell class. I'm adding the same tableView to all the viewControllers present in the app. The difference is the type (class,to be precise) of the cell. I want to change the class of cell according to the viewController in which the tableView is present. Also, the cell's content view is drawn in another subclass of the cell's class. Please provide a solution or approach to follow to make this functionality.
Thanks, in advance.
You probably should be using a different table view for each view controller (if you are not already).
Typically, you would also use a different datasource/delegate for each table view (you could use each view controller, for example).
However, if you must use the same class as the datasource/delegate for all four of the table views, tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: (and the other delegate methods) give you the table view as the first argument, so you can return the correct cells like this:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
if (tableView == myTableViewOne) {
// dequeue or allocate/init and configure/return the cell for the first table view here
} else if (tableView == myTableViewTwo) {
// dequeue or allocate/init and configure/return the cell for the second table view here
} else if (tableView == myTableViewThree) {
// dequeue or allocate/init and configure/return the cell for the third table view here
} else {
// dequeue or allocate/init and configure/return the cell for the fourth table view here
Ask the tableView for it's Class name using NSObjects -class method and use that to decide on what cell class to use.