How to add senders name while sending a mail using WebMail - email

My current code is:
WebMail.SmtpServer = "";
WebMail.From = "";
While I send a mail using above code the senders name at the receivers side is shown as "support" instead of that I want to show "Shayona".. I tried doing something like I did in but not
WebMail.From = new MailAddress("", "Shayona Infocom");

WebMail.From = "Shayona Infocom";

From the answer by #Tom Studee
I tried it and found that on the receiver's side the senders name is shown as <Shayona Infocom>.. I tried editing the answer by him but unfortunately it didn't worked..
So finally this worked for me:
WebMail.From = "Shayona Infocom";


aspnetboiletplate - send email with attachments

I have an aspnetboilerplate template, .netcore & angular (free version). I am trying to find a way to attach a word document to an email using the IEmailSender but cant find the proper way of doing so. Have already checked the Email Sending but there is no hint for attaching file to an email.
Does anyone have a sample code that could possibly share with me?
Here is the code snippet to send an email with attachment:
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage
Subject = "Subject",
Body = "Message",
IsBodyHtml = true,
To = { ""},
From = new MailAddress("")
mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(_env.WebRootPath + "\\pp.jpg"));
You can directly construct a MailMessage and pass it to IEmailSender.SendAsync(mailMessage).
If you are using MailKit, the underlying implementation will convert the Mail message object into MimeMessage and send it via Mailkit
MimeMessage implementation

titanium multiple recipients email dialog

im using titanium and need to send an email to multiple recipients. the official docs only show how to send to one individual email address.
can someone please give a more concrete example how the getToRecipients and setToRecipients methods are applied correctly so that an email is sent to multiple recipients?
i need to pass an array (contacts) to the emailDialog.ToRecipients property:
the code below does not work with this error message (ive also tried it unsuccessfully without the "[]" in setToRecipients):
Basic functions[2807:70b]
["",""]is not a valid email
var emails = JSON.stringify(contacts);
var emailDialog = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog();
emailDialog.subject = "Hello from Titanium";
emailDialog.messageBody = '<b>Appcelerator Titanium Rocks!</b>';;
thx for any info on this!
Have you tried this?
The Appcelerator Documentation says that EmailDialog.toRecipients is an String [].
See u!
Why do you pass your contacts through JSON.stringify and then put it inside array with one element?
EmailDialog.setToRecipients method requires array of strings, and every single one string should be proper email address. To make it work change your code into:
var emailDialog = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog();
emailDialog.subject = "Hello from Titanium";
emailDialog.messageBody = "<b>Appcelerator Titanium Rocks!</b>";;
I'm assuming that contacts variable contains this array (based on your error message):
var contacts = ["",""];

Use another framework than persits for Mails

I have to move some customer website from one (old) server to another (newer one). All sites are programmed in ASP. One customer sends Email (for his webshop) to his users using the persits framework, like
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = ""
Mail.CharSet = "ISO..."
Mail.Username = ""
Mail.Password = "password"
Mail.From = shopmail
Mail.FromName = "Name"
Mail.AddAddress shopmail
Mail.Subject = "Order " & date
Mail.Body = msgBody
This framework isn't installed on the new server and also there are no SMTP services installed.
How could I get it done that mails could be sent without the features mentioned above? Is there a way to reach a external STMP server with ASP?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
I'v found a solution, it's well documented here (for everyone who's interested in :) ).

Sending Email in DNN

I'm trying to send an email in a DNN module I'm making. However, though it doesn't crash the email isn't being sent. I think it has to do with the From Email I'm attempting to use. I'm not 100% sure what email I should be using for the from which is the first parameter.
Protected Sub Submit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click
DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendEmail("support#localhost", "", "EmailTest", "Hello world!")
End Sub
The More likely problem is you don't have your SMTP settings properly configured. To configure your SMTP settings, Login as Host. Then, go to Host -> Settings and fill out the fields under "SMTP Server Settings" and save them. There's a test link there as well to verify they are working correctly.
This is probably pretty late to the party, but I often use the Mail.SendMail() method, and then manually pass all the STMP information like below, and then when debugging I check the message that comes back. (As of DotNetNuke 5.5)
Dictionary<string, string> hostSettings = HostController.Instance.GetSettingsDictionary();
string server = hostSettings["SMTPServer"];
string authentication = hostSettings["SMTPAuthentication"];
string password = hostSettings["SMTPPassword"];
string username = hostSettings["SMTPUsername"];
// using the Mail.SendMail() method allows for easier debugging.
var message = Mail.SendMail(from, user.Email, String.Empty, subject, body, String.Empty, "HTML", server, authentication, username, password);
Late to the game as well, but I just ran into a similar issue earlier today...
The DNN sendMail or sendEmail method handle the exceptions on their own, and add it to their DNN logs. Unfortunately, they never return said exceptions to the main code where you are calling the functions - hence why your code executes just fine!
You can look further into their exceptions table, or Admin Logs in the UI, for more info on the particular issue you are having.
I changed my code to use System.Net to send emails and collect all of the info you need from DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host object in DNN. This way, we can handle the error and have our code work around it :) I ended up with something like this (it's in c# but you can do the same in VB.Net with a slightly different syntax):
//make the email
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("",",,");
mail.Subject = "test subject";
mail.Body = "actual email";
string dnnServerInfo = DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.SMTPServer;
// The above looks like "", or ""
//so we find the colon to get the server name, and port using the index below
int index = dnnServerInfo.IndexOf(':');
//make the SMPT Client
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
smtp.Host = dnnServerInfo.Substring(0, index);
smtp.Port = Int32.Parse(dnnServerInfo.Substring(index + 1, dnnServerInfo.Length - index - 1));
smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.SMTPUsername, DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.SMTPPassword);
smtp.EnableSsl = DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.EnableSMTPSSL;
//send the email
I used part of the original code from "SendMail" found here to come up with this:
Good luck to anybody who comes across this :)

How to rewrite or set the Return-Path in cakePHP Email Component?

I'm using the cakePHP email component for sending mails from my application. Now the return-path has something like www#domain.tld
How can I set or rewrite the Return-Path value in emails when using the cakePHP Component?
I know how to do it when sending mails via 'mail' in PHP but the cakePHP email component seems to missing such a feature... or am I missing something? :)
In CakePHP 2 (where the Email Component is largely replaced by the CakeEmail class), you can do this configuration inside /app/Config/email.php:
class EmailConfig {
public $email = array(
// The next line attempts to create a 'Return-path' header
'returnPath' => '',
// But in some sendmail configurations (esp. on cPanel)
// you have to pass the -f parameter to sendmail, like this
'additionalParameters' => '',
Or if you need to do it just for a single email, something like this should work...
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$email = new CakeEmail('MyConfig');
// Haven't tested this next line, but may possibly work?
->config(array('additionalParameters' => ''))
There's an attribute called EmailComponent::return that is the return path for error messages. Note that this is different than the replyTo attribute.
$this->Email->return = '';
A co-worker and I were working on this same issue, we found that editing the following line in php.ini gave us our fix:
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f youremail#address
when testing be sure to send your emails to a valid domain. this caught us for a few minutes.
To change the return path in CakePHP Email component I do like this:
$return_path_email = '';
$this->Email->additionalParams = '-f'.$return_path_email;
and it works like charm ;)
Digging into the cake manual when you were looking at how to use the rest of the component you should have seen something like the following. This is what set the Return-Path.
$this->Email->return = '';