BlackBerry 10 Cascades: How to invoke Contacts with prefilled fields? - blackberry-10

As the title says, I'm trying to invoke Contacts in BlackBerry Cascades:
with fields filled from string variable containing a vCard. I have had no success with mimeTypes, URIs, actions and targets specified in above documentation. The following code or any variation I could develop from documented cases doesn't invoke:
Container {
property string inputString //contains data from which vCard should be extracted if detected
attachedObjects: [
Invocation {
id: myQuery
property bool ready: false
query {
mimeType: "text/plain"
invokeTargetId: "sys.browser"
uri: (""+ escape(inputString))
invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
data: ""
onArmed: {myQuery.ready = true}
onQueryChanged: {
if (inputString.indexOf("VCARD") > -1) {
Button {
onClicked: {
if (myQuery.ready = true) {
Other invocations like SMS, eMail & Browser do invoke with this setup, although the MimeType, URIs, data, targets and actions took some fiddling to set right and the configuration that finally worked is not the one from the documentation.
So, how to invoke Contacts?

I've modified your code so now you'll be able to launch as the browser app (as in the code you provided) as the contact app. I don't have any contact set up on my dev device, so in order to view a certain contact you need to provide respective contact ID (see ContactService for information on this) and so on
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
Container {
property string inputString //contains data from which vCard should be extracted if detected
Button {
text: "..."
onClicked: {
myQuery.trigger(myQuery.query.invokeActionId); // launches browser
contactInvocation.trigger(contactInvocation.query.invokeActionId); // launches contacts
attachedObjects: [
Invocation {
id: myQuery
query {
mimeType: "text/plain"
invokeTargetId: "sys.browser"
uri: ("" + escape("sample"))
invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
onQueryChanged: {
Invocation {
id: contactInvocation
query {
invokeTargetId: ""
mimeType: "application/"
invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
onQueryChanged: {


Google analytics user property react-ga4

I'm using react-ga4.
I wonder how i could send user properties using this library and set it up in the google analytics panel as I think that i'm doing something wrong.
This is how i initialize ReactGA4
trackingId: id,
gaOptions: {
role: userRole,
any suggestion?
It depends what user properties that you want to send. You can send custom user properties that not reserved by Google.
For example, I want to send account_verified with boolean value and name with string value in user property.
You can use ReactGA.gtag(...args) in this library, and then you can use it directly or put it into utils/analytics.js and wrap it to export function with parameter, so you can use it whenever it needs.
import ReactGA from "react-ga4";
ReactGA.gtag("set", "user_properties", {
account_verified: true,
ReactGA.gtag("set", "user_properties", {
name: "John",
import ReactGA from "react-ga4";
export const setAccountProperty = (value: boolean) => {
ReactGA.gtag("set", "user_properties", {
account_verified: value,
export const setNameProperty = (value: string) => {
ReactGA.gtag("set", "user_properties", {
name: value,
After that, you can check in your Google Analytics in DebugView directly to ensure your user properties works well.

GitHub Projects Beta - How to get the data from a view in the API

My company is using the new GitHub projects beta and we're really enjoying the experience, but we're facing a problem and it is how to export the data from a specific view (or even all the data) with all the custom columns that we have.
The ideal solution for us is to get this same data as JSON using the API.
Using does not work because the issues does not have the custom columns that we create inside the project, and does not have the data of the issues.
Any idea or work-around to get this data easily using APIs?
After reading the feedback post on GitHub, it's not possible to do it with API, just GraphQL, at least for now.
So my problem was solved with this useful code.
To get the first 100 project from your organization and their ID:
organization(login: "MY_ORG") {
projectsNext(first: 20) {
nodes {
To get the first 100 issues and drafts from a specific project:
node(id: "My_Project_ID") {
... on ProjectNext {
items(first: 100, after: null) {
edges {
nodes {
content {
... on Issue {
assignees(first: 1) {
nodes {
milestone {
labels(first: 5) {
nodes {
fieldValues(first: 15) {
nodes {
projectField {
Those codes can be easily tested in THIS LINK

How to receive an image in a Facebook Messenger bot

How can I receive an attachment in form of an image through the Facebook Messenger API?
Their documentation only provides instructions on how to receive text-based messages.
I am not sure what language you are using to code your bot but since you are referring to the facebook documents where most of the messenger code snippets are in node.js
Here's something for you to try, let me know if this helps.'/webhook/', function (req, res) {
//Getting the mesagess
var messaging_events = req.body.entry[0].messaging;
//Looping through all the messaging events
for (var i = 0; i < messaging_events.length; i++) {
var event = req.body.entry[0].messaging[i];
//Checking for attachments
if (event.message.attachments) {
//Checking if there are any image attachments
if(atts[0].type === "image"){
var imageURL = atts[0].payload.url;
In February 2017 I came across the same issue and struggled to get this up and running for a very long time. Turns out that the message.attachments comes in as object, where the actual attachment is within the object.
The structure goes like this:
Attachments Object > JSON Response >Type & Payload > URL'/webhook/', function(req, res) {
let messaging_events = req.body.entry[0].messaging
for (let i = 0; i < messaging_events.length; i++) {
let event = req.body.entry[0].messaging[i]
let sender =
// Check if it's a message
if (event.message) {
//Create the attachment
let attachment = event.message.attachments
// Here we access the JSON as object
let object1 = attachment[0];
//Here we access the payload property
let payload = object1.payload;
// Finally we access the URL
let url = payload.url;
else if (event.message && event.message.text) {
// Here you can handle the text
console.log("Just Text")
The more compact version without explanations looks like this:
if (event.message) {
let attachment = event.message.attachments
As added bonus, you could also check if the type is an Image. You can achieve that by adding doing this adjustment:
if (event.message && ) {
let attachment = event.message.attachments[0]
if (attachment.type === "image") {
Hope this helps,
While in PYTHON to receive and save an image attachment in your facebook chatbot works:
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def webhook(): # endpoint for processing incoming messaging events
data = request.get_json()
if data["object"] == "page":
for entry in data["entry"]:
for messaging_event in entry["messaging"]:
if messaging_event["message"].get("attachments"):
attachment_link = messaging_event["message"]["attachments"][0]["payload"]["url"]
print("Image received, boss!")
good chatbot-thing!
When user sents it to bot, below response we get which contains attachement type and url
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "000000000000000",
"time": 1511956708068,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "000000000000000"
"recipient": {
"id": "000000000000000"
"timestamp": 1511956707862,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"seq": 42172,
"sticker_id": 369239263222822,
"attachments": [
"type": "image",
"payload": {
"url": "https:\/\/\/v\/t39.1997-6\/851557_369239266556155_759568595_n.png?_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&oh=9058fb52f628d0a6ab92f85ea310db0a&oe=5A9DAADC",
"sticker_id": 369239263222822
This is how you get different type of messages from user
//get the response from user
$input = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
//first check if attachment is present
$attachment = array_key_exists('attachments', $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['message']);
//get the attachement type and url
$type = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['message']['attachments'][0]['type'];
$file_url = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['message']['attachments'][0]['payload']['url'];
Hope this helps you
Check this link out.
It says that,
"Messages may have an image, video or audio attachment."
The above link is broken as Facebook recently updated their documentations in a weirdly downgraded version with many contents missing.
To elaborate as pointed out in the comment, when a user sends a request, your server will receive such a json:
"mid": "some mid",
"seq": 26,
"attachments": [{
"type": "image",
"payload": {
"url": "some image url"
and you can maybe create a download function to download the image to your server.
To use this data, as mentioned above, you can use the webhook.'/webhook', function (req, res) {
var data = req.body;
// Make sure this is a page subscription
if (data.object == 'page') {
// Iterate over each entry
// There may be multiple if batched
data.entry.forEach(function(pageEntry) {
var pageID =;
var timeOfEvent = pageEntry.time;
// Iterate over each messaging event
pageEntry.messaging.forEach(function(messagingEvent) {
// Assume all went well.
// You must send back a 200, within 20 seconds, to let us know you've
// successfully received the callback. Otherwise, the request will time out.
function receivedMessage(event) {
var senderID =;
var recipientID =;
var timeOfMessage = event.timestamp;
var message = event.message;
if (senderID == PAGE_ID) {
console.error("Sender is self.");
console.log("Received message for user %d and page %d at %d with message:",
senderID, recipientID, timeOfMessage);
var messageId = message.mid;
// You may get a text or attachment but not both
var messageText = message.text;
var messageAttachments = message.attachments;
if (messageText) {
// If we receive a text message, check to see if it matches any special
// keywords and send back the corresponding example. Otherwise, just echo
// the text we received.
} else if (messageAttachments) {
messageAttachments.forEach(function(messageAttachment) {
var attachmentUrl = messageAttachment.payload.url;
console.log("Received Attachment");
This code was taken from the sample code of Facebook.

Umbraco cannot find the route in backoffice

I've used Umbraco 7.3 in my project. I created a custom data type but when I want to call a Surfacecontroller in here is HelloSurfaceController or Hello2SurfaceController, I got an error in umbraco backoffice that said Request error: The URL returned a 404 (not found):
I studied some articles about routing but I couldn't solve my problem. I don't know that where I did wrong.
How can I solve this problem?
.controller("Reply.controller", function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.SendReply = function () {
var sendTo = $("#Email").val();
var textMessage = $("#TextMessage").val();
$ = "I'm here!";
var data = { SendTo: sendTo, TextMessage: textMessage };
// ~/Hello2Surface/ReplyMessage ---> Cannot find this URL
$"~/App_Plugins/Reply/HelloSurface/ReplyMessage") // Can not find this URL
.then(function (response) {
namespace Jahan.Nuts.Web.Mvc.UmbracoCms.App.App_Plugins.Reply
public class HelloSurfaceController : SurfaceController
public ActionResult ReplyMessage()
//TODO: how should be write this method that be proper for getting data from angularjs?
return null;
propertyEditors: [
alias: "Send.Reply",
name: "Send Reply",
<div ng-controller="Reply.controller">
<div style="width: 100%;">
<input type="button" value="Send Reply" title="SendReply" name="Send Reply" ng-click="SendReply()" />
<input type="text" ng-model="xxx" name="message" />
Error in umbraco backoffice:
Take a closer look at the documentation - in particular the Plugin-based SurfaceControllers section:
try doing this (note the PluginController attribute):
namespace Jahan.Nuts.Web.Mvc.UmbracoCms.App.App_Plugins.Reply
public class HelloSurfaceController : SurfaceController
public ActionResult ReplyMessage()
//TODO: how should be write this method that be proper for getting data from angularjs?
return null;
Other Notes:
You don't need to include "Surface" in the controller name anymore - simply calling it HelloController is enough.
Don't use a SurfaceController for Api calls if you're using it with AngularJS - Better to use an UmbracoApiController instead. Check out for more information (including notes on where to expect the Api Endpoint to be)
You might also want to re-locate your controller so it's in a more conventional spot. There's no problem with putting it in the ~/Controllers directory even if it is a Plugin Controller.
Edit: Added "correct" way to do this:
As noted above, to implement an UmbracoApiController, you want a class looking like this - note you can use UmbracoApiController if you don't need to worry about authorization:
namespace Jahan.Nuts.Web.Mvc.UmbracoCms.App.App_Plugins.Reply
public class HelloApiController : UmbracoAuthorizedApiController
public void PostReplyMessage(string to, string message)
// TODO: process your message and then return something (if you want to).
Then in AngularJS set up a resource like this:
function replyResource($q, $http, umbDataFormatter, umbRequestHelper) {
var replyResource = {
sendMessage: function (sendTo, msg) {
return umbRequestHelper.resourcePromise(
$"Backoffice/Reply/HelloApi/PostReplyMessage?" +
[{ to: sendTo }, { message: msg }])),
'Failed to send message to ' + sendTo + ': ' + msg);
return replyResource;
angular.module('umbraco.resources').factory('replyResource', replyResource);
and finally your actual view controller can use this as follows:
.controller("Reply.controller", function ($scope, $http, $injector) {
// Get a reference to our resource - this is why we need the $injector specified above
replyResource = $injector.get('replyResource');
$scope.SendReply = function () {
// You really shouldn't use jQuery here - learn to use AngularJS Bindings instead and bind your model properly.
var sendTo = $("#Email").val();
var textMessage = $("#TextMessage").val();
replyResource.sendMessage(sendTo, textMessage)
.then(function (response) {
// Success
}, function (err) {
// Failure
It's possible there's some errors in there; I did it mostly from memory - in particular, you may need to look into the best way to post data to the ApiController - it's not likely that it'll just accept the two parameters like that.
For a more complete example, consider reviewing the code of the Umbraco MemberListView plugin:
Also, you really should read up on the ASP.Net MVC fundamentals and the Umbraco Documentation for SurfaceControllers and APIControllers I've listed above already.
remove the "Surface" from the URL and include "backoffice":
.controller("Reply.controller", function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.SendReply = function () {
var sendTo = $("#Email").val();
var textMessage = $("#TextMessage").val();
$ = "I'm here!";
var data = { SendTo: sendTo, TextMessage: textMessage };
// ~/Hello2Surface/ReplyMessage ---> Cannot find this URL
$"backoffice/Reply/Hello/ReplyMessage") // Can not find this URL
.then(function (response) {
Also, I'd recommend using UmbracoAuthorizedController not a surface controller as this is being used in the back end by logged in users it'll be wise to keep it secure.
So instead your controller should look something like this:
namespace Jahan.Nuts.Web.Mvc.UmbracoCms.App.App_Plugins.Reply
public class HelloApiController : UmbracoAuthorizedJsonController
public [Model-to-be-returned-to-angular] ReplyMessage()
//sql query etc to populate model
//return model

how to resolve optional url path using ng-resource

There are restful APIs, for instance:
/players - to get list for all players
/players{/playerName} - to get info for specific player
and I already have a function using ng-resource like:
function Play() {
return $resource('/players');
Can I reuse this function for specific player like:
function Play(name) {
return $resource('/players/:name', {
name: name
so I want to...
send request for /players if I didn't pass name parameter.
send request for /players/someone if I passed name parameter with someone
Otherwise, I have to write another function for specific play?
Using ngResource it's very, very simple (it's basically a two-liner). You don't need even need to create any custom actions here*.
I've posted a working Plunkr here (just open Chrome Developer tools and go to the Network tab to see the results).
Service body:
return $resource('/users/:id/:name', { id:'#id', name: '#name' })
function( $scope, Users ){
Users.query(); // GET /users (expects an array)
Users.get({id:2}); // GET /users/2
Users.get({name:'Joe'}); // GET /users/Joe
of course, you could, if you really wanted to :)
This is how I did it. This way you don't have to write a custom resource function for each one of your endpoints, you just add it to your list resources list. I defined a list of the endpoints I wanted to use like this.
var constants = {
"serverAddress": "",
"resources": {
"Foo": {
"endpoint": "foo"
"Bar": {
"endpoint": "bar"
Then created resources out of each one of them like this.
var service = angular.module('', ['ngResource']);
var resourceObjects = constants.resources;
for (var resourceName in resourceObjects) {
if (resourceObjects.hasOwnProperty(resourceName)) {
addResourceFactoryToService(service, resourceName, resourceObjects[resourceName].endpoint);
function addResourceFactoryToService (service, resourceName, resourceEndpoint) {
service.factory(resourceName, function($resource) {
return $resource(
constants.serverAddress + resourceEndpoint + '/:id',
id: '#id',
update: {
method: 'PUT',
params: {id: '#id'}
The nice thing about this is that it takes 2 seconds to add a new endpoint, and I even threw in a put method for you. Then you can inject any of your resources into your controllers like this.
.controller('homeCtrl', function($scope, Foo, Bar) {
$ = Foo.query();
$ = Bar.get({id:4});
Use Play.query() to find all players
Use Play.get({name:$}) to find one player