Cannot use 2 Email forms on iOS website? - iphone

I am having an issue on a Mobile WordPress site.
At the bottom of the page is the standard post comment form which ask for a users email, below that form I have another separate form that is used as a Contact form in the footer of the page.
No matter what I do, when I select the Footer Contact forms email field on an iOS device, it automaticly jumps focus to the Comment forms email field instead.
Both forms are inside there own tags with different names and id's
Both the email fields do have the id="email" but that's what is needed for the back-end, at least for the name fields.
This is an issue I have never seen and my initial search has found no help.
Any ideas how to fix?
Testing in Chrome on Desktop does the same affect, clicking the second Email form, automatically brings Focus to the 1st email input form

I figured out the problem. My Form had a <label for="email"> field which was switching focus to the other email field


Using shortcodes within PayPal forms

I set up a PayPal form with hidden fields in order to collect user information on PayPal and cross-reference what users had paid for a specific item.
After the most recent updates, the shortcodes I used stopped working within the form.
Now the information saved is actually the text of the shortcode, not the output of the shortcode information.
An example of the form code looks like this:
<input name="os0" value="[wpv-current-user]">
This used to collect the username, but since the update, the information it collects is the text "[wpv-current-user]" even though, when outside the form, the shortcode works just fine and will display the username.
Any suggestions?

Form submit fails in Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail

I am in receipt of an forwarded email that has a form to be filled & submitted for a course/event registration. The form has a studentId, emailId, mobileNo, password, Confirm password fields & a submit button.
On Gmail, I fill in details & submit, nothing happens.
In yahoo, as I type the password (after typing other fields), I get a popup that says that the form is not being submitted to yahoo & yahoo never asks password. I do a OK on the popup & submit the form, nothing happens
In hotmail, as I try to type in characters in any of the above fields the cursor disappears, so nothing to submit.
A 'view source' of the page does not show a 'form' element that I was expecting. When I do a inspect element I am able to see the static labels against each of the fields above though no form element. See a lot of tr, td wrapped in table/tbody.
I have tried reading various forums, they seem to mention that having such forms in html emails is a bad idea & better option is to provide a link. None of them say that it will not work on gmail or yahoo.
This mails with the form has been sent to many people & some of them at least have been able to submit. I am just unable to figure out the reason for the failure of the submit. I have tried IE, Mozilla & Chrome.
Any views on what the solution to the problem would be very helpful.
On some newer email readers the form tag is stripped out because of security issues. It's better to have the form on the Internet and a link to it from the email document.

Ektron Form including extra fields in Post email (Ektron 9)

I'm using an Ektron HTML Form on one of my pages for registration for an event. The Form sends an email to my client with all of the information that the user put in. However, the email includes extra fields with data that the client does not need, and they find it confusing. In addition to all the fields that the user filled out, they're also getting fields such as "cx", "cof", "EktFormId", etc. The client finds this confusing and doesn't want the extra fields, they only want to be sent the info that was filled in (or left blank) by the user.
This is a screenshot of the email that is being sent upon form submission. We want to prevent everything before "FirstName" from being sent. Does anyone know how to do this?
The best way will involve a bit more legwork on your part. If you have the HTML form post to an Action Page, then your Action Page can use Request.Form to pull in the fields you want and then send your own email.
See the documentation and look for section "Redirecting Form Data to an Action Page"

How do I set different signup forms for the same MailChimp list?

I need to set different signup forms for the same MailChimp list. For example:
A signup form with just Name and E-mail.
A signup form with just Name, E-mail, City and Company.
A complete signup form with all fields available.
These different signup forms would be applied on different circumstances, but they would all register the subscriber on the same list.
Please let me know when this will be implemented.
Thanks a lot!
If you goto Form Builder in Mailchimp choose Embedded forms.
When in here choose the 'Naked' option.
This provides you the raw html that you can then amend. Eg. I removed the first name and last name and fields that came with it.
Be aware that if you have any required fields, you will not be able to submit form without them included. There is a link to the form editor which let's you choose which fields are required.

Can you make a mailchimp form validate on onsite

I've made a mailchimp newsletter form with two fields; Name and Email. When i click it obviously loads the page where the designed form is to on my mailchimp account. How would i go about make it all work on my site and just post the information over to mailchimp.. my goal is not to have the user leaving the splash page.
I did try just including the java include code and that seems to do everthing on the page as i want, but then i can't style the form because it's pulling in all it's styles from Wufoo.