Emacs Linum-mode no fringe in Cocoa - emacs

I have the issue visualized here:
The problem is the fringe is not colouring the background of my linum line numbers. I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 with Solarized color theme.
I've looked over various threads, which claims to fix this issue. However, I couldn't get any of them to work.
Any clues?

Try M-x customize-face linum and then Show All Attributes. Change the value of the Background variable and it should change. Easier than having to edit the actual theme file.

(set-face-attribute 'fringe nil :background "white" :foreground "white")
Set the fringe color to whatever you want.


How to disable color in flyspell (emacs)?

I would like to prevent flyspell from changing the foreground color of words, and just add a red underline.
I've tried the suggestions here, but it doesn't have any effect: How to overlay a face in Emacs that ONLY modifies the underline. Perhaps I'm missunderstanding the answer, but setting inherit: undefined in the customize interface does nothing.
Guessing I should customize flyspell-duplicate and flyspell-incorrect, but how?
As suggested by #chakravarthy-raghunandan the issue was with a local customization.
Turns out the theme I'm using set this, so my customizations were overwritten.
Putting this in my init.el fixed the issue:
'(flyspell-duplicate ((t (:weight bold :underline (:color "#ff0000" :style wave)))))
'(flyspell-incorrect ((t (:weight bold :underline (:color "#ff0000" :style wave))))))

Emacs linum highlighing

I've recently moved to emacs and have a pretty simple question: when I'm on an specific line, linum changes it's foreground and background color. How can I disable this? What I'm trying to disable is the yellow foreground and grey background. I just get slightly distracted with it.
You seem to have linum-relative installed, it uses the face linum-relative-current-face to highlight current line, you can customize it so that it is less distractive. Here is an example of disabling the highlight completely
(set-face-attribute 'linum-relative-current-face nil :background nil :foreground nil :weight 'normal)

Emacs: Have a completely different background-color in ansi-term

I'm normally using a light background color in all my Emacs faces. But I'm used to dark backgrounds in a terminal. Therefore I wanted to set the background color of ansi-term to black. However when I do this only the part where text has already been written to is colored correctly, the rest of the background is still light as in other faces. I'm looking for a way to completely set the background color of ansi-term to black.
An example: http://i.stack.imgur.com/F3pra.png
Check color-theme-buffer-local. I think this is what you need.
Default face / font, unless another definition overrides it:
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :background "black" :foreground "white"
:font "Courier" :height 180)
See also: Adjusting term faces in the new Emacs 24.3
(source: lawlist.com)

How to customize a face on Emacs, but only when hl-line is active?

I am using Emacs 24, console (8 colors) with the Solarized theme.
I want to make the comments less intrusive using:
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face "black")
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-comment-face "black")
That way the comments would be colored with the same color as the hl-line face we can see on the picture. However, when moving to a line containing comments, I would like them to be inverted (black background from the hl-line, normal foreground instead of black) so I can still read them.
As an alternative, you can also temporarily hide comments. See command hide/show-comments-toggle in library hide-comnt.el. Bind it to a handy key --- pretty simple.
Please see the code in the attached link: Emacs colors. why it is gray on current line? zenburn theme

Modifying an existing emacs color theme

I like the Emacs color theme clarity. I start the theme with M-x color-theme-clarity. However, I would rather have the background was always black, rather than the mixed black and white as seen in my screenshot. It seems like if there is a line that has never had text on it, it will be white rather than black. How do I fix this?
Thank you and best regards.
That is odd. I also use the clarity color theme and I sometimes notice that if I switch to it from another theme some of the colors are off in certain areas.
Try setting it as the initial color theme in your .emacs file so that it is the first theme used when Emacs is opened:
(require 'color-theme)
(setq color-theme-is-global t)
This might help if the issue is caused by a conflict with a previously used theme.
This has been driving me crazy for a while, finally I think I have found the culprit.
It seems that it only happens when you have custom-set-faces settings in your .emacs configuration file. Try comment the settings to see if fixes the problem.
If the the problem is indeed caused by custom-set-faces you can simply set :background "yourcolour" :foreground "yourcolour2" of the custom-set-faces to fix it. "youcolour" and "yourcolour2" should be the colours used by your preferred theme.