Undo shortcut not working in Eclipse - eclipse

The last couple of days the Ctrl+Z shortcut (Undo) scrolls down a line (a-la emacs). I tried to switch schemes back and forth, change and redefine the Undo in Default scheme, nothing seems to work. Other combinations (Alt+Ctrl+Z) work fine, other workspaces work fine with Ctrl+Z.
Any tip that will save me from redefining the workspace?

The key bindings are stored in the file [workspace]\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\workbench.xmi.
You can search for Ctrl+Z in this file. What does it look like? You could try to edit it by hand.
Of course, it is advisable to backup the workspace before.

From time to time, I have encountered similar issues with keyboard shortcuts. They just disappear, or doesn't seem to work as expected.
Until I figure out what the root cause is, I check key bindings.
Window > Preferences > General > Keys
Check if the key bindings are still valid. If not, then set them and it should work.

Window > Preferences > General > Keys
Look for Undo in the list, if the Binding is empty click on Restore Command apply and close. That should enable the shortcut.


"Find shortcut" can't find existing shortcut in RubyMine

I am trying to give RubyMine another try with ideavim plugin (I am switching from vim). I was trying to map ^L to "Next Splitter" but it didn't work (instead it seems to be opening all of the previously opened files until it reaches the projet readme).
I used "Find shortcut" to determine if maybe this shortcut is defined somewhere else but the only result was the shortcut that I set (Goto Next Splitter). I also tried to remove it completely and the behaviour is still the same. How can I find out what is the shortcut for ^L and why it seems like I can't override it?
It is a fresh install on OS X, no settings were imported, my .ideavimrc is empty.
UPDATE: So thanks to #Feedforward comment, I figured out that this was actually ideavim shortcut. What I missed is that when I added ^L to keymap, it was shown in ideavim conflicting shortcuts (Preferences -> Editor -> Vim Emulation). There were two ways to solve this:
In "Vim Emulation" choose "IDE" as "Handler" for the shortcut.
Remove the shortcut and add it in the .ideavimrc (which seemed a bit more reasonable to me).
nmap <C-l> :action NextSplitter<CR>
nmap <C-h> :action PrevSplitter<CR>
So now the question that I still have: how can I find out what is this shortcut for "ideavim"?

VSCode some shortcuts not working properly

latest version 1.40.1 on Windows 7 x64. I am developing in Java.
The most common shortcut, "go to definition" F12 and "auto fix" ctrl+dot
I tested it on another computer with 1.40.1. It works properly.
I have follow the key binding troubleshooting guide. When I record my key ctrl+dot.
It shows ctrl+oem_period. Looks like the OS is sending the correct keys to VSCode.
I couldn't find a way to reset VSCode key bindings and do not know what is actually causing this.
What should I do next? Completely reinstall everything is the last resort.
With the command Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting, you can see which command is linked to a shortcut. It could happen that an extension is overriding the expected behaviour.
For example, I had an extension overriding the shortcut to reopen a closed tab, which didn't work anymore.
This resolves my issue:
Change your "keyboard.dispatch" to keyCode in the file settings.json
"keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode"
Your operating system keyboard shortcut is overriding the vscode shortcut. You should check your operating system shortcut key instead.
Just restarted the Visual Studio Code and the keys are working fine.
I was facing the same problem after I updated my Intel Graphics Command Center using Windows Updates.
The Add One Cursor Above/Below shortcuts were not working for me.
I started the Intel Graphics Command Center, and then went to System > Hotkeys tab, Enabled System Hotkeys as shown in the picture below.
I flipped my screen a couple of times using the keyboard shortcuts and then disabled once again.
Then switched back to VSCode and the keyboard shortcuts were working!!
In my case, "cmd+k cmd+0" which helps to fold all regions was not working.
Another extension was using the same shortcut. I followed the steps below to fix it.
Here are the steps to fix this
Press "cmd+shift+p" to open command palette
Type "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts" and hit enter
Press "option+cmd+k" to start recording keys.
Press the short cut keys that are not working (in my case "cmd+k cmd+0" ). This will list all the instances of that shortcut keys. And there are probably multiple instances of the same keybindings with some of them being used by an "Extension" as shown under the "Source" column.
Remove that and keep only that instance which says "Default" under "Source" column.
Now, you should able to use the default keyboard shortcuts.
Resolved :
Facing similar issue. Several keyboard shortcuts stop working when code starts running.
In my case it was happening because of notepad++ extension. Disabling that extension resolves the issue.
Sometimes this can happen because of change in environment variables. Please check if any recent program installations has made that change
You may also need to check the when clause of the Keybinding. In my case, I was struggling with why "Command+R" wasn't reloading the window on my Mac. By right-clicking on the row of the relevant command in Keyboard Shortcuts, then clicking "Change When Expression" and removing the expression completely, the keybinding now works as expected.
Source: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/108393#issuecomment-706215895
Try turning on Num Lock, it worked for me.
Extensions you add to VSCode also can override the ordinary behavior of shortcuts. I faced to this problem, I've noticed that the ordinary shortcut command + L which selects the whole line, does not work, and the reason was Live Server extension, which overrides that shortcut, after its deletion shortcut became work properly
I have tried many methods to solve this problem ,not every problem of mine got solved so I use this method after I cant find the solution.
you can first uninstall the VS code and then delete the .vscode file from C=>user=>admin=>.vscode
after that reinstall vscode ,from my end its working fine after doing this.
My issue is niche but never know, might help someone - YouTube Music Desktop player app was hijacking cmd, shift + l for me.
In my case, my Ctrl keys were mapped to the Toggle extension and this extension could not overwrite one of my settings in the settings.json because I had pending changes that hadn't been saved. Once I saved the file, I was able to use the toggle keyboard binding again. I used the guidance from Martin above to determine the cause of the issue.
99% works.
Forget everything that may overrides your keyboard shortcuts. The problems is your keybindings.json file, if you fix it you'll fix your problem.
I found the solution and I've explained it in the following link:
Why vscode shortcuts don't work properly?
Woo, found my issue was Razor Naga stuff. After I updated some of the Razor apps (it has Synapse, Cortex, etc), this issue started happening. Now, I saw these apps are running in the background although I am not using the devices at this time, and once I quit them, VSCode went back to normal thankfully.
In my case, I have installed some "vim keyboard extensions" and others. so I have uninstalled all the extensions related to the "keyboard" i.e. "vim keyboard extension" and now it is working fine. it is recommended to check if you have downloaded any extensions for the "keyboard" in the extensions and uninstall it. It might solve the issue.
This worked for me to fix CTRL+Space "Trigger Suggest". First I found and disabled this setting in: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources
Then I followed #ryandidevar's instructions and replaced everything for Mac: https://stackoverflow.com/a/72187880/14353462
Finally, I set "Trigger Suggest" in VSCode > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts to: CTRL+§ (which is right next to my "Z" key). CTRL+Space just would not be accepted under any circumstance. Now hitting CTRL+§ finally brings up the suggestions!
MacOS users,
This is a default macOS shortcut. VSCode is never getting the meta+shift+L message from your OS. Your OS is hijacking it. You need to disable it.
System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > uncheck: Search with Google
Source: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360000435950/comments/360000170990
This is a default macOS shortcut, you can disable it at System Settings | Keyboard | Shortcuts | Services| Search with Google.
I just deleted folder in %APPDATA%\Code\ resets whole vs code and fixed my problem with alt + b and other vs code shorcuts not working
For me, It is the keyboard layout setting that causes this. Use English US keyboard setting.

Any way to prevent emacs key bindings to bug in Eclipse?

I'm wondering if I'm the only one struggling (i.e. failing) to keep the emacs key bindings working in Eclipse.
I set them. It works fine. The it stops working fine. Some keys still work, others don't. I find myself in a kind of weird quantum state of uncertain key-binding setup superposition. Some key bindings from the standard set work, some from the emacs set work, some things I can achieve with neither set of bindings.
I'm the only one to experience this? I've seen this on at least 4 computers in the past few months.
I set key bindings back to standard set. Sometimes it works. I use the reset to defaults button. Try to set it back to emacs. Doesn't work. Pressing the apply button between the different steps or not... Drives me crazy.
On some computers, the bindings are just whatever. Can only save using the mouse, C-d and C-k don't work to delete/cut lines, most emacs keys still work but back to C-space for auto-completion, etc.
Anyone knows what can cause this? How to prevent it? Am I pressing some key binding key-bindings by mistake?
I had a similar problem with the Ctl-K, Ctl-D commands: after doing an upgrade (I forget whether it was Eclipse itself or the Android plugin) I saw Eclipse offering a little pop up menu on both these keys, offering to do either the correct Emacs command or some completely unrelated command. So, for example, Ctl-D offered to either delete the next character (correct) or delete the line (incorrect).
After some poking around in the key bindings (Windows>Preferences>General>Keys), I discovered that sure enough, someons in the Eclipse project supplied these wrong bindings in addition to the correct ones. So I deleted the incorrect bindings and left the correct ones.
So I thought I would be out of the woods at this point. But I also discovered that I had to add the correct binding back in a couple of times before it would stick.
Look for Cut to End of Line under the Command column and make sure it has Ctl-K when Editing Text and in the Text Editing Category. The same for Delete Next (which means next character). But make sure Ctl-D does NOT show up for the Delete Line Command.
Test it out in an editor window; if it fails, go edit the bindings again, test again, repeat until it sticks, making sure you click Apply after editing the bindings.

Eclipse, Git - Keyboard Shortcut, How to use?

What keyboard shortcut is commit bound to here (see image below)? (alternatively, how do I enter a # without using shift?).
I know how to update shortcuts in eclipse, but it is already bound to this default, and I'd prefer to just use that. :)
The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+# only works for me after activating command group in Window > Customize Perspective > Command Groups Availability > Git
Sometimes what happens is that the shortcut it s not binded to a key.
So to bind the shortcut with a key you have to go (as #Janning and #Nateowami said):Window > Customize Perspective > Tool Bar Visibility > Git
After that if you select Git in Available command groups go to the Toolbar details (as in picture):
There you have to select key bindings and complete the binding:
That should put a bind to your shortcut. Otherway is just searching on Windows > Preferences
Buy another keyboard with a different keyboard layout than your current one (or just switch your keyboard layout in the OS).
Judging from your profile, you might be using a Canadian Multilangual Standard keyboard. The egit developers are probably used to the standard English or German layouts (looking at the core committers), where # can be accessed without Shift.
I recommend using the Staging View for committing, it's much more convenient. Find it using Ctrl+3 (or Command+3 on OS X) and typing "Staging View". Also see the user guide.
In EGit 2.1, it's now also possible to commit in the Staging view when you are finished writing the commit message, using Ctrl+Enter (or Command+Enter on OS X). (That was implemented in bug 382936.)
Thanks to the poke from #Evan commenting on the question.
In Juno, ctrl+shift+3 (ie. you are doing literally ctrl+#) does NOT work.
(which, is why this was opened, since the obvious combination didn't seem to do the trick.).
I have tested now in Kepler and Luna, and the shortcut does work.
So, I am considering this closed.

My delete key won't work in Eclipse in OS X

My delete key isn't working in Eclipse in OS X. However, Shift-Delete deletes.
Delete works elsewhere, so a setting must have been unwittingly changed. Any idea what it is or how to fix it?
Restarting Eclipse didn't help.
Check your key mapping for delete and cut commands:
Maybe the delete key has been re-affected.
I'm on a mac and this is a trip. None of the answers are working for me. I tried everything suggested here :(
I was about to reinstall eclipse and decided to see if a restart would help. I logged off...
 | Log out [user]
and then logged back on and I got control of my arrows and delete key again.
!!! UPDATE !!! If I close one program in the doc I get it all back.
This generally happens to me when Firefox Crashes
I have this problem with Helios too sometimes. It seems like it has to do with changing focus to another app and when i return, the arrow keys and delete don't work. If you also have problems with the arrow keys, the solution is to change the
Preferences | General | Keys | Scheme
I just change it to something and change it back and it solves the issue.
STRANGE SOLUTION WORKS! Recover by randomly closing one program in the Mac dock
Pick any program in the dock and close it. This usually happens to me when Firefox crashes, but it might work for you as well.
Added this as an alternative answer because it appears to be relevant —Shanimal
None of these answers help me. It works after following actions:
Go to Preference > General > Keys > Delete
Clear Binding text field
Assign Tab to Binding text field, then click OK (it works as press tab to delete files)
Go back Preference > General > Keys > Delete
Clear Binding text field
Assign "Delete" to Binding text field, then click OK
That's all.
This was a known bug in previous (non-Helios -- 3.6) versions of Eclipse. Apparently, the bug was addressed in Helios:
Hi Fn key and delete works for me.
What I did I clear the binding and Apply
Then I again set the binding and Apply.
Then Restart the Eclipse.
I just had the same problem too. Got the delete key to work again by right clicking one of the tabs I had open in eclipse and clicking "Close All"
Somehow that worked.
Someone mentioned it generally happens after firefox crashes, oddly enough that did happen after my firefox crashed.
Hope this helps someone.
The same problem here using Mac OSX 10.7.5 and Eclipse 4.2.2
loosing DEL Key, Save Shortcut (and maybe others)
Solution for me is to click into another file-editor window and back into the one i was editing.