Enforcing policies from Atlassian Stash Repository merge request check plugin - plugins

I need help on how to successfully create a RepositoryMergeRequestCheck
As part of our merge workflow, we need to ensure some policies about some files. Policies includes among others:
File naming conventions of individual files
File naming conventions between multiple files (for example, correlative-named files)
Inspection of files to enforce or disallow usage of statements or functions
I want to be able to check for this policies on a repository merge request check so I’m building a plugin for Astlassian Stash
I have tried the following approaches:
Using the RepositoryMergeRequestCheckContext parameter of RepositoryMergeRequestCheck.check()
Since the method signature is:
public void check(RepositoryMergeRequestCheckContext context)
The first thing I tried using was the context parameter. I can say context.getMergeRequest().getPullRequest().getFromRef().getRepository()
Now I get a Repository instance and I’m not sure how to extract commit info from it.
Calling Git directly: Since this check was originally developed as a git hook script, calling git from the SDK made sense to me. It led me to this situation:
String result = gitScm.getCommandBuilderFactory().builder().lsTree().build(…).call();
Where gitScm gets dependency injected in the plugin’s constructor.
Notice the build parameter? It expects a CommandOutputHandler<T> in this case T is string, but that’s an interface, and I’m not sure how to get an instance that implements that interface or how to create one.
REST API looks the easiest of them but it still doesn’t help with the third requirement of inspecting file’s source code and also, spawning web requests from the merge request check that is itself a web request from stash doesn’t seem to be a good idea from the performance side.
What path should I follow or how can I do it?

I started writing you a response, and then realised that I'd already answered this on Answers (which was what I was going to suggest as well).


Google Actions CLI 3.1.0 version and actions.intent.TEXT

I want to be able to talk with Google Assistant, but connect the Actions project directly to an NLP service I already have running on my server. In other words, NOT use dialogflow.
All the following examples show how to do this.
With Rasa
With Watson
They use the actions.intent.MAIN as the invocation and actions.intent.TEXT for all other utterances from the talker.
This is what I need. I don’t want to create a load of intents, with utterance phrases, inside the Action because I just want all the phrases spoken by the talker to be passed to my server, and for my NLP service to deal with them.
So I set up a new Action project, install the Actions CLI and then spend 3 days trying all possible combinations without success, because all these examples are using gactions cli 2.1.3 and Google have now moved on to gactions cli 3.1.0.
Not only have the commands changed, but so too has the file formats and structure.
It appears there is also a new Google Actions Console, and actions.intent.TEXT is no longer available.
My Action is webhook connected to my server, but I cannot figure out how to get the action.intent.TEXT included and working.
Everything I find, even here
Publishing Actions on google without Dialogflow
is pre version update and follows the same pattern.
Can anyone point to an up-to-date, v3.1.0, discussion, tutorial or example about how to send all talker phrases through to an NLP that isn’t dialogflow, or has Google closed that avenue?
Is it possible to somehow go back and use the 2.1 CLI either with the new Console or revert the console back. (I have both CLI versions, I can see how different their commands are)
Is it possible to go back and use 2.1?
There is no way to go back to AoG 2. You probably also don't want to do so - newer features aren't available with v2 and are only available with v3.
Can I use my own NLP with v3?
Yes, although it isn't as obvious, and there are some changes in semantics.
As an overview, what you'll need to do is:
Create a Type that can accept "Free form text". I usually call this type "Any".
In the console, it looks something like this:
Create a Custom Intent that has a single parameter of this Any Type and at least one phrase that captures everything for this parameter. (So you should add one training phrase, highlight the entire phrase, and set it for the parameter. Sometimes I also add additional phrases that includes words that I don't want to capture.) I usually call the Intent "matchAny" and the parameter "any".
In the console, it could be something like this:
Finally, you'll have a Scene that you transition to from the Main invocation. When it matches the "matchAny" Intent, it should call your webhook with a handler name. Your webhook will be called with the "any" parameter set with the user utterance. (Note that the JSON has also changed.
Again, the console might have it looking something like this:
That seems like a lot of work. Isn't there just some way to do all that from the command line?
Yes. You can do all of that in the configuration files that the CLI accesses and then upload it. (You can then also use the console to review the configuration, if necessary, to make sure they're configured as you expect. You can shift back and forth between them as appropriate.)
Google also has a github repository that contains most of the files pre-configured for this sort of setup.
You will need to update the configuration from the repository to handle the webhook correctly (it includes code to illustrate what is happening using the inline code editor) and to add your project ID.

How do I validate code in Azure DevOps PRs?

I'm working on a localization project where we are attempting to move all of our project's static strings to resource kvp files, which are generated from a 3rd party service. As a safeguard against missing translations, when a PR is made I would like to check that said resource files have a corresponding kvp for each key in the source code.
I understand from this documentation you can set up a web hook to call an Azure Function that can in turn set the status of the PR that triggered it. However, I am having difficulty in accessing the actual code of the source branch. It seems that all that is sent to the Azure Function is metadata about the PR itself.
Is there a way to use this functionality to validate the source code, or is there another method of running custom validation on an Azure DevOps PR?
From Ian Kemp's solution in the comments:
As the API documentation states, the PR endpoint returns an object containing various fields. The pull request will contain a sourceRefName which is a reference to the branch that the PR was made from. You can use that together with this answer to get the other file(s) you're interested in.

Create new work item type using VSTS Extension

Based on the documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/extend/overview?view=vsts#what-makes-up-an-extension, a VSTS extension can be used to extend the work item form.
However, I would like my extension to automatically create a new work item type once it is installed. Is this something that is possible? I can't find any documentation online that suggests how to do it.
Theoretically this is possible, the extension has a "first load" call which you can use to use the rest api to create a custom process or update the existing custom process. The REST Api to change processes isn't public yet, so you'll have to work from using fiddler to watch how the web ui does it.
Due to the way processes are linked to projects, all projects with that process will get the new work item type.
I could not find a lot of documentation online for this, but the VSS web extensions SDK(https://www.npmjs.com/package/vss-web-extension-sdk) has a REST client called 'ProcessDefinitionsRestClient' declared in the typings/tfs.d.ts file. This client has a createWorkItemType method available that looks like this:
createWorkItemType(workItemType: ProcessDefinitionsContracts.WorkItemTypeModel, processId: string): IPromise<ProcessDefinitionsContracts.WorkItemTypeModel>;.
The 'ProcessRestClient' client has methods to create a new/inherited process to which the new WIT can be added.
I have not tried it out yet, and these APIs are still in preview, but maybe they can get you started on the right path.

Clone rep:policy on AEM

I am currently working on with a solution that would be able to clone/copy/backup my existing rep:policy. 'Cause when we do some jobs it accidentally removed. I am trying to apply this kind of fix, but am failing to. It says it is an invalid path.
javax.jcr.security.AccessControlException: OakAccessControl0006: Isolated policy node. Parent is not of type [rep:AccessControllable]
final Workspace ws = session.getWorkspace();
Are there other ways that I can be able to take the rep:policy thru code?
You need to make sure that your job does not touch the permissions or the rep:policy, this is the best way forward for you.
The exception could be because of /etc/commerce/products/abccompany/TvPackChannelMap/rep:policy does not exist or the user whose session you are using does not have read access to the node.
Make sure the path is correct, copy paste it to your CRX/DE to make sure it exists.
I have tried to use your code to copy a rep:policy from one node to another, works fine. But I would not* recommend copying permissions that way. The best practice is to use the Access Control Management API for all things permissions.
You can check, install and use the access control tool from netcentric. It offers a jmx interface for exporting AC entries and maybe also some APIs you could use to implement your custom solution.
The Other approach is to retrieve the ACL permissions through the query language.
For example, SELECT * FROM [rep:ACL] or SELECT * FROM [rep:ACE] where [rep:principalName] is not null should give you the results.
For more information, I would recommend you to check the ACS commons ACL Packager Implementation which is available on GitHub.
Reference Link - https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/blob/master/bundle/src/main/java/com/adobe/acs/commons/packaging/impl/ACLPackagerServletImpl.java

Collecting GitHub project issues statistics programmatically?

I'm collecting GitHub issue statistics over time on our project: total number of issues, number of issues with a particular label, number of issues in a given state (open/closed). Right now, I have a Python script to parse the project webpage with the desired labeling/state for the info I want, e.g., http://github.com/<projectname>/issues?label=<label_of_interest>&state=<state_of_interest>
However, parsing the HTML is fragile since if the GitHub API changes, more often than not, my code fails.
Does someone describe how to use the GitHub API (or barring that, know of some other way, preferably in Python) to collect these statistics without relying on the underlying HTML?
May I be so forward as to suggest that you use my wrapper around the GitHub API for this? With github3.py, you can do the following:
import github3
github = github3.login("braymp", "braymp's super secret password")
repo = github.repository("owner", "reponame")
open_issues = [i for i in repo.iter_issues()]
closed_issues = [i for i in repo.iter_issues(state='closed')]
A call to refresh may be necessary because I don't honestly recall if GitHub sends all of the issue information upon the iteration like that (e.g., replace i.refresh() for i in <generator> as the body of the list comprehensions above).
With those, you can iterate over the two lists and you will be able to use the labels attribute on each issue to figure out which labels are on an issue. If you decide to merge the two lists, you can always check the status of the issue with the is_closed method.
I suspect the actual statistics you can do yourself. :)
The documentation for github3.py can be found on ReadTheDocs and you'll be particularly interested in Issue and Repository objects.
You can also ask further questions about github3.py by adding the tag for it in your StackOverflow question.
I'd take a look at Octokit. Which doesn't support Python currently, but does provide a supported interface to the GitHub API for Ruby.
Although this doesn't fully meet your specifications (the "preferably Python" part), Octokit is a fantastic (and official - it's developed by GitHub) way of interacting with the GitHub API. You wrote you'd like to get Issues data. It's as easy as installing, requiring the library, and getting the data (no need for authentication if the project is public).
gem install octokit
Add this to your Ruby file to require the Octokit library:
require 'octokit'
Although there are a lot of things you can get from Octokit::Client::Issues, you may want to get a paginated list of all the issues in a repository:
# => [Array<Sawyer::Resource>] A list of issues for a repository.
If you're really keen on using Python, you might want to have a look at the GitHub API docs for Issues. Really, it's as easy as getting a URL like: https://api.github.com/repos/octokit/octokit.rb/issues and get the JSON data (although I'm not familiar with Python, I'm sure these some JSON parsing library); no need for authentication for public repos.