How to open a website from iPad? - iphone

I'm developing an Air app for an iPhone, and I want to have a button that gives you the functionality of going to a web page, that means, minimizing the app and execute the link to that page, how can I do that?.

You call the navigateToURL method when the button is clicked / tapped. Refer details of the API at


Flutter Webview disabled to open installed Apps by clicking on link

I have a simple WebView in my Project. The user can google and search for anything. The problem that I have right now is that by clicking on certain links, I get automatically redirected to the specific app (if I have it installed).
I have the Adidas App on my iPhone and tap on a "Adidas"-Link -> I get redirected to the Adidas app. That should not happen. Instead the link should be opened within my WebView.Is there any way to prevent other apps from opening?
Is there any way to prevent other apps from opening?

when the dynamic link is opened from browser(especially in safari) it is always redirecting to the app store even though app is installed in iOS

My URL is same as below, i will get this link to my mail from sendgrid and in iOS when i tap on this it always loads the browser first (safari most of the case) and opens in app preview page even though app is installed.
URL:<a clicktracking="off" href="https://{project_name}{project_name}{{ $email_token }}&apn=com.{project_name}.app&isi={applestoreid}&ibi=com.{project_name}.app&efr=1">https://{project_name}{project_name}{{ $email_token }}&apn=com.{project_name}.app&isi={applestoreid}&ibi=com.{project_name}.app&efr=1</a>
When you access a dynamic link in a browser. It will intentionally not go to your app because the actions indicate that your intent is to open a web page.
If you have your custom domain from Firebase ie: [your custom domain], send it into your link like so:
https://[your custom code]
And then tap that link. Does it open the app, or does it go to Safari? If it goes to Safari, it means that you haven't configured your iOS app for universal links yet, which is needed to support opening your custom domain url directly in the app. In Xcode, go to the Capabilities tab, and ensure that you've added the universal link domain as described in Apple's docs.
If you tapped the site address on the far top-right on iOS, it disables universal linking on that iOS app, until you long-tap and ask to open in the app again.
Second, you can't type in universal links into Safari's address bar and navigate to the app. Safari, by design, will open that URL in the browser. The easiest, most reliable way to test whether universal links are working is to put a universal link into the app, and tap the link from there.

Return to app from safari

In my application, I redirect the user to the safari browser when he/she taps on a button, which in turn closes the application and opens the safari browser. There is no problem in that. It works fine. The thing is when the user quits the safari browser, I want to redirect the user back to the application, not the home screen. Any idea please...
If you control the website that you are redirecting them to, then you can place a link on the site using custom URL which I describe in more details below. But if it's a site you don't control, you can have the user surf within your app using the UIWebView.
For an iOS app, you can create custom URL schemes that your app register with the system. Then on the web page you would create a link using that custom URL. That is how Apple launches the or the from mobile safari.
For example: Let say your app is call BigBadApp. You custom URL would be: bigbadapp:// Now, you could create a link to your app would be: Launch BigBadApp You can pass any kind of information back to your app using the custom URL and your app will handle that information in the app delegate. For iOS 4.2 and later: application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:. The name of old delegate on earlier version of iOS is application:handleOpenURL:
For more information see check Apple Implementing Custom URL Schemes.
Also iOS developer:tips has a tutorial on Launching Your Own Application via a Custom URL Scheme.
You can't. When you redirect someone out of your application the only way to get back is using the task switcher or opening your application from the home screen again.
If you want to keep the user in your application you could open the web pages in a webview within your application
use UIwebViewController . that represent web link within app . so that your app wont be in back ground and add back button in navigation bar on click back button navigate to back screen . i guess it would be better
i would launch an in app browser...
this is a good uiviewcontroller subclass that has most of the browser functions already implemented. its very easy to use.

iPhone custom browser app programmatically create 'Bookmark' on Home Screen

We are trying to create a custom browser app for iPhone. In this app we would like to be able to allow the user to click on a link labeled "Add to Homescreen" just like Safari browser does and have our custom browser add the link/icon to the homescreen (just a web app link/url).
Is this possible and if so where do we look to figure out how to do it?
please check "App Store Review Guidelines.
it says
10.4 Apps that create alternate desktop/home screen environments or simulate multi-app widget experiences will be rejected,

can the iphone prompt for a webclip with javascript?

Is it possible to invoke the book mark action sheet in mobile safari through javascript? Basically simulate the user pressing the "+" button. Or better yet, touch a link in a web page and auto-add the webclip to your home screen?
Apple has not exposed this functionality through a third party API (Javascript or Cocoa API).